This article shows a technique to write clear and efficient matrix math code
in C# language. The matrix operations are expressed using operator redefinition,
but the code is generated dynamically, following the principle of partial
evaluation. This gives a solution efficient and elegant as the one obtained by
the Expression Templates in C++. This article is the
prosecution of my studies in dynamic code generation and operator overloading
with C# (here).
The problem
An object oriented language as C#, lets you define very elegant matrix
classes, that encapsulate element access, and with the mechanism of operator
overloading you can write easily:
Matrix m = new Matrix(10,5);
Matrix n = new Matrix(10,5);
Matrix r;
double d = 2;
r = m + n;
r = n*2;
The classic implementation of these classes is to create a temporary Matrix
object for each sub expression, and the problem is much
more evident in the following code where we generate two temporary objects.
Matrix a,b,c,r;
r = a+3*(b+c);
This approach introduces a big overhead in object based matrix code, and
usually the math programmers use arrays and indices losing all the object
orientation. This kind of code can be called C#Tran (from C#/Fortran) like the
JavaTran coined by Veldhuizen.
double [] a, b, c, r;
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
r[i] = a[i]+3*(b[i]+c[i]);
A possible solution to this problem is the defered evaluation: when writing
b+c we generate an object MatrixAdd
that incapuslates the
operation. It has overloaded operators too and we can write 3*(b+c) generating a
object that evaluates the operation
efficiently. This time the overhead is relative to all possible combinations of
operations and the fact that if our specific expression is not covered by a
deferred operation, we revert to the inefficient temporary based code.
My proposal is to use a generative programming approach: generate
specialized code for specialized operations. I use the dynamic code capabilities
of the .NET framework to generate on the fly the for-based code directly in IL.
A compiled expression can be evaluated one time or stored for reuse into a
delegate of type Evaluator
These are examples of usage:
Vector a = new Vector(3);
Vector b = new Vector(3);
Vector r = new Vector(3);
The IL code generated is equivalent to the following. You should notice that
the n size is known at the generation moment, so the for loop has a constant
value: this is the partial evaluation, because the code is specialized to
specific values and the JIT can generate optimized code.
int n = a.rows();
for(int i = 0; i < <<n>>; i++)
r[i] = a[i]+b[i]*3;
This is another example with Matrix
Matrix a, b, c, r;
(a + Expr.Cos(b*c*3)).AssignTo(r)();
Evaluator ev = (a + Expr.Cos(b*c*3)).AssignTo(r);
This is the equivalent code:
int n = a.rows();
int m = a.cols();
for(int i = 0; i < <<n>>; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < <<m>>; j++)
double d = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < <<q>>; k++)
d += b[i,k]*q[k,j];
r[i,j] = a[i,j]+cos(d*3);
The implementation
Internally each expression is stored as a tree of objects derived from the
class Expr
, and assigned to an object derived from LeftExpr
. We can evaluate the expression slowly, or generate
dynamically the IL code, that evaluates the expression. We consider operations
with vectors and two dimensional matrices but the system can be extended to more
dimensions. Before generating the code we check the sizes of the matrices
involved in the operations, throwing the exception SizeMismatchException
when they are not correct.
An expression of class Expr
has the following virtual
float Eval(int i, int j)
void Compile(ILGenerator g, CompilerContext cc)
OpSize Size { get }
The LeftExpr
is a specialized Expr
that handles assignments:
void Assign(int i, int j, float v);
void CompileAssign(ILGenerator g, CompilerContext cc, bool post);
The hierarchy of the classes that I've defined is shown in the following
The class generated dynamically is more complex than the one described in the
previous article, this time we have to store all the array objects, the
parameter values, and the indices i
, j
. To analyze the generated code, set the SafeMode
variable in the Compiler
before generating the first Expression, and then, at the end, generate the
assembly with Compiler.Save()
SubMatrix Access
One of the features obtained with this system is the fast access to
submatrices. You can evaluate expression relative to parts of a matrix, like
rows, columns or the main diagonal in case of a square matrix. The access to the
different parts of the matrix is efficient because of the dynamic compilation. I
use also an easy to read notation (I think), based upon the Tag
Class approach.
The code is now much clearer than the standard array manipulation. The
following code shows some submatrix accesses and their MATLAB equivalent
(remember that MATLAB uses 1-based indexing).
Matrix m;
These operations are based on MatrixRowRef
that stores the first array access and generates a SubMatrix
object. It's a LeftExpr
class so can be used in the assignments.
Vector v = new Vector(3);
Matrix m = new Matrix(3,5);
(v + 22).AssignTo(m[Matrix.All][2])();
Speed Considerations
The code generated by this system is as efficient as the for
based code giving high speed math evaluation, but there is a
little overhead during the generation phase, so this approach is effective when
the expression is evaluated many times. Specifically the first expression
dynamically evaluated is a little slower than the others because of the creation
of the dynamic Assembly.
The dynamic code generation of .NET, combined with the C# custom operators,
let us build elegant and efficient math expressions, that let use C# as a Math
Language. Citing Jim Blinn, "we have to put as much
intelligence in the class libraries as possible, to make things as easy as
possible for users of those classes". The final user of this code should just
know that it's fast and easy to use.