In .NET, strongly typed dataset can be easily created using the AddNewDataSource
wizard in MS VisualStudio. The strongly typed dataset is useful as the database fields can be accessed in strongly typed way. The wizard creates the strongly typed TableAdapter
classes for filling and saving the DataTable
in the DataSet
. Because of the strongly typed nature of the TableAdapter
, filling and saving the data of each DataTable
of the DataSet
has to be handled separately using the corresponding TableAdapter
of the particular DataTable
, for example as shown below:
customersAdapter = new NorthwindDataSetTableAdapters.CustomersTableAdapter();
OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(
string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0}", filePath));
customersAdapter.Connection = connection;
Eventhough this looks to be easy, but it becomes clumsy and there will be lot of code repitition, when there are several data tables, which is generally the case for a practical program, as the above code is to be repeated for each DataTable
, both for filling the DataTable
and for saving the DataTable
. If all the data tables are filled or saved in one method, then it becomes difficult to fill or save only selected DataTable
(s) and requires conditional statements. Otherwise, separate methods have to be created for handling the filling and saving of selected list of DataTable
(s). Reuse of the code also becomes difficult between different projects as the names of TableAdapter
(s) and DataTable
(s) are strongly typed. To overcome this difficulty I have written a DataBaseConnector
class using Reflection as shown under Implementing DataBaseConnector sub heading. After instantiating the DataBaseConnector
class, all DataTable
s or selected DataTable
(s) can be filled or saved by calling the corresponding methods as shown below. The class can reused in different projects without changing the code of the class.
Using the Code
I have used MS Access database for explanation in the article, but the class can also be used for SQL Server database, for which I have included a sample for download.
To use DataBaseConnector
class, include the classes DataBaseConnector
and derived class OleDbDataBaseConnector
for MS Access database (SqlServerDataBaseConnector
for MS SQL Server database) in the solution in Data layer project (this is required as explained under Implementing DataBaseConnector) and create an instance of the typed DataSet
in the form load event or at the appropriate place in your code. Then create an instance of OleDbDataBaseConnector
by passing in the typed DataSet
instance and connection string as parameters as shown below:
NorthWindDataSet1 = new NorthwindDataSet();
try {
NorthWindConnector1 = new OleDbDataBaseConnector(NorthWindDataSet1,
String.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source={0}",
Application.StartupPath + "\\NorthWind.mdb"));
catch (Exception ex) {
To fill all DataTable
s of DataSet
call FillDataTables
method of OleDbDataBaseConnector
private void fillAllTablesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
To fill only selected DataTable
s of DataSet
call FillDataTables
method overload of OleDbDataBaseConnector
instance by passing in the list of selected tables as an Array
of String
private void fillSelectedTablesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
NorthWindConnector1.FillDataTables(GetSelectedTableList("Select the Tables to Fill"));
catch (Exception ex) {
Similarly, to save all DataTable
s of DataSet
call SaveDataTables
method of OleDbDataBaseConnector
private void saveAllTablesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
To save only selected DataTable
s of DataSet
call SaveDataTables
method overload of DataBaseConnector
instance by passing in the list of selected tables as an Array
of String
private void saveSelectedTablesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
NorthWindConnector1.SaveDataTables(GetSelectedTableList("Select the Tables to Save"));
catch (Exception ex) {
The advantage of using OleDbDataBaseConnector
is that once it is instantiated, all or some of the DataTable
s can be filled or saved with one call of the corresponding method of OleDbDataBaseConnector
The class can be used in different projects without changing the code.
I have used Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, MS Access 2000 format Microsoft NorthWind sample database and MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Express for the sample projects included with this article.
Implementing the DataBaseConnector class
For using the DataBaseConnector
class it is not required to understand the code of this class as the class can be directly included in different projects without altering the code. However, the implementation of DataBaseConnector
class is discussed below:
First an abstract class DataBaseConnector
is defined, from which the DataBaseConnector for particular database is derived like OleDbDataBaseConnector
for MS Access database and SqlServerDataBaseConnector
for MS SQL Server database.
First let us see DataBaseConnector
In the class, fields are declared for holding the destination dataset and connection string. In the constructor of the class the values of these fields are set from parameters.
protected string connectionString;
private DataSet destinationDataset;
protected DbConnection connection;
public DatabaseConnector(DataSet destinationDataset,
string connectionString) {
try {
this.connectionString = connectionString;
this.destinationDataset = destinationDataset;
catch {
method is defined, which takes tableList
as a parameter array, to fill some or all the DataTable
s of the dataset from database. It calls OpenConnection
, FillDataTable
and CloseConnection
public void FillDataTables(params string[] tableList) {
if (tableList == null) return;
destinationDataset.EnforceConstraints = false;
foreach (string table in tableList) {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not fill {0}\n{1}",
table, ex.Message));
destinationDataset.EnforceConstraints = true;
and CloseConnection
are declared as abstract methods which are implemented in the derived class of the particular database.
method takes tableName
parameter. It calls GetTableAdapter
to obtain an instance of the TableAdapter
corresponding to the current strongly typed DataTable
. Using reflection the Fill
method of the TableAdapter
is called to fill the DataTable
private void FillDataTable(String tableName) {
Type tableAdapterType;
var tableAdapter = GetTableAdapter(tableName, out tableAdapterType);
object[] parameterList = new object[] {destinationDataset.Tables[tableName]};
MethodInfo methodInfo = tableAdapterType.GetMethod("Fill");
methodInfo.Invoke(tableAdapter, parameterList);
methodInfo = tableAdapterType.GetMethod("Dispose");
methodInfo.Invoke(tableAdapter, null);
method constructs the name of the TableAdapter
of the strongly typed DataTable
and obtains the TableAdapter
type using GetExecutingAssembly
of Assembly
class and then creates an instance of it using Activator.CreateInstance
method. The Connection
property of TableAdapter
is defined as internal
by the AddNewDataSource
wizard and is accessible only in the same assembly. Hence, the DataBaseConnector
is to be included in the same project where the typed DataSet
is created. Further the spaces in the table name of the database is replaced by '_' by wizard while generating the typed DataSet
private object GetTableAdapter(string tableName, out Type tableAdapterType) {
try {
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
tableAdapterType = assembly.GetType(string.Format(
"{0}.{1}TableAdapters.{2}TableAdapter", assembly.GetName().Name,
tableName.Replace(" ", "_")));
var tableAdapter = Activator.CreateInstance(tableAdapterType);
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = tableAdapterType.GetProperty("Connection",
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
propertyInfo.SetValue(tableAdapter, connection, null);
return tableAdapter;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(
String.Format("Could not create table adapter for {0}\n {1}",
tableName, ex.Message));
Similarly the SaveDataTables
and SaveDataTable
methods are defined as shown below.
public void SaveDataTables(params string[] tableList) {
if (tableList == null) return;
destinationDataset.EnforceConstraints = false;
foreach (string table in tableList) {
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not save {0}\n{1}",
table, ex.Message));
destinationDataset.EnforceConstraints = true;
private void SaveDataTable(string tableName) {
Type tableAdapterType;
var tableAdapter = GetTableAdapter(tableName, out tableAdapterType);
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Type dataTableType = assembly.GetType(String.Format(
"{0}.{1}+{2}DataTable", assembly.GetName().Name,
destinationDataset.DataSetName, tableName.Replace(" ", "_")));
Type targetDatasetType = destinationDataset.GetType();
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = targetDatasetType.GetProperty(tableName.Replace(" ", "_"));
var dataTable = propertyInfo.GetValue(destinationDataset, null);
object[] parameterList = new object[] { dataTable };
MethodInfo methodInfo = tableAdapterType.GetMethod("Update", new Type[] { dataTableType });
methodInfo.Invoke(tableAdapter, parameterList);
methodInfo = tableAdapterType.GetMethod("Dispose");
methodInfo.Invoke(tableAdapter, null);
To use DataBaseConnector
class for a particular database, a class is derived from DataBaseConnector
class eg. OleDbDataBaseConnector
class is derived for MS Access database and SqlServerDataBaseConnector
for MS SQL Server database. This derived class implements the abstract methods OpenConnection
and CloseConnection
declared in the base class for opening and closing connection specific to this database as shown below.
public class OleDbDataBaseConnector : DatabaseConnector {
public OleDbDataBaseConnector (DataSet destinationDataset,
string connectionString) :
base (destinationDataset, connectionString) {
protected override void OpenConnection() {
try {
if (connection == null)
connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
protected override void CloseConnection() {
try {
if (connection == null)
connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
catch {
Comments / Suggestions
I will be happy to see your comments and suggestions to improve the article.