This shell extension will add a new option to the Context menu of .lnk (Shortcut) files. I've always been annoyed that to Perform a find target, you have to right click properties, then click find target. There doesn't seem to be a direct api call that simulates what the shell does so I've hunted around, and come up with this, which uses a CreateProcess
, ShellExecute
, and didn't seem to highlight the file.
After reading Michael Dunn's articles on shell extension (well the first couple so far), I took the examples and came up with this. http://www.codeproject.com/shell/shellextguide1.asp
Using the code
To use the extension, either just regsvr32 it, or Recompile and Register.
Points of Interest
There is a quirk still in here that sometimes the selected file doesn't highlight. (Anyone with any clues, assistance would be greatly appreciated)
- 08-02-2003 Correction for incorrect registry entry.
- 04-02-2003 Initial release.