This article was made for testing how to simply create realism looking objects by line painting.
A problem I would to solve in VB.NET is the animation performance. Because of keeping vector datas, it should be easy to create the animation with good performance, or sending the data to any 3D software like Truespace or Maya.
The main idea was to make animations driven by external programs, music, joybad controller, etc.
How will your music visualization look if your own objects will dance for Bass drum, melody and hihats? That was my question.
This is a good document for keeping the proportions.
Using the Code
A main view should be taken to the clsStickStructure.vb Class. It save the properties of any point. It also saves if the point will be in reference to any other point. So it is possible to make the animation with simple kinematics.
While moving the mouse, the selection has to be fixed to a grid to create models faster:
If MoveIndex > -1 Then
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left _
Then Call MoveObjectToPosition(MoveIndex, New Point(e.X, e.Y), False)
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right _
Then Call MoveObjectToPosition(MoveIndex, New Point(e.X, e.Y), True)
End If
To make the reference to the points, it is necessary to keep an object for each point.
Private Sub MoveObjectToPosition(ByVal ObjectIndex As Integer, ByVal Pos As PointF, _
ByVal MoveFullObject As Boolean)
Dim X, Y As Integer
Dim DiffX, DiffY As Integer
Dim i As Integer
X = CInt(Pos.X / GridSize) * GridSize
Y = CInt(Pos.Y / GridSize) * GridSize
X = X - MittX
Y = Y - MittY
If Stick.Points IsNot Nothing _
AndAlso UBound(Stick.Points)>= MoveIndex Then
If LastPoint.Pos2Active = True Then
DiffX = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.X - X
DiffY = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.Y - Y
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ = New PointF(X, Y)
If MoveFullObject = True Then
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ = _
New PointF(Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ.X - DiffX, _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ.Y - DiffY)
If Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1LinkToIndexToP1 > -1 _
Then Stick.Points(Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1LinkToIndexToP1)._
Pos1Relativ = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ
If Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1LinkToIndexToP2 > -1 _
Then Stick.Points(Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1LinkToIndexToP2)._
Pos2Relativ = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ
End If
DiffX = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ.X - X
DiffY = Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ.Y - Y
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos1Relativ = New PointF(X, Y)
If MoveFullObject = True Then
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.X = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.X - DiffX
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.Y = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2Relativ.Y - DiffY
If Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2LinkToIndexToP1 > -1 _
Then Stick.Points(Stick.Points(MoveIndex)._
Pos2LinkToIndexToP1).Pos1Relativ = _
If Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Pos2LinkToIndexToP2 > -1 _
Then Stick.Points(Stick.Points(MoveIndex)._
Pos2LinkToIndexToP2).Pos2Relativ = _
End If
End If
For i = 0 To Stick.Points.Length - 1
If i <> MoveIndex Then
If Stick.Points(i).Pos1LinkToIndexToP1 = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Id Then Stick.Points(i).Pos1Relativ = _
If Stick.Points(i).Pos1LinkToIndexToP2 = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Id Then Stick.Points(i).Pos1Relativ = _
If Stick.Points(i).Pos2LinkToIndexToP1 = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Id Then Stick.Points(i).Pos2Relativ = _
If Stick.Points(i).Pos2LinkToIndexToP2 = _
Stick.Points(MoveIndex).Id Then Stick.Points(i).Pos2Relativ = _
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PaintMousePosition(ByVal Pos As PointF)
If Me.pic.Image Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim i As Integer = 5
Pos.X = CInt(Pos.X / Me.GridSize) * Me.GridSize
Pos.Y = CInt(Pos.Y / Me.GridSize) * Me.GridSize
Dim P As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, 90, 90, 90), 1)
Dim PBlue As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(90, 90, 90, 255), 1)
PBlue.DashStyle = Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot
Using gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Me.pic.Image)
gr.DrawLine(P, CInt(Pos.X - i), CInt(Pos.Y - i), CInt(Pos.X + i), _
CInt(Pos.Y + i))
gr.DrawLine(P, CInt(Pos.X + i), CInt(Pos.Y - i), CInt(Pos.X - i), _
CInt(Pos.Y + i))
gr.DrawLine(PBlue, 0, Pos.Y, Me.pic.Image.Width, Pos.Y)
gr.DrawLine(PBlue, Pos.X, 0, Pos.X, pic.Image.Height)
End Using
End Sub
To select the next point object, the following function will help:
Private Function GetNextFreeItemIdNumber()
Dim i As Integer
Dim res As Integer = 1
Dim S As clsStickStructure.StickPoint
If Stick.Points Is Nothing OrElse Stick.Points.Length = 0 Then Return 1
For i = 0 To Stick.Points.Length - 1
S = Stick.GeItemById(Stick.Points(i).Id)
If S.Equals(Nothing) Then
Exit For
res = S.Id + 1
End If
Return res
End Function
Points of Interest
I think VB.NET is very easy to use for making such an tool. And after having the stick figure objects as data, it could be very quick for any animation.
- 2nd October, 2009: Initial post
The tool is prepared to fix the angles in the project. But I had no time to include it until today. Hopefully someone has fun working on the project. The animation control would be a nice tool for the future too.