This is one of the articles in our series; the parts are:
- Methodology, technology & tools used
- Setting up the environment
- First specs and getting started
- IOC, database and other stuff; a real framework
Happy reading !
Ok, here are the steps to setup the development environment for my new project:
The Steps
- Create a project folder
- Start Git bash on this folder (right click in windows explorer)
- Get MSpec : type in git bash:
git clone git://
- Get Subsonic : type in git bash:
git clone git://
- Search for Subsonic.Core.csproj and build it
- Search for Machine.specifications.sln and build it
- Make a folder Tools in the project folder
- Make a folder Lib in the project folder
- Make a folder Source in the project folder
- In the folder Tools, create a file named "CopyDependenciesAndTools.cmd" with the following content:
@echo off
echo Copying all tools & dependencies
copy ..\machine.Specifications\Build\Release\*.dll
copy ..\machine.Specifications\Build\Release\*.exe
copy ..\machine.Specifications\Build\Release\*.dll ..\lib\*.*
copy ..\machine.Specifications\Build\Release\*.dll ..\lib\*.*
copy ..\subsonic-3.0\lib\*.dll ..\lib\*.*
copy ..\subsonic-3.0\subsonic.core\bin\release\*.dll ..\lib\*.*
- Execute this cmd-file
- Make another cmd file in the tools-folder: "CleanUp.cmd" with the following content:
@Echo off
echo Cleaning up
dir /ad /b /s ..\bin > folderstodelete.txt
dir /ad /b /s ..\obj >> folderstodelete.txt
dir /ad /b /s ..\build >> folderstodelete.txt
for /f %%i in (folderstodelete.txt) do rd %%i /s /q
- Execute it
- Start up Visual studio and create a new ASP.NET MVC 2 application in the src folder (make sure the checkbox create directory for this solution is off)
- Once the project is created, choose File/New project / Windows/Class library, name it "Specs", and make sure you choose the option "Add to solution"
- Save and close Visual Studio
- Execute "Tools\CleanUp.Cmd"
15. Go back to the Git Bash and type
(line by line, do not copy and paste this in one block):
git init
git add .
git commit -m "+ Initial commit"
That's all there is to it; our initial setup. In the next post, we'll get started writing specs !!