Removing special characters can be useful if you need to use a resource that does not offer UTF-8 support.
I needed to send a set of folders to CMD (objShell.Run
), but it gave me errors on some folder names. When I checked the problem,
there was an "&" in the folder name and the Command Line does not recognize it like a folder. The solution
was to rename the folder,
replacing "&" with its equivalent ("e").
Using the Code
WScript.Echo normalize_str("Atualização de segurança para o Windows XP (KB941569)")
Function normalize_str(strRemove)
Dim arrWrapper(1)
Dim arrReplace(94)
Dim arrReplaceWith(94)
arrWrapper(0) = arrReplace
arrWrapper(1) = arrReplace
arrWrapper(0)(0) = "Š"
arrWrapper(0)(1) = "š"
arrWrapper(0)(2) = "Ð"
arrWrapper(0)(3) = "d"
arrWrapper(0)(4) = "Ž"
arrWrapper(0)(5) = "ž"
arrWrapper(0)(6) = "C"
arrWrapper(0)(7) = "c"
arrWrapper(0)(8) = "C"
arrWrapper(0)(9) = "c"
arrWrapper(0)(10) = "À"
arrWrapper(0)(11) = "Á"
arrWrapper(0)(12) = "Â"
arrWrapper(0)(13) = "Ã"
arrWrapper(0)(14) = "Ä"
arrWrapper(0)(15) = "Å"
arrWrapper(0)(16) = "Æ"
arrWrapper(0)(17) = "Ç"
arrWrapper(0)(18) = "È"
arrWrapper(0)(19) = "É"
arrWrapper(0)(20) = "Ê"
arrWrapper(0)(21) = "Ë"
arrWrapper(0)(22) = "Ì"
arrWrapper(0)(23) = "Í"
arrWrapper(0)(24) = "Î"
arrWrapper(0)(25) = "Ï"
arrWrapper(0)(26) = "Ñ"
arrWrapper(0)(27) = "Ò"
arrWrapper(0)(28) = "Ó"
arrWrapper(0)(29) = "Ô"
arrWrapper(0)(30) = "Õ"
arrWrapper(0)(31) = "Ö"
arrWrapper(0)(32) = "Ø"
arrWrapper(0)(33) = "Ù"
arrWrapper(0)(34) = "Ú"
arrWrapper(0)(35) = "Û"
arrWrapper(0)(36) = "Ü"
arrWrapper(0)(37) = "Ý"
arrWrapper(0)(38) = "Þ"
arrWrapper(0)(39) = "ß"
arrWrapper(0)(40) = "à"
arrWrapper(0)(41) = "á"
arrWrapper(0)(42) = "â"
arrWrapper(0)(43) = "ã"
arrWrapper(0)(44) = "ä"
arrWrapper(0)(45) = "å"
arrWrapper(0)(46) = "æ"
arrWrapper(0)(47) = "ª"
arrWrapper(0)(48) = "ç"
arrWrapper(0)(49) = "è"
arrWrapper(0)(50) = "é"
arrWrapper(0)(51) = "ê"
arrWrapper(0)(52) = "ë"
arrWrapper(0)(53) = "ì"
arrWrapper(0)(54) = "í"
arrWrapper(0)(55) = "î"
arrWrapper(0)(56) = "ï"
arrWrapper(0)(57) = "ð"
arrWrapper(0)(58) = "ñ"
arrWrapper(0)(59) = "ò"
arrWrapper(0)(60) = "ó"
arrWrapper(0)(61) = "ô"
arrWrapper(0)(62) = "õ"
arrWrapper(0)(63) = "ö"
arrWrapper(0)(64) = "ø"
arrWrapper(0)(65) = "ù"
arrWrapper(0)(66) = "ú"
arrWrapper(0)(67) = "û"
arrWrapper(0)(68) = "ü"
arrWrapper(0)(69) = "ý"
arrWrapper(0)(70) = "ý"
arrWrapper(0)(71) = "þ"
arrWrapper(0)(72) = "ÿ"
arrWrapper(0)(73) = "R"
arrWrapper(0)(74) = "r"
arrWrapper(0)(75) = "`"
arrWrapper(0)(76) = "´"
arrWrapper(0)(77) = "„"
arrWrapper(0)(78) = "`"
arrWrapper(0)(79) = "´"
arrWrapper(0)(80) = "€"
arrWrapper(0)(81) = "™"
arrWrapper(0)(82) = "{"
arrWrapper(0)(83) = "}"
arrWrapper(0)(84) = "~"
arrWrapper(0)(85) = "’"
arrWrapper(0)(86) = "'"
arrWrapper(0)(87) = "¶"
arrWrapper(0)(88) = "¼"
arrWrapper(0)(89) = "µ"
arrWrapper(0)(90) = "®"
arrWrapper(0)(91) = "/"
arrWrapper(0)(92) = "|"
arrWrapper(0)(93) = "º"
arrWrapper(0)(94) = "&"
arrWrapper(1)(0) = "S"
arrWrapper(1)(1) = "s"
arrWrapper(1)(2) = "Dj"
arrWrapper(1)(3) = "d"
arrWrapper(1)(4) = "Z"
arrWrapper(1)(5) = "z"
arrWrapper(1)(6) = "C"
arrWrapper(1)(7) = "c"
arrWrapper(1)(8) = "C"
arrWrapper(1)(9) = "c"
arrWrapper(1)(10) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(11) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(12) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(13) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(14) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(15) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(16) = "A"
arrWrapper(1)(17) = "C"
arrWrapper(1)(18) = "E"
arrWrapper(1)(19) = "E"
arrWrapper(1)(20) = "E"
arrWrapper(1)(21) = "E"
arrWrapper(1)(22) = "I"
arrWrapper(1)(23) = "I"
arrWrapper(1)(24) = "I"
arrWrapper(1)(25) = "I"
arrWrapper(1)(26) = "N"
arrWrapper(1)(27) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(28) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(29) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(30) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(31) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(32) = "O"
arrWrapper(1)(33) = "U"
arrWrapper(1)(34) = "U"
arrWrapper(1)(35) = "U"
arrWrapper(1)(36) = "U"
arrWrapper(1)(37) = "Y"
arrWrapper(1)(38) = "B"
arrWrapper(1)(39) = "Ss"
arrWrapper(1)(40) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(41) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(42) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(43) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(44) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(45) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(46) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(47) = "a"
arrWrapper(1)(48) = "c"
arrWrapper(1)(49) = "e"
arrWrapper(1)(50) = "e"
arrWrapper(1)(51) = "e"
arrWrapper(1)(52) = "e"
arrWrapper(1)(53) = "i"
arrWrapper(1)(54) = "i"
arrWrapper(1)(55) = "i"
arrWrapper(1)(56) = "i"
arrWrapper(1)(57) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(58) = "n"
arrWrapper(1)(59) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(60) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(61) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(62) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(63) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(64) = "o"
arrWrapper(1)(65) = "u"
arrWrapper(1)(66) = "u"
arrWrapper(1)(67) = "u"
arrWrapper(1)(68) = "u"
arrWrapper(1)(69) = "y"
arrWrapper(1)(70) = "y"
arrWrapper(1)(71) = "b"
arrWrapper(1)(72) = "y"
arrWrapper(1)(73) = "R"
arrWrapper(1)(74) = "r"
arrWrapper(1)(75) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(76) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(77) = ","
arrWrapper(1)(78) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(79) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(80) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(81) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(82) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(83) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(84) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(85) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(86) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(87) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(88) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(89) = "u"
arrWrapper(1)(90) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(91) = "."
arrWrapper(1)(92) = "-"
arrWrapper(1)(93) = ""
arrWrapper(1)(94) = "e"
For N = 0 To 94
strRemove = Replace(strRemove, arrWrapper(0)(N), arrWrapper(1)(N), 1, -1, 0)
normalize_str = strRemove
End Function
is a multidimensional array that stores two arrays, arrReplace
and arrReplaceWith
. Note that
they reference each other. arrWrapper(0)(0)
will be replaced with arrWrapper(1)(0)
Then we For Each
array and use the Replace
function to check if strRemove
has arrWrapper(0)(N)
If it is true, replace it with arrWrapper(1)(N)
You can use this method to replace special chars on a text file, and save its content to a new text file.
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
strScriptFile = Wscript.ScriptFullName Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strScriptFile) strFolder = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(objFile)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFolder & "\replace_this_text.txt", ForReading)
strLine = strLine & objFile.ReadLine & vbCrLf
Loop While Not objFile.AtEndOfStream
strLine = Left(strLine, Len(strLine) - 2)
strLine = normalize_str(strLine)
If Not (objFSO.FileExists(strFolder & "\replaced.txt")) Then
objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFolder & "\replaced.txt")
End If
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFolder & "\replaced.txt", ForWriting)
WScript.Echo strLine
Contents of replace_this_text.txt:
Atualização de segurança para o Windows XP (KB941569)
Atualização de segurança para o Windows Media Player 9, 9.5 & 11
We open replace_this_text.txt, re-pass its contents to a variable, use
the normalize_str
function, and then save the contents to a new file called
Points of Interest
It is an adaptation from PHP Dev Tips.
I think that sometimes it is better to have an easy to understand and maintain
code than having faster code. Probably, in processing, this is not the best way
to create a multidimensional array in VBScript, but it is really easy to understand.
- 12 Dec 2012: Added option to replace string from file.
- 10 Dec. 2012: Tip published.