This article explains on how the truck and driver information can be stored as ML model and can be used for analysis and predictions
This idea can be useful for organizations that do delivery using trucks. We can store the truck location information and driver mileage data and use the charting capabilities of HANA and SageMaker to come up with statistics and predictions
Data structures
Truck location data can have the following fields for example:
Truckid, DriverId, Latitude, Longitude, Event, Velocity
Driver data can have the following fields:
DriverId, TotalMilesdriven
Then we can see who is the most risky driver and most safe driver by using the above data. Most risky could be the drivers who have more number of abnormal events per miles driven and safe driver would have the less
abnormal events.
Points of Interest
SAP HANA and Amazon SageMaker can be used to build in the data models and charts for the above.
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