This is a follow up to How to Build a Regex Engine. This will use what we've developed, and expand on what we've done to create a full fledged lexer generator.
First, what the heck is a lexer? Briefly, lexers are useful to parsers. Parsers use them to break an input text stream into lexemes tagged with symbols so it can identify the "type" of a particular chunk of text. If you don't know what one is yet, see the previous article from above, because it explains lexing/tokenization. You're really best off starting there in any case. Plus you'll get to go over some neat code in it. As I said, we're building on what we've done there. I've included the source with it here.
Tokenizers/Lexers are almost always used for parsers, but they don't have to be. They can be used any time you need to break up text into symbolic pieces.
We're going to build Rolex, the "gold plated" lexer. It has some unique features, hence the "gold plating".
For starters, it can create lexers that have no external dependencies, which is rare or maybe unheard of in the limited .NET field of lexer generators. It can generate its entire dependency code as source, and do this in any language that the CodeDOM
will reasonably support, so it requires no external libraries. However, you can reference Rolex.exe in your projects like you would any assembly, and your tokenizer code can use that as an external library, if desired.
Next, it has a feature called "block ends" which make it easy to match things with multicharacter ending conditions, like C block comments, and markup comments and CDATA sections.
It can also hide tokens, like comments and whitespace.
It exposes all of this through an attributed specification format:
Here's our lexer we used from the previous article, as a Rolex specification file (demo.rl).
For laughs and illustrative purposes, we're going to add a C style block comment to this. Instead of a complicated regular expression, we can simply edit the file to appear as follows:
Notice the presence of both single and double quotes in the above. Single quotes denote a regular expression, while double quotes denote a literal. Block ends must be literal, but the start expression for it doesn't have to be. Remember to escape your regular expressions and strings as necessary.
Also see how comment is declared with angle braces. Things inside those are attributes and they can specify modifiers for any lexer rule. We've specified two on Comment
: blockEnd
, and hidden
. These specify the termination string, and hide the rule from the tokenizer output, respectively.
We can also explicitly specify numeric id
s for the symbols with the id
attribute which takes a numeric literal (no quotes), but don't go too crazy with huge numbers, as each one is an array index, so if one is 5000, it will create an array with 5000 elements in it.
Those are the only three attributes we currently support, but it should be enough for most purposes. If not, hopefully drilling down here will help you extend it.
We make extensive use of CodeDomUtility
so it might be a good idea to give that Code Project article a quick read - it's short.
Coding this Mess
The bulk of our command line processing and core application is in Program.cs:
string inputfile = null;
string outputfile = null;
string name = null;
var codelanguage = "cs";
string codenamespace = null;
bool noshared = false;
bool lib = false;
These are our application parameters we read from the command line. Most of the parameters are self explanatory, except name
, noshared
, and lib
. They specify the name of the generated class, whether or not to generate the dependency code - specifying noshared
or lib
prevents the dependency code from being generated. The former is useful if you're generating several tokenizers in the same project. You'd generate the first one without noshared
, and then subsequent ones with noshared
, so that there's only one copy of the base classes and other structures. The latter is useful if we want to use Rolex.exe as an external referenced assembly instead of putting the shared code directly in the project. It makes the generated code use the external library.
We switch
in a loop in order to parse each parameter after the first one, using an extra easy way to specify command line argument values - we just use the argument that follows it in the args[]
array. So if we see "/namespace", the next argument is what we fill the codenamespace
variable with.
for(var i = 1;i<args.Length;++i)
case "/output":
if (args.Length - 1 == i)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format
("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
outputfile = args[i];
case "/name":
if (args.Length - 1 == i)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format
("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
name = args[i];
case "/language":
if (args.Length - 1 == i)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format
("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
codelanguage = args[i];
case "/namespace":
if (args.Length - 1 == i)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format
("The parameter \"{0}\" is missing an argument", args[i].Substring(1)));
codenamespace = args[i];
case "/noshared":
noshared = true;
case "/lib":
lib = true;
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown switch {0}", args[i]));
Note that we're throwing exceptions here, and (not shown above) we've wrapped a try
block in a DEBUG
conditional. This is so in debug builds we get the exception instead of it being suppressed and sending us to the usage screen with an error message - which is what happens in release builds. We report all errors by throwing. This makes things cleaner.
We could have probably used a const
above for the error messages, but I just copied and pasted for this demo. In the real world, we'd probably want to hold messages in a resource string table anyway.
The next lines of code that are of any interest are:
var rules = _ParseRules(input);
These parse the rules, and fill the rule ids, but we'll get to that in a moment. First, what is a rule? Each rule is one line in that spec file we looked at before, giving us four rules. The structure in code is as follows:
class _LexRule
public int Id;
public string Symbol;
public KeyValuePair<string, object>[] Attributes;
public RegexExpression Expression;
public int Line;
public int Column;
public long Position;
You can see each rule has quite a few properties. The last three fields aren't used as part of the lex, they just tell us where in the document the rule was, for error reporting. Symbol
is the identifier on the left hand side of the equals sign, Attributes
are the named values between <>
, and Expression
is the regular expression DOM/AST that represents the right hand side of the rule. See the prior article for how to use that DOM. We're really only going to use one method off of it though.
The parsing routine uses latest, as of yet unposted version of ParseContext
exposed from the Regex library. It's functionally the same as the one in this article, but with a minor bugfix or two (mostly naming), and better factoring. It uses a cheesy but expedient move by treating the attribute values as JSON and parsing them as though they were JSON, so JSON string escapes and all JSON literals and such are all valid here. Anyway, the overall routine just uses recursive descent parsing with the parse context to read the input file into a list of lex rules. Once you're familiar with how ParseContext
works, the only real weird part of the routine is when we parse the regular expressions:
if ('\'' == pc.Current)
pc.TryReadUntil('\'', '\\', false);
var pc2 = ParseContext.Create(pc.GetCapture());
pc2.SetLocation(pc.Line, pc.Column, pc.Position);
var rx = RegexExpression.Parse(pc2);
rule.Expression = rx;
We've created a new ParseContext
on the capture of our main ParseContext
. What this does is make sure our new parse context only "sees" the text between single quotes. We've effectively scanned and captured between quotes, treated that as its own string, and then created a parse context on that like we would normally. We update the second parse context's position information, so it will report error locations properly. We then used that parse context to pass to the RegexExpression.Parse()
method. That's how we tell that class when to stop parsing, since it doesn't know anything about our file format. It just sees regex.
Moving on to _FillRuleIds()
: We have to fill in the ids for each of our rules. Some might already be filled in the input file through id
attributes. We have to preserve those, and fill in the ids, sequentially "around them", such that if we specified a rule at id of 5, we have to create new rules without using the 5 id again. We also have to number them upward. What we do is move such that the last id we saw becomes our new start, and then we increment one for each rule, skipping any that are already declared, and checking for duplicates, which we cannot have. It's kind of complicated to describe but intuitive to use and easy to code:
static void _FillRuleIds(IList<_LexRule> rules)
var ids = new HashSet<int>();
for (int ic = rules.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
var rule = rules[i];
if (int.MinValue!=rule.Id && !ids.Add(rule.Id))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format
("The input file has a rule with a duplicate id at line {0},
column {1}, position {2}", rule.Line, rule.Column, rule.Position));
var lastId = 0;
for (int ic = rules.Count, i = 0; i < ic; ++i)
var rule = rules[i];
rule.Id = lastId;
} else
lastId = rule.Id;
while (ids.Contains(lastId))
We have one more important helper method to cover:
static CharFA<string> _BuildLexer(IList<_LexRule> rules)
var exprs = new CharFA<string>[rules.Count];
for(var i = 0;i<exprs.Length;++i)
var rule = rules[i];
return CharFA<string>.ToLexer(exprs);
Note that this uses our CharFA<TAccept>
class from Regex. What it does is take the regular expressions for each rule, and then tell Regex to turn that into a lexer. Again, see the previous article for more about how that works. It's important-ish but it's too lengthy a topic to cover here. The other _BuildXXXX()
methods also take information from the rules and build data from them we use later.
Let's move on to the meat of Program.cs now that we've processed our command line and read our rules from the input file:
var ccu = new CodeCompileUnit();
var cns = new CodeNamespace();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codenamespace))
cns.Name = codenamespace;
var fa = _BuildLexer(rules);
var symbolTable = _BuildSymbolTable(rules);
var blockEnds = _BuildBlockEnds(rules);
var nodeFlags = _BuildNodeFlags(rules);
var dfaTable = fa.ToDfaStateTable(symbolTable);
if (!noshared && !lib)
if (lib)
cns.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("Rolex"));
var prov = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider(codelanguage);
var opts = new CodeGeneratorOptions();
opts.BlankLinesBetweenMembers = false;
opts.VerbatimOrder = true;
prov.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, output, opts);
Mostly here, we're just building all of our data, telling Regex to make us a DFA state table, optionally generating the shared source base classes, and then passing everything in that mess we just made to GenerateTableTokenizer()
in CodeGenerator.cs which we'll cover shortly. We take the stuff that was built, and then add it to our CodeCompileUnit
which we generate our output from. That covers all the important aspects of Program
CodeGenerator.cs is on the larger side, but would be much larger still without CodeDomUtility
, here aliased as CD
in this file. Reading the code that calls on CodeDomUtility
can be a bit difficult at first, but as your eyes adjust so to speak, it gets a good deal easier. Most of these routines spit out static code, which are simply generated versions of the reference and library code in Tokenizer.cs. The reason we generate it even though it's not dynamic is because that way it can be in any .NET language for which there is a compliant CodeDOM
The main public routine that generates dynamic code is GenerateTableTokenizer()
, and what it does is serialize the passed in arrays to static fields on a new class that inherits from TableTokenizer
, and simply passes the constructor arguments along to the base class's constructor. The base class is either present in the source, or included as part of the referenced assembly, Rolex.exe if you're using it that way. Each of the static generation methods, meanwhile, has the equivalent implementation in C# in Tokenizer.cs, so let's explore that:
public class TableTokenizer : IEnumerable<Token>
DfaEntry[] _dfaTable;
string[] _blockEnds;
int[] _nodeFlags;
IEnumerable<char> _input;
public IEnumerator<Token> GetEnumerator()
return new TableTokenizerEnumerator
(_dfaTable, _blockEnds, _nodeFlags, _input.GetEnumerator());
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
=> GetEnumerator();
public TableTokenizer(DfaEntry[] dfaTable,
string[] blockEnds,int[] nodeFlags,IEnumerable<char> input)
if (null == dfaTable)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dfaTable));
if (null == blockEnds)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(blockEnds));
if (null == nodeFlags)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nodeFlags));
if (null == input)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));
_dfaTable = dfaTable;
_blockEnds = blockEnds;
_nodeFlags = nodeFlags;
_input = input;
What the heck? Strip away the comments and there's almost nothing there but some member fields and a constructor. Note however, that the GetEnumerator()
method returns a TableTokenizerEnumerator
that it passes all of its member data to. If you've ever written a collection class, then you already know that this method enables you to write foreach(var token in myTokenizer)
to lex the input, which we'll get to, but first, let's look at this monster, our token enumerator.
class TableTokenizerEnumerator : IEnumerator<Token>
public const int ErrorSymbol= -1;
const int _EosSymbol = -2;
const int _Disposed = -4;
const int _BeforeBegin = -3;
const int _AfterEnd = -2;
const int _InnerFinished = -1;
const int _Enumerating = 0;
const int _TabWidth = 4;
DfaEntry[] _dfaTable;
string[] _blockEnds;
int[] _nodeFlags;
IEnumerator<char> _input;
int _state;
Token _current;
StringBuilder _buffer;
int _line;
int _column;
long _position;
What a beast! In here, we have several constants, the DFA table, block ends, and node flags, the input cursor, a state indicator, a current Token
, a string buffer, and some text location information. Yes, Ramona, we need it all.
Like most any enumerator classes, the heart of ours is MoveNext()
, which simply reads the next token:
public bool MoveNext()
if (_Disposed == _state)
if (_AfterEnd == _state)
return false;
_current = default(Token);
_current.Line = _line;
_current.Column = _column;
_current.Position = _position;
_current.SymbolId = _Lex();
var done = false;
while (!done)
done = true;
if (ErrorSymbol < _current.SymbolId)
var be = _blockEnds[_current.SymbolId];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(be))
if (!_TryReadUntilBlockEnd(be))
_current.SymbolId = ErrorSymbol;
if (ErrorSymbol<_current.SymbolId && 0 != (_nodeFlags[_current.SymbolId] & 1))
done = false;
_current.Line = _line;
_current.Column = _column;
_current.Position = _position;
_current.SymbolId = _Lex();
_current.Value = _buffer.ToString();
if (_EosSymbol == _current.SymbolId)
_state = _AfterEnd;
return _AfterEnd!=_state;
Almost all of the complication here involves dealing with block ends and hidden tokens toward the end of the routine. Indeed, there's not much aside from that and some bookkeeping - oh, and the calls to _Lex()
, the heart and soul of our tokenizer/lexer. This routine simply scans the input using the DFA table, and reports what it found each time it is called, advancing the cursor. It reports the text and line information in _buffer
, _line
, _column
, and _position
and the symbol id of the match as its return value - on error returning -1
public int _Lex()
int acceptSymbolId;
var dfaState = 0;
if (_BeforeBegin == _state)
if (!_MoveNextInput())
acceptSymbolId = _dfaTable[dfaState].AcceptSymbolId;
if (-1 != acceptSymbolId)
return acceptSymbolId;
return ErrorSymbol;
_state = _Enumerating;
else if (_InnerFinished == _state || _AfterEnd == _state)
return _EosSymbol;
var done = false;
while (!done)
var nextDfaState = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < _dfaTable[dfaState].Transitions.Length; i++)
var entry = _dfaTable[dfaState].Transitions[i];
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < entry.PackedRanges.Length; j++)
var ch = _input.Current;
var first = entry.PackedRanges[j];
var last = entry.PackedRanges[j];
if ( ch <= last)
if (first <= ch)
found = true;
j = int.MaxValue - 1;
if (found)
nextDfaState = entry.Destination;
i = int.MaxValue - 1;
if (-1 != nextDfaState)
dfaState = nextDfaState;
if (!_MoveNextInput())
acceptSymbolId = _dfaTable[dfaState].AcceptSymbolId;
if (-1 != acceptSymbolId)
return acceptSymbolId;
return ErrorSymbol;
done = true;
acceptSymbolId = _dfaTable[dfaState].AcceptSymbolId;
return acceptSymbolId;
return ErrorSymbol;
It looks like it's doing a lot, but it's really not, nor should it, as this code is speed critical. This is an inner loop of an inner loop of an inner loop when used in a parser. It has to be fast.
How it works is based on those graphs we saw in the previous article. Those are baked into our state table, dfaTable[]
. Each entry in the table contains Transitions
and an AcceptSymbolId
. Each transition contains a set of packed character ranges (stored as adjacent pairs of characters in a character array) and a destination state index. In the inner for
loops, we're traversing the packed ranges of our transitions to see if the character falls between any one of them. If we find one, we set the dfaState
variable to the next
state and continue. We do this until we can't match any transitions or we run out of input. Once that happens, we either report success if we're on an accepting state (_dfaTable[dfaState].AcceptSymbolId
is not -1
) we report that symbol. If we're not, we report _ErrorSymbol
). It's actually straightforward to traverse those states. The trick is generating the data for those tables in the first place, but Regex did all the work for us, creating those from ToLexer()
as we saw earlier, which in turn was created during _ParseRules()
via those RegularExpression
fields on those _LexRule
s. Talk about the house that Jack built! Still, here we are finally.
The rest of the code in that reference implementation is support code, like _MoveNextInput()
which advances _inner
's cursor position by one, and tracks text position, line and column, or _TryReadUntilBlockEnd()
which does exactly what it says - it tries to read until it matches the specified block end (see earlier).
Let's finally delve into more of CodeGenerator.cs.
static CodeMemberMethod _GenerateLexMethod()
var state = CD.FieldRef(CD.This, "_state");
var input = CD.FieldRef(CD.This, "_input");
var inputCurrent = CD.PropRef(input, "Current");
var dfaTable = CD.FieldRef(CD.This, "_dfaTable");
var dfaState = CD.VarRef("dfaState");
var acc = CD.VarRef("acc");
var done = CD.VarRef("done");
var currentDfa = CD.ArrIndexer(dfaTable, dfaState);
var invMoveNextInput = CD.Invoke(CD.This, "_MoveNextInput");
var result = CD.Method(typeof(int), "_Lex");
result.Statements.AddRange(new CodeStatement[] {
CD.IfElse(CD.Eq(CD.Literal(_BeforeBegin),state),new CodeStatement[] {
CD.IfElse(CD.NotEq(CD.NegOne,acc),new CodeStatement[] {
CD.IfElse(CD.NotEq(CD.VarRef("next"),CD.NegOne),new CodeStatement[] {
CD.IfElse(CD.NotEq(acc,CD.NegOne), new CodeStatement[] {
CD.IfElse(CD.NotEq(acc,CD.NegOne), new CodeStatement[] {
return result;
Wow, what a cryptic nightmare. Wait. Put on your x-ray specs, and just compare it to the method it generates (which I provided in the code segment just prior). Look at how it matches the structure of that code. You'll see things like:
This translates literally (at least in C#) to:
dfaState = next;
We cheated a little and predeclared next
and inputCurrent
but the structure of the code is there. The entire routine is laid out like this. It helps to be familiar with the CodeDOM
. The entire class is documented so you should get tool tips on what each method does. If you compare it to the reference code, you'll see the overall structure is the same. It's kind of verbose, but nowhere near as bad as the CodeDOM
. You'll see I'm in the habit of declaring things inline, even using inline arrays when I have to. Laying it out like this allowed me to directly mirror the structure of the reference code, and it made creating this, and makes maintaining it easier, since the reference source is now an effective "master document". I hope that makes sense. Normally, using the CodeDOM
, your code generation routine looks nothing like the code it's supposed to generate. This aims to rectify some of that. Now the generated code looks a lot, structurally, like the code it's supposed to generate. All the if
s and other declarations are inline where they would be in the generated source.
See? What seemed like black magic is just a little spell to make maintenance less of a burden.
It's kind of funny, but we've gotten this far and we still haven't covered using the tool.

- required, indicates the input lexer specification as described earlier. outputfile
- optional, the output file to generate - defaults to stdout. Using stdout isn't recommended because the console can "cook" special characters, like unicode characters, scrambling them, and ruining DFA tables. It doesn't always happen, but when it does it's no fun, and can be hard to track down. name
- optional, this is the name of the class to generate. It can be taken from the filename if not specified. codelanguage
- optional, the language of the code to generate. Most systems support VB and CS (C#), but some systems may have other languages. YMMV, as this should work with many, if not most, but it's hard to know in advance which languages it will work with. codenamepace
- optional, if specified, indicates the .NET namespace under which the code will be generated noshared
- optional, if specified, indicates that no shared code will be included with the generated code. This can be useful when one has more than one tokenizer per project. The first tokenizer source file can be generated without this switch, and then subsequent tokenizer source files should be generated with this switch, so there's only one copy of the shared code. If lib
is specified, shared code will never be generated. lib
- optional, if specified, indicates the use of rolex.exe as an assembly reference in the project. This will not add the assembly reference, but will set up the code so that it can use it. Using rolex.exe probably requires Regex.dll as well in the end distribution, but I haven't verified that for certain. I don't really recommend this, as it's just extra baggage for an easy to generate bit of shared code that one can just include in their project. That's why, by default, this option isn't on. You can actually make your own shared library, simply by spitting a rolex spec into the "Rolex
" namespace and deleting the non-shared code, then compiling that. Doing so doesn't require the above assemblies and will still allow you to use the lib
option with this new library you just built.
Well, now that we've covered how to generate from the command line, let's explore using the code - we've generated this from the lexer spec above but have removed the "hidden
" attribute so that comments show up:
var syms = new string[] { "Digits", "Word", "Whitespace", "Comment" };
var test = "baz123/***foo/***/ /**/bar1foo/*/";
var tokenizer = new demo(test);
foreach (var token in tokenizer)
"{0}: \"{1}\" at line {3}, column {4}, position {2}",
token.SymbolId != -1 ? syms[token.SymbolId] : "#ERROR",
This results in the following output:
Word: "baz" at line 1, column 1, position 0
Digits: "123" at line 1, column 4, position 3
Comment: "/***foo/***/" at line 1, column 7, position 6
Whitespace: " " at line 1, column 19, position 18
Comment: "/**/" at line 1, column 20, position 19
Word: "bar" at line 1, column 24, position 23
Digits: "1" at line 1, column 27, position 26
Word: "foo" at line 1, column 28, position 27
#ERROR: "/*/" at line 1, column 31, position 30
That's easy, however, in a real parser, you probably won't use foreach
. Instead, you'll use IEnumerator<Token>
manually, just as our tokenizer uses IEnumerator<char>
manually. Still, it's only a couple of methods and a property that matter, so it's not a big deal either.
We'll cover that in a future article on how to build a parser (again).
I hope this demystified tools like lex/flex and bison if nothing else. They do essentially the same thing. Also, maybe you'll go on to make a better lexer on your own, now that you hopefully know how this one works.
- 27th November, 2019 - Initial submission