This is a small Windows batch utility written in VBscript to read and compare two text files line by line. It can read multiple files if folders are provided. It also supports sorting (.NET required) prior to comparison.
This is a small and simple Windows batch utility that reads and compares two textual files line by line. It takes in two parameters (path1
and path2
), which can be either file or folder paths. It also supports sorting by using .NET's System.Collections.ArrayList
Using the Code
The executable is run independently, without providing parameters as arguments. The parameters (path1
and path2
) are collected through user prompts. The paths can be entered as relative or absolute paths (if relative paths are used, Shell.CurrentDirectory
is added in front.
Dim sh: Set sh = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
If Replace(path1,":","") = path1 Then
If Left(path1,1) <> "\" Then path1 = "\" & path1
path1 = sh.CurrentDirectory & path1
End If
Sorting functionality is provided through the internal call of VBscript code, it can be switched on / off by providing Y
/ N
as argument:
set "psort=Y"
%cscript% //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" %psort% //job:VBS
If sorting is chosen, each file's lines shall be read into System.Collections.ArrayList
objects and sorted by using its .Sort
Set arrlist1 = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Do Until file1.AtEndOfStream
arrlist1.Add file1.ReadLine
Then, a simple comparison is done - depending on whether sort is used or not, the lines will be read either from arrlist1
and arrlist2
, or directly from the files.
The program will report each line in the files that is not matching.
If multiple files are compared, then it will try to find the matching files in path2
by using the matching name from path1
. If the file is not found, it will be reported as "not found".
Also, if a file has more lines than the other, this will be reported as "Other file has more lines".
The Complete Code
set "caption=Compare line by line"
pushd "%~dp0"
@echo off
if EXIST "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\" (set "cscript=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe") _
ELSE (set cscript=cscript.exe)
set "psort=Y"
%cscript% //nologo "%~f0?.wsf" %psort% //job:VBS
<package><job id="VBS"><script language="VBScript">
Dim sort: sort = False
If WScript.Arguments(0) = "Y" Then sort = True
Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim sh: Set sh = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim file1
Dim file2
Dim folder1
Dim folder2
Dim cnt
Dim errcnt
Dim path1
Dim path2
WScript.stdout.Write "Path 1: "
path1 = WScript.stdin.ReadLine
WScript.stdout.Write "Path 2: "
path2 = WScript.stdin.ReadLine
If Replace(path1,":","") = path1 Then
If Left(path1,1) <> "\" Then path1 = "\" & path1
path1 = sh.CurrentDirectory & path1
End If
If Replace(path2,":","") = path2 Then
If Left(path2,1) <> "\" Then path2 = "\" & path2
path2 = sh.CurrentDirectory & path2
End If
If fso.FolderExists(path1) And fso.FolderExists(path2) Then
Set folder1 = fso.GetFolder(path1)
Set folder2 = fso.GetFolder(path2)
For Each fil In folder1.Files
CompareFiles fil.Path, Replace(fil.Path, path1, path2), sort
ElseIf fso.FileExists(path1) And fso.FileExists(path2) Then
CompareFiles path1, path2, sort
WScript.Echo "Invalid path(s)!"
End If
Sub CompareFiles(fil1, fil2, sort)
WScript.echo "Comparing files:"
WScript.echo fil1
WScript.echo fil2
WScript.echo "==================================================="
WScript.stdout.Write "Press [ENTER] to continue..."
cnt = 1
errcnt = 0
If Not fso.FileExists(fil1) Then
WSCript.echo "File " & fil1 & " does not exist!"
ElseIf Not fso.FileExists(fil2) Then
WScript.echo "File " & fil2 & " does not exist!"
Set file1=fso.OpenTextFile(fil1)
Set file2=fso.OpenTextFile(fil2)
If sort Then
Set arrlist1 = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Do Until file1.AtEndOfStream
arrlist1.Add file1.ReadLine
Set arrlist2 = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Do Until file2.AtEndOfStream
arrlist2.Add file2.ReadLine
Do: For i = 0 To Min(arrlist1.Count - 1, arrlist2.Count - 1)
If i = arrlist1.Count - 1 And i <> arrlist2.Count - 1 Then
WScript.echo fil1 & " at end of stream: " & CStr(i) & " lines. _
Other file has more lines"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
Exit Do
ElseIf i <> arrlist1.Count - 1 And i = arrlist2.Count - 1 Then
WScript.echo fil2 & " at end of stream: " & CStr(i) & " lines. _
Other file has more lines"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
Exit Do
End If
If arrlist1.Item(i) <> arrlist2.Item(i) Then
WScript.echo "Line " & CStr(i+1) & " mismatch"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
End If
Next: Loop While 0=1
Do Until file1.AtEndOfStream And file2.AtEndOfStream
If file1.AtEndOfStream And Not file2.AtEndOfStream Then
WScript.echo fil1 & " at end of stream: " & CStr(cnt-1) & " lines. _
Other file has more lines"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
Exit Do
ElseIf file2.AtEndOfStream And Not file1.AtEndOfStream Then
WScript.echo fil2 & " at end of stream: " & CStr(cnt-1) & " lines. _
Other file has more lines"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
Exit Do
End If
If file1.readline <> file2.readline Then
WScript.echo "Line " & CStr(cnt) & " mismatch"
errcnt = errcnt + 1
End If
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If errcnt = 0 Then WScript.echo "Files match!"
End If
End Sub
function Min(a,b)
Min = a
If b < a then Min = b
end function