This is a simple application for Windows Mobile with GPS to keep track of your runs. It saves tracks in GPX format. This application is very basic. You can find better free map route applications here.
Get the latest source code from the CodePlex Site.
The code is based on the sample GPS application for Windows Mobile. For more information, see here.
Using the Application
The application has a very simple interface, as shown in the above screenshots.
You start a new track, and the program writes you the GPS position in a log file when it changes. You can pause/continue recording GPS points. Additionally, you can mark specific points and tag them with a comment. Then, you save the track into a GPX file. You can also take a photo and the program saves it with a filename that includes the coordinates.
Additionally, you can enable SMS reply, so that the program intercepts a specially formatted SMS and replies with your position. The application, on the other hand, can respond by launching Google Maps and showing your position. You will find how to do this in the main form code file.
The code uses a part of the GPS Tracking with Windows Mobile 5.0+ code posted on CodeProject, mainly for the SMS interception part.