Datatable version
Was pretty useful thanks, here the same code is presented but returning a DataTable instead
Also I've added the following:
- Passing the column headers as parameters
- Prevent the crash if there's null values
- Possibility to have multiple values for the same x,y
- Multiple Z columns in 2d table
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
namespace PivotTable
public class PivotTable
#region Variables
private DataTable _DataTable;
#endregion Variables
#region Constructors
public PivotTable(DataTable dataTable)
_DataTable = dataTable;
#endregion Constructors
#region Properties
public DataTable ResultTable
get { return _DataTable; }
#endregion Properties
#region Private Methods
private string[] FindValues(string xAxisField, string xAxisValue, string yAxisField, string yAxisValue, string[] zAxisFields)
int zAxis = zAxisFields.Length;
if (zAxis < 1)
string[] zAxisValues = new string[zAxis];
for (int i = 0; i <= zAxisValues.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
zAxisValues[i] = "0";
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (Convert.ToString(row[xAxisField]) == xAxisValue && Convert.ToString(row[yAxisField]) == yAxisValue)
for (int z = 0; z < zAxis; z++)
zAxisValues[z] = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal("0" + row[zAxisFields[z]]) + Convert.ToDecimal("0" +zAxisValues[z]));
return zAxisValues;
private string FindValue(string xAxisField, string xAxisValue, string yAxisField, string yAxisValue, string zAxisField)
string zAxisValue = "";
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (Convert.ToString(row[xAxisField]) == xAxisValue && Convert.ToString(row[yAxisField]) == yAxisValue)
zAxisValue = Convert.ToString(row[zAxisField]);
return zAxisValue;
#endregion Private Methods
#region Public Methods
public DataTable Generate(string xAxisField, string yAxisField, string[] zAxisFields, string mainColumnName, string columnTotalName, string rowTotalName, string[] zAxisFieldsNames)
ArrayList xAxis = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (!xAxis.Contains(row[xAxisField]))
ArrayList yAxis = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (!yAxis.Contains(row[yAxisField]))
int zAxis = zAxisFields.Length;
if (zAxis < 1)
zAxis = 1;
string[,] matrix = new string[(xAxis.Count * zAxis), yAxis.Count];
for (int y = 0; y < yAxis.Count; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < xAxis.Count; x++) {
string[] zAxisValues = FindValues(xAxisField, Convert.ToString(xAxis[x])
, yAxisField, Convert.ToString(yAxis[y]), zAxisFields);
for (int z = 0; z < zAxis; z++) {
matrix[(((x + 1) * zAxis - zAxis) + z), y] = zAxisValues[z];
decimal[] yTotals = new decimal[(xAxis.Count * zAxis)];
for (int col = 0; col < (xAxis.Count * zAxis); col++)
yTotals[col] = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < yAxis.Count; row++)
yTotals[col] += Convert.ToDecimal("0" + matrix[col, row]);
decimal[,] xTotals = new decimal[zAxis, (yAxis.Count + 1)];
for (int y = 0; y < yAxis.Count; y++) {
int zCount = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < (zAxis * xAxis.Count); z++) {
xTotals[zCount, y] += Convert.ToDecimal("0" + matrix[z, y]);
if (zCount == (zAxis - 1))
zCount = 0;
for (int xx = 0; xx < zAxis; xx++) {
for (int xy = 0; xy < yAxis.Count; xy++)
xTotals[xx, yAxis.Count] += xTotals[xx, xy];
DataTable table = new DataTable();
DataColumn columnYTitle = new DataColumn(mainColumnName);
for (int x = 0; x <= xAxis.Count; x++) {
if (x < xAxis.Count)
for (int z = 0; z < zAxis; z++)
DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
column.ColumnName = Convert.ToString(xAxis[x] + " - " + zAxisFieldsNames[z]);
for (int z = 0; z < zAxis; z++)
DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
column.ColumnName = columnTotalName + " - " + zAxisFieldsNames[z];
for (int y = 0; y < yAxis.Count; y++) {
DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();
for (int z = 0; z <= (zAxis * xAxis.Count); z++) {
if (z == 0)
dataRow[z] = Convert.ToString(yAxis[y]);
dataRow[z] = Convert.ToString(matrix[(z - 1), y]);
for (int z = zAxis * xAxis.Count; z < zAxis + (zAxis * xAxis.Count); z++)
dataRow[z + 1] = Convert.ToString(xTotals[z - (zAxis * xAxis.Count), y]);
DataRow dataRowTotals = table.NewRow();
for (int x = 0; x <= (zAxis * xAxis.Count); x++)
if (x == 0)
dataRowTotals[0] = rowTotalName;
dataRowTotals[x] = Convert.ToString(yTotals[x - 1]);
for (int z = 0; z < zAxis; z++)
dataRowTotals[table.Columns.Count - zAxis + z] = Convert.ToString(xTotals[z, xTotals.GetUpperBound(1)]);
return table;
public DataTable Generate(string xAxisField, string yAxisField, string zAxisField, string mainColumnName, string columnTotalName, string rowTotalName)
return Generate(xAxisField, yAxisField, new string[0], new string[0], zAxisField, mainColumnName, columnTotalName, rowTotalName);
public DataTable Generate(string xAxisField, string yAxisField, string[] yAxisInfoFields, string[] yAxisInfoFieldsNames, string zAxisField, string mainColumnName, string columnTotalName, string rowTotalName)
ArrayList xAxis = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (!xAxis.Contains(row[xAxisField]))
ArrayList yAxis = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow row in _DataTable.Rows)
if (!yAxis.Contains(row[yAxisField]))
string[,] matrix = new string[xAxis.Count, yAxis.Count];
for (int y = 0; y < yAxis.Count; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < xAxis.Count; x++) {
string zAxisValue = FindValue(xAxisField, Convert.ToString(xAxis[x])
, yAxisField, Convert.ToString(yAxis[y]), zAxisField);
matrix[x, y] = zAxisValue;
decimal[] yTotals = new decimal[xAxis.Count];
for (int col = 0; col < xAxis.Count; col++)
yTotals[col] = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < yAxis.Count; row++)
yTotals[col] += Convert.ToDecimal("0" + matrix[col, row]);
decimal[] xTotals = new decimal[(yAxis.Count + 1)];
for (int row = 0; row < yAxis.Count; row++)
xTotals[row] = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < xAxis.Count; col++)
xTotals[row] += Convert.ToDecimal("0" + matrix[col, row]);
xTotals[xTotals.GetUpperBound(0)] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < xTotals.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
xTotals[xTotals.GetUpperBound(0)] += xTotals[i];
DataTable table = new DataTable();
DataColumn columnYTitle = new DataColumn(mainColumnName);
foreach (string yAxisInfoFieldsName in yAxisInfoFieldsNames)
for (int x = 0; x <= xAxis.Count; x++) {
if (x < xAxis.Count)
DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
column.ColumnName = Convert.ToString(xAxis[x]);
DataColumn column = new DataColumn(columnTotalName);
for (int y = 0; y < yAxis.Count; y++) {
DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow();
for (int z = 0; z <= xAxis.Count + yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length; z++) {
if (z < yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)
dataRow[z] = Convert.ToString(_DataTable.Rows[y][yAxisInfoFields[z]]);
if (z == yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)
dataRow[z] = Convert.ToString(yAxis[y]);
if (z > yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)
dataRow[z] = Convert.ToString(matrix[(z - 1 - yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length), y]);
dataRow[xAxis.Count + yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length + 1] = Convert.ToString(xTotals[y]);
DataRow dataRowTotals = table.NewRow();
for (int x = 0; x <= (xAxis.Count + 1) + yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length; x++)
if (x == 0)
dataRowTotals[0] = rowTotalName;
if (x > yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)
if (x <= xAxis.Count + yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)
dataRowTotals[x] = Convert.ToString(yTotals[(x - 1 - yAxisInfoFieldsNames.Length)]);
dataRowTotals[x] = Convert.ToString(xTotals[xTotals.GetUpperBound(0)]);
return table;
#endregion Public Methods