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How security is very much like MMA

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20 Sep 2009CPOL2 min read 9.6K  
It occurred to me after following the most recent UFC MMA (via the web blogs rather than PPV as I’m still too cheap!) that security and MMA have a lot in common. More precisely the fighters in a stable as very similar to security algorithms or process.

It occurred to me after following the most recent UFC MMA (via the web blogs rather than PPV as I’m still too cheap!) that security and MMA have a lot in common. More precisely the fighters in a stable as very similar to security algorithms or process.

Once a fighters weakness has been exposed there is really nothing you can do to unhide that weakness. You could have the best fighter in the world one day, then the weakness is exposed… You are in trouble!

Security is very much the same. You can perform all the scans, probes, fuzzes, code reviews and feel confident (well as confident anyone does in the security world!) that you are pretty well covered. One revelation a day later can completely invalidate your expectations, and you have to completely start over. Sometimes it is a slow build up, other times it is the equivalent of a bomb.

Bottom line is once a weakness has been exposed you need to

  • See if it can be simply covered
    • Fighter can learn to defend take downs (or not get hit in the head :-) )
    • Algorithm can be enhanced to extend its life DES==>3DES
  • Relegate
    • Fighter acts as the ‘gatekeeper’ to the higher competition levels
    • Algorithms security clearance has been lowered, it cant be used in the more secure areas. Examples of this are theoretical discoveries that are likely to result in the actual weakness some time later.
  • Retire
    • Fighter retires, becomes a commentator
    • Algorithm depreciated as it is shown to be fundamentally insecure, now studied in university to show the weakness that designers need to be aware of. Think WEP!

If the weakness is known it is natural the opponent will attempt to get a competitive advantage using it. The longer the weakness is known the more adept the opposition will be at exploiting it.  This is true for both MMA & security!

Companies running a SDL are the equivalent to the fighters stable. It is their job to recognize the weaknesses and manage the processes and algorithms so any weaknesses are covered or retired before they become a major problem.



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