This tip discusses how to copy a specific record in a MYSql table with auto increment key.
I have worked with MySql for several years now and there have been cases where I needed to copy (or duplicate) in a table where an auto increment key exists.
The following function for VB.NET is a solution that has been helping me a lot recently.
So, I decided to share it with you all!
Using the Code
This is public shared Boolean function and you can call it from your VB.NET code:
Public Shared Function copy_recod(ByVal tbl As String, _
ByVal tbl_id_name As String, ByVal tbl_id_value As Long) As Boolean
Dim dup_query As String = Nothing
Dim tbl_dat As New DataTable
Dim next_id As Long = 0
Dim copy_query As String = Nothing
Dim col_value As String = Nothing
Dim did_it As Boolean = False
dup_query = "select * from " & tbl & " _
where " & tbl_id_name & "=" & tbl_id_value
tbl_dat = retriveDataToDataGrid(dup_query)
If Not tbl_dat Is Nothing Then
ActionRecord("LOCK TABLES " & tbl & " WRITE")
ActionRecord("insert into " & tbl & _
"(" & tbl_id_name & ")values( NULL)")
next_id = Val(get_single_field("select MAX_
(" & tbl_id_name & ") from " & tbl, 0))
ActionRecord("UNLOCK TABLES")
copy_query = "update " & tbl & " set "
For Each r As DataRow In tbl_dat.Rows
For Each col As DataColumn In tbl_dat.Columns
If col.ColumnName <> tbl_id_name Then
col_value = r(col).ToString
If InStr(col.DataType.ToString, "String") > _
0 Or InStr(col.DataType.ToString, "Date") > 0 Then
copy_query = copy_query & col.ColumnName & _
"='" & col_value & "',"
If IsDBNull(col_value) Or col_value.Length <= 0 Then col_value = 0
copy_query = copy_query & col.ColumnName & _
"=" & col_value & ","
End If
End If
copy_query = copy_query.Remove(copy_query.LastIndexOf(","), 1)
If Right(copy_query, 1) = "=" Then
copy_query = copy_query & "'" & 0 & "'"
End If
copy_query = copy_query & " where " & _
tbl_id_name & "=" & next_id
If ActionRecord(copy_query) > 0 Then
did_it = True
End If
End If
Return did_it
Points of Interest
In order for me to create this open function that could work for any table, regardless of number of fields, I had to use enough variables and have checkpoints to assure a clean and workable code.
The important part of this code is where it recognizes the field type and creates proper SQL command for copy.
function is my function to run a query. So you can change that with your command or function to launch the update
- 27th July, 2012: Initial version