Something not working quite right with Spokes or your integration to Spokes?
If you need to turn on more detailed application logging in Spokes to try to see what is going on or to post log entries on PDC when asking for help, please follow the below process:
Pre-requisite: full Spokes Software is installed. Obtain from
To turn on Spokes logging run the program:
in there you choose High or Very High
Also in that program click the blue link to open the log folder…
It puts the log file here:
Note, logs get numbers on the end when they rollover, e.g. PlantronicsURE.log.*
(can be numbered .1 .2 .3 etc as log size rolls over 10MB)
If you are trying to reproduce an issue you can use Very High setting, then reduce again once you've completed test.
It is apparently not recommended to leave on Very High all the time because it *could* introduce subtle behaviour differences, e.g. around DFU (firmware upgrade).
I personally leave mine on Very High all the time as I often use the debug trace information when debugging Spokes integrations.
This article was written by Lewis Collins. Lewis became a member of the Plantronics Engineering team in August 2011. In this role he provides software consulting and expertise internally across teams and to external development partners who want to integrate with the Plantronics SDK kits and headset products. Previously Lewis gained experience in a wide range of software engineering activities and technologies, working in the telecommunications and public safety sectors as a software engineer at Integraph, a consultant for Altran Technologies UK and as a software engineer for Teleca Ltd.