Why XMLite?
In my previous project, I needed some simple XML parser. I worked with Jabber server. Because I had no time I worked with Jabber client library called Jabbercom, a Win32 COM based DLL module. Jabber protocol is based on XML. But that library was not a complete XML parser for my project.
First, it couldn't support Korean text (maybe other languages too) and there is no escape character processing, and no entity encode/decode supports. I had to replace XML parser engine, but I can't use MSXML and Expat, and it had a heavy installation or was hard to use. So I decided to make XMLite. It is not a fully supported XML parser, but it is simple and small, so I hope it helps someone.
Using XMLite
Simply, XMLite has two main data structures, XNode
and XAttr
. XNode
is for XML element node and XAttr
is for XML attribute node. XNode
has child XNodes
and own attributes list XAttrs
. If you see my source code, you'll think code is so easy to understand and use. The code is simple.
XML parsing
XMLite can parse one XML tag node plain text like below. You can check for parsing error. If XNode::Load
returns NULL
, then simply you can know plain XML text has some error. If you want to know more error information, then go to section 4 - error handling.
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("\
<TAddress desc='book of bro'>\
<TPerson type='me'><Name>Cho,Kyung Min</Name><Nick>bro</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type='friend'><Name>Baik,Ji Hoon</Name><Nick>bjh</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type=friend><Name>Bak,Gun Joo</Name><Nick>dichter</Nick></TPerson>\
<TInformation count='3'/>\
XNode xml;
if( xml.Load( sxml ) )
The result is shown in the picture above.
Traveling with parsed XML
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("\
<TAddressBook description=\"book of bro\">\
<TPerson type='me'><Name>Cho,Kyung Min</Name><Nick>bro</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type='friend'><Name>Baik,Ji Hoon</Name><Nick>bjh</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type=friend><Name>Bak,Gun Joo</Name><Nick>dichter</Nick></TPerson>\
<TInformation count='3'/>\
XNode xml;
xml.Load( sxml );
int i;
XNodes childs;
LPXNode child;
for( i = 0 ; i < xml.GetChildCount(); i++)
child = xml.GetChild(i);
AfxMessageBox( child->GetXML() );
childs = xml.GetChilds();
for( i = 0 ; i < childs.size(); i++)
AfxMessageBox( childs[i]->GetXML() );
childs = xml.GetChilds(_T("Person") );
for( i = 0 ; i < childs.size(); i++)
AfxMessageBox( childs[i]->GetXML() );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetChildAttrValue( _T("Information"), _T("count") ) );
int count = XStr2Int( xml.GetChildAttrValue( _T("Information"),
_T("count") ));
ASSERT( count == 3 );
DOM Modify
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("\
<TAddressBook description=\"book of bro\">\
<TPerson type='me'><Name>Cho,Kyung Min</Name><Nick>bro</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type='friend'><Name>Baik,Ji Hoon</Name><Nick>bjh</Nick></TPerson>\
<TPerson type=friend><Name>Bak,Gun Joo</Name><Nick>dichter</Nick></TPerson>\
<TInformation count='3'/>\
XNode xml;
xml.Load( sxml );
LPXNode child_bro = xml.GetChild(0);
xml.RemoveChild( child_bro );
Result: there is no bro node.
<TAddressBook description='book of bro' >
<TPerson type='friend' >
<Name>Baik,Ji Hoon</Name>
<TPerson type='friend' >
<Name>Bak,Gun Joo</Name>
<TInformation count='3' />
Error Handling
XMLite has xml error handling, but it's not complete.
CString serror_xml;
serror_xml = _T("<XML>\
<NoCloseTag type='me'><Name>Cho,Kyung Min</Name><Nick>bro</Nick>\
XNode xml;
xml.Load( serror_xml, &pi );
if( pi.erorr_occur )
AfxMessageBox( pi.error_string );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
then, result is
'<NoCloseTag> ... </XML>' is not wel-formed.
Entity and Escape Char Test
XMLite has escape process. But this updated version has no escape for general case. But still you can use escape character with parsing value.
pi.escape_value = '\\'
Upper case, escape character is:
like C/C++. And it has entity processing. Entity table is like shown below:
Special character |
Special meaning |
Entity encoding |
> |
Begins a tag. |
> |
< |
Ends a tag. |
< |
" |
Quotation mark. |
" |
' |
Apostrophe. |
' |
& |
Ampersand. |
& |
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("<XML>\
<TAG attr='<\\'asdf\\\">'>asdf</TAG>\
XNode xml;
pi.escape_value = '\\'
xml.Load( sxml, &pi );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
<TAG attr='<'asdf">' >asdf</TAG>
Configurate Parse and Display
XMLite can trim when parsing and add newline for display (default).
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("<XML>\
<TAG attr=' qwer '> asdf </TAG>\
XNode xml;
xml.Load( sxml );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
pi.trim_value = true;
xml.Load( sxml, &pi );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
opt.newline = false;
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML( &opt ) );
<TAG attr=' qwer ' > asdf </TAG>
<XML><TAG attr='qwer' >asdf</TAG></XML>
Custom entity table
XMLite can customize entity table for special parsing and display. You can define new entity table for customized parsing.
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("<XML>\
<TAG attr='&asdf>'></TAG>\
static const XENTITY entity_table[] = {
{ '<', _T("<"), 4 } ,
{ '&', _T("&"), 5 }
XENTITYS entitys( (LPXENTITY)entity_table, 2 ) ;
XNode xml;
pi.entity_value = true;
pi.entitys = &entitys;
xml.Load( sxml, &pi );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
opt.entitys = &entitys;
opt.reference_value = true;
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML( &opt ) );
branch copy (deep-copy)
Now XMLite can copy branch.
void CTestXMLiteDlg::OnButton9()
CString sxml;
sxml = _T(""\"</span>book"" />\
"me"" /><NAME>Cho,Kyung Min</NAME><NICK>bro</NICK>\
"friend"" /><NAME>Baik,Ji Hoon</NAME><NICK>bjh</NICK>\
"friend"" /><NAME>Bak,Gun Joo</NAME><NICK>dichter</NICK>\
"3"" />\
XNode xml;
xml.Load( sxml );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
XNode xml2;
xml2.CopyNode( &xml );
AfxMessageBox( xml2.GetXML() );
XNode xml3;
xml3.CopyBranch( &xml );
AfxMessageBox( xml3.GetXML() );
XNode xml4;
xml4.AppendChildBranch( &xml );
AfxMessageBox( xml4.GetXML() );
Parsing xml with PI/CDATA/Comment
Now XMLite can parse with PI/CDATA/Comment. But Still XMLite doesn't support PI's encoding function.
void CTestXMLiteDlg::OnButton10()
CString sxml;
sxml = _T("<?xml version='1.0'?>\
<![CDATA[some data]]>\
<![CDATA[some data]]>\
<![CDATA[some data2]]>\
<!-- comment2-->");
XNode xml;
xml.Load( sxml );
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
Parsing un-welformed xml (like HTML)
Now XMLite can parse un-welformed xml like HTML with 'force_parse' attribute
void CTestXMLiteDlg::OnButton11()
CString sXML = "\
< html>\
< body width='100'>\
Some times I got say...\
< p>\
< /body>\
< /html>";
XDoc xml;
pi.force_parse = true;
if( xml.Load( sXML, &pi ) )
LPXNode root = xml.GetRoot();
AfxMessageBox( xml.GetXML() );
XNode node;
if( node.Load( sXML ) )
AfxMessageBox( node.GetXML() );
XMLite's node can search own all children with tag name.
CString sXML = "\
XNode node;
if( node.Load( sXML ) )
AfxMessageBox( node.GetXML() );
LPXNode found = NULL;
found = node.Find( _T("D") );
if( found )
AfxMessageBox( found->GetXML() );
Sometimes I get email about license of XMLite. You can use/modify/redistribute XMLite for commercial/noncomercial. But please give me thanks email with your project information.
Then I will be happy and add it to references of XMLite. If you fix or update XMLite then give it to me for all to have. Thanks.