Here is Part 7 of a long series on Advent Of Code. You can find the previous part here.
For this new post, we are going to solve the problem from 7th December 2015, named "Some Assembly Required". The solution I will propose is in C++, but the reasoning can be applied to other languages.
Part 1
The Problem
The full version of this problem can be found directly on the Advent of Code website, I will only describe the essence of the problem here:
Santa offered to little Bobby a set of wires and bitwise logic gates, who needs our help to assemble the circuit since he is too young to achieve it on his own.
Each wire is identified by some lowercase letters and can carry a 16-bit signal, and can only get a signal from one source, but can provide its signal to multiple destinations. The signal of a wire is provided to each wire by a gate, another wire, or some specific value. And finally, a gate provides no signal until all of its inputs have a signal.
For example:
123 -> x // Attribution of the signal to the wire
456 -> y // Attribution of the signal to the wire
x AND y -> d // Bitwise AND operator
x OR y -> e // Bitwise OR operator
x LSHIFT 2 -> f // Left Shifting
y RSHIFT 2 -> g // Right Shifting
NOT x -> h // Bitwise complement
NOT y -> i // Bitwise complement
results in:
x: 123
y: 456
d: 72
e: 507
f: 492
g: 114
h: 65412
i: 65079
In this part, we will have to find the value of the signal in the wire a
First of all, this problem is totally on a different level from the previous one. So let’s start with it.
Bit Operations
For this problem, we will need some operator on bits. Hopefully, C++ already defines the one we need \o/
Here they are:
is the AND
operator |
is the OR
operator <<
is the LSHIFT
operator >>
is the RSHIFT
operator ~
is the NOT
I encourage you to check the std documentation about those operators.
The Types
Let’s starts with the types/object we will need. We have the Signal
which is going to be a uint16_t
since the signal is on 16 bits.
using Signal = uint16_t;
We have the Wire
which is an object which has a name and can have a Signal. Here is what the header could look like:
class Wire
explicit Wire (const std::string& name_);
~Wire ();
bool hasSignal () const;
void setSignal(const Signal value_);
Signal getSignal() const;
std::string getName() const;
std::string name;
bool hasSignalValueBeenSet{false};
Signal value{0};
Now that we have the Signal
and the Wire
, the last object we need is the operation allowing us to calculate the value of the signal for each wire. For that, we have 5 kinds of Operations:
enum class OperationType
Which means we have to set the behavior for each operation with a common interface for each kind of operation:
class Operation
virtual Wire& getResultWire () = 0;
virtual bool canBeExecuted () const = 0;
virtual bool isExecuted () const = 0;
virtual void execute () = 0;
Edit: Note that an "output Wire" can be integrated directly in the Operation
class, since all the operation can only have one output.
Each specific operation will inherit from this class and override the function to specify its behavior. For example:
class LShift : public Operation
LShift (Wire& input_, size_t number_, Wire& output_) : input(input_),
number(number_), output(output_) {}
~LShift () = default;
Wire& getResultWire () override
return output;
bool canBeExecuted () const override
return input.hasSignal();
bool isExecuted () const override
return hasBeenExecuted;
void execute () override
output.setSignal (input.getSignal() << number);
hasBeenExecuted = true;
Wire& input, &output;
size_t number{0};
bool hasBeenExecuted{false};
If you want to see all the implementation of the Operation, I invite you to go to my Github.
The Program
Now that we have our main classes, we can extract the data from the puzzle input with some code like:
class Wires; class Operations;
foreachLineIn(fileContent, [&wires](const std::string& line)
const auto operationType = getOperationFromInstruction (line);
auto& wiresFromInstruction = getWiresNameInInstruction (line);
for(auto& w : wiresFromInstruction.getWires())
wires.addNewWire(w); }
foreachLineIn(fileContent, [&wires, &operations](const std::string& line)
const auto operationType = getOperationFromInstruction (line);
auto& wiresFromInstruction = getWiresNameInInstruction (line);
operations.addNewOperation(operationType, wires, wiresFromInstruction, line);
Now that we have all the data, we "just" have to run it, … well, I mean
void Operations::run()
while (std::any_of(std::begin(operations), std::end(operations), [](const auto& operation)
return !operation->isExecuted();
for(auto& operation : operations)
if(!operation->isExecuted() && operation->canBeExecuted())
And voilà, each wire has its signal. All there is now to do is to use std::find_if
to get the Wire
named a
to solve this part.
Part 2
The Problem
For this part, we have to take the signal you got on wire a, override wire b
to that signal, and reset the other wires (including wire a) and find the value of the signal in the wire a
Well… now that we have a software able to find the value of the wire a
, all we have to do is modify the line giving its value to the wire b
and it runs on the program again, and gets the result, right?
Exactly, it works \o/ Love the reusability of the software. 
You can note that the solutions, written in this post, don’t include all the sources to make running programs, but only the interesting part of the sources to solve this problem. If you want to see the programs from end to end, you can go on my GitHub account, explore the full solution, add comments or ask questions if you want to.
Here is the list of std
method that we have used, I can’t encourage you enough to look at their definitions:
Thank you for reading, hope you liked it. 
And until the next part, have fun learning and growing.