Try Sitefinity Mobile Web
Experts estimate mobile-traffic will increase by
4,000% by 2014 and eventually overtake desktop-traffic. To meet this growing
demand, it’s vital for organizations to have a mobile strategy. Creating
ideal web experiences for all web visitors requires extensive support for a
wide variety of mobile devices. To create this support websites must adapt
based on the visitor's personal choice of device. Creating these
device-specific adaptions has historically been very challenging.
The Bad Old Days: Lots of Phones, Lots of
Versions of Your Content
Many websites maintain separate mobile versions of
their web content. These websites detect the visitor's device and redirect to a
sub-site to present a customized experience. Alternately, the website might use
the same page but apply different HTML markup. These techniques work fine for a
couple of devices, but it's impossible to scale this strategy to address the
large number of web devices already in use today. For each device programmers,
front-end developers, and content writers must manage an additional version of
the web content.
The Modern Solution: Support An Unlimited Number
of Mobile Devices with Responsive Design
Responsive design is a design philosophy that addresses
the extreme amount of diversity in web devices using "best practice" web
standards. By using CSS3 media queries, web pages can adapt based on the
capabilities or constraints of the device. This means web pages can
"progressively enhance" or "gracefully degrade" for each visitor.
Sitefinity Uses Responsive Design to Help You
Deliver Better Web Experiences Across Devices
CMS includes layouts that can effortlessly be dragged and dropped onto any
page or template. These layouts enable end-users to easily add new columns (2-
columns, 3-columns, etc.) onto their web pages without any knowledge of HTML,
while still producing "best practice" DIV based markup.
Consequently, through these layouts, Sitefinity
is already aware of the design structure being used in the website. This
enables Sitefinity customers to easily attach responsive design rules to these
layouts. These responsive rules can be defined in Sitefinity
using a web-based interface. Through this interface, website administrators can
instruct Sitefinity to transform a 4-column layout into a 4-row layout when the
visitor is using a smartphone.

Furthermore, Sitefinity
includes a web-based preview-mode that enables content authors to quickly
preview their content in a variety of devices (iPad, iPhone, etc.).

By using drag and drop layouts and attaching
responsive rules to these layouts, Sitefinity customers can quickly create web
pages that fluidly adapt to an unlimited number of devices. As a result,
organization can focus on creating compelling content instead of re-creating
content countless times.
the demo video

How it Works in Sitefinity?
its core, responsive design relies on media
queries to
define different styles for different resolutions. Media queries are
supported by all WebKit-based browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome) and in IE via
some jQuery plug-in’s.
following code is implemented in Sitefinity, which makes your website instantly

By establishing this set of adaptive styles,
Sitefinity adapts web pages to an unlimited number of devices and resolutions.
For website managers, there is no need to re-create web content in sub-sites or
create dedicated markup for a particular device. Your web page transforms into
a perfect fit for all devices.
Try Sitefinity Mobile Web