The ALXGrid Control Library is a set of classes for management of data as a table. It is realized as static library on the basis of library MFC. The library includes classes: CALXGridView
, CXGridView
- for support of technology document - performance, and CALXGridCtrl
, CXGridCtrl
- for use in dialog boxes. And also classes - controls of cells.
In this version built-in sources of data are not supported, you should take care of filling the table with contents.

The complete set of delivery also includes samples showing applications of ALXGrid library:
- GridRange- the most simple example, showing how to connect library to your application, and also displays plenty of rows and columns;
- GridControls - sample of job with control of cells;
- GridImage - demonstrates how to display images in cells;
- PrintGrid - sample of a conclusion to a seal of contents of grid;
- GridDlg
GridDlgApp - shows how to use a grid in dialog boxes and in applications on the basis of dialog boxes;
- GridApp - the basic opportunities of a grid are shown: styles, addition, removal and insertion of rows;
- SplitGrid - support of dynamic splitters is demonstrated;
- Grid&Sort - sorting of rows and columns;
- Grid&Select - selection of cells;
- GridValidate - validation of entered values;
- GridMultiLine - multiline cells.