The majority of modern applications use ORMs as a way to connect to a database. Those libraries simplify the usage of the underlying ADO.NET API in a way that we might even forget that under the hood we are dealing with a relational model. This object-oriented wonderland usually lasts till a moment when first SQL exceptions crop up. If we configured our ORM correctly, we should be able to diagnose database problems with just logs that it provides. But what if we didn’t or if the problem lies deep in the ADO.NET layer? We might then try to use a debugger or a SQL Server Profiler. Both those tools, although great, are usually too heavy (or too invasive) for a production environments. Fortunately, there is still one option left – ADO.NET ETW tracing. In today’s post, I will show you how to turn on this type of tracing and how to use it to quickly diagnose some database problems.
For this purpose, we will use a buggy MVC application which consists of two controllers:
namespace LowLevelDesign.DiagnosingAdoNet
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
using (var conn = new SqlConnection
return View(conn.Query<Product>("select * from Products"));
namespace LowLevelDesign.DiagnosingAdoNet
public class ProductController : Controller
public ActionResult Edit(String productKey) {
Product prod = null;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(productKey)) {
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection
prod = conn.Query<Product>("select * from Products where _
ProductKey = @productKey", new { productKey }).SingleOrDefault();
return View(prod ?? new Product());
public ActionResult Edit(Product product) {
if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
return View(product);
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection
(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconn"].ConnectionString)) {
var t = conn.BeginTransaction();
if (conn.Execute("update Products set Price = @Price where _
ProductKey = @ProductKey", product, t) == 0) {
conn.Execute("insert into Products values (@ProductKey, @Price)", product, t);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
two views and it’s using a simple database:
<add name="dbconn" connectionString="Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;
Trusted_Connection=True;Initial Catalog=TestDb;Timeout=2;Max Pool Size=4" />
create database TestDb;
use TestDb;
create table Products (
ProductKey varchar(20) primary key,
Price smallmoney
insert into Products values ('P1', 20);
insert into Products values ('P2', 12);
You can download the whole application from here. Let’s now run it (you can use the runiis.bat script from the application directory) to see how it behaves. If you have visited a product edit screen, you should have noticed that changes are not saved – that’s our first issue. After few tries, you should experience another problem: a SQL timeout exception which completely breaks the application:
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.
This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
Start ADO.NET Tracing
It’s time to start trace collection in order to investigate what’s failing. There are two steps required to setup ADO.NET tracing on your (or server) machine. Firstly, you need to inform ADO.NET that it should provide traces (this setting is stored in a registry – just run setup-ado.net4_x64.reg or setup-ado.net4_x86.reg from my diagnostics toolkit page here). Secondly, you need to install the actual event provider – go to a .NET Framework directory (c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\) and run mofcomp adonetdiag.mof. Check if the provider was successfully installed by running logman query providers:
PS reader> logman query providers '{914ABDE2-171E-C600-3348-C514171DE148}'
Provider GUID
System.Data.1 {914ABDE2-171E-C600-3348-C514171DE148}
The command completed successfully.
PS reader> logman query providers '{7ACDCAC8-8947-F88A-E51A-24018F5129EF}'
Provider GUID
ADONETDIAG.ETW {7ACDCAC8-8947-F88A-E51A-24018F5129EF}
The command completed successfully.
Finally, it’s time to restart the application, but this time we will collect its traces in the background. Logman has an option to read providers configuration from a text file so let’s prepare such a file (you can also find it here) – we will name it ctrl.guid.adonet:
{914ABDE2-171E-C600-3348-C514171DE148} 0xFFFFFFFF 5 System.Data.1
value selects all events generated by the provider and 5
sets the log verbosity level to the most detailed one. Now let’s start the collection from an elevated command prompt:
> logman start adonettrace -pf .\ctrl.guid.adonet -o adonettrace.etl -ets
The command completed successfully.
Play a bit with the web application till a moment it’s broken and stop the trace collection:
> logman stop adonettrace -ets
The command completed successfully.
Analyze ADO.NET Traces
A new adonettrace.etl file should be created in the directory from which we run the command. As it’s a binary file, we need to convert it to something more readable (by using for example tracerpt):
> tracerpt -of xml .\adonettrace.etl
DumpFile: dumpfile.xml
Summary: summary.txt
The command completed successfully.
As you can see, two files were created by tracerpt
. Summary.txt is just a summary of events that the etl file contains and dumpfile.xml is the actual event data dump. If you setup everything correctly, the dumpfile.xml should weigh at least few hundred kilobytes. An example event record from this file looks as follows:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Guid="{914abde2-171e-c600-3348-c514171de148}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-09-06T21:46:53.915622600Z" />
<Correlation ActivityID="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" />
<Execution ProcessID="2008" ThreadID="6280" ProcessorID="1"
KernelTime="30" UserTime="60" />
<Channel />
<Computer />
<Data Name="ModID"> 2</Data>
<Data Name="msgStr"><prov.DbConnectionHelper.ConnectionString_Set|
API> 1#, 'Data Source=(local)\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=True;
Initial Catalog=TestDb;Timeout=2;Max Pool Size=4'
<RenderingInfo Culture="pl-PL">
<EventName xmlns=
<ExtendedTracingInfo xmlns=
As you can see, there is much information provided in such a record. In most diagnostics cases, it should suffice to check the <Execution>
and <Data Name=”msgStr”>
tags. The <Execution>
tag is interesting for us because it contains a system process ID. What I forgot to mention is that ETW traces are collected globally so if there were more applications on your system using ADO.NET at the “collection” time, their traces will be also included in the .etl file (and thus dumpfile.xml). The <Data Name=”msgStr”>
tag contains the actual ADO.NET log. As this information might be a bit hard to read, Microsoft created a naming convention (more here) that helps you organize traces. You may also use AdoNetTraceReader
which will extract message strings, indent log blocks and eventually filter them by PID. You can download this tool from my .NET diagnostics toolkit page and run it against your dumpfile.xml:
> .\AdoNetTraceReader.exe -i dumpfile.xml -o parsed.txt -p 2008
represents id of the web application pool on my machine.
It’s time to look at what traces will tell us about the database problems that we’ve experienced. Let’s first diagnose why the application breaks. The exception message informs us that our connection pool is leaking which means that there are places in code where the database connection is not closed after usage. Look for START <sc.SqlConnection.Open|API>
to find all connection openings. Each opening should have a corresponding closing phase: START <sc.SqlConnection.Close|API>
. As you can see in a snippet below, each opened connection receives its own ordinal number. Using this number, we can track what happened to a particular connection:
START <sc.SqlConnection.Open|API> 3#
<sc.SqlConnection.Open|API|Correlation> ObjectID3#,
ActivityID fd1e3c4a-fd2e-48a3-aeed-4d040907b07f:4
<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Getting connection.
<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromGeneralPool|RES|CPOOL> 1#,
Connection 5#, Popped from general pool.
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.PostPop|RES|CPOOL> 5#,
Preparing to pop from pool, owning connection 0#, pooledCount=0
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.ActivateConnection|RES|INFO|CPOOL> 5#, Activating
START <sc.SqlConnection.Close|API> 3#
<sc.SqlConnection.Close|API|Correlation> ObjectID3#,
ActivityID fd1e3c4a-fd2e-48a3-aeed-4d040907b07f:6
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.PrePush|RES|CPOOL> 5#,
Preparing to push into pool, owning connection 0#, pooledCount=0
<prov.DbConnectionPool.DeactivateObject|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Connection 5#, Deactivating.
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.DeactivateConnection|RES|INFO|CPOOL> 5#, Deactivating
<sc.SqlInternalConnection.Deactivate|ADV> 5# deactivating
<sc.TdsParser.Deactivate|ADV> 2# deactivating
<sc.TdsParser.Deactivate|STATE> 2#,
_physicalStateObj = False
_pMarsPhysicalConObj = True
_state = OpenLoggedIn
_server = (local)\SQLEXPRESS
_fResetConnection = False
_defaultCollation = (LCID=1045, Opts=25)
_defaultCodePage = 1250
_defaultLCID = 1045
_defaultEncoding = System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding
_encryptionOption = OFF
_currentTransaction = (null)
_pendingTransaction = (null)
_retainedTransactionId = 0
_nonTransactedOpenResultCount = 0
_connHandler = 5
_fMARS = False
_sessionPool = (null)
_isShiloh = True
_isShilohSP1 = True
_isYukon = True
_sniSpnBuffer = 1290
_errors = (null)
_warnings = (null)
_attentionErrors = (null)
_attentionWarnings = (null)
_statistics = True
_statisticsIsInTransaction = False
_fPreserveTransaction = False _fParallel = False
<prov.DbConnectionPool.PutNewObject|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Connection 5#, Pushing to general pool.
Armed with this knowledge, we should be able to quickly find the first leaking connection – in my case:
START <sc.SqlConnection.Open|API> 6#
<sc.SqlConnection.Open|API|Correlation> ObjectID6#,
ActivityID fd1e3c4a-fd2e-48a3-aeed-4d040907b07f:10
<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Getting connection.
<prov.DbConnectionPool.GetFromGeneralPool|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Connection 5#, Popped from general pool.
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.PostPop|RES|CPOOL> 5#,
Preparing to pop from pool, owning connection 0#, pooledCount=0
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.ActivateConnection|RES|INFO|CPOOL> 5#, Activating
Now it’s time to find out which part of the application used this connection. Reading next lines of the trace reveals the executed SQL query with its parameters – @ProductKey = 'P1'
(highlighted lines):
<sc.SqlCommand.set_CommandText|API> 7#, 'select * from Products where ProductKey = @productKey'
<sc.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader|API|Correlation> ObjectID7#,
ActivityID fd1e3c4a-fd2e-48a3-aeed-4d040907b07f:11
<sc.TdsParser.GetSession|ADV> 2# getting physical session 2
<sc.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader|INFO> 7#, Command executed as RPC.
Packet sent00000000: 03 09 01 00 00 00 01 00 | 16 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 ................
00000010: 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 01 00 00 00 FF FF ................
00000020: 0A 00 02 00 00 00 E7 6A | 00 15 04 D0 00 00 6A 00 .......j......j.
00000030: 73 00 65 00 6C 00 65 00 | 63 00 74 00 20 00 2A 00 s.e.l.e.c.t. .*.
00000040: 20 00 66 00 72 00 6F 00 | 6D 00 20 00 50 00 72 00 .f.r.o.m. .P.r.
00000050: 6F 00 64 00 75 00 63 00 | 74 00 73 00 20 00 77 00 o.d.u.c.t.s. .w.
00000060: 68 00 65 00 72 00 65 00 | 20 00 50 00 72 00 6F 00 h.e.r.e. .P.r.o.
00000070: 64 00 75 00 63 00 74 00 | 4B 00 65 00 79 00 20 00 d.u.c.t.K.e.y. .
00000080: 3D 00 20 00 40 00 70 00 | 72 00 6F 00 64 00 75 00 =. .@.p.r.o.d.u.
00000090: 63 00 74 00 4B 00 65 00 | 79 00 00 00 E7 34 00 15 c.t.K.e.y....4..
000000A0: 04 D0 00 00 34 00 40 00 | 70 00 72 00 6F 00 64 00 ....4.@.p.r.o.d.
000000B0: 75 00 63 00 74 00 4B 00 | 65 00 79 00 20 00 6E 00 u.c.t.K.e.y. .n.
000000C0: 76 00 61 00 72 00 63 00 | 68 00 61 00 72 00 28 00 v.a.r.c.h.a.r.(.
000000D0: 34 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 | 29 00 0B 40 00 70 00 72
000000E0: 00 6F 00 64 00 75 00 63 | 00 74 00 4B 00 65 00 79 .o.d.u.c.t.K.e.y
000000F0: 00 00 E7 40 1F 15 04 D0 | 00 00 04 00 50 00 31 00 ...@........P.1.
In our simple application, we quickly find that its ProductController
‘s Edit
action that leaks connections.
There is still one issue to investigate: prices that are not getting updated. Let’s then find a trace for the update statement:
update Products set Price = @Price where ProductKey = @ProductKey:
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.ActivateConnection|RES|INFO|CPOOL> 7#, Activating
START <sc.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction|API> 3#,
iso=-1{ds.IsolationLevel}, transactionName='None'
<sc.SqlInternalTransaction.ctor|RES|CPOOL> 1#,
Created for connection 7#, outer transaction 1#, Type 2
Packet sent 00000000: 0E 01 00 22 00 00 01 00 | 16 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 ..."............
00000010: 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | 00 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 ................
00000020: 02 00 | ..
Packet read 00000000: 04 01 00 23 00 34 01 00 | E3 0B 00 08 08 01 00 00 ...#.4..........
00000010: 00 34 00 00 00 00 FD 00 | 00 FD 00 00 00 00 00 00 .4..............
00000020: 00 00 00 | ...
<prov.DbConnectionHelper.ConnectionString_Get|API> 3#
START <prov.DbConnectionHelper.CreateDbCommand|API> 3#
<sc.SqlCommand.set_Connection|API> 3#, 3#
<sc.SqlCommand.set_Transaction|API> 3#
<sc.SqlCommand.set_CommandText|API> 3#, '
update Products set Price = @Price where ProductKey = @ProductKey '
START <sc.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery|API> 3#
<sc.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery|INFO> 3#, Command executed as RPC.
<sc.TdsParser.GetSession|ADV> 2# getting physical session 2
By looking few lines above the command, we can see that it’s run in a transaction:
START <sc.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction|API> 3#, iso=-1{ds.IsolationLevel}, transactionName='None'
From the further trace, we read that there were no errors while executing the command, so let’s focus on the closing phase:
START <sc.SqlConnection.Close|API> 3#
<prov.DbConnectionInternal.CloseConnection|RES|CPOOL> 7# Closing.
<sc.TdsParser.Deactivate|STATE> 2#,
_physicalStateObj = False
_pMarsPhysicalConObj = True
_state = OpenLoggedIn
_server = (local)\SQLEXPRESS
_fResetConnection = False
_defaultCollation = (LCID=1045, Opts=25)
_defaultCodePage = 1250
_defaultLCID = 1045
_defaultEncoding = System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding
_encryptionOption = OFF
_currentTransaction = (ObjId=1, tranId=223338299393,_
state=Active, type=LocalFromAPI, open=0, disp=False
_pendingTransaction = (null)
_retainedTransactionId = 0
_nonTransactedOpenResultCount = 0
_connHandler = 7
_fAsync = False
_fMARS = False
_fAwaitingPreLogin = False
_fPreLoginErrorOccurred = False
_sessionPool = (null)
_isShiloh = True
_isShilohSP1 = True
_isYukon = True
_sniSpnBuffer = 1290
_errors = (null)
_warnings = (null)
_attentionErrors = (null)
_attentionWarnings = (null)
_statistics = True
_statisticsIsInTransaction = True
_fPreserveTransaction = False _fParallel = False
<sc.SqlInteralTransaction.CloseFromConnection|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Closing
Highlighted lines:
_currentTransaction = (ObjId=1, tranId=223338299393, state=Active,
type=LocalFromAPI, open=0, disp=False
<sc.SqlInteralTransaction.CloseFromConnection|RES|CPOOL> 1#, Closing
should raise our suspicion. They tell us that during the closing phase, the transaction is still active (_currentTransaction
is not null
) and then it’s closed only because the connection is dropped. That explains why our changes were not reflected in the database. Adding t.Commit()
just before the return
statement in the [HttpPost]Edit
action of the ProductController
resolves our problem. I leave it as an exercise for you to check how traces look like when the transaction is committed (or rolled back).
I hope that information provided in this post will help you diagnose any future ADO.NET exceptions. If you would like to experiment even more with ADO.NET tracing, feel free to download the sample application code from here. There is also a great article on data access tracing available on MSDN that presents even more providers and trace options
Filed under:
Diagnosing ADO.NET