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I saw an article (April 1999 - VCJ) by Kurtz, and wrote a simple ATL DLL to use it in an ASP page.
I just wanted to show a number of ways (examples) on how to implement it. This article has 4 projects:
ATL (the DLL), VC++ (using the DLL), VB (using the DLL), and ASP (using the DLL)
This was all his code (ARACrypt.cpp/h) and I just used his Class to play.
Note: I did find something funny in the VB example. When I ran it on WinNT, the Decryption didn't seem to
work correctly (see comments in VB code). When I returned encryption data into the text field (Text1.Text)
the Decryption would be wrong (some characters). Once I had the returned encryption data go into a
variable it all worked well (see VB code below). When on the Win2000 OS it worked fine the other way...go
figure? Of course I fixed it, but check it out if you have two Operating Systems (WinNT/Win2000).
Option Explicit
' MUST be registered
Dim CryptTest As CRYPTITLib.Cryptor
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set CryptTest = New CRYPTITLib.Cryptor
CryptTest.PassPhrase = Text1.Text
CryptTest.StringToCrypt = Text2.Text
' Normally I would not store to a string
' variable, update the text control, then
' use the variable to set the property (below)
' but WinNT 4.0 (SP3)/VB 6.0 (SP3) environment I get
' the wrong decryption...go figure? Try it:
' Text3.Text = CryptTest.ReturnCrypted
' CryptTest.StringToCrypt = Text3.Text
' The above does work on Win2000/VB 6.0 (SP3)!!!
' again, "go figure!"
Dim strTest As String
strTest = CryptTest.ReturnCrypted
Text3.Text = strTest
CryptTest.StringToCrypt = strTest
Text4.Text = CryptTest.ReturnCrypted
Set CryptTest = Nothing
End Sub
I hope that others find this useful.