Well over a year ago, when I was still pretty new to .NET and programming in
general, I witnessed a lecture by Bart de Smet titled "Behind the Scenes of
10 C# Language Features". I was unfamiliar with most features, I was unfamiliar
with C# (I'm a VB programmer by trade), I never even heard of Intermediate Language
(which was abundant!) and even for seasoned C# veterans this lecture was tough.
Needless to say I had a great time! Even though I hardly got anything Bart said
that day it did inspire me. It inspired me to look beyond the code I was writing
and it inspired me to write this article. And when I looked back at the lecture
on Channel9 just last week I understood what Bart was saying.
So what IS necessary to understand this article? For starters a bit of persistency
and good will. This article is BIG and I realize that. On top of that the topics
discussed in this article are not easy, but I'll make sure you'll get there. A little
understanding of Intermediate Language comes in handy. If you never heard of Intermediate
Language (or IL) or you do know it and think it is really very scary (which I would
totally understand), don't turn away yet, I'll explain about it in a bit. Furthermore
we'll see some .NET constructs you may or may not yet be familiar with, such as
Auto-Properties, Anonymous Types, Lambda Expressions and Iterator Methods. Again,
don't sweat it. It sounds harder than it is.
I would advice you to not read this article all at once. Take a break every now
and then, put it in your bookmarks and read on tomorrow evening. Let the new found
knowledge settle into your brain before continuing. I wish you lots of pleasure
reading this. So are we ready? Let's go!
Before we look at an example of IL let me tell you why you would want to learn
IL. First of all, learning a new language can be good fun and any new language you
learn will make a consecutive language easier to learn. Second, IL is not like any
higher level language such as VB or C#. Learning how things are handled in other
languages makes you think on how you code in your own language. Whether you use
this new found knowledge or not is up to you. At least you know the alternatives.
Another good reason to learn IL specifically is because it gives you a better understanding
of how .NET works under the hood. Whether you value such knowledge or not is up
to you, but at least you can brag about it to your collegues. A more practical reason
to learn IL is because you can write, compile and execute your own IL at runtime
Reflection.Emit. Doing this might be useful because using IL you can use language
constructs that are not available in VB or C#. As a bonus Reflection.Emit
is faster than any other dynamic code generation you will find. We will see an example
of this at the end of this article. I hear you think you never needed this before,
why will you need this now? The truth is that you probably won't, but it is good
to know the options are open to you.
So you must now be eager to see some IL! Let's first look at a simple Hello World
example (yes, really). Open up Visual Studio and create a new Console Application,
either in VB or C#. Paste the following code into the (parameterless) Main
Whether you can see it or not, but IL was emitted when you built this. You can
look at the IL of an assembly by using
Intermediate Language Disassembler or IL DASM for short. It is included in the
Microsoft SDK's, if you have Visual Studio 2010 installed you should have no trouble
finding it (you can simply use the 'Find' tool to search for ILDASM). In case you
can't find it, you can download an older version of ILDASM
right here. So let's start it up and you should get a window looking something
like this:
Now try opening the Console Application you just created. Go to File -> Open
and select the ConsoleApplication (make sure you saved and built your project).
It should be available in the bin\debug folder. You should now get a tree view
containing Namespaces, Classes, and Methods.
You can double-click on any Method to see it's IL. Whether you have created your
Console Application in VB or C# does not matter. The IL will be mostly the same. The
part of the IL we will be looking at is the following part, which should be the
same for VB and C#.
Yikes! Now that is pretty scary code! No, it isn't. We will look at it one line
at a time. But before we do there is something you should know about IL. IL is a
stack-based language. That means variables can only be pushed up on a stack (just
literally think of it as a stack of values) and must be 'consumed' in the order
they were pushed on the stack. So let's look at the code sample. In the first line
we see .locals init ([0] string s)
. Does this even need explanation?
This is simply the IL declaration of the string s
we declared
in our program. The next line says nop
which is a pretty accurate description
of what it does, nop. We will ignore any nop
opcodes we'll run
across. Did I say opcodes? Yes I did, because what we see here is an
opcode, an
OPeration CODE, that tells the machine what to do. basically everything you
see in IL is an opcode, so it's a lot less scary than it sounds. Let's continue
with the next line of code. This is where it gets interesting!
in local variable 0 (basically it stores the first item on the stack, which is the
into the local variable 0). So what is local
variable 0? Take a look at the first line again,
. There is your answer, the
Was that so hard? I don't think so. There are more opcodes you will see in this
article, but you have seen the basics of IL, a stack-based language.
So now that you have seen a simple Hello World program let's look at some more
interesting IL. Actually, let's look at some IL you may not have expected from looking
at your code. Open one of the sample applications that can be downloaded at the
top of this artible. Either UnderTheHoodVB
or UnderTheHoodCSharp
will do. You should leave TheCuriousCaseOfFSharp
alone for now. Once
you open the solution you will see two projects. One project contains some
Windows Forms and the other contains some
Classes that are or aren't used by the
WinForms in the other project. The truth is that we are not going to run some
of the code, it just sits there for theoretical analysis. The code that we will
be running is mostly to show the code really does what I say it does. You might
as well run ILDASM and open either the UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.dll
or UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.dll
since that is what we will be looking
at mostly. The dll's can be found in the bin\debug folder of their respective project
folders. So, are you set? Let's look at our first IL example!
A question I have seen in the QA section of CP quite often is "What is the
difference between a Public field and a Property?" or "Why would I use
a Property instead of get and set functions?". Let's look at the first question
first. In your solution open up the
folder). You will find the following code:
After the Hello World example you should actually be able to read this pretty
well. We see some new opcodes such as newobj
, which is pretty self-explanatory.
ldc.i4.s 42
might need some explanation.
Ldc.i4 pushes a supplied Int32
on the stack. The
.s means it treats the supplied value as an Int16
rather than an
, which may be right since 42 fits an Int16
as well. What about the
callvirt opcode? This is used to call
overridable functions in a polymorphic manner. That is, callvirt
will call the function on a superclass rather than a base class even if the design
time type of an object is of its baseclass (but a superclass is provided). Sounds
difficult? Don't worry about it. In this context just assume callvirt
does the same as call
. So what do we see in the IL above? No such thing
as a Property
is called, they are all get and set methods! So why would
we still use Properties
? For starters they provide an intuitive API
when coding. Instead of looking for the correct function to get or set some value
we simply use one Property
to get or set the same value. Why not use
a Public field
? Well, I hope that's pretty obvious. Properties
through get and set methods, provide
encapsulation and allow you to write extra code when a Properties
value is get or set.
The first thing you should see is the extra local variable that is
initialized. It has some weird name (by which you can see I'm using the VB generated
IL) that is not valid in regular VB or C# code. What we then see is that a new
is created, but it is not assigned to Person p
but to the extra, weird variable. From then on everything is pretty normal,
all the Properties
are set on the extra, variable. After that, on IL_0028,
the weird variable is assigned to our own variable p
. If you are looking
at the C# generated IL you will see exactly the same, except that the extra variable
has a different name. See how the compiler is playing tricks on us again?
Let's look at another, pretty easy example before we start off with the more
difficult stuff.
These methods look pretty straightforward and it's probably not something you
haven't done a million times before. The IL code that is generated is slightly different
for C# and VB. So let's look at the IL code for VB. Have a look at the IL of
C# at your own leisure.
Wow! That is a lot of IL for such a short piece of code! I have pasted the
entire IL code in here, because there are two input arguments. You see no less
than two extra local variables that are created by the compiler. An
IEnumerator and a Boolean
in IL and
C#). Also, we see a
Try Finally Block that I really didn't put there in my code. As you can
see the first thing that is done is that a call is made to the
GetEnumerator method on the <code>IEnumerable
is pushed on the stack by
ldarg.0 (or 'load argument 0', where argument means a parameter that was
passed to the method). We then see a weird opcode,
br.s. Whenever you see an opcode that starts with br
usually means BRanch. It is followed by an address such as IL_0025. Br_s
means that the code will continue executing on the specified address (a jump
or GoTo if you will). So if we follow this path we will see that a call to
MoveNext is made on the Enumerator
. The result, a
in C#) is stored at local variable 2. We
should now be able to guess what
brtrue.s means. BRanch if TRUE to the specified address. We seek out
the address IL_000b and end up right where we were. A call to
get_Current (a Property
!) is made. We are going to ignore
the next line, it boxes the Object
. VB generated IL differs from
C# generated IL on this point. C# never makes the call to
GetObjectValue. Next we are going to call Invoke
on the
delegate we passed to the method (the Object
from the
call to get_Current
is on the stack and passed to the Invoke
method. MoveNext
is called again and the loop starts again. If
returns false
we move to the
. Here the
is checked for type
IDisposable. The
isinst opcode casts an Object to a specified type. If the
Dispose is called (to cleanup resources) and the method is finished executing.
Now that we have stepped through the IL line by line we should actually be
able to translate that IL back into VB or C#! That is exactly what I have done.
Take a look at the following code and also notice the slight difference between
VB and C#.
Public Shared Sub ForEachRewritten(ByVal l As IEnumerable, ByVal handler As Action(Of Object))
Dim e As IEnumerator
Dim obj As Object
e = l.GetEnumerator
Do While e.MoveNext
obj = e.Current
If TryCast(e, IDisposable) IsNot Nothing Then
DirectCast(e, IDisposable).Dispose()
End If
End Try
End Sub
public static void ForEachRewritten(IEnumerable l, Action<object> handler)
IEnumerator e = l.GetEnumerator();
object obj;
while (e.MoveNext())
obj = e.Current;
IDisposable disposable = e as IDisposable;
if (disposable != null)
Now compare the IL that was generated by function ForEach
by function ForEachRewritten
, they are exactly the same! That's
pretty neat, isn't it? There is quite some stuff going on that you didn't know
about! Who would have thunk it?
I have done the same for GenericForEach
and GenericForEachRewritten
(which use an
IEnumerable(Of T)) (IEnumerable<T>
in C#). You may explore
their respective IL at your own leisure. You can check if the different functions
really have the same output by starting the application and clicking the 'For
each'-button. You now get a Form
with four buttons which each execute
one of the ForEach
functions and print their output to the
Further reading:
Chapter 9 of the book Expert C# 5.0
4.4. The
case of Lambda Expressions
An easy level example
Now you should have gotten the hang of it. Let's look at another example of
how IL generates something pretty different than what you had typed. Lambda
Expressions (a sort of anonymous function+) are a great example of what the
compiler can do! Open up the LambdaExamples
folder in the solution
and look for the EasyLambdaButtonFactory
. What we are going to
do is create a set of
Buttons and assign a lambda expression to the
Button.Click Event. Take a look at the following code.
Public Function GenerateButtons() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Windows.Forms.Button) Implements IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons
Dim list As New List(Of Button)
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim btn As New Button
btn.Text = "1"
AddHandler btn.Click,
Sub(sender, e)
Dim senderBtn As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
senderBtn.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(senderBtn.Text) + 1).ToString
End Sub
Return list
End Function
IEnumerable<System.Windows.Forms.Button> IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons()
List<Button> list = new List<Button>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = "1";
btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
Button senderBtn = sender as Button;
senderBtn.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(senderBtn.Text) + 1).ToString();
return list;
So what do we see here? In a loop we create ten Buttons
. We
assign the string
value of "1"
to each
Buttons Text Property
. Whenever the Button
is clicked
we cast the sender
to a Button
, convert the
Buttons Text Property
to an
, add 1 to it and assign
the new value to the
Buttons Text Property
. The result should be
that each time you click a
is incremented
by one. You can see this for yourself on the
Easy lambda form
starting the application.
Let's look at the IL again. Actually we can see some weird stuff has happened
just by looking at the
in ILDASM. It got an extra method
that we did not implement!

Now where did that extra
Shared (
in C#) function come from? That is our lambda expression! Just look at the IL
of that thing.
.method private specialname static void _Lambda$__4(object sender,
class [mscorlib]System.EventArgs e) cil managed
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
.maxstack 3
.locals init ([0] class [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.Button senderBtn,
[1] int32 VB$t_i4$S0)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldarg.0
IL_0002: castclass [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.Button
IL_0007: stloc.0
IL_0008: ldloc.0
IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: callvirt instance string [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase::get_Text()
IL_000f: call int32 [mscorlib]System.Convert::ToInt32(string)
IL_0014: ldc.i4.1
IL_0015: add.ovf
IL_0016: stloc.1
IL_0017: ldloca.s VB$t_i4$S0
IL_0019: call instance string [mscorlib]System.Int32::ToString()
IL_001e: callvirt instance void [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase::set_Text(string)
IL_0023: nop
IL_0024: nop
IL_0025: ret
It gets the argument Object sender
, it casts the
to a
, Gets the
and converts it to an
, adds one to it
(using the
add_ovf opcode) and assigns it to the
Text Property
of the
. That can't be a coincidence!
So how is this thing called in the function we DID implement?
Well, here you have it.
IL_001d: ldftn void UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.LambdaExamples.EasyLambdaButtonFactory::_Lambda$__4(object,
class [mscorlib]System.EventArgs)
IL_0023: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.EventHandler::.ctor(object,
native int)
IL_0028: callvirt instance void [System.Windows.Forms]System.Windows.Forms.Control::add_Click(class [mscorlib]System.EventHandler)
A pointer to the generated function is pushed up the stack (using the
ldftn opcode). A new instance of an
EventHandler delegate is created and a the pointer is passed to the constructor. The
is added to the list of listeners for the
Click Event
. We might as well had coded our own
in C#) function and used
AddressOf (+= operator in C#).
So why don't we? Well, first of all it is not very readable to have a lot of
Shared functions
sitting around in our
are used in just one place, second because we can do very nifty stuff using
lambda expressions, as we will see in the next example.
By the way, you might have noticed that the C# compiler also created a field
called something like CachedAnonymousDelegate
. Want to know what's
up with that? This is a little performance issue. In order to prevent creating
multiple delegates the C# compiler creates one, stores it and re-uses it instead
of creating a new delegate every time.
4.4.2. A medium level example
So it is time to open up the MediumLambdaButtonFactory
. This lambda
is just slightly different from the first one. Let's see.
AddHandler btn.Click,
Sub(sender, e)
btn.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(btn.Text) + 1).ToString
End Sub
btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
btn.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(btn.Text) + 1).ToString();
What is the trick? We have used the btn
variable in the handler,
even though is outside the scope of the lambda expression (had we created a
Shared function
we would not have access to the btn
variable)! So let's check ILDASM again.
Holy cow! The compiler created an entire new type called _Closure$__5
What's that? It holds the Button
that was outside the scope of
the function as a field and has a function called _Lambda$__9
I don't think it's necessary to take a look at the IL of that _Lambda$__9
function. It simply does what the previous lambda example did, except this time
it doesn't cast the sender to a Button
, instead it uses the
field. What is interesting is to look at the IL of GenerateButtons
Unfortunately I can't post it here since the emitted lines of opcode become
to wide for the average monitor. However, what we see in the IL is that a new
instance of _Closure$__5
is created and that the Button
is assigned to _Closure$__5.$VB$Local_btn
. To assign the function
to the Button.Click Event
the same code is emitted as in the example
above, except the delegate
now takes a pointer to _Closure$__5._Lambda$__9
So why did the compiler create an inner type for this function? As I said, the
variable is out of the functions scope. In this case the
variable would actually go out of scope as soon as the next
For Loop
starts, but the function that is created by our lambda
expression stays alive for as long as the Button
that the
variable points to does or until the
Click Handler
removed. So the compiler must find a way to keep that
alive for as long as the
is alive. It does this by wrapping
variable in a new
and keeping a reference
to that an instance of that
through the
. So while this example does the exact same as the previous example
(you can check it in the
medium lambda form
) the emitted IL is
quite a bit different!
A hard level example
You might have guessed, but what happens if variables from multiple scopes
are used in the same lambda expression? The compiler actually creates an inner
type for each level of scope! So let's look at the next example, in which we
are going to introduce a counter outside the
For Loop that is shared among all Button Click Events
Public Function GenerateButtons() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Windows.Forms.Button) Implements IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons
Dim list As New List(Of Button)
Dim counter As Integer = 1
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim btn As New Button
btn.Text = counter.ToString
AddHandler btn.Click,
Sub(sender, e)
counter += 1
btn.Text = counter.ToString
End Sub
Return list
End Function
IEnumerable<System.Windows.Forms.Button> IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons()
List<Button> list = new List<Button>();
int counter = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = counter.ToString();
btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
btn.Text = counter.ToString();
return list;
So what we see here is that the btn
variable is still within
the scope of the For Loop
, but the counter
is outside
the scope of the For Loop
and thus shared by all Buttons
This means that if you would click one button it's Text
would change
to "2" and if you would then click another button it's Text
would change to "3" (because the first button already incremented
the counter
). You can see this effect in the
hard lambda
Once again we will take a look at ILDASM to see what was created for us by the
That's a type inside a type inside a type that was created for you... The most
inner type (
) holds a reference to it's outer type
). Why is that? Well, the lambda needs a reference
to a
variable, which is unique for each
Event Handler
and a reference to the
variable, which is shared between
Event Handlers
. So each
Click EventHandler
will have a reference to a unique instance of
will all hold a reference to the same instance of
which holds the
variable. If you would look at ILDASM with
the C# project you would see that there is no inner-inner type, just two inner
types. Besides that small difference all else still holds true for C#. Once
again I won't show any IL code, because it wouldn't fit the page. You can look
at it yourself. It's quite a bit, but don't be discouraged! Simply read it line
by line and you will get it. We will look at the VB and C# equivalents in a
minute, if it isn't clear to you now it will be in the next example.
4.4.4. An insane level example
Don't let that title scare you off. The only thing that makes this example slightly
more difficult from the previous one is that a new level of scope was added
to the lambda. I have created an additional counter called _outerCounter
as a field in the InsaneLambdaButtonFactory
Private _outerCounter As Integer = 1
Public Function GenerateButtons() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Windows.Forms.Button) Implements IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons
Dim list As New List(Of Button)
Dim counter As Integer = 1
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim btn As New Button
btn.Text = _outerCounter.ToString + " - " + counter.ToString
AddHandler btn.Click,
Sub(sender, e)
counter += 1
If counter Mod 10 = 0 Then
_outerCounter += 1
End If
btn.Text = _outerCounter.ToString + " - " + counter.ToString
End Sub
Return list
End Function
private int _outerCounter = 1;
IEnumerable<System.Windows.Forms.Button> IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons()
List<Button> list = new List<Button>();
int counter = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = _outerCounter.ToString() + " - " + counter.ToString();
btn.Click += (sender, e) =>
if (counter % 10 == 0)
btn.Text = _outerCounter.ToString() + " - " + counter.ToString();
return list;
So as you see the _outerCounter
variable is used inside the
lambda and is shared by all Buttons
(much like the counter
variable). There is a difference though. _outerCounter
might be
changed by something other than a button click. So another scope another inner
type? Nope! In this case the first inner type holds a reference to an instance
of the object that created it.
Pretty smart, eh? The function in _Closure$__4
now has access to
the instance of the ButtonFactory
that created it through the reference
to _Closure$__3
. This way the ButtonFactory
and the
lambda function both look at the same _outerCounter
. The
is incremented by one if the
is shared by just the
is incremented ten times. If you
want to see how it works go ahead and open up the
insane lambda form
and click twenty times on whichever buttons you want.
So that is pretty neat, but wouldn't it be clearer if you could see some
of this in VB or C#? Well, it's your lucky day! I have studied the IL for the
insane lambda example and made a Class
that creates the exact same
IL (save for some name changes). Go take a look at InsaneLambdaButtonFactoryRewritten
and compare the emitted IL to that of the InsaneLambdaButtonFactory
Also compare the VB variant to the C# variant to spot some minor differences.
Public Class InsaneLambdaButtonFactoryRewritten
Implements IButtonFactory
Private outerCounter As Integer = 1
Public Function GenerateButtons() As _
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Windows.Forms.Button) _
Implements IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons
Dim iLambda As New InnerLambda
iLambda.Field_Me = Me
Dim list As New List(Of Button)
Dim iILambda As InnerLambda.InnerInnerLambda
iLambda.Local_counter = 1
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
iILambda = New InnerLambda.InnerInnerLambda(iILambda)
iILambda.NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda = iLambda
iILambda.Local_btn = New Button
iILambda.Local_btn.Text = outerCounter.ToString + " - " + iLambda.Local_counter.ToString
AddHandler iILambda.Local_btn.Click, AddressOf iILambda.EventHandler
Return list
End Function
Public Class InnerLambda
Public Local_counter As Integer
Public Field_Me As InsaneLambdaButtonFactoryRewritten
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal innerLambda As InnerLambda)
If Not innerLambda Is Nothing Then
Field_Me = innerLambda.Field_Me
Local_counter = innerLambda.Local_counter
End If
End Sub
Public Class InnerInnerLambda
Public Local_btn As Windows.Forms.Button
Public NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda As InnerLambda
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal innerInnerLambda As InnerInnerLambda)
If Not innerInnerLambda Is Nothing Then
Local_btn = innerInnerLambda.Local_btn
End If
End Sub
Public Sub EventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Local_counter = NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Local_counter + 1
If NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Local_counter Mod 10 = 0 Then
NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Field_Me.outerCounter = _
NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Field_Me.outerCounter + 1
End If
Local_btn.Text = NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Field_Me.outerCounter.ToString + _
" - " + NonLocal_Inner_InnerLambda.Local_counter.ToString
End Sub
End Class
End Class
End Class
public class InsaneLambdaFactoryRewritten : IButtonFactory
private int _outerCounter = 1;
IEnumerable<System.Windows.Forms.Button> IButtonFactory.GenerateButtons()
InnerClass1 lambda1 = new InnerClass1();
lambda1.field_this = this;
List<Button> list = new List<Button>();
lambda1.counter = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
InnerClass2 lambda2 = new InnerClass2();
lambda2.locals = lambda1;
lambda2.btn = new Button();
lambda2.btn.Text = _outerCounter.ToString() + " - " + lambda1.counter.ToString();
lambda2.btn.Click += lambda2.EventHandler;
return list;
class InnerLambda1
public int counter;
public InsaneLambdaFactoryRewritten field_this;
class InnerLambda2
public InnerClass1 locals;
public Button btn;
public void EventHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (locals.counter % 10 == 0)
btn.Text = locals.field_this._outerCounter.ToString() + " - " + locals.counter.ToString();
As you can see there is not a sight of a lambda expression. You should be
able to debug this code and see what it does. The lambda part was moved to the
function in the InnerInnerLambda
C#). This also holds the btn
variable and a reference to
in C#). The
takes care of the
variable and holds a reference to the
for the
. All of the variables
are set in the original function that creates the buttons. In fact you can see
all variables have been removed from this function and are replaced by
You can check that the InsaneLambdaButtonFactoryRewritten
does the same as the InsaneLambdaButtonFactory
by running the application
and opening the insane lambda rewritten Form
You can also experiment with this yourself, try nesting even further using
nested For Each loops
and If Then Else Statements
You now know how it works!
Further reading:
Lambda Expressions (Visual Basic) on MSDN
Anonymous functions (C# Programming Guide) on MSDN
Chapter 4 of the book Expert C# 5.0 (also explains "Extension Methods"!)
A couple of blogs on the subject:
Methods, Part 1 of ?
Anonymous methods as event handlers - Part 1
The implementation of anonymous methods in C# and its consequences (part 1)
I now encourage you to take a look at the lecture of Bart de Smet. He also
takes a look at lambda expressions and additionally explains how they could
cause memory leaks if you are not careful. It is actually the first topic he
talks about so you can just start the video, sit back and relax.
Bart de Smet - Behind the Scenes of 10 C# Language Features
4.5. The case of Anonymous Types
Let's move on to the next VB and C# construct I have prepared for you, anonymous
types. You can find the examples in the AnonymousTypeExamples
in your solution. What we are going to do is create a collection of Person
objects and select a sub-set of Properties
, which will create a
so-called anonymous type. So let's look at the first example. Look at either
the FormalNamePeopleFactory
or the NickNamePeopleFactory
It does not matter at which we'll look first, so I'll go with the FormalNamePeopleFactory
Here is the code for it.
Public Function GeneratePeople() As System.Collections.IList Implements IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople
Return PeopleHelper.GetPeople.Select(Function(p) New With {.FullName = p.LastName + ", " + p.FirstName, .Age = p.Age}).ToList
End Function
System.Collections.IList IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople()
return PeopleHelper.GetPeople().Select(p => new { FullName = p.LastName + ", " + p.FirstName, Age = p.Age }).ToList();
That's not a lot of code, but a lot is going on that you don't know about
(but will know about in a few moments). First, let's see what this code actually
does. PeopleHelper.GetPeople
simply creates a collection of
objects. We then call the
Select function, which is an
Extension Method on IEnumerable(Of T)
in C#). You can see we are creating a new Object
because both the
VB and C# example have the New Keyword
. However, instead of defining
a Type
, such as New Person
, we are using that
With Keyword
again (see the earlier With example
this article). We then define a set of non-existant Properties
and assign a value to them.
Let's look at the IL that was generated for this function.
.method private specialname static class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32>
_Lambda$__2(class UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person p) cil managed
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
.maxstack 3
.locals init ([0] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32> _Lambda$__2,
[1] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32> VB$t_ref$S0)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: callvirt instance string UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_LastName()
IL_0006: ldstr ", "
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: callvirt instance string UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_FirstName()
IL_0011: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Concat(string,
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: callvirt instance int32 UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_Age()
IL_001c: newobj instance void class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32>::.ctor(!0,
IL_0021: stloc.0
IL_0022: br.s IL_0024
IL_0024: ldloc.0
IL_0025: ret
Of course we have used a lambda expression, so we should look at the IL in
the generated _Lambda$__2
function. As you can see this is
a function that returns a VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string, int32>
in the most upper line). We see that the fullname is pushed up the stack,
, ", "
and p.FirstName
and are concatenated. Then the concatenated FullName
are pushed on the stack and a new instance of an
T1, T2)
AnonymousType<T1, T2>
in C#) is created where
is a
FullName Property
is an
Age Property
So where did this
AnonymousType(Of T1, T2)
come from and why is
When you check ILDASM you can actually see the
in the
Global Namespace
So the compiler actually creates a new type for you (making the anonymous
type a lot less anonymous under the hood). So that explains where the
came from, but not why it is
or why
it is sitting in the
Global Namespace
and not just right next to
the function where it is used (perhaps even as another inner type).
That second part can be explained by looking at the other example,
So let's look at the code.
Public Function GeneratePeople() As System.Collections.IList Implements IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople
Return PeopleHelper.GetPeople.Select(Function(p) New With {.FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName, .Age = p.Age}).ToList
End Function
System.Collections.IList IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople()
return PeopleHelper.GetPeople().Select(p => new { FullName = p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName, Age = p.Age }).ToList();
As you can see this function does almost exactly the same, except the
FullName Property
is formatted slightly different. Since this is
another function in another Class
you would expect the compiler
to simply create another anonymous type (after all, it does that for lambda's
too). This is not the case however, when we look at the IL code of this function
we can see the following.
.locals init ([0] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32> _Lambda$__3,
[1] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32> VB$t_ref$S0)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: callvirt instance string UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_FirstName()
IL_0006: ldstr " "
IL_000b: ldarg.0
IL_000c: callvirt instance string UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_LastName()
IL_0011: call string [mscorlib]System.String::Concat(string,
IL_0016: ldarg.0
IL_0017: callvirt instance int32 UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_Age()
IL_001c: newobj instance void class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<string,int32>::.ctor(!0,
IL_0021: stloc.0
IL_0022: br.s IL_0024
IL_0024: ldloc.0
IL_0025: ret
It looks much like the IL that the previous method generated, although we
can see a difference in the formatting of the FullName Property
But that's really the only difference we see! The same anonymous type is used
for this function! Now what if this anonymous type was used in a
Inner Class
and the anonymous type would have been another subtype of
Private Class
? Then obviously the
would not have access to it anymore and a new
have to be generated. Appearently it takes longer for the compiler to generate
a new
than to reuse an already existing one.
So why, then, is it Generic
? Because the AnonymousType
in the Global Namespace
it does not have access to any
, but because the
it never actually references any
Private Types
and as
such it could be reused with any
Type you could possibly think of. Let's look at the
Public Function GeneratePeople() As System.Collections.IList Implements IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople
Return PeopleHelper.GetPeople.Select(Function(p) New With {.FullName = p.Age, .Age = p.FirstName}).ToList
End Function
System.Collections.IList IPeopleFactory.GeneratePeople()
return PeopleHelper.GetPeople().Select(p => new { FullName = p.Age, Age = p.FirstName }).ToList();
As you can see some nitwit programmer (in this case me) switched Age
and FullName
so Age
now displays FullName
and FullName
displays Age
! That means FullName
is no longer a string
and Age
is no int32
Yet when we look at the generated IL we can see that the same AnonymousType
is used.
.method private specialname static class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<int32,string>
_Lambda$__1(class UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person p) cil managed
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 )
.maxstack 2
.locals init ([0] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<int32,string> _Lambda$__1,
[1] class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<int32,string> VB$t_ref$S0)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: callvirt instance int32 UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_Age()
IL_0006: ldarg.0
IL_0007: callvirt instance string UnderTheHoodVB.Examples.Person::get_FirstName()
IL_000c: newobj instance void class VB$AnonymousType_0`2<int32,string>::.ctor(!0,
IL_0011: stloc.0
IL_0012: br.s IL_0014
IL_0014: ldloc.0
IL_0015: ret
How about that? It simply returns the same AnonymousType
, but
with different Generic
. Now if we would
have used a Private Type
that another method that uses the same
does not have access to? It can still use the same
, just with other Generic parameters
It really is a work of beauty!
But why and when are anonymous types reused anyway? They are reused when
the number, name and order of the Properties
on the anonymous type
are the same. For example, try switching FullName
and Age
around on one of the functions and you will see a second anonymous type being
created in ILDASM. You could also spell FulName
with a single
L on one of the functions and you will likewise see a new anonymous type being
generated. The reason they are reused is so you can have two lists of anonymous
types that represent the same Object
and you can still compare
them (if they would have been different Types
entirely a comparison
would always return False
By the way, did you notice all the functions in the example return an
IList? That is so I can bind to the anonymous type that is returned by the
functions. You can see this in action in the Forms
that are in
GroupBox labeled 'Anonymous type examples
Further reading:
Anonymous Types (Visual Basic) on MSDN
Anonymous Types (C# Programming Guide) on MSDN
Why are anonymous types generic?
And once again I also want to point you at the lecture by Bart de Smet. He
explains a thing or two about anonymous types at around 45:30 mins.
Bart de Smet - Behind the Scenes of 10 C# Language Features
The case of Cases
The next thing I want to talk about is the
Select Case Statement (switch
Statement in C#). There is
some magic going on here which is explained very well by
Bart de Smet at around 13:40 mins. I
recommend you watch this part before continuing. At this point I have some sad
news for the C#ers who are reading this article. The next section is VB only
(but of course you're very welcome to read it too). Why VB only? VB has a special
kind of Select Case
, being one where they turn things around quite
a bit. A regular Select Case
compares a value to other values and
executes the Case
where the two values are the same (or Else
In this Select Case
however the first Case
where whatever
statement returns True
is executed. Let's
look at an example of a regular case in VB. You can find the code under the
in the VB solution.
Public Sub DoACase()
Dim i As Integer = 10
Select Case i
Case 1
Console.WriteLine("i = 1")
Case 2
Console.WriteLine("i = 2")
Case 3
Console.WriteLine("i = 3")
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("i is something else.")
End Select
End Sub
As you can see i
is compared to 1, 2 and 3 and the code inside
the cases is executes only when a Case
returns True
Now let's turn things around.
Public Sub DoATrueCase()
Dim i As Integer = 10
Select Case True
Case i = 1
Console.WriteLine("i = 1")
Case i = 2
Console.WriteLine("i = 2")
Case i = 3
Console.WriteLine("i = 3")
Case Else
Console.WriteLine("i is something else.")
End Select
End Sub
As you can see in this Select Case
we test for a couple of statements
(that could be anything as long as it returns a Boolean
) and compare
their outcomes to True
. However, let's look at their respective
generated IL.
.method public instance void DoACase() cil managed
.maxstack 2
.locals init ([0] int32 i,
[1] int32 VB$t_i4$L0,
[2] int32 VB$CG$t_i4$S0)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: stloc.0
IL_0004: nop
IL_0005: ldloc.0
IL_0006: ldc.i4.1
IL_0007: sub
IL_0008: stloc.2
IL_0009: ldloc.2
IL_000a: switch (
IL_001b: br.s IL_0047
IL_001d: nop
IL_001e: ldstr "i = 1"
IL_0023: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0028: nop
IL_0029: br.s IL_0053
IL_002b: nop
IL_002c: ldstr "i = 2"
IL_0031: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0036: nop
IL_0037: br.s IL_0053
IL_0039: nop
IL_003a: ldstr "i = 3"
IL_003f: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0044: nop
IL_0045: br.s IL_0053
IL_0047: nop
IL_0048: ldstr "i is something else."
IL_004d: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0052: nop
IL_0053: nop
IL_0054: nop
IL_0055: ret
You can clearly see a Select Case
being executed here (it's
switch opcode). So let's look at the second example where the Select Case
does not compare values, but looks if a given statement returns True.
.method public instance void DoATrueCase() cil managed
.maxstack 3
.locals init ([0] int32 i,
[1] bool VB$t_bool$L0,
[2] bool VB$CG$t_bool$S0)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldc.i4.s 10
IL_0003: stloc.0
IL_0004: nop
IL_0005: ldc.i4.1
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: nop
IL_0008: ldloc.1
IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: ldc.i4.1
IL_000b: ceq
IL_000d: ceq
IL_000f: stloc.2
IL_0010: ldloc.2
IL_0011: brfalse.s IL_0020
IL_0013: ldstr "i = 1"
IL_0018: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_001d: nop
IL_001e: br.s IL_005e
IL_0020: nop
IL_0021: ldloc.1
IL_0022: ldloc.0
IL_0023: ldc.i4.2
IL_0024: ceq
IL_0026: ceq
IL_0028: stloc.2
IL_0029: ldloc.2
IL_002a: brfalse.s IL_0039
IL_002c: ldstr "i = 2"
IL_0031: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_0036: nop
IL_0037: br.s IL_005e
IL_0039: nop
IL_003a: ldloc.1
IL_003b: ldloc.0
IL_003c: ldc.i4.3
IL_003d: ceq
IL_003f: ceq
IL_0041: stloc.2
IL_0042: ldloc.2
IL_0043: brfalse.s IL_0052
IL_0045: ldstr "i = 3"
IL_004a: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_004f: nop
IL_0050: br.s IL_005e
IL_0052: nop
IL_0053: ldstr "i is something else."
IL_0058: call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
IL_005d: nop
IL_005e: nop
IL_005f: nop
IL_0060: ret
Well, well, well! Not a single switch
opcode can be found! What
we have here is a lot of comparisons and BRanch opcodes. What you can see here
is that it's actually something that looks like an
If Then ElseIf ElseIf
Else Statement
is being generated. Compare the IL of the previous example
with the IL of the
method. You will see some similiarities.
You might also see why C# does not support it. It is not a
switch Statement
but it is also not as consise as
If Then ElseIf Else
. As for readability,
I'll leave that up to you.
4.7. The case of Iterators
Was the previous example for VB readers, this example is actually for C#
Iterator methods have been featured in C# for a while now. It is featured
in VB in the VS Async CTP release and it will be featured in VB11 by default
(or so I was told). I will not explain this part in much detail since Bart de
Smet does a great job at explaining it too. I am simply going to point out some
Let's first look at a code example using an Iterator
. It can be
found in the IteratorExample
folder in your C# solution.
public static string UseTheItator()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string s in EnumeratorFunction())
return sb.ToString();
private static IEnumerable<string> EnumeratorFunction()
string hello = "Hello";
yield return hello;
hello += " people!";
yield return "Iterator!";
What do you think will the
StringBuilder in UseTheIterator
"Hello people!
? On the
Main form
press the
and find out. You can see the returned text is
. This is strange, because that would mean the
variable was already returned to the calling method before
" people!"
appended to it, but
was returned as
well. This is exactly what an
does. The
yield Keyword tells the function to return to the calling method, then come
back and continue executing. Just how does it do this? ILDASM has the answer.

Sweet mother of IL! The C# compiler generated a
that implements
If we look at the IL of the original
we can
see that it simply returns an instance of this generated type.
.locals init ([0] class UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0' V_0,
[1] class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<string> V_1)
IL_0000: ldc.i4.s -2
IL_0002: newobj instance void UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::.ctor(int32)
IL_0007: stloc.0
IL_0008: ldloc.0
IL_0009: stloc.1
IL_000a: br.s IL_000c
IL_000c: ldloc.1
IL_000d: ret
So where is all the logic to return "Hello"
, append
" people!"
etc.? You can all find it in the
method of the generated type.
.method private hidebysig newslot virtual final
instance bool MoveNext() cil managed
.override [mscorlib]System.Collections.IEnumerator::MoveNext
.maxstack 3
.locals init ([0] bool CS$1$0000,
[1] int32 CS$4$0001)
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldfld int32 UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<>1__state'
IL_0006: stloc.1
IL_0007: ldloc.1
IL_0008: switch (
IL_0019: br.s IL_0021
IL_001b: br.s IL_004d
IL_001d: br.s IL_0080
IL_001f: br.s IL_0023
IL_0021: br.s IL_0088
IL_0023: ldarg.0
IL_0024: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0025: stfld int32 UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<>1__state'
IL_002a: nop
IL_002b: ldarg.0
IL_002c: ldstr "Hello"
IL_0031: stfld string UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<hello>5__1'
IL_0036: ldarg.0
IL_0037: ldarg.0
IL_0038: ldfld string UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<hello>5__1'
IL_003d: stfld string UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<>2__current'
IL_0080: ldarg.0
IL_0081: ldc.i4.m1
IL_0082: stfld int32 UnderTheHoodCSharp.Examples.IteratorExample.IteratorExample/'<EnumeratorFunction>d__0'::'<>1__state'
So what can we see here? Each time MoveNext
is called the
field is incremented by one and dependent on the value of
the _state
field MoveNext
performs another piece of
code. Feels kind of 'dirty' doesn't it? Anyway, the compiler really does an
excellent job in keeping such difficult stuff hidden from the programmer. It
really is a piece of art!
Further reading:
Chapter 9 of the book Expert C# 5.0 has a very detailed explanation about Iterators!
As I said, you should really check out Bart de Smet's
talk on Iterators
. He starts about Iterators
about 36:30 mins.
Bart de Smet - Behind the Scenes of 10 C# Language Features
5. Emitting IL
using VB or C#
As I already mentioned we can emit our own opcodes and generate IL on the
fly using VB or C#! That is exactly what we are going to do here. But, we are
not going to generate just any method, we are going to generate a method that
makes use of a Try... Fault Block
! This feature is not available
in VB or C#, but it is available in IL. The Try... Fault
looks like a
Try... Catch with the difference that a Fault
block does not
actually catch the
Exception. It simply executes some code, but only when an Exception
is thrown (and ALWAYS if an Exception
is thrown, much like the
Try... Finally Block
). This is not as hard as it sounds, really.
Open up the TypeFactory Class
in the <code>EmitExamples
folder of your solution. When you open it you see a Public Shared
in C#) function that returns a
Type. The Type
, however, is generated when the function is
called for the first time. Let's see how the Type
is created.
First we must create an
Assembly (or dll) to hold the type, we can do this using an
AssemblyBuilder. After that we create a
Module, using a
ModuleBuilder, that actually holds the Type
we are going to
create. With the Module
we can get a
TypeBuilder which builds the Type
and gives us access to
MethodBuilders to define new methods on the Type
. That is all
fairly simple, right? Let's take a look at the code and it will become clear
to you.
Dim domain As AppDomain = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain()
Dim assmName As New AssemblyName("DynamicAssembly")
Dim dynamicAssmBuilder As AssemblyBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
Dim dynamicModule As ModuleBuilder = dynamicAssmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("DynamicModule", "DynamicModule.dll")
Dim dynamicTypeBuilder As TypeBuilder = dynamicModule.DefineType("DynamicType", TypeAttributes.Public)
AppDomain domain = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain();
AssemblyName assmName = new AssemblyName("DynamicAssembly");
AssemblyBuilder dynamicAssmBuilder = domain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
ModuleBuilder dynamicModule = dynamicAssmBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("DynamicModule", "DynamicModule.dll");
TypeBuilder dynamicTypeBuilder = dynamicModule.DefineType("DynamicType", TypeAttributes.Public);
At this point we have done practically everything that is needed to implement
our own methods on a type. That was really only a few lines of code! So how
do we get our methods? We can see an example of that in the GenerateILMethod
Dim internalILMethod As MethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("InternalILMethod", _
MethodAttributes.Private Or MethodAttributes.Static, Nothing, methodParams)
MethodBuilder internalILMethod = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("InternalILMethod",
MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.Static, null, methodParams);
As you can see we call the
DefineMethod method on the TypeBuilder
, which returns a
. The method will have the name "InternalILMethod"
and it will be Private
and Shared
in C#). It also requires two parameters, in this case an
Action(Of String) (Action<string>
in C#) and a
. Now that we have a
we want to give
it some body. We want to emit some opcodes so the method actually does something
when we are going to call it later. We do this by calling
GetILGenerator on the
returns an
ILGenerator Object for the current method. We can then use the
to emit opcodes. This is actually pretty easy as you will see.
Dim internalILGen As ILGenerator = internalILMethod.GetILGenerator()
Dim skipThrow As Label = internalILGen.DefineLabel
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Entered Emit method.")
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skipThrow)
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Well, that's it for you!")
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, exType.GetConstructor(stringType))
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Emit method finished successfully.")
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Emit method finished unsuccessfully.")
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Leaving Emit method.")
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
ILGenerator internalILGen = internalILMethod.GetILGenerator();
Label skipThrow = internalILGen.DefineLabel();
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Entered Emit method.");
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Brfalse, skipThrow);
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Well, that's it for you!");
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, exType.GetConstructor(stringType));
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Emit method finished successfully.");
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Emit method finished unsuccessfully.");
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Leaving Emit method.");
internalILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
So we now have a method that would look like the following:
Private Shared Sub InternalILMethod(ByVal a As Action(Of String), ByVal b As Boolean)
a.Invoke("Entered Emit method.")
If b = True Then
Throw New Exception("Well, that's it for you!")
End If
a.Invoke("Emit method finished successfully.")
a.Invoke("Emit method finished unsuccessfully.")
a.Invoke("Leaving Emit method.")
End Try
End Sub
private static void InternalILMethod(Action<string> a, bool b)
a.Invoke("Entered Emit method.");
if (b == true)
throw new Exception("Well, that's it for you!");
a.Invoke("Emit method finished successfully.");
a.Invoke("Emit method finished unsuccessfully.");
a.Invoke("Leaving Emit method.");
There is a little trick you should remember should you ever need to emit
your own opcodes like this. First write and build the code you actually want
to emit and then check IL to see the IL that was emitted. Doing this will greatly
simplify coding IL like this. So we now have our method, that uses a delegate
to pass some messages to its caller and may throw an Exception
if the supplied Boolean
is True
. If an Exception
is thrown the code will step into the Fault
block and send the
message "Emit method finished unsuccessfully."
. The code
will always execute the part in the Finally
block. We have a little
problem now though. I will be calling this method dynamically, and the
will not be caught by me, but by the dynamic caller, which
will wrap it into another
Exceptions InnerException
and then throw
it back to me. I prefer to dynamically call a method that does not throw an
. So what we are going to do is call the method we just
created from another method we are going to create. This extra method will catch
for us and pass the
Exception Message
to the
Dim execILMethod As MethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("ExecuteILMethod", _
MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static, Nothing, methodParams)
Dim execILGen As ILGenerator = execILMethod.GetILGenerator
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, internalILMethod)
Dim ex As LocalBuilder = execILGen.DeclareLocal(exType)
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, exType.GetProperty("Message").GetGetMethod)
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, exType.GetProperty("StackTrace").GetGetMethod)
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo)
MethodBuilder execILMethod = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("ExecuteILMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, null, methodParams);
ILGenerator execILGen = execILMethod.GetILGenerator();
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, internalILMethod);
LocalBuilder ex = execILGen.DeclareLocal(exType);
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, exType.GetProperty("Message").GetGetMethod());
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, exType.GetProperty("StackTrace").GetGetMethod());
execILGen.Emit(OpCodes.Call, invokeInfo);
Phew, that was a lot of code for a method that does so little! Well, such
is the nature of IL. One thing you should notice is that I am using
MethodBody Objects to make calls to methods on Objects
are on the stack. In the call to the InternalILMethod
we just created
I can simply put in the MethodBuilder
for that method as an argument.
Because the method is Shared
in C#) I do not
need a reference to the current Object
So now that we have implemented two methods, one which calls the other, we have
to actually create the Type
to be able to use it. Luckily this
is very easy. We just call
CreateType on the TypeBuilder
Dim dynamicType As Type = dynamicTypeBuilder.CreateType
Type dynamicType = dynamicTypeBuilder.CreateType();
Now all I have to do is return the Type
to the caller and call
the method we just generated. You can see how that's done in the EmitForm
You can also open the Emit form
from the Main form
to see what happens when the method is called with and without throwing an
. You can actually see at the <code>StackTrace
that we really created a new method that calls another method in our dynamically
created Type
! Ain't that something!?

Further reading:
I can actually recommend to read the MSDN documentation if you would like
to know more on the
Reflection.Emit classes. For example, the
ILGenerator.BeginExceptionBlock and the
ILGenerator.BeginCatchBlock have pretty nice, worked out examples of creating
methods dynamically.
Another recommendation I can make is to read
the second part of chapter 5 in the book Metaprogramming in .NET.
CP member Pieter van Parys made me aware of a tool called 'BLToolkit' (Business Logic Toolkit). It has some cool features including some Classes to help you generate dynamic code. The EmitHelper should be especially interesting to anyone who wants to emit his own opcodes using VB or C#!
Thanks to Pieter van Parys for pointing this out to me
6. Generating IL using Expression Trees
Luckily there is a shorter way to emit IL using the .NET Framework. It's
Expression Trees. You might have noticed that we actually created three
methods on our dynamic Type
. Two using IL and another one using
Expression Trees
. What exactly is an Expression Tree
It is a representation of code in the form of data. That sounds pretty abstract,
but believe me, it's not. Expression Trees
revolve around the
System.Linq.Expressions.Expression Type. All Expressions Inherit
from this base class and all Expressions
can be created using
in C#) factory methods on this type.
Let's look at the code that created the InternalILMethod
but this time using Expression Trees
Private Shared Function GenerateInnerExpressionTree(ByVal actionParam As ParameterExpression, _
ByVal throwExParam As ParameterExpression, ByVal invokeInfo As MethodInfo) As Expression
Return Expression.TryFinally(
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Entered Expression Tree method.")),
Expression.IfThen(Expression.Equal(throwExParam, Expression.Constant(True)),
Expression.Constant("Well, that's it for you!")))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Expression Tree method finished successfully."))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Expression Tree method finished unsuccessfully."))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Leaving Expression Tree method.")))
End Function
private static Expression GenerateInnerExpressionTree(ParameterExpression actionParam,
ParameterExpression throwExParam, MethodInfo invokeInfo)
return Expression.TryFinally(
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Entered Expression Tree method.")),
Expression.IfThen(Expression.Equal(throwExParam, Expression.Constant(true)),
Expression.Throw(Expression.New(typeof(Exception).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string) }),
Expression.Constant("Well, that's it for you!")))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Constant("Expression Tree method finished successfully."))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Constant("Expression Tree method finished unsuccessfully."))),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo, Expression.Constant("Leaving Expression Tree method.")));
Does that look easy? Not exactly, mostly because I nested every Expression
in the containing Expression
. You should read it as follows: We
declare a
TryFinally Expression, which requires an Expression
that makes
up the body for the Try
block and an Expression
makes up for the body of the Finally
block. As body of the
block we create a
TryFault Expression which, as you can guess, again needs an Expression
for the Try
block and an Expression
for the
block. So for the
block we create a
Block of Expressions, starting with a
Call Expression which invokes
on the
in C#) parameter and
passes the
Constant Expression "Entered Expression Tree Method."
as an argument. The next
in our
Block Expression
is an
IfThenExpression, which of course needs an
and a
. So for the If we create an
EqualExpression and compare the
parameter to the
. In the
we put a
ThrowExpression in which we put a
NewExpression which creates the
. We are now out of
and into the
again, where we put in a final
, being another call to
method of the delegate input parameter. That concludes
block and we are now in the
block, where
we again do a call to
. We are then out of the
block and in the
block where we make a call to
one last time. That makes up for the entire
. I
admit it takes some time to get used to, but once you get the hang of it actually
makes sense.
So that was the inner method, now let's take a look at the method which catches
the Exception
. And here we have a problem... When using
it is not possible to use a
like as
we did when using the
. The reason, appearently, is
that a
is still able to change. Why this restriction
only goes for
Expression Trees
I don't know, but it's a fact we
have to live with. So instead of passing in a method I simply call the function
that created the
Expression Tree
and the
Expression Tree
is neatly combined with the outer
Expression Tree
when creating
the method. So let's see what that looks like in code.
Private Shared Sub GenerateExpressionTreeMethod(ByVal typeBuilder As TypeBuilder, ByVal methodParams As Type())
Dim invokeInfo As MethodInfo = GetType(Action(Of String)).GetMethod("Invoke", {GetType(String)})
Dim actionParam As ParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(GetType(Action(Of String)), "action")
Dim throwExParam As ParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(GetType(Boolean), "throwEx")
Dim exParam As ParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(GetType(Exception), "ex")
Dim exp As Expression = Expression.TryCatch(
TypeFactory.GenerateInnerExpressionTree(actionParam, throwExParam, invokeInfo),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Property(exParam, "Message")),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Property(exParam, "StackTrace")))))
Dim expTreeMethod As MethodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("ExecuteExpressionTreeMethod", MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.Static, Nothing, methodParams)
Expression.Lambda(Of Action(Of Action(Of String), Boolean))(exp, actionParam, throwExParam).CompileToMethod(expTreeMethod)
End Sub
private static void GenerateExpressionTreeMethod(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type[] methodParams)
MethodInfo invokeInfo = typeof(Action<string>).GetMethod("Invoke", new[] { typeof(string) });
ParameterExpression actionParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Action<string>), "action");
ParameterExpression throwExParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(bool), "throwEx");
ParameterExpression exParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "ex");
Expression exp = Expression.TryCatch(
TypeFactory.GenerateInnerExpressionTree(actionParam, throwExParam, invokeInfo),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Property(exParam, "Message")),
Expression.Call(actionParam, invokeInfo,
Expression.Property(exParam, "StackTrace")))));
MethodBuilder expTreeMethod = typeBuilder.DefineMethod("ExecuteExpressionTreeMethod", MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, null, methodParams);
Expression.Lambda<Action<Action<string>, bool>>(exp, actionParam, throwExParam).CompileToMethod(expTreeMethod);
Perhaps this piece of code is a bit easier than the other function. What's
notable in this example is that the Expression Tree
is wrapped
in a
LambdaExpression which can be compiled into the newly created method. Actually
there are two option for compiling Expression Trees
. One is
CompileToMethod which emits IL into the MethodBuilder
Another way to compile an Expression Tree
is to call the
Compile method which returns a delegate
that can be Invoked
right away. However, since we are using a TryFault
block this will
throw an NotSupportedException
since TryFault
are not supported in VB and C#.
Again, you can see how this method performs by opening the
tree form
from the
Main form
. As you can now see in the
of the
only one method was created.

Now remember that we saved the created assembly to disk? You can find it
in the bin folder of the startup project. Open it using ILDASM and check the
emitted IL for both methods. It's exactly the same! Here is the IL for the
block for both the Emit
and the
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldstr "Entered Emit method."
IL_0006: call instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_000b: ldarg.1
IL_000c: ldc.i4.1
IL_000d: ceq
IL_000f: brfalse IL_001f
IL_0014: ldstr "Well, that's it for you!"
IL_0019: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Exception::.ctor(string)
IL_001e: throw
IL_001f: ldarg.0
IL_0020: ldstr "Emit method finished successfully."
IL_0025: call instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_002a: leave IL_003b
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldstr "Emit method finished unsuccessfully."
IL_0035: call instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_003a: endfinally
IL_003b: leave IL_004c
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: ldstr "Entered Expression Tree method."
IL_0006: callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_000b: ldarg.1
IL_000c: ldc.i4.1
IL_000d: ceq
IL_000f: brfalse IL_001f
IL_0014: ldstr "Well, that's it for you!"
IL_0019: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Exception::.ctor(string)
IL_001e: throw
IL_001f: ldarg.0
IL_0020: ldstr "Expression Tree method finished successfully."
IL_0025: callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_002a: leave IL_003b
IL_002f: ldarg.0
IL_0030: ldstr "Expression Tree method finished unsuccessfully."
IL_0035: callvirt instance void class [mscorlib]System.Action`1<string>::Invoke(!0)
IL_003a: endfinally
IL_003b: leave IL_004c
That does look pretty similiar! So IL can be emitted using Reflection.Emit
opcodes or Expression Trees
. Both methods have their pro's and
cons. The con to Reflection.Emit
is obviously that you need lots
of code to get things done and debugging is quite hard (but possible). The pro
is that the sky is the limit, there is virtually nothing that can't be done
with Emit
! The pro to Expression Trees
is that it
is easier to understand and debug, especially when you write it out piece by
piece (although you get nice IntelliSense support when nesting them). The cons
are that it is actually not very well documented. Most pages to
on MSDN have no examples or even descriptions! Also,
have some limitations, as we experienced we could not make a call
to a method that did not yet exist. Another limitation is that with
we can only generate
methods. This may or may not be a problem of course.
Further reading:
While I have no real documentation on Expression Trees you could, like always,
check out MSDN.
What you should read is
chapter 6 of the book Metaprogramming in .NET
7. The curious case of F#
There are two more things I would like to take a look at. Functions as first
class citizens and tail calls. Both are features of Microsofts
functional programming language,
7.1. The case of Functions as First Class Citizens
F# (and other functional languages) treats functions
as first class citizens, which means that they can be passed as arguments
to other functions, returned by functions, and stored in variables. Basically
first-class functions are really just treated like any other variable such as
in Integer
or a <code>String
. VB and C# can
sort of mimic this behaviour through
delegates, but it's not quite the same. You can download the TheCuriousCaseOfFSharp
sample project at the top of this article. Open the solution and take a look
at the code. The first thing you will see is the following.
let SomeFunc a b c d =
let newFunc f = f (a, b) + f (c, d)
let resultAdd = SomeFunc 1 2 3 4 (fun (a, b) -> a + b)
let resultMult = SomeFunc 1 2 3 4 (fun (a, b) -> a * b)
printfn "The result of adding: %d" resultAdd
printfn "The result of multiplying: %d" resultMult
Well, that goes pretty easy indeed! A function that returns a function that
needs a function as argument. Notice the lambda's that are passed to the function
that is returned from SomeFunc
. We already know this from VB and
C#, but they got it from F#. So what do you think? Does the compiler simply
create Shared
) functions like we saw in the
lambda examples earlier?

As you can see a new Type
is created for each function. The new
types actually Inherits
FSharpFunc(Of T, U) (FSharpFunc<T, U>
). Now whenever
an FSharpFunc
is 'used as a value' the compiler generates
a call to the
Invoke method of the FSharpFunc
. I can't show the generated
IL in here, because it would not fit the screen, however you can take a look
for yourself. This is where you will want to look.

And this is what you should be looking out for.
IL_0074: callvirt instance !1 class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2<int32,class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit>::Invoke(!0)
I never called Invoke
in my code, so this is what the compiler
does for me. And there you have it in a nutshell. Functions as first class citizens!
7.2. The case of Tails Calls
So let's take a look at tail calls. Functional languages excel in
recursion. That is a method that may call itself. If you don't watch out
you will get a
StackOverflowException! That happens when the number of calls to the same
functions reaches a certain amount. I'm not sure when, but it happens. Take
a look at the following VB and C# code.
Public Function GetTenMillion(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
If i < 10000000 Then
Return GetTenMillion(i + 1)
ElseIf i > 10000000 Then
Return GetTenMillion(i - 1)
Return i
End If
End Function
public int GetTenMillion(int i)
if (i < 10000000)
{ return GetTenMillion(i + 1); }
else if (i > 10000000)
{ return GetTenMillion(i - 1); }
{ return i; }
Any experienced programmer knows this function will cause a StackOverflowException
if it were called with input parameters that are not quite close to 10000000.
So if we call it with input 1 our application will crash for sure. Well here's
the deal, it won't in F#! Here is the F# code for the same function together
with the calling code.
let rec GetTenMillion i =
if i < 10000000
then GetTenMillion (i + 1)
elif i > 10000000
then GetTenMillion (i - 1)
else i
GetTenMillion 1 |> printfn "GetTenMillion from 1: %d"
So what is this 'tail
call'? Well, whenever the call to a recursive function is the last statement
of that function then the call stack is cleared before the call is made. So
in this case we can see that if i
is smaller than ten million we
call GetTenMillion
again with i + 1
. In this example
i + 1
is executed before the call to GetTenMillion
and nothing happens after that. This causes the call stack to clear. If, for
example, we would add 1 AFTER the function executed it will be compiled as just
another call on the stack and a StackOverflowException
may be thrown.
So let's see some IL for this function.
.method public static int32 GetTenMillion(int32 i) cil managed
.maxstack 4
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldarg.0
IL_0002: ldc.i4 0x989680
IL_0007: bge.s IL_000b
IL_0009: br.s IL_000d
IL_000b: br.s IL_0014
IL_000d: ldarg.0
IL_000e: ldc.i4.1
IL_000f: add
IL_0010: starg.s i
IL_0012: br.s IL_0000
IL_0014: ldarg.0
IL_0015: ldc.i4 0x989680
IL_001a: ble.s IL_001e
IL_001c: br.s IL_0020
IL_001e: br.s IL_0027
IL_0020: ldarg.0
IL_0021: ldc.i4.1
IL_0022: sub
IL_0023: starg.s i
IL_0025: br.s IL_0000
IL_0027: ldarg.0
IL_0028: ret
Do you see that? Not a single call
opcode was emitted! What
happens instead? If i
is smaller than ten million 1 is added to
and we simply branch back to the beginning of the function. The
same happens if i
is bigger than ten million, except 1 is subtracted
from i
. Simple, but quite effective! Using Reflection.Emit
you could use this trick to make your own very deep recursive functions.
You can run the F# application and really see that 10000000 is printed and
no StackOverflowException is thrown.
Further reading:
A book that greatly helped me to understand
at least some of F# is
Expert F# 2.0 from Apress.
8. Afterword
Well, that certainly was A LOT of writing (for me) and reading (for you).
As I said in the introduction this is not an easy subject. I hope I have made
it as easy as possible and that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I've
enjoyed writing it. Most of the stuff I've written down was new to me before
I started writing so I can say I've learned A LOT and I hope you can say the
I would be happy to answer any questions or comments.
Happy coding!