This is a function that should be in PocketPC / CE but is not because ini files are considered old news. However, when you're porting C++ applications, you run into this a lot.
Disclaimer: This does not in any means handle all the features of GetPrivateProfileString
, nor is it bug free or very well tested. It may destroy the universe etc. etc. All it does currently is read basic ini settings which is all I need it for. I also have wrappers on top of this which handle a lot of functionality which probably should be present here.
Please see GetPrivateProfileString
for more details.
I am hoping that others will add to this, one day making it the Win32 equivalent. Here is the code:
static DWORD GetPrivateProfileString(LPCTSTR lpSection, LPCTSTR lpKey,
LPTSTR lpDefault, LPTSTR lpBuffer, DWORD dwBufSize, LPCTSTR szPathAndFile)
fstream clFileOp(szPathAndFile,ios::in); string clline; CStringA clkey( lpKey);
if (clFileOp.is_open() == FALSE )
return 1;
getline ( clFileOp, clline );
if ( clline.find( clkey ) != -1 )
int nEquals = clline.find( "=" );
if ( nEquals == -1 )
string clres = clline.substr( nEquals +1, clline.length() - nEquals );
CString clret ( clres.c_str() );
_tcscpy ( lpBuffer,clret );
return 1;
return 0;