In this article, we look at the installation and usage of StructMapping. Consider examples of use when mapping JSON to a C++ structure and when reverse mapping structure C++ to JSON.

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Table of contents
Mapping json to and from a c++ structure
I would like to define a c++ structure
struct Person {
std::string name;
int age;
bool student;
} person;
pass the person instance to the mapping method along with json data
map_json_to_struct(person, json_data)
then use the filled structure
std::cout << << " : " << person.age;
Or vice versa
map_struct_to_json(person, json_data, " ");
std::cout << json_data.str() << std::endl;
get Person as json
"name": "Agent K",
"age": 42,
"student": false
StructMapping is trying to solve these problems
Compilation is required with -std=c++17 Mainly for:
- if constexpr
- static inline
Compiler | platform combinations on which StructMapping has been tested:
- GNU C++ 10.1.0 | Linux
- Clang 12.0.0 | Linux
- Visual C++ 2019 and Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.26.28806 for x64 | Windows 64-bit (except tests)
As types of member-data can be used
- std::optional (with any supported type)
- bool
- char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int unsigned int, long, long long
- float, double
- std::string
- std::list
- std::vector
- std::set (expected to be represented in json as an array)
- std::unordered_set (expected to be represented in json as an array)
- std::multiset (expected to be represented in json as an array)
- std::unordered_multiset (expected to be represented in json as an array)
- std::map (the key can only be std::string)
- std::unordered_map (the key can only be std::string)
- std::multimap (the key can only be std::string)
- std::unordered_multimap (the key can only be std::string)
- c++ structure
- enumerations
StructMapping is a header-only C++ library. All library files are in the include
To build examples and run tests proceed with the steps below (cmake required):
- (if necessary) set the environment variables CC и CXX:
export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
export CXX=/usr/bin/g++
- create directory called
in StructMapping source directory - change to
directory - run
cmake ..
command to configure your build - run
cmake --build .
command. On successful build you will find binary files for examples and tests (under windows tests are not build) in the bin
directory - (not for windows) to run the tests run
(you can get detailed output using ctest -V
) - it is possible to install library system-wide by running
cmake --install .
command from the build tree with administrative privileges. This will install all files according to system preferences.
Implementing a scenario with a Person structure
define the structure
struct Person {
std::string name;
int age;
bool student;
register members
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::age, "age");
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::student, "student");
create an instance
Person person;
set json data
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"name": "Jeebs",
"age": 42,
"student": true
pass the person instance to the mapping method along with json data
map_json_to_struct(person, json_data);
std::cout << << " : " <<
person.age << " : " <<
std::boolalpha << person.student << std::endl;
Completed code
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
struct Person
std::string name;
int age;
bool student;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::age, "age");
struct_mapping::reg(&Person::student, "student");
Person person;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"name": "Jeebs",
"age": 42,
"student": true
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(person, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(person, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"name": "Jeebs",
"age": 42,
"student": true
Mapping json to c++ structure
To map json to a structure, it is necessary to register all data members of all structures that you want to mapped using for each field
template<typename T, typename V, typename ... U, template<typename> typename ... Options>
inline void reg(V T::* ptr, std::string const & name, Options<U>&& ... options);
and call the function
template<typename T>
void map_json_to_struct(T & result_struct, std::basic_istream<char> & json_data);
- reference to the resulting structure json_data
- reference to json data input stream
During the mapping process, the correspondence between the types of data members and the types of set value is checked, and (for numbers) the set value is checked to get out of the range of values of the data member type. In case of type mismatch or out of range values exceptions are generated.
Optional fields
Any of the supported types can be used in combination with std::optional. For example:
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
struct Engine
int age;
struct Car
std::optional<Engine> engine;
std::optional<std::string> name;
std::optional<int> max_speed;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&Engine::age, "age");
struct_mapping::reg(&Car::engine, "engine");
struct_mapping::reg(&Car::name, "name", struct_mapping::NotEmpty{});
struct_mapping::reg(&Car::max_speed, "max_speed", struct_mapping::Bounds{0, 100});
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"age": 42
"name": "Mercedes"
Car car;
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(car, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(car, out_json_data, " ", false);
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"engine": {
"age": 42
"name": "Mercedes",
"max_speed": null
Enums in json will be represented as strings. Therefore, to use enumerations, it is required to establish conversion methods from string to enumeration value and vice versa, using:
template<typename From, typename To>
static void MemberString::set(From function_from_string_, To function_to_string_);
- conversion function from string to enum value function_to_string_
- conversion function from enum value to string
for example
enum class Color {
[] (const std::string & value) {
if (value == "red") return Color::red;
if (value == "green") return Color::green;
if (value == "blue") return Color::blue;
throw struct_mapping::StructMappingException("bad convert '" + value + "' to Color");
[] (Color value) {
switch (value) {
case Color::red: return "red";
case Color::green: return "green";
default: return "blue";
or under enumeration example
Structures represented in json as strings
Structures in json can be represented as strings. To use this method, you need to set conversion methods from string to structure and vice versa using:
template<typename From, typename To>
static void MemberString::set(From function_from_string_, To function_to_string_);
- conversion function from string to struct function_to_string_
- conversion function from struct to string
for example
struct Color {
int value;
[] (const std::string & value) {
if (value == "red") return Color{1};
if (value == "blue") return Color{2};
throw struct_mapping::StructMappingException("bad convert '" + value + "' to Color");
[] (Color color) {
switch (color.value) {
case 1: return "red";
case 2: return "blue";
default: return "green";
or under an example of using structures represented in json as strings
simple types example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
struct Planet
bool giant;
long long surface_area;
double mass;
std::string satellite;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::giant, "giant");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::surface_area, "surface_area");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::mass, "mass");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::satellite, "satellite");
Planet earth;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"giant": false,
"surface_area": 510072000000000,
"mass": 5.97237e24,
"satellite": "Moon"
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(earth, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(earth, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"giant": false,
"surface_area": 510072000000000,
"mass": 5.97237e+24,
"satellite": "Moon"
structure example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
struct President
std::string name;
double mass;
struct Earth
President president;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&President::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&President::mass, "mass");
struct_mapping::reg(&Earth::president, "president");
Earth earth;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"president": {
"name": "Agent K",
"mass": 75.6
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(earth, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(earth, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"president": {
"name": "Agent K",
"mass": 75.6
an example of using structures represented in json as strings
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace sm = struct_mapping;
struct Color
int value;
bool operator<(const Color& o) const
return value < o.value;
static Color color_from_string(const std::string & value)
if (value == "red")
return Color{1};
else if (value == "blue")
return Color{2};
return Color{0};
static std::string color_to_string(const Color& color)
switch (color.value)
case 1: return "red";
case 2: return "blue";
default: return "green";
struct Background
Color color;
struct Palette
Color main_color;
Background background;
std::list<Color> special_colors;
std::set<Color> old_colors;
std::map<std::string, Color> new_colors;
int main()
sm::MemberString<Color>::set(color_from_string, color_to_string);
sm::reg(&Palette::main_color, "main_color", sm::Default{"red"});
sm::reg(&Palette::background, "background", sm::Required{});
sm::reg(&Palette::special_colors, "special_colors");
sm::reg(&Palette::old_colors, "old_colors");
sm::reg(&Palette::new_colors, "new_colors");
sm::reg(&Background::color, "color");
Palette palette;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"background": {
"color": "blue"
"special_colors": ["red", "green", "red", "blue"],
"old_colors": ["red", "green", "blue"],
"new_colors": {
"dark": "green",
"light": "red",
"neutral": "blue"
sm::map_json_to_struct(palette, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(palette, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"main_color": "red",
"background": {
"color": "blue"
"special_colors": [
"old_colors": [
"new_colors": {
"dark": "green",
"light": "red",
"neutral": "blue"
Enumeration example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace sm = struct_mapping;
enum class Color
static Color ColorFromString(const std::string& value)
if (value == "red")
return Color::red;
else if (value == "blue")
return Color::blue;
return Color::green;
static std::string ColorToString(Color color)
switch (color)
case Color::red: return "red";
case Color::green: return "green";
default: return "blue";
struct Palette
Color main_color;
Color background_color;
std::list<Color> special_colors;
std::map<std::string, Color> colors;
int main()
sm::MemberString<Color>::set(ColorFromString, ColorToString);
sm::reg(&Palette::main_color, "main_color", sm::Required{});
sm::reg(&Palette::background_color, "background_color", sm::Default{Color::blue});
sm::reg(&Palette::special_colors, "special_colors");
sm::reg(&Palette::colors, "colors");
Palette palette;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"main_color": "green",
"special_colors": ["green", "green", "red"],
"colors": {
"dark": "green",
"light": "red",
"neutral": "blue"
sm::map_json_to_struct(palette, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(palette, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"main_color": "green",
"background_color": "blue",
"special_colors": [
"colors": {
"dark": "green",
"light": "red",
"neutral": "blue"
sequence container example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
struct Friend
std::string name;
std::set<int> counters;
bool operator==(const Friend& o) const
return name ==;
struct FriendHash
size_t operator()(const Friend& o) const
return static_cast<size_t>(;
struct MiB
std::unordered_set<Friend, FriendHash> friends;
std::vector<std::list<std::string>> alien_groups;
std::vector<std::list<std::vector<std::string>>> planet_groups;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&Friend::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Friend::counters, "counters");
struct_mapping::reg(&MiB::friends, "friends");
struct_mapping::reg(&MiB::alien_groups, "alien_groups");
struct_mapping::reg(&MiB::planet_groups, "planet_groups");
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"friends": [
"name": "Griffin",
"counters": [1,3,4]
"name": "Boris",
"counters": []
"name": "Agent K",
"counters": [42, 128]
"alien_groups": [
"Edgar the Bug",
"Boris the Animal",
"Agent J",
"Agent K",
"Roman the Fabulist"
"planet_groups": [
MiB mib;
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(mib, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(mib, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"friends": [
"name": "Boris",
"counters": [
"name": "Agent K",
"counters": [
"name": "Griffin",
"counters": [
"alien_groups": [
"Edgar the Bug",
"Boris the Animal",
"Agent J",
"Agent K",
"Roman the Fabulist"
"planet_groups": [
associative container example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
struct Library
std::multimap<std::string, int>> counters;
std::unordered_multimap<std::string, std::string>> books;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&Library::counters, "counters");
struct_mapping::reg(&Library::books, "books");
Library library;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"counters": {
"first": {
"112": 13,
"142": 560,
"112": 0
"second": {
"2": 28,
"20": 411
"third": {
"books": {
"asd": {
"Leo": "aaa",
"Leo": "bbb",
"Mark": "ccc"
"wwert": {
"Gogol": "ddd",
"Tom": "eee"
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(library, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(library, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"counters": {
"third": {
"second": {
"2": 28,
"20": 411
"first": {
"112": 13,
"112": 0,
"142": 560
"books": {
"asd": {
"Mark": "ccc",
"Leo": "bbb",
"Leo": "aaa"
"wwert": {
"Tom": "eee",
"Gogol": "ddd"
Mapping options
When registering a data member, you can specify one or more options that will customize the mapping.
Sets the range of values in which (including the limits of the range) the value to be set is located. Applicable for integer types and floating point types. The option accepts two parameters - the range limits. Throws an exception when the set during the mapping of the value goes out of bounds. For std::optional, the option refers to the value that is contained in std::optional.
Bounds{lower, upper}
Example of setting an option:
reg(&Stage::engine_count, "engine_count", Bounds{1, 31});
Sets the default value for the data member. Applicable for bool, integer types, floating point types, strings, containers, cpp structures and enumerations. The option accepts one parameter - the default value. For std::optional, the option refers to the value that is contained in std::optional.
Example of setting an option:
reg(&Stage::engine_count, "engine_count", Default{3});
When using an option for a struct for which conversion to / from string is used (structures represented in json as strings), the default value must also be a string
sm::reg(&Palette::main_color, "main_color", sm::Default{"red"});
Notes that a data member cannot be set to an empty value. Applicable for strings and containers. The option does not accept parameters. Throws an exception if, after completion of the mapping, the field value is an empty string or an empty container. For std::optional, the option refers to the value that is contained in std::optional.
Example of setting an option:
reg(&Spacecraft::name, "name", NotEmpty{}));
Notes that a data member must be set to a value. Applicable for bool, integer types, floating point types, strings, containers, cpp structures and enumerations. The option does not accept parameters. Throws an exception if, after completion of the mapping, value for the field has not been set. The option cannot be used for std::optional.
Example of setting an option:
reg(&Spacecraft::name, "name", Required{}));
Options example
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace sm = struct_mapping;
struct Stage
unsigned short engine_count;
std::string fuel;
long length;
struct Spacecraft
bool in_development;
std::string name;
int mass;
std::map<std::string, Stage> stages;
std::list<std::string> crew;
std::set<int> ids;
std::unordered_set<std::string> tools;
int main()
sm::reg(&Stage::engine_count, "engine_count", sm::Default{6}, sm::Bounds{1, 31});
sm::reg(&Stage::fuel, "fuel", sm::Default{"subcooled"});
sm::reg(&Stage::length, "length", sm::Default{50});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::in_development, "in_development", sm::Required{});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::name, "name", sm::NotEmpty{});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::mass, "mass", sm::Default{5000000}, sm::Bounds{100000, 10000000});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::stages, "stages", sm::NotEmpty{});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::crew, "crew", sm::Default{std::list<std::string>{"Arthur", "Ford", "Marvin"}});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::ids, "ids", sm::Default{std::set<int>{14, 159}});
sm::reg(&Spacecraft::tools, "tools", sm::NotEmpty{});
Spacecraft starship;
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"in_development": false,
"name": "Vostok",
"stages": {
"first": {
"engine_count": 31,
"fuel": "compressed gas",
"length": 70
"second": {}
"tools": [
"Reverberating Carbonizer With Mutate Capacity",
"Noisy Cricket",
"The Series 4 De-Atomizer"
sm::map_json_to_struct(starship, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(starship, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
"in_development": false,
"name": "Vostok",
"mass": 5000000,
"stages": {
"first": {
"engine_count": 31,
"fuel": "compressed gas",
"length": 70
"second": {
"engine_count": 6,
"fuel": "subcooled",
"length": 50
"crew": [
"ids": [
"tools": [
"The Series 4 De-Atomizer",
"Noisy Cricket",
"Reverberating Carbonizer With Mutate Capacity"
Reverse mapping of c++ structure to json
For the structure to be mapped back to json, it is necessary to register all data members of all the structures that need to be mapped using for each field
template<typename T, typename V, typename ... U, template<typename> typename ... Options>
inline void reg(V T::* ptr, std::string const & name, Options<U>&& ... options);
and call the function
template<typename T>
void map_struct_to_json(
T& source_struct,
std::basic_ostream<char>& json_data,
std::string indent = "",
bool hide_null = true);
- reference to the source structure json_data
- reference to json data output stream indent
- indentation (if set, makes the output format better readable) hide_null
- true - std::optional fields for which no value is set will be hidden
- false - std::optional fields for which no value is set will have the value 'null' in json
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct OceanPart
std::string name;
double average_depth;
std::vector<int> temperature;
struct OceanColor
std::string name;
struct Ocean
double water_volume;
long long surface_area;
bool liquid;
std::string name;
OceanColor color;
std::vector<OceanPart> parts;
struct Planet
bool giant;
long long surface_area;
double mass;
double volume;
long long orbital_period;
std::string name;
bool terrestrial;
std::string shape;
Ocean ocean;
int main()
struct_mapping::reg(&OceanPart::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&OceanPart::average_depth, "average_depth");
struct_mapping::reg(&OceanPart::temperature, "temperature");
struct_mapping::reg(&OceanColor::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::water_volume, "water_volume");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::surface_area, "surface_area");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::liquid, "liquid");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::color, "color");
struct_mapping::reg(&Ocean::parts, "parts");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::giant, "giant");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::surface_area, "surface_area");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::mass, "mass");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::volume, "volume");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::orbital_period, "orbital_period");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::name, "name");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::terrestrial, "terrestrial");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::shape, "shape");
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::ocean, "ocean");
Planet earth;
earth.giant = false;
earth.terrestrial = true;
earth.surface_area = 510072000;
earth.orbital_period = 365 * 24 * 3600;
earth.mass = 5.97237e24; = "Terra";
earth.volume = 1.08321e12;
earth.shape = "nearly spherical";
earth.ocean.water_volume = 1332000000;
earth.ocean.surface_area = 361132000;
earth.ocean.liquid = true; = "World Ocean"; = "blue";
OceanPart pacific; = "Pacific Ocean";
pacific.average_depth = 4.280111;
pacific.temperature = std::vector<int>{-3, 5, 12};
OceanPart atlantic; = "Atlantic Ocean";
atlantic.average_depth = 3.646;
atlantic.temperature = std::vector<int>{-3, 0};;;
std::ostringstream json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(earth, json_data, " ");
std::cout << json_data.str() << std::endl;
"giant": false,
"surface_area": 510072000,
"mass": 5.97237e+24,
"volume": 1.08321e+12,
"orbital_period": 31536000,
"name": "Terra",
"terrestrial": true,
"shape": "nearly spherical",
"ocean": {
"water_volume": 1.332e+09,
"surface_area": 361132000,
"liquid": true,
"name": "World Ocean",
"color": {
"name": "blue"
"parts": [
"name": "Pacific Ocean",
"average_depth": 4.28011,
"temperature": [
"name": "Atlantic Ocean",
"average_depth": 3.646,
"temperature": [
Registration of data members combined with initialization
In order not to take out the registration of data members from the structure, registration can be combined with initialization
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct Planet
bool giant = []
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::giant, "giant");
return false;
} ();
long long surface_area = []
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::surface_area, "surface_area");
return 0;
} ();
double mass = []
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::mass, "mass");
return 0;
} ();
std::vector<std::string> satellites = []
struct_mapping::reg(&Planet::satellites, "satellites");
return std::vector<std::string>{};
} ();
int main()
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"giant": false,
"surface_area": 510072000000000,
"mass": 5.97237e24,
"satellites": ["Moon", "R24"]
Planet earth;
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(earth, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(earth, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
To simplify the use of this method, four macros are defined
Defines the begin of the structure and its name
Adds a data member, registers it, and initializes it with a default value:
MEMBER(type, name)
MEMBER(bool, giant)
MEMBER(long long, surface_area)
MEMBER(double, mass)
MEMBER(std::vector<std::string>, satellites)
Adds a data member and registers it. You can set field options. At least one option must be setted:
MEMBER_OPTIONS(type, name, option_1, ...)
struct_mapping::Bounds{23, 47},
Defines the end of the structure
#include "struct_mapping/struct_mapping.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
MEMBER(bool, giant)
MEMBER(long long, surface_area)
struct_mapping::Bounds{1.0e23, 1.0e27},
MEMBER(std::vector<std::string>, satellites)
int main()
std::istringstream json_data(R"json(
"giant": false,
"surface_area": 510072000000000,
"satellites": ["Moon", "R24"]
Planet earth;
struct_mapping::map_json_to_struct(earth, json_data);
std::ostringstream out_json_data;
struct_mapping::map_struct_to_json(earth, out_json_data, " ");
std::cout << out_json_data.str() << std::endl;
StructMapping throws a StructMappingException
exception during the mapping process
- when setting a value whose type does not match the type of field (for enumerations when setting values other than a string)
- (for numerical fields) when setting a value that is outside the range of the field type
- when using an enumeration, if functions for converting to / from a string were not specified for it
- when setting a value that exceeds the limits set by the Bounds option
- with an empty string field, if the NotEmpty option was set for it
- if the Required option was set, but the value was not set
- when setting the Bounds option to a value that is outside the range of values for the field type
- when setting the Bounds option to values when the lower bound value is greater than the upper bound value
- when setting the Default option to a value that is outside the range of values for the field type
- when reaching the end of the json stream, when parsing is not completed (the process of parsing an object, value, etc.)
- when a character is received in the json stream that is not valid at this position (for example, an array termination character, if the beginning character of the array was not received earlier)
- when conversion of json string representing number to number fails