The library helps to integrate a fuzzy ontology with object-oriented
programming (OOP) classes written in .NET. It is a hybrid integration, i.e.
some OWL concepts can be mapped directly to OOP classes, yet most OWL concepts
are derived just from OOP instance properties, with no direct mapping to a .NET
class. Hence the OOP instance- OWL concept(s) mapping can evolve dynamically in
the course of time. The implementation currently supports FuzzyOWL2 ontologies [2]
together with FuzzyDL reasoner to infer affiliation of OOP instances to
particular OWL concepts. It can be however easily modified to support any fuzzy
ontology notation as well as any fuzzy reasoner.
Capturing knowledge with ontology modelling
One way of capturing and storing knowledge in a structured
and machine-interpretable way is the use of ontology engineering. Ontology is a concrete form of a conceptualisation of community’s knowledge
in a specific domain. Ontology includes a vocabulary of terms together with the
specification of their meaning. From the explicitly declared facts, an
inference mechanism allows to elicit additional implicit knowledge. Such a
mechanism is implemented by means of ontology reasoners.
Web Ontology Language (OWL)
In past, number of HTML, XML, and frame-based knowledge
representation languages has been designed. OWL 2 is nowadays one of the most popular
languages for authoring ontologies. It has been originally intended just for
publishing semantic content of web pages, i.e. to build semantic webs. But
eventually, it has attracted strong academic and commercial interest. OWL is
endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). There are numerous OWL-supporting
ontology editors available, such as open-source Java-based Protégé being
developed at Stanford University, as well as various reasoners like FaCT++,
HermiT or Pellet. Formal semantics of OWL 2 is based on Description Logic (DL),
a subset of First Order Logic, of type SROIQ(D).
OWL comes with three variants (sublanguages), ordered by increasing
expressiveness as OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL Full.
![Figure 1 – The structure of OWL 2 [10]](/KB/library/348918/OWL.gif)
Figure 1 – The structure of OWL 2 [10]
Figure 1
reveals the boundary between OWL syntax and semantic layer. It is worth to
notice that there exist various concrete syntaxes that can be used to serialize
and exchange OWL ontologies. For the rest of this article, we will focus on
RDF/XML, the main syntax. RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a concept
modelling approach that aims on building a collection of statements about
resources in the form of subject-predicate-object
expressions. Resources are identified by Unified
Resource Identifier (URI). RDF/XML
based-ontologies are built upon RDF together with RDF Schema (RDFS), a RDF-based vocabulary intended to structure the
resources. As the result, the collection in fact describes a directed, labelled
OWL-OOP Integration
As shown in Table 1,
a comparison of ontology and object modelling reveals handful of similarities.
Indeed, integration of ontology with mainstream object oriented
programming languages (OOPLs) like C# or Java, suggests itself quite obviously.
OWL ontology element
| C# OOP element
Concept (TBox level)
| Class
Individual (ABox level)
| Instance
Object Property (role, slot) ...
relation between two OWL individuals
| Member (i.e. field or
property) type object[]
Data Property (data slot),
...relation between individual and literal.
| Member (i.e. field or
property) type boolean[], int[], double[], string[]...
Datatype (literal)
| Data type boolean, int, double, string, ...
Table 1 – Analogy between OWL ontology and C# OOP modelling elements
There are, however, also several differences,
such as:
- Unlike all
the mainstream OOPLs, most knowledge-representation systems allow multiple inheritances in the class
hierarchy. The same applies to an individual belonging to multiple classes in
ontology vs. strict object conformance in OOPLs.
- Ontology only captures static state without the
possibility to define any state transition. Hence OOP element method does not have any equivalent in the
ontology world.
- Unlike lax type conformance in ontology properties, OOPLs
are type-safe,
- Unlike OOPLs, ontology modelling is based on open world assumption.
- Ontology property
features like inversibility, reflexivity, transitivity etc. are not
natively handled by OOPLs, although they might be simulated in a property
There are two types of OOP modelling. i) Direct (traditional) models use classes
and instances to represent concepts and individuals of the real world, respectively.
ii) Indirect models keep both
concepts and individuals in instances, whereas OOP classes represent real-world
meta-classes [6].
Similar to these models, one can speak about direct or indirect Ontology-OOP
integration, depending if ontology concepts map to OOP classes or OOP
instances, respectively [4].
- Direct Ontology-OOP Integration - Ontology concepts are linked
to OOP classes, whereas ontology individuals correspond to OOP instances.
Direct integration automatically compiles a strong-typed domain specific class
model, and hence allows an easy further SW development. Yet, there are
difficulties in handling multiple inheritances in ontology, as well as the
type-safety in OOP. Moreover, if the ontology alters, the OOP model has to be
recompiled, too. Example of direct integration toolkits between ontology in OWL
and object structures in .NET are Rowlex and Zhi#.
- Indirect Ontology-OOP Integration – After all, all low level APIs
with read/write access to ontology can be considered indirect integration.
Here, OWL concepts are represented only by runtime objects. Example is SemWeb
on the .NET platform or OWL API on Java.
- Hybrid Ontology-OOP Integration is a combination of both former
approaches. Some essential OWL concepts are represented by an OOP class, whereas
others, less important, just by an OOP object. The mapping is implementable by a
C# interface, C# attributes or Java annotations. Example of Java-based hybrid
integration is Moop [4].
Fuzzy Logic in Ontology Modelling
Classical ontology
languages are not appropriate to deal with imprecision or vagueness in
knowledge. Therefore, Description Logics for the semantic web has been enhanced
by various approaches to handle probabilistic & possibilistic uncertainty,
and vagueness.
Regarding vagueness,
most popular is fuzzy SHOIN(D), a fuzzy
generalization of SHOIN(D). This
approach allows concrete domains (datatypes) to be represented by fuzzy sets.
Moreover, it introduces fuzzy modifiers, fuzzy axioms, fuzzy RBoxes, fuzzy TBoxes, and fuzzy ABoxes.
Regarding its application, fuzzy SHOIN(D)
has been originally proposed for logic-based
information retrieval in a document management system [5].
Besides the research on
the theoretical framework, number of fuzzy DL reasoners has also been
implemented, examples are fuzzyDL [8] and DeLorean (DEscription LOgic
REasoner with vAgueNess)[3]. The former reasoner represents queries as a
linear optimization problem, the latter one computes a rough equivalent non-fuzzy representation
from a fuzzy source assuming a finite
chain of degrees of truth.
In fact, SHOIN(D) is an equivalent of OWL DL, and
so is fuzzy SHOIN (D) convenient as a
formal background to bring vagueness into OWL. There are numerous proposals to encode
vague information into OWL, such as using OWL extension, transforming fuzzy DL
into classical DL, and last but not least using OWL2 annotations.
Annotations are standard part of OWL. OWL DL allows
annotations on classes, properties, individuals and ontology headers [10].
In an approach called FuzzyOWL2, OWL
annotations contain xml snippets with fuzzy-related information [2].
I have chosen to use this approach in this project because it is well documented,
and it only needs a standard OWL editor. Also standard reasoners might be used,
provided that the fuzzy part of information will be discarded. Currently, there
is a fuzzy logic plugin available for the popular Protégé ontology editor.
FuzzyOWL2 allows to
encode i) linear and triangular fuzzy modifiers, ii) left-shoulder,
right-shoulder, triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy data types iii) fuzzy concepts
iv) fuzzy roles v) fuzzy axioms.
For the purpose of our project, it is important to express following
two kinds of fuzzy axioms:
- Concept subsumption is a
statement type TBox of form C ? D > a. Example is a statement stating that Cm ? Cc > 0.8, denoting inf x??I{Cm(x) ? Cc} > 0.8, where Cm is a concept representing managers, Cc represents coaches , and ?I is an interpretation domain, declaring that every manager is at least a 0.8 coach.
- Instance-concept affiliation is an ABox
type statement of form C(a) > a
where C denotes a fuzzy concept, a is an individual, and a is a degree of membership. C(a) gives us to what extent the
individual a can be considered as an
element of the fuzzy concept C. If Cc stays for concept representing
coaches, then employee a belongs to
this concept at least to the degree of a out from interval [0, 1].

Figure 2 – FuzzyOntologyFramework together with surrounding IS, and linked components
The overall architecture is depicted in Figure 2.
FuzzyOntologyFramework (FOF) is aimed to be used by an information system
written in .NET. Basically, it obtains a collection of .NET instances from the
Business Layer, and stores them as individuals in specified OWL ontology. Based
on the member values of these instances, and the specified ontology, the
reasoner can subsequently assign the individuals (i.e. instances) to one or
more OWL concepts. The concept affiliation is returned back to the Business
Layer, which can in turn use this information at its discretion. It would be
typically used in a decision process.
If fact, not all instances are stored in the ontology. Some
instances like those representing countries can be stored in the ontology,
whereas others like those representing employees would only be stored in the FOF
internal structures. The reason is that several thousand individuals would
hamper manipulation with the xml file.
Why hybrid OWL-OOP integration? Well, we assume that:
- Some OWL
concepts will be mapped 1:1 directly to specific .NET classes. This is
accomplished by a simple declaration. We can specify that a .NET object belongs
to OWL concept Employee iff its Class.FullName = "AdventureWorks.Employee",
for example.
- In other
cases, the relation might be much more subtle. There can be several .NET
classes mapped to a single OWL concept and vice versa. To reveal such a
relationship, we can invoke :OntologyIntegrator.FindIndividal(object
ind).Concepts to obtain a fuzzy collection of OWL concepts for the individual
specified, or similarily :OntologyIntegrator.Concepts(x).Members
to obtain a fuzzy collection of individuals for the concept specified.
Linked Components
- Fuzzy Framework [7] is a .NET component intended to work with fuzzy logic
sets and relations [11]. It overloads .NET operators, so that one can
effortlessly build and evaluate fuzzy logic expressions directly in .NET.
- SemWeb is a low-level API facilitating access into RDF/XML OWL ontologies from
.NET. [9].
- Fuzzy DL Reasoner is a java-based reasoner allowing working with
vague information [8]. Prior to its usage with OWL ontologies, it requires launching
a FuzzyOwl2.jar convertor to translate
the OWL file into a FuzzyDL native definition language.
- Gurobi is a math programming library focused on MILP, MIQP, LP and QP. It is
used within the Fuzzy DL reasoner for MILP calculations. The library is available
at with the possibility to
obtain free trial or academic licence.
- Protégé is an open source OWL ontology
editor and a knowledge
acquisition system. It is available
for free download at
- FuzzyOWL
plugin facilitates
encoding of vagueness into standard OWL ontology by means of annotations. Available
for download at
Essential classes and methods in FOF

Figure 3 – UML diagram with important classes in FOF. Fuzzy relations are in blue.
is the main class within the library. It provides the following methods:
| Description
| Initializes
new instance of OntologyIntegrator. Next steps are to set the settings (if
not specified in an App.config
file), and to invoke methods UpdateIndividuals
and UpdateOntology.
( IEnumerable<object>
| Iterates
through the collection, registers all objects as OWL individuals, and stores
them in the Individuals property.
It depends on the definition of the individual’s class if the individual will
be really written into the ontology RDF/XML file, or just stored in the
memory for reasoning. See the [Individual(StoreInOntology=true/false)] attribute. In addition to the initial invocation,
individuals should be updated each time their properties change. This can be
accomplished by an event encapsulated in the specific object.
| The method is supposed to be invoked at the beginning of your
code, after the :OntologyIntegrator
creation. Furthermore, this method should be called each time the source
ontology file has been modified by the outside world (i.e. redefined in an
ontology editor, for instance). The method performs the following actions:
- Stores appropriate
individuals in the RDF/XML ontology source file.
- Loads the
RDF/XML source file into memory.
- Puts all
concepts found in the ontology into collection Concepts
- Uses the
specified reasoner to load the fuzzy relations between concepts (in the
asserted hierarchy), in order to build an image of this hierarchy in .NET. Namely,
this is done in the Ancestors and Descendants property for each concept.
By other words, it calulates a concept
subsumption Cm isa Cn
for m, n ? 1..count of concepts.
- Similar to the Cm x Cn relation, all relations between individuals at one side concepts
at the other side are inferred. By other words, an instance–concept affiliation am
belogns to Cn is calculated, where m ? 1 .. number of individuals,
whereas n ? 1..number of concepts.
public static readonly IDiscreteDimension CONCEPTS
| Domain
(dimension) of concepts
public static readonly IDiscreteDimension INDIVIDUALS
| Domain
(dimension) of individuals
public Concept[] Concepts
| Concepts
found in the RDF/XML ontology file.
public Individual[] Individuals
| Individuals
previously registered by the UpdateIndividuals
public event EventHandler <UpdateOntologyProgress ChangedEventArgs>
UpdateOntologyProgressChanged | Since
he reasoning is time consuming, the event fires each time a progress appears
within the UpdateOntology method
allowing to report it in a progress bar. |
Table 2 - :OntologyIntegrator methods
Class Concept
represents an OWL concept. It provides the following fuzzy sets:
- fuzzy set
of its descendant concepts
- fuzzy set
of its ancestor concepts
- fuzzy set
of its member individuals
Similarly, class
Individual provides fuzzy set of concepts the individual belongs to.
Class IndividualClass
returns the .NET type of the .NET object. This information is used to provide a
direct mapping between .NET classes and OWL concepts. Furthermore, the .NET
type specifies what other properties and fields in addition to Type.FullName will be considered for the
Ontology-related attributes
.NET objects that are to be considered OWL individuals typically
have numerous fields and attributes. Yet, only some of them are suitable for
ontology reasoning. This is the main reason why we have introduced a collection
of .NET attributes. They are used in the .NET class definition of the individuals.
| Usage
| Description
IndividualAttribute (StoreInOntology : Boolean)
| Class
| Specifies
that instances of this class will be treated as ontology individuals. If omitted
in the class definition, instances of the respective class will be ignored by
the UpdateIndividuals method.
StoreInOntology - If
true, the individual will be stored directly in the source ontology file
(typically *.owl file in the
RDF/XML format). If false, the definition of the individual will be only
prepared at hoc when querying a reasoner. Storing the individual entries in
the OWL file is good to get one’s head around when studying the ontology, as
well as for reasoning in an ontology editor. It is however time and
resource-consuming to encode extensive collections of individuals to XML.
Hence it is only recommended for smaller collections like countries.
| Field,
| This
attribute can specify a boolean field or property which represents the object’s
state. Example would be property Employee.Active.
If Employee.Active = false for an object sent to the UpdateIndividuals method, the object
will be removed from the collection of individuals.
| Field,
| Specifies
that the member will be exported to the ontology for reasoning. Possible
types of such member are: string, string[],
int, int[], double, double[], object which is also registered by the UpdateIndividuals method, object[], single-dimensional FuzzyRelation.
Table 3 –Attributes intended to specify the OOP-OWL mapping
Configuration settings
There are two ways how configuration settings can be
defined. First one is via the App.Config
file, the second one via properties of an :OntologyIntegrator
object. They should be specified before any further work with :OntologyIntegrator.
| Description
| Default
| In case
individuals are populated into the RDF/XML ontology file, it specifies
whether the source ontology file should be archived each time it has been
| false
| Full
path to the ontology file. Example is “C:\OntologyStore\Employees.owl”.
| Explicit
specification required
string IndividualsUriBase
| Specifies
what IRI will be used for the individuals generated by the UpdateIndividuals method.
| http://{machine
| Some
reasoners have troubles with the support of string values. If true, attributes type string will not
be considered in the ontology. This also applies for the isClass property.
| false
| Defines
a backup folder to archive old versions of ontology.
| PathToOntology
| Specifies
a temporary folder to store text files when communicating with the reasoner.
| PathToOntology
Table 4 – Configuration settings
Using the code
Download and install the following applications:
Installation & Configuration
Unzip the
content of files
into two separate folders.
In the *.exe.config files in both projects, set
up the connection string to MS SQL, database AdventureWorks.
in the *.exe.config file on the FuzzyQueryWithOntology project, set up
the following:
- path to a backup folder,
- path to a temporary folder,
- path to file salesPersons.owl. The file is located in the unzipped project
folder. Example of the path is "D:\Temp\FuzzyQueryWithOntology\salesperson.owl".
Now you are ready to follow the two chapters below by executing the *.exe files in the project folders. The projects compare
a non-ontology and ontology-based approach when assessing sales persons.
Sample project "Fuzzy Query without ontology"
this project, we use the AdventureWorks
sample database to find capable and cheap sales persons. We want to use fuzzy logic because terms like capable or cheap are quite vague. The database diagram of the relevant tables
is depicted in Figure
4. There is a 1:[0-1] relation between table Employee and SalesPerson, which means that every employee could be possibly a
salesperson with his amount of sales, sales quota, bonus or commission.
Figure 4 – DB tables used in the sample projects
To support fuzzy sets, we use FuzzyFramework [7]. For the
purpose of our task, we have defined that terms highSales and lowCommission
are represented by left or right-sided fuzzy number, respectively:
FuzzySet highSales = new LeftLinearSet(sales, "High Sales", 1000000, 2000000);
FuzzySet lowCommission = new RightLinearSet(commission, "Low Commission", 0.01m, 0.02m);

Figure 5 – Graphical representation of low commission and high sales
We use the Microsoft Entity Framework as an E-R mapper to
populate DB records into .NET objects class SalesPerson.
So far, it is an ordinary information system. But as soon as we want to
evaluate employees on how capable or cheap they are, we have to introduce the
following hard-coded properties:
locks of code should be set as style "Formatted"
like this:
public double CheapSalesPerson
return lowCommission.IsMember(this.CommissionPct);
public double CapableSalesPerson
return highSales.IsMember(this.SalesLastYear);
public Nullable<double> CapableAndCheapSalesPerson
return Math.Min(this.CheapSalesPerson, this.CapableSalesPerson);
Afterwards, it is quite easy to generate the following grid
with the CapableAndCheapSalesPerson

Figure 6 – Output of sample project FuzzyQueryWithoutOntology
Yet, each time we want to introduce a new search, this would
not be possible without changes in code. To overcome this, information systems
typically offer a SQL-like query functionality. A custom search is named,
stored in a database, and invoked when necessary. But in the end, a user ends
with plenty of custom searches without clear purpose and meaning.
Sample project "Fuzzy Query with ontology"
The solution described in the previous project works, yet we
would like to have more flexible way to define what low commission or high sale
amount is, and how these properties interact. This is exactly what can be
achieved by means of a fuzzy ontology.
Using the Protégé ontology editor with the FuzzyOWL plugin,
we have first defined fuzzy linguistic terms lowCommision and highSales.
Figure 7 - Definition of fuzzy set lowCommission in Protégé
Next, we have defined who exactly are CheapSalesPerson, CapapableSalesPerson,
and finally CapableAndCheapSalesPerson.
Figure 8 – Hierarchy of concepts in OWL ontology

Figure 9 – Description of CapableAndCheapSalesPerson in Protégé.
So far this was the ontology definition. On the side of our
information system, we have decorated the .NET class SalesPerson with IndividualAttribute(StoreInOntology=false),
and the properties important for reasoning with IndividualProperty.
public class SalesPerson
public double SalesLastYear
get { … }
public double CommissionPct
get { … }
The last step is just to invoke UpdateIndividuals and UpdateOntology
methods. Afterwards, each individual has its Concepts collection; with information to what extend the specific
object belongs to concept Employee,
SalesPerson, CapableSalesPerson etc.
Figure 10 – Output of project FuzzyQueryWithOntology
Conclusion and Future Work
We have demonstrated that with the OOP-ontology integration,
it is easy to define fuzzy knowledge structures by means of the ontology modelling,
without the necessity to alter the .NET code. These structures can be later
used in the code to infer an affiliation of an individual to a concept. This is
desirable when ranking individuals in order to make a decision, for example.
The integration with Java-based FuzzyDL reasoner is quite
slow. Therefore, the sample project performs the reasoning asynchronously, displaying
the overall progress. This specific implementation is only sufficient for
demonstrative purposes. The concept is however quite flexible, and allows its
easy extension it with other fuzzy reasoners
like DeLorean.
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