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Using Assembler and SSE2/SSE3 instructions for drawing optimization

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29 Jul 2009CPOL10 min read 53.6K   1.2K   64   7
Introduce the algorithm and technique for pre-drawing process speed up.



Purpose of this article to prove that newest does not meat faster or better, and that Assembler is still quite useful for time critical code. Because user don't like to wait - drawing, and all operations related to data pre-drawing processing should be done with super sonic speed. But it is impossible to do anything with drawing itself, and it does not matter what you are using for drawing GDI, GDI+, Direct X or OpenGL. But it is possible to optimize pre-drawing data processing. What I mean saying pre-drawing processing? Pre-drawing processing includes next steps:

  • Affine transformation
  • Clipping
  • Draw points simplification

So let's see what can be used for operation listed above from standard .Net libraries.

  • For affine transformation best candidate is System::Drawing::Drawing2d::Matrix. But unfortunately it performs transformations too slow.
  • For clipping operations I found nothing. System::Drawing::Graphics have the ClipBounds property but if you try to draw some primitive with coordinates specified too far from visible area, it will crash.
  • For simplification there is also nothing provided in standard libraries.

As result all pre-drawing operations it is the developers head pain, and in this article I will try to show how to minimize this head pain.


Let's see next task, as input we have a curve represented by huge amount of points, let's say 1,000,000. And we need to perform this curve drawing interactively. So all operations responsible for preparing original curve for drawing should be done very quickly. This pre-drawing operations includes all three operations mentioned above in introduction paragraph. To solve this task, couple of approaches can be assumed.

Create you own class Matrix to perform affine transformations with high speed. Create functionality or class to perform clipping. Create functionality or class to perform points simplification. Of course this approach can be in line with OOP ideology and universal, and will solve speed problem for each step. But let's see disadvantages of this realization. Per each step memory allocation for result storing is required, of course result of current step will be used and input data for next step. So totally, in worst case this realization will perform at least three memory allocation operations, and in worst case run loop through all points three times, so total time complexity will be O(3n).

I want to introduce may be not very universal and object oriented approach but it does not have disadvantages of approach described above. Main idea is to perform all pre-drawing operations in one single loop, so per each loop iteration transformation, clipping and simplification operations are performed. Also key point is to performs memory reallocations as least as possible, and to access memory as least as possible. Of course dynamic memory allocation is good, but in other hand, it cause additional operation to look for proper size memory block to allocate. So than less memory (re)allocations in routine than better performance it can reach.

So let's see this approach in details. First class I want to introduce is managed <CODE>Transformer class responsible for memory allocation to store result of operations, and for interaction with unmanaged code. This class do not perform by itself any operations, and do not need any information about transformation matrix or about clipping area. This class can be easily extended or modified to fit your needs, or to be included into your project. Also because all data required for pre-drawing operations are parameters of function call, it gives the flexibility to end user of this class. Because you can use any matrix and any clip bounds structures or classes you prefer.

Second thing to be introduced is a set of unmanaged functions implemented in assembler language to perform affine transformations, clipping, result points simplification and output. Key points of implementation of this functions:

  • Do not perform any dynamic memory allocations.
  • Perform transformation, clipping and simplification in one loop. So time complexity of implemented algorithm is O(n).
  • Reduced count of memory access (far addressing in terms of assembler). This is quite important factor for execution speed, because register access is times faster than memory access. So per each iteration memory is accessed in worst case only 4 times.
    • Load current point to XMM register. Thanks to SSE2 instructions it is possible just through only one memory access.
    • Write result point, Here thanks to MMX instructions.
    • Increment counter of result points, because this value is located on the stack.
    • Discontinuity marker set. (Only if it is necessary).
  • Another aspect of minimizing memory access is that transformation matrix values and clip bounds are loaded to xmm registers only ones before main loop. This is quite important for execution time, because such kind of optimization can not be done by compiler, and allows to reduce memory access during loop iteration. If you write your code in C, C++ or C# or any other high level programming language such kind of optimization is impossible.
  • Usage of MMX/SSE2/SSE3 instructions allows, as mentioned above to cache data used per each iteration in mmx/xmm registers, and also to improve speed of calculations and calculations accuracy.

Now is a time to take a closer look at main actors of algorithm. In code samples below I will describe key points of implementation and reasons why it is done this way. So code below is part of TransfromClipReducePoints function and responsible for initialization.

;load transformation matrix to xmm0-xmm2 registers in a way:
; register     Low  | High
; xmm0         m00  | m10
; xmm1         m01  | m11
; xmm2         m20  | m21

movsd  xmm0,_m00
movhpd xmm0,_m10
movsd  xmm1, _m01
movhpd xmm1, _m11
movsd  xmm2, _m20
movhpd xmm2, _m21

;loading clipping bounds to xmm6, xmm7 registers in a way
; register     Low  | High
; xmm6         xMin | yMin
; xmm7         xMax | yMax

movsd   xmm6,   _xMin
movhpd  xmm6,   _yMin
movsd   xmm7,   _xMax
movhpd  xmm7,   _yMax
;discontinuity marker loading to mm7 register
mov eax, 80000000h
push eax
push eax
movq mm7, [esp]
add esp,8h
xor     eax, eax
push    eax            ;stack allocation for output points count.
xor ebx, ebx           ;initialization to store discontinuity flag.

Key points to be mentioned:

  • Way of transformation matrix loading.
    m00 m01
    m10 m11
    m20 m21
    Original matrix.
    xmm0 Low xmm0 High xmm1 Low xmm1 High xmm2 Low xmm2 High
    m00 m10 m01 m11 m20 m21

    How elements go to xmm registers.

    Matrix loading is done in this way to reduce amount of operations repeated per each point loading. Because data in input array are located x0,y0,x1,y1,...xn,yn it is possible to load to xmm register one point coordinates x,y per one memory access. And because matrix is loaded to xmm registers in the way mentioned above, it allows to load data as is, without additional recombination, for calculation.

  • Discontinuity marker is a defined value of outputted point coordinates to specify that curve goes out of clipping area. Value 80000000h corresponds to int::MinValue for managed code. Marker value is stored at mm7 register to be outputted per one memory access.

Next part of code performs affine transformation per each point.

;Function performs affine transformation of point located by ptr[esi]
;increments [esi] to point no next point
;calculated point is stored in xmm3 register, in a way Low - X, High-Y
TransformPoint PROC PRIVATE
        movupd  xmm3,   [esi]       ;xmm3 = x,y
        movapd xmm4,xmm3            ;xmm4 = x,y
        mulpd xmm3, xmm0         ;xmm3 = M00*X | M10*Y
        mulpd xmm4, xmm1         ;xmm4 = M01*X | M11*Y
        haddpd xmm3,xmm4         ;xmm3 = M00*X + M10*Y | M01X+M11Y
        addpd xmm3, xmm2         ;xmm3 = M00*X + M10*Y+ M20 | M01*X + M11*Y + M20
        add  esi, 10h            ;increment esi till next call of this function.
        ret 0
TransformPoint ENDP

Key points to be mentioned:

  • Function is using SSE2/SSE3 instructions to calculate both coordinates.

  • Implementation of this function is very essential to way how matrix elements are loaded.

  • In whole code, only this function performs input data reading, that's why it increments esi register (First memory access in algorithm). Result of this function is stored in xmm3register and is used in future.

  • Function works properly only with input data type of double and size of 8 bytes.

  • movupd instruction is used for data loading from memory because it is not guaranteed that data are aligned to 16 bytes. For .Net C++ project I have found this build option, but for C# projects, I did not.

Next functions FilterPoint and FilterPointDiscont performs range points filtering. Difference is only that FilterPoint function resets discontinuity flag and FilterPointDiscont function sets this flag. Reason why it is done this way is that through algorithm logic it is clear when discontinuity is necessary and when not, so to avoid unnecessary checks and reduce execution time almost same functionality was separated in two functions.


On the picture above blue and red squares represents result points to be outputted. As you can see per one result point there are couple of original points, so it is necessary to properly handle situations when discontinuity marker is necessary and when not. Most interesting is the topmost row, because discontinuity marker is not required even curve goes out of drawing area in one case (top-left square) , but required for another case (red square). So result will contains two separate curves to be drawn. Let's see how it is handled:

;Function performs points simplification by range. If rounded to int point
;is same as previous, point is ignored. Point is outputted to ptr [edi] 
;and increments edi register till next use.
;Function increments the counter of outputted points.
;Point to examine located in xmm4 register
;Function uses MMX registers mm1, and mm0 to perform rounding and to store
;previously added point values.
;Function set discontinuity flag.
FilterPointDiscont PROC PRIVATE
        shufpd xmm4,xmm4,1h    ;xmm4= Xt,Yt
        CVTPD2PI mm1,xmm4
        cmp dword ptr[esp+4h], 0h ;check for first point
        je __Add
        ;if not first point perform filtering
        movq mm2,mm0
        pcmpeqd mm2,mm1 ;if equal all bits of mm2 = 1b
        movq mm3,mm2
        PSRLQ mm3,20h
        pand mm2,mm3 
        ;if both coordinates are equal value will be FFFFFFFF, 
        ;if one of them are not equal value will be 0
        movd eax,mm2
        cmp eax,0h
        jne __Skip
        call OutputPoint
        mov ebx, 01b
        ret 0                   
FilterPointDiscont ENDP
;Function outputs result points.
;Input : mm1 contains point to be outputted.
         ebx contains discontinuity flag 1 set discontinuity marker 0 do not set
         edi register points to output buffer
         [esp+8] counter of outputted points
        test ebx,01b
        jz AddPoint
        movq [edi],mm7                          
        add edi,8h
        inc dword ptr[esp+8h]
        movq [edi],mm1
        add edi,8h
        movq mm0,mm1
        inc dword ptr[esp+8h]
        ret 0

OutputPoint ENDP

Points to be mentioned:

  • Function FilterPoint resets discontinuity flag, and listed above FilterPointDiscont sets discontinuity flag after points filtering are done, value of this flag will affect next point output.

  • Function OutputPoint checks ebx register used as discontinuity flag, and if flag is 1, outputs discontinuity marker before current point output.

And finally there is code of top function implementing algorithm.

;Main Function to perform transfromations
;Features: Performs in one loop Affine transformation, curve clipping,
;and drawing points simplification
;Iteraction with used functions is performed throght registers.
; _values -pointer to arrray of double values to be transformed, assume that values are located in maner
;          x0,y0,x1,y1,...,xn-1,yn-1,xn,yn
; _count - unsigned integer values of points in _values array (!) count of Points= count of pairs X,Y
;          but not the count of elements in _values array.
;_res - pointer to array of integers used as output buffer.
;_m00~_m21 - double numbers, representing elements of transformation matrix. 
;            Number - index of element(row,column)
;_xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax - double numbers representing clipping area.
;returns - count of points(!) after transformation.
;Because of curve clipping there possible cases then curve goes out of clipping area
;and than comes back and so on. To handle this cases,
;points of discontinuity are marked as 80000000h -32bit integer min value.
TransfromClipReducePoints PROC PUBLIC _values :DWORD, 
_count :DWORD,
_res :DWORD,
_m00 :QWORD,
_m01 :QWORD,
_m10 :QWORD,
_m11 :QWORD,
_m20 :QWORD,
_m21 :QWORD,
_xMin :QWORD, 
_yMin :QWORD,
_xMax :QWORD,
_yMax :QWORD

        push ebx
        push esi
        push edi

        ;load parameters to corrensponding registers
        mov esi, dword ptr[_values]      ;input data
        mov ecx, dword ptr[_count]       ;input points count
        mov edi, dword ptr[_res]         ;destination pointer

        ;load transformation matrix to xmm0-xmm2 registers in a way:
        ; register     Low  | High
        ; xmm0         m00  | m10
        ; xmm1         m01  | m11
        ; xmm2         m20  | m21

        movsd  xmm0,_m00
        movhpd xmm0,_m10
        movsd  xmm1, _m01
        movhpd xmm1, _m11
        movsd  xmm2, _m20
        movhpd xmm2, _m21           

        ;loading clipping bounds to xmm6, xmm7 registers in a way
        ; register     Low  | High
        ; xmm6         xMin | yMin
        ; xmm7         xMax | yMax

        movsd   xmm6,   _xMin
        movhpd  xmm6,   _yMin
        movsd   xmm7,   _xMax
        movhpd  xmm7,   _yMax
        ;discontinuity marker loading to mm7 register
        mov eax, 80000000h
        push eax
        push eax
        movq mm7, [esp]
        add esp,8h	                                    
        xor     eax, eax 
        push    eax            ;stack allocation for ouput points count.
        xor ebx, ebx           ;initialization to store discontinuity flag.
        call TransformPoint
        				        ;calculating clipping bit code for calculated point and return value in [al] register.
        call CalculateBitCode
        				        ;in this function during calculations xmm3 contains current point, and xmm5 previos point.
                                ;Store calculated values as previous point
        movapd  xmm5,   xmm3
                                ;registers dl,dh are used to store clip bit codes
                                ; dh - for point located in xmm5 (previos point)
                                ; dl - for point located in xmm3 (current point)
        mov dh,al
        dec ecx                 ;because firs point is already processed
        call TransformPoint
        call CalculateBitCode
        mov dl,al               ;dl - set dl to current point clip code

                                ;Clipping. Check for two trivial cases
                                ;1st trivial case: both points are outside and almoust on same side 
                                ;(same bit is on for both points)

        test dl,dh              ;test operation performs bitwise AND operation,
                                ;so if same bit in both operators is set result will be not 0(zero)

        jnz Continue
                                ;put previous point to xmm4, as is Y,X
        movapd xmm4,xmm5        ;because AddPoint use as input xmm4
                                ;2nd trivial case, both points are inside the clipping area
        mov al,dh
        or al,dl
        jnz ClipPrevPoint
        ;mov al,0h
        call FilterPoint
        jmp Continue
        cmp dh,0h
        jnz ClipPrev
        ;mov al,0h
        call FilterPoint
        jmp ClipCurrentPoint
        mov al,dh
        call CalcClip           ;uses eax, xmm3,xmm5 result stored in xmm4
        ;mov al,0h
        call FilterPoint
        movapd xmm4,xmm3 
        cmp dl,0h
        jz Continue
        mov al,dl
        call CalcClip
        ;mov al,1h
        call FilterPointDiscont
        movapd xmm5,xmm3        ;Store current point to previous
        mov dh,dl               ;Store current point clip code to previous
        loop StartMainLoop
        pop eax                 ;pop return value
        emms                    ;clear MMX state.
        pop edi
        pop esi
        pop ebx
        ret 5ch
TransfromClipReducePoints ENDP

As you can see implementation is quite linear, and as you can test code provided performs required operations with really super sonic speed. But of course, everything can not be so sweet. The code provided have some restrictions:

  • For correct work it is necessary to implement class representing point in 2D. As provided PointD class. Important is that it is assumed that class contains only 2 member variables type of double. And order of variables is X,Y.
  • Because even in sample code PointD class is a managed class, it is necessary to provide functionality to get effective address of instance.
  • For your needs you can inherit provided class PointD to extend its functionality, or create your own class, but do not add member variables,because it will cause instance size change,as result data corruption.

Using the Code

Even main code is done in assembler language, functionality is easy accessible from managed code. And can be also used not only by Windows Forms applications but also by ASP. Net applications to. Code below demonstrates the implementation of Tranformer::TransformDblToInt function. Of course you can create your own but you need to follow next requirements for correct work:

  • Unmanaged code receive as input array type of double, and it is assumed that values in array represents 2d points coordinates like: x0,y0,x1,y1 and so on.
  • It is necessary to provide enough size output buffer.
  • Result of unmanaged code is array of int and values are stored like, x0,y0,x1,y1 an so on.
  • Because of clipping and possible discontinuity, result contains markers of discontinuity, values xi and yi are set to int::MinValue (80000000h).

For more details please see source code.

//Function performs points transformation, clipping and simplification
//Function returns the list of System::Drawing::Point arrays.
    List<array<Point>^>^ Transformer::TransformDblToInt(
                    array<PointD>^ dPoints, //input points
                            double m00,//matrix elements
                            double m10,
                            double m20,
                            double m01,
                            double m11,
                            double m21,
                            double dXMin,//clipping area.
                            double dYMin,
                            double dXMax,
                            double dYMax)
            //Compare is there enough space in transformation buffer
            // multiply 4 because in worst case count of clipped point can be twice more
            //than original points, also each point contains 2(two) coordinates(x,y)
            if (piConvertBuffer->Length < dPoints->Length*4)
                    piConvertBuffer = gcnew array<int>(dPoints->Length*4);
            //getting pointers to points array to send to unmanaged code
            // result array of integers
            pin_ptr<int> piRes = &pi;ConvertBuffer[0];
            // input array of PointD.
            pin_ptr<double> piInput = dPoints[0].GetEffectiveAddress();
            //call of unmanaged function.
            int iTotal= ::TransfromClipReducePoints(piInput,dPoints->Length, piRes,
              //Packing result to send back to call function.
            List<array<Point>^>^ oRes =gcnew List<array<Point>^>();
            List<Point> oTemp = gcnew List<Point>();
            //loop throught all returned points
            for (int i=0;i< iTotal; i++)
                //check for discontinuity marker.
                    if((int::MinValue == piConvertBuffer[i+i])&&(int::MinValue == piConvertBuffer[i+i+1]))
                            if ( 0 != oTemp.Count )
            //check and add last points to result array
            if ( 0 != oTemp.Count )
            if (0 == oRes->Count)
                    oRes = nullptr;
                    return nullptr;
            return oRes;

Points of Interest

Main point of this article is to demonstrate that standard libraries are still not perfect and that developers should always think about optimization. Also i tried to show that if you want to use full power of your CPU, even now only Assembly can help you. Briefly next aspects are covered in code provided:

  • Usage SSE2/SSE3 and MMX instructions.
  • Interaction between managed and unmanaged code
  • Assembler files compilation using VS. Net (not inline assembler, but pure *.asm files)


In demo program only time spend for pre-drawing processing is counted. No drawing, no clipping and no points reduction performed after transformation done by System::Drawing::Drawing2d::Matrix::TransformPoints method because it is not the matter of this article. Drawing performed only for result of ::TransfromClipReducePoints function.

Demo program generates y=cos(x) curve with random noise by y axis.

It is better to perform Douglas Pecker simplification algorithm on result returned by ::TransfromClipReducePoints function, but this is up to you. This algorithm was not used in my code because this algorithm is not linear, and may get quite deep recursion if curve points have a big noise.

Demo program does not perform CPUID check for SSE3 instructions support, so please make sure that your CPU supports SSE3 instructions. Simply your CPU must be P4 or above. For AMD CPUs - CPUs of same age as P4 do not supports SSE3 instructions.

Resources used


Ver 1.0 from 28-Jul-2009


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer Citrix Japan R&D
Japan Japan
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Comments and Discussions

GeneralGreat Job! [modified] Pin
mikkojay3-Nov-09 12:22
mikkojay3-Nov-09 12:22 
GeneralRe: Great Job! Pin
SergStrashko4-Nov-09 1:15
SergStrashko4-Nov-09 1:15 
GeneralThe power of removing abstraction Pin
John B Oliver5-Aug-09 1:39
John B Oliver5-Aug-09 1:39 
GeneralVery nice article. Pin
pvandijk284-Aug-09 4:28
professionalpvandijk284-Aug-09 4:28 
GeneralRe: Very nice article. Pin
SergStrashko6-Aug-09 18:34
SergStrashko6-Aug-09 18:34 Pin
Chesnokov Yuriy31-Jul-09 1:46
professionalChesnokov Yuriy31-Jul-09 1:46 
GeneralBrilliant! Pin
xliqz27-Jul-09 6:50
xliqz27-Jul-09 6:50 

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