If you frequently use a standard File Open Dialog in your program with a big collection of files, you very quickly start missing some default parameters that use them to open with details and order by date.
At this point, if you don't want to rewrite the File Dialog in Visual Studio (2005, 2008) you start searching for an easy solution to this problem. The good examples for such solutions that I found are:
But I did not find how to order by date, or size !!!!!!
So, here is my small solution for this problem.
Using the Code
For this, I found how to remote control columns. The class that contains a column list is a "ListViewRemote
To call this class, you need to know the Handler that is inside the FileOpenDialog
. Here is a small code that you can enter in any form that helps you find the handle.
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
base.WndProc(ref m);
if (m.Msg == 289)
uint dialogHandle = (uint)m.LParam;
if (dialogHandle != _lastDialogHandle)
IntPtr SHELLDLL_DefView = Win32.FindWindowEx
((IntPtr)dialogHandle, 0, "SHELLDLL_DefView", "");
IntPtr result = Win32.SendMessage(SHELLDLL_DefView,
(int)Win32.WM_COMMAND, (int)DialogView, 0);
Now when you get the handle, you can call the ListViewRemote
if (DialogView == DialogViewTypes.Details)
ListViewRemote lvr = new ListViewRemote(SHELLDLL_DefView);
_lastDialogHandle = dialogHandle;
The main idea of the solution is to catch the Header of ListView
(SHELLDLL_DefView, 0, "SysListView32", "FolderView"));
IntPtr listViewHeader = Win32.FindWindowEx(listViewHandle, 0, "SysHeader32", "");
... and use the HDITEM
as remote control item (and sometimes just generate mouse click).
The code example that I have given in this article is only the first step in how to resolve the problem of the File Dialog of Visual Studio.
- 2/2/2009: First version
Currently: sort asc and desc in any column of listview
and choose what type of listview
we need
Wow I did it. :) It's very annoying not to find a solution for such an important thing!