Integrating ImageGear Professional and Barcode Xpress
Barcode indexing is a
common step in most electronic document workflows. Document retrieval requires
the ability to scan a page for the presence of barcodes and then return the
value of each barcode on the page. By combining the power of ImageGear and
Barcode Xpress, application developers have the ability to open 100 different
document image formats and then recognize and decode any 1D or 2D barcode found
in the document. The remainder of this document describes how to pass image
data from ImageGear Professional to Barcode Xpress and then return the values
of any barcodes found on the page.
Sample Code Introduction
This whitepaper tutorial
uses the sample code in the "Getting Started" section of the ImageGear Professional
help file as a starting point. ImageGear Professional is a very powerful tool that is
capable of working with many types of files and compression techniques. These
capabilities are not always active; rather, ImageGear uses a modular system to
allow developers to only utilize the capabilities needed for their particular
application. The goal of this whitepaper is to provide a basic introduction to
using Barcode Xpress in conjunction with ImageGear Professional. Therefore we
will not add any additional ImageGear modules, so certain image formats may not
open with the sample code. The onOpenDocument()
function will inform the user
when a file was unable to be opened. To provide feedback to the user on this
error, we will make the following change to the function from the Getting
Started guide:
LPCSTR error = "ImageGear was unable to open the file";
MessageBox(NULL, error, "Error", MB_OK);
It is recommended that
you build in your own error checking code to better handle this situation if
you are not going to implement all of the file types supported by ImageGear
Adding Barcode Xpress
Next, we need to add in
the Barcode Xpress components to the ImageGear sample project.
Right click on the project name and select "Properties." Open Configuration
Properties -> C/C++ -> General, and add the location of
"BarcodeXpress8_Events.h" (Typically "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Accusoft\BarcodeXpress\V8.0\Samples\ActiveX-COM\VC++\VS2008\Include")

1: Adding additional components.
Then add the following
lines to stdafx.h:
#import "Accusoft.BarcodeXpress8.ActiveX.dll"
#include "BarcodeXpress8_Events.h"
These lines of code
import the ActiveX control and include the header file containing all of the
commands available to us.
In IGSampleView.h, add
the following code to the class variables to set up the pointers we will use
later on:
CBarcodeXpress* m_ppIBarcodeXpress;
IBarcodeXpressPtr pBarcodeX;
Adding the Trigger
Now open up the Resource
View by going to View -> Other Windows -> Resource View. Expand the Menu
folder and open IDR_MAINFRAME. Add a new item called "Barcode" and a sub item
called "Scan".

2: Add a new menu item
Assign the new menu item
Then open the Class View
and right click on CIGSAMPLEView and select properties. Open up Events (the
lightning bolt, fourth from the left). Scroll down to ID_SCANBARCODES and expand
it. In the COMMAND drop down menu, select "<Add> OnScanbarcodes"
Add the following code:
m_ppIBarcodeXpress = new CBarcodeXpress(this, 1);
pBarcodeX = m_ppIBarcodeXpress->pBarcodeXpress;
The first line
initializes the pointer to point at the BarcodeXpress COM object.
The second line sets up
the pointer that we’ll be using to do our work.
The third line
references the function that will do all of the hard work. We’ll set this one
up in a minute.
Scanning for Barcodes
In the class view, right
click on CIGSampleView and select Add->Add function.
Declare a function with
a return type of "void" and a name "findBarcodes".

3: Adding a new function
Finally, we will write
the code to pass a DIB to Barcode Xpress to scan for barcodes and save the
value of each barcode found in the image. We have added comments to the code
to explain what is going on in each step:
void CIGSampleView::findBarcodes(void)
CIGSampleDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
AT_ERRCOUNT nErrCount = 0;
AT_DIMENSION nWidth, nHeight;
UINT nBpp;
AT_INT nDibSize;
int numBarcodes;
TCHAR dataFormat[] = _T(" Barcode #%1!d!\n\r Code Name: %2!s!\n\r Value: %3!s!\n\rX Position: %4!d!\n\rY Position: %5!d!\n\r Height: %6!d! %n Width: %7!d! %n Confidence: %8!d! %n%n");
TCHAR dataFormatShort[] = _T(" Barcode #%1!d!\n\r Code Name: %2!s!\n\r Value: %3!s! \n\r Confidence: %4!d! %n%n");
CString totalData, data;
LARGE_INTEGER start, end, freq;
INT64 ticks;
CString timeStr = _T("");
double ms;
myhIGear = pDoc->hIGear;
nErrCount = IG_image_dimensions_get(myhIGear, &nWidth, &nHeight, &nBpp);
if (nErrCount == 0)
pBarcodeX->ReaderAreaHeight = nHeight;
pBarcodeX->ReaderAreaWidth = nWidth;
pBarcodeX->ReaderAreaX = 0;
pBarcodeX->ReaderAreaY = 0;
memset(&Options, 0, sizeof(AT_DIB_EXPORT_OPTIONS));
Options.UseAlpha = FALSE;
nErrCount = IG_image_DIB_export_size_calc(myhIGear, &nDibSize, &Options);
HGLOBAL handleDib = GlobalAlloc(GHND, nDibSize);
hDib = (LPAT_DIB)GlobalLock(handleDib);
nErrCount = IG_image_DIB_export(myhIGear, hDib, nDibSize, &Options);
hDib = NULL;
ticks = (end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart);
ms = (double)(1000*ticks) / (double)(freq.QuadPart);
timeStr.AppendFormat(_T("MilliSeconds Elapsed: %g"), ms );
numBarcodes = pBarcodeX->NumBarcodes;
for( int i = 0; i < numBarcodes; i++)
data.FormatMessage( dataFormatShort ,
(LPCTSTR) pBarcodeX->BarcodeResult,
totalData += data;
data = "";
totalData += timeStr;
MessageBox(totalData, _T("Barcode Information"));
ImageGear Professional is capable of reading over 100 different image
formats and Barcode Xpress supports the greatest number of barcode formats on
the market. By combining these two tools, your document imaging
solution could read more barcodes from more images than ever before.
Find out
more about Barcode Xpress or ImageGear Professional product features and
download an unlimited trial version at or Try
your own images on our latest barcode web demo at Please
contact us at for more information.
About the Author
Tyler Lubeck has been
working with computers on Windows, iOS and Android platforms for almost a
decade. While working as an intern at Accusoft during the summer of 2012,
he made coding and quality assurance improvements for a major software
development toolkit, ImageGear Professional. He quality assured and corrected
C#, C++, VB6 and Delphi code samples, ported C#, C++ code samples to
Visual Studio 2012, investigated and resolved coding defects, and improved
product documentation. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in
Computer Science at Tufts University with an expected graduation date of 2015.