The project illustrates how to design a simple AJAX web chat application.
We use jQuery, ASP.NET AJAX at client side and Linq to SQL at server side. In this sample, we could create a chat room and invite someone else to join in the room and start to chat.
Demo the sample.
Open the CSASPNETAJAXWebChat.sln directly, expand the WebChat
web application node and press F5 to test the application. If you want to have a further test, please follow the demonstration steps below.
Step 1: Press F5 to open the default.aspx.
Step 2: By default, we could see two chat rooms in the list, you can click the button, "Create chat room", to create your own chat room. Before that button, we could see a textbox, we can input our chatting alias before joining into the room.
Step 3: Click any "Join" button at the end of each row. You will see a popup chat room window.
Step 4: Open a new browser and make the same steps to impersonate another user to join in the same chat room.
Step 5: When we input one message, we will see both of the chat room windows will show the messages.
Code Logic
Step 1. Create an ASP.NET Web Application. In this sample, it is "WebChat
Step 2. Right-click the App_Data directory, and click Add -> New Item -> SQL Server database. In this sample, it is "SessionDB.mdf".
Step 3. Open the database file and create four tables.
: Store chat room data tblMessagePool
: Store the chat message data temporarily tblSession
: Store the user session data tblTalker
: Store the user data who in the chat rooms
The details columns for these tables, please refer to the SessionDB.mdf in this sample.
Step 4. Create a new directory, "Data". Right-click the directory and click Add -> New Item -> Linq to SQL classes.(If you could not find that template, please click the Data node of the tree view at the left hand.) In this sample, it is SessionDB.dbml.
Step 5. Open the SessionDB.dbml and double-click the SessionDB.mdf, you will see the database in the Server Explorer. Expand the SessionDB.mdf, expand the Tables folder, and select the four tables, and drag them all to the stage of the SessionDB.dbml.
Step 6. Create a new directory, "Logic". We need to create some class files:
- ChatManager.cs: We have some
methods to control the data in the database by using Linq. - ChatRoom.cs: It is a
used to send the chat room data to the client side by WCF service. - Message.cs: It is a
used to send the message data to the client side by WCF service. - RoomTalker.cs: It is a
used to send the talker data in one chat room to the client side by WCF service.
For the details of these classes, please refer to these four files in this sample.
Step 7. Create a new directory, "Services". Right-click the directory and click Add -> New Item -> AJAX-enabled WCF service. In this sample, it is Transition.svc.
Add these two attributes for that class to make sure that the session is allowed.
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://CSASPNETAJAXWebChat",
SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode =
In this file, we create some WCF service method which could be used by the client side to execute.
For the details of these classes, please refer to the Transition.svc in this sample.
Step 8. Create a new directory, "Scripts". Right-click the directory and click Add -> New Item -> Jscript File. We need to create some JS files to call the WCF service from client side. And there is some page logic code for this sample; they could be defined by user requirement. ASP.NET AJAX allows us to add some service references. So the ScriptManager
will generate the client service contract scripts automatically. And what we need to do is just call the service method like we use them at server side. For example, we call the LeaveChatRoom
method in the Transition.svc, we could write the JavaScript function like this:
is the namespace for this application transition
is the service name LeaveChatRoom
is the method name
Because this method has one parameter, the RoomID
stands for that parameter, if we have two or more parameters for one method, just write them before SuccessCallBack
is a function used to be fired when the service is called successfully. FailCallBack
is a function used to be fired when the service called unsuccessfully.
For more details about these script functions, please refer to the files in this sample.(chatbox.js, chatMessage.js, chatRoom.js)
Step 9. Open the Default.aspx (If there is no Default.aspx, create one.) Create a ScriptManager
control and add a service reference and a script reference like below:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:ServiceReference Path="~/Services/Transition.svc" />
<asp:ScriptReference Path="~/Scripts/chatbox.js" />
In the Head
block, add some JS and CSS references from the CDN.
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/chatRoom.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="http://ajax.microsoft.com/ajax/jquery.ui/1.8.5/themes/dark-hive/jquery-ui.css" />
We use these references to make this sample write code easier and looks better.
There are some other UI markups, please refer to the Default.aspx in this sample.
For more details about CDN, please view the links listed in the References part at the end of this ReadMe file.
Step 10. Create a new web page. In this sample, it is "ChatBox.aspx". In that page, we create some UI controls to send and receive messages. For more details, please refer to the ChatBox.aspx in this sample.
Step 11. Everything is ready, test the application and hope you can get a smile.