UniSockProject is a NetFinder like utility to find Silabs CP2201EK in local network and update firmware images (boot1, boot2, boot3) to device.
- boot1: image which counts every 1 rotation of disk to count 1 meter of plastic made
- boot2: 2 rotation of disk(2 sensor counts)= 1 m
- boot3: 3 ticks = 1m
prClient is a desktop version for client monitoring the counter.
Sensor connected to P0.3-> grnd
P0.2 reset input
If counts is bigger, then reset value of the output P2.6 (the so called LS_EN
) goes high
(you can put a 5V small relay or transistor there that switches other load) - see documentation for allowed current.
Software used: Silabs IDE ver.'3.42' - this is with 'toolstick' package CD or from Silabs download.
Keil Compiler ver. '8.16a' downloadable from web.
There is a software forum for questions here.
Silabs CP2201EK can be found on local Radioshack store (order from web?).

Using the Code
To use this VB6 source code, you must upd
ate the Silabs chip with hex file provided.
To update firmware, use 'toolstick' from Silabs - as I did.
Prototype board: Protot
Firmware can be updated by 'toolstick' (if you can solder that - look also at another ver of toolstick like 'Toolstick Base Adapter'- which has a better - bigger pin interface for soldering wires). I preferred as small as possible.

Anyway you need this only once - for the first firmware upload. After that, you can use the 'LAN' ethernet interface.
To do, just use the File-> 'boot1' button.
To do so, you must first find the device by pressing 'Search' menu and 'Ping' does not hurt.
If the device is in bootloader mode, then you must see this image.
Options are:
- '1'-the chip increments automatically the sensor data
- '2'-restart device
- '3'-reset counter
- '4'-bootloader mode
If string
is longer then one character - sends its reset value to device.
Example '33' puts ResetValue
to '33' meters (originally alarm is set on 150m).
Or you can view all that in the PocketPC- the SafeFinder C# VS 2005 .NET version.

With this program all commands suites to VB6 version UniSockProject.
Additional that pocket will signal with vibration and sound that it is time to change the roll of plastic.
You can change the sound for that in app dir 'tada.wav'- where you put the boot-files also.
For those that want some true code, I give the main
of a modified code for c8051f340 a.k. CP2201EB.
void main(void)
int retval;
bootload = 0;
autoload = 0;
reset = 0;
PCA0MD = 0x00;
printf("\n*** Reset ***\nC8051F34x MCU Initialized\n");
printf("RSTSRC = %bx\n", RSTSRC);
if(RSTSRC & 0x03) netfinder_reset_event1();
if (mn_init() < 0){while(1);}
if (mn_dhcp_start(PTR_NULL, dhcp_default_lease_time) <= 0)
{ dhcp_lease.infinite_lease = 1; dhcp_lease.dhcp_state = DHCP_OK;
ip_src_addr[0] = 0; ip_src_addr[1] = 0;
ip_src_addr[2] = 0;
ip_src_addr[3] = 1;}
if( netfinder_start() < 0 ){YELLOW_LED_STATE = SOLID_OFF; while(1);}
telnet_socket_no = mn_open(ip_dest_addr,DEFAULT_PORT,SEND_PORT,
if (telnet_socket_no < 0) {
printf("TELNET_STATE = SOCKET_ERROR=%bd",telnet_socket_no);
else {
retval = mn_server();
This is really a modified Silabs TelNet sample so do not put attention to a TELNET port or other used constants - I really used port 8 to listen for broadcasted UDP messages.
So any computer that is a local network (and listening UDP port 8) can monitor the incoming messages.
Messages are sent by Silabs used Netfinder port - default 3040 - so you can use the Silabs made Netfinder program to find the device in network also.
As you can see, the interface can be monitored by 'hyperterminal' and allowed to see what is really happening there. You must set baudrate to 115200 no parity ...
I also make the interface to 'toolstick' (.hex again)- for that I suppose you need another 'toolstick' to update like I did. In case you broke your 'toolstick' original software - there is an original hex file '2.hex' in the zip file and you can put it back in order again.
Download - no drivers needed- its a 'Human intelligent device' - HID for USB Debug Adapter.(the smaller one) and VB6 Terminal that can read USB - UART interface download (VB6).

For interest, I can using that program to read any IR codes from any remote control - like WinLirc does. Just set baudrate to 4800 and you are set. But that is another story I suppose. For those interested, download (VB6).
Points of Interest
Silabs chips to not implement the real socket class - really only the udp protocol is suitable.
I can't find another way to monitor that 'counter' I made with multiple computers.
- 22nd February, 2009: Initial post