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Solve Tic Tac Toe with the MiniMax algorithm

4.67/5 (23 votes)
7 Nov 2009CPOL3 min read 280.6K   19.6K  
A C# Console program to solve Tic Tac Toe with the MiniMax algorithm and alpha-beta pruning.


After learning the MiniMax algorithm, I decided to practice it on Tic Tac Toe. The algorithm is simple to implement. However, it took me much more time than I expected. So, I would like to share what I have learned here.

MiniMax algorithm with alpha beta pruning

The shortest description of MiniMax that I can find is from Wikipedia. I implemented it this way:

public int MiniMaxShortVersion(int depth, int alpha, int beta, out Board childWithMax)
    childWithMax = null;
    if (depth == 0 || IsTerminalNode())
        //When it is turn for PlayO, we need to find the minimum score.
        RecursiveScore = m_Score;
        return m_TurnForPlayerX ? m_Score : -m_Score;
    foreach (Board cur in GetChildren())
        Board dummy;
        int score = -cur.MiniMaxShortVersion(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, out dummy);
        if (alpha < score)
            alpha = score;
            childWithMax = cur;
            if (alpha >= beta)
    RecursiveScore = alpha;
    return alpha;
//To call the function:
MiniMaxShortVersion(depth, int.MinValue + 1, int.MaxValue - 1, out ret);

The description on Wikipedia is very short and elegant, but there are some things to watch out:

First, we cannot use int.MinValue and int.MaxValue as -/+infinity. -int.MaxValue is not a valid integer. So, I used int.MinValue+1 and int.MaxValue-1 instead.

Second, the terminal nodes include nodes with no successors, and game-over nodes (winner already decided). In my initial implementation, I forgot the game-over nodes.

Finally, the description on Wikipeida seems to indicate that the node type (min/max) doesn't matter. However, the heuristic value needs to change the sign based on whether the node is a min or max node. In the longer version descriptions, the heuristic score doesn't have to change, which makes the coding much easier. In order to find where the mistake is, I had to implement the longer version:

public int MiniMax(int depth, bool needMax, int alpha, int beta, out Board childWithMax)
    childWithMax = null;
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_TurnForPlayerX == needMax);
    if (depth == 0 || IsTerminalNode())
        RecursiveScore = m_Score;
        return m_Score;
    foreach (Board cur in GetChildren())
        Board dummy;
        int score = cur.MiniMax(depth - 1, !needMax, alpha, beta, out dummy);
        if (!needMax)
            if (beta > score)
                beta = score;
                childWithMax = cur;
                if (alpha >= beta)
            if (alpha < score)
                alpha = score;
                childWithMax = cur;
                if (alpha >= beta)
    RecursiveScore = needMax ? alpha : beta;
    return RecursiveScore;

The second version takes a few more minutes to type. But it saves me a couple hours from debugging. It has another advantage: when its RecurisveScore is positive, Player X is winning. When the RecurisveScore is negative, Player O is winning. The shorter version on Wikipedia requires more logic.

Heuristic score in Tic Tac Toe

The Minimax algorithm can be applied to many games. Its implementation doesn't change for a different game. However, the challenge part is to define the heuristic score. I found that it is not easy even for a game as simple as Tic Tac Toe. There are totally 8 rows in a Tic Tac Toe board. The rules to calculate the score are:

  • For each row, if there are both X and O, then the score for the row is 0.
  • If the whole row is empty, then the score is 1.
  • If there is only one X, then the score is 10.
  • If there are two Xs, then the score is 100.
  • If there are 3 Xs, then the score is 1000, and the winner is Player X.
  • For Player O, the score is negative.
  • Player X tries to maximize the score.
  • Player O tries to minimize the score.
  • If the current turn is for Player X, then the score of Player X has more advantage. I gave the advantage rate as 3.

The source code for computing the heuristic score is:

int GetScoreForOneLine(GridEntry[] values)
    int countX=0, countO=0;
    foreach (GridEntry v in values)
        if (v == GridEntry.PlayerX)
        else if (v == GridEntry.PlayerO)
    if (countO == 3 || countX == 3)
        GameOver = true;
    //The player who has turn should have more advantage.
    int advantage = 1;
    if (countO == 0)
        if (m_TurnForPlayerX)
            advantage = 3;
        return (int)System.Math.Pow(10, countX)*advantage;
    else if (countX == 0)
        if (!m_TurnForPlayerX)
            advantage = 3;
        return -(int)System.Math.Pow(10, countO) * advantage;
    return 0;
void ComputeScore()
    int ret = 0;
    int[,] lines = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, 
                   { 6, 7, 8 }, { 0, 3, 6 }, 
                   { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 }, 
                   { 0, 4, 8 }, { 2, 4, 6 } 
    for (int i = lines.GetLowerBound(0); i <= lines.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
        ret += GetScoreForOneLine(new GridEntry[] 
           { m_Values[lines[i, 0]], 
             m_Values[lines[i, 1]], 
             m_Values[lines[i, 2]] });
    m_Score = ret;

Interesting Tic Tac Toe move

Because Player X always makes the first move, it is more difficult for Player O to win. The program prints all the winning moves for Player O. I found these moves for Player O are interesting:

[1]Winner is PlayerO:
OXX    OXX    OXX    OXX    OXX    OXX
--- => O-- => O-- => OO- => OO- => OOO
---    ---    X--    X--    X-X    X-X
[2]Winner is PlayerO:
OX-    OX-    OX-    OX-    OX-    OXO
--X => --X => X-X => XOX => XOX => XOX
---    O--    O--    O--    O-X    O-X
[3]Winner is PlayerO:
X--    X--    X-X    X-X 
XOX => XOX => XOX => XOX 
--O    O-O    O-O    OOO 
[4]Winner is PlayerO:
OX-    OX-    OXX    OXX 
X-O => X-O => X-O => XOO 
X--    X-O    X-O    X-O 
[5]Winner is PlayerO:
XXO    XXO    XXO    XXO 
X-- => X-- => XX- => XX- 
-O-    OO-    OO-    OOO

The program can also print out all the winning moves for Player X. The rules for Player O to defend are:

  • If Player X makes the first move at the corner, then Player O has to take the center.
  • If Player X makes the first move at the center, then Player O has take the corners.
  • If Player X makes the first move at the top edge, then Player O cannot take the side edges or unconnected corners.

Two of the interesting moves for Player X are:

[1]Winner is PlayerX:
X--    X--    X--    X-X    XOX    XOX
--- => --- => O-- => O-- => O-- => OX-
--O    X-O    X-O    X-O    X-O    X-O
[2]Winner is PlayerX:
X-O    X-O    X-O    X-O    X-O    X-O
--- => X-- => X-- => XX- => XXO => XXO
---    ---    O--    O--    O--    O-X

Similar Tic Tac Toe boards

When I printed out the Tic Tac Toe moves, I found that many moves were redundant because they were very similar. I defined a class Transform to find out all the similar Tic Tac Toe boards.

class Transform
    const int Size = 3;
    delegate Point TransformFunc(Point p);
    public static Point Rotate90Degree(Point p)
        //012 -> x->y, y->size-x
        return new Point(Size - p.y -1, p.x);
    public static Point MirrorX(Point p)
        //012 -> 210
        return new Point(Size - p.x -1, p.y);
    public static Point MirrorY(Point p)
        return new Point(p.x, Size - p.y -1);
    List<TransformFunc> actions = new List<TransformFunc>();
    public Point ActOn(Point p)
        foreach (TransformFunc f in actions)
                p = f(p);
        return p;
    Transform(TransformFunc op, TransformFunc[] ops)
        if (ops!=null && ops.Length > 0)
    public static List<Transform> s_transforms = new List<Transform>();
    static Transform()
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            TransformFunc[] ops = 
              Enumerable.Repeat<TransformFunc>(Rotate90Degree, i).ToArray();
            s_transforms.Add(new Transform(null, ops));
            s_transforms.Add(new Transform(MirrorX, ops));
            s_transforms.Add(new Transform(MirrorY, ops));

When a board can be transformed into another board, they are considered similar.


In this article, I implemented Tic Tac Toe in two versions of the MiniMax algorithm. One is shorter but more difficult to debug. The longer version takes more time to type in, but saves a lot of trouble when debugging.


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