A walk through the project with Entity Framework Core 5 data migration in .NET 5. The data migration is in a separate library and also automatically deployed.
I have been thinking of writing this topic for some time. I did a project in the past with EF data migration, but things have changed and its library dependencies have changed as well. Now, moving forward to this moment, I will do this in .NET 5 project and with EF Core 5 (5.0.3).
1. Introduction
The main idea of this blog is you are going to write a web application with Entity Framework, and not only that, you want the project to come with a data migration plan. When you wrote an application, the database may evolve over time, and you want to gracefully and gradually migrate the database in a live production environment. This is where EF data migration comes into play. This article will walk you through this in a number of steps. All other coding aspects, e.g., configuration, coding standard, validation, etc., and even entity framework modeling are skipped in order to bring clarity to the core issue, data migration.
2. Prerequisite
Microsoft allows creating a project from either a Visual Studio IDE template or using dotnet command line (CLI) interface. In this article, we will create a project from dotnet CLI. Additionally, we will use Visual Studio Code instead of using Visual Studio IDE, however, the usage will be limited to edit files and navigate project folders. All building and running applications will be done via dotnet CLI commands. Here is a number of prerequisites:
- Download and install Visual Studio Code from here.
- Run Visual Studio code, and install C# extension from OmniSharp. To install the extension, click icon on the left panel, or click menu View --> Extension.
- Download and install dotnet 5 SDSK from here, you can download any SDK version v5.0.0, or above. If you are in a windows OS, make sure the installed directory is included in your computer system
. - Make sure you have a local instance of MS SQL server with Windows Authentication enabled.
2. Creating Solution and Project Skeleton using Dotnet CLI
We will create a solution containing two projects, the main project will be generated from an empty web template, and the other project is a library project which contains our database model, context, and later on our migration files. Here, we will do it using dotnet CLI commands via command prompts, or you can open a terminal from Visual Studio code
- Create a directory for our solution '
', and move to that directory:
mkdir EFCoreMigration
cd EFCoreMigration
- Run dotnet command to create a new solution file:
dotnet new sln
This will create a solution file with the name of the current directory, or you can specify the name of the solution file with argument -n
dotnet new sln -n EFCoreMigration
- Create two projects, one for
which of type web
, another for DataAccess
, which of type classlib
dotnet new web -o WebApp
dotnet new classlib -o DataAccess
To see every available project template, you can list them using:
dotnet new -l
- Add those two projects to the solution:
dotnet sln add WebApp
dotnet sln add DataAccess
Note, if you don't specify the solution name, it will use the default which is the name of the current directory. A complete command can be like:
dotnet sln [solution name] add WebApp
Or you can also specify the full path of the project file like:
dotnet sln [solution name] add WebApp\WebApp.csproj
- Add a reference to
project in the WebApp
dotnet add WebApp reference DataAccess
Or you can also specify the full path of the project file:
dotnet add WebApp\WebApp.csproj reference DataAccess\DataAccess.csproj
3. Create Model and Data Context in DataAcess
Here, we use a code-first approach of the entity framework. A very basic model is used.
- In the Visual Studio Code, open DataAccess directory, and rename Class1.cs To Book.cs, and type this code below:
using System;
namespace DataAccess
public class Book
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description {get;set;}
- In the terminal, go to DataAccess directory, and add
package (version 5.0.3):
cd DataAccess
dotnet new package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -v 5.0.3
- In the Visual Studio Code, create DataContext.cs in the
using System;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace DataAccess
public class DataContext: DbContext
public DbSet<Book> Books { get; set; }
public DataContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
//Can add constraint, index, check, data type, and even data seed
- Make sure you save all changes and compile
project to make sure it builds by typing in the terminal:
dotnet build
4. Initiate Database in the WebApp
- In the terminal, go to WebApp directory, and add
(version 5.0.3). This step depends on what database server you use, if you use other than the MS SQL server, find an appropriate provider package for your database server.
dotnet new package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlserver -v 5.0.3
- In the Visual Studio Code, open WebApp directory, and edit Startup.cs. Add DB context in the
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddDbContext<DataAccess.DataContext>(options =>
is an extension method in the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
, and to use it, you need to add using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
at the top. The code will connect to local instance of MS SQL server using the logged user account, and creating a EFCoreMigration
- In addition to that, adds a
to Configure
method in the Startup.cs, and making sure the database is created before executing database related middleware, by putting Database.EnsureCreated()
before them.
public void Configure(
IApplicationBuilder app,
IWebHostEnvironment env,
DataAccess.DataContext dataContext)
- Make sure you save all changes. In the terminal, go to WebApp directory and type:
dotnet run
- Check that the application is working, by running the browser with port the service is listening to (e.g., in my machine is http://localhost:5000 and https://localhost:5001). To cancel the service, Click + c.
Check the database is instantiated by checking that EFCoreMigration
database is present in the local instance of the MS SQL server by using, e.g., Microsoft Server Management Studio.
What I have not shown is how to use DataContext
. Normally to use DataContext
, you just need to add the DataContext
in the controller constructor and assigning it to a variable in the controller. After that, you can use it anywhere in the controller. As this project is just a barebone web application, and there is no WebAPI, MVC, Razor or Blazor middleware, and endpoints are configured, you can get the DataContext
registered in the services by invoking HttpContext
object that is passed in the middleware. Below is the example, see context.RequestServices.GetService<DataAccess.DataContract>()
. You can re-run the application, and check the browser, which now displays the book count. Note, you cannot use the DataContext
passed in the Configure
method as this object is passed in the phase of middleware building time and has been long disposed of.
public void Configure(
IApplicationBuilder app,
IWebHostEnvironment env,
DataAccess.DataContext dataContext)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
using var dataContext = context.RequestServices
await context.Response.WriteAsync(
$"Book Count : {dataContext.Books.Count()}");
5. Add Data Migration Feature
Up to now, we have used the Entity Framework in our code, but without the data migration feature. In most projects, the database may evolve over time, so we may need to come up with a strategy to change the database over time. Entity Framework Core has a data migration feature, and below is one way to do it.
- First, we need to install the EF toolchain into dotnet command. Type in the terminal:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 5.0.3
This will allow us to run dotnet ef
- Add
to the DataAccess
project. In the terminal, go to DataAccess directory, and type:
dotnet add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design -v 5.0.3
- In Visual Studio Code, go to DataAccess directory, and create DataContextFactory.cs:
using System;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace DataAccess
public class DataContextFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<DataContext>
public DataContext CreateDbContext(string[] args)
var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DataContext>();
//this code will be never executed in runtime only in design time
return new DataContext(builder.Options);
- In the terminal, go to DataAccess directory, type:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialSchema
It will create Migrations directory with three files:
- [yyyyMMddHHmmss]_InitialSchema.cs
- [yyyyMMddHHmmss]_InitialSchema.Design.cs
- DataContextModelSnapshot.cs
The InitialSchema
has two methods, Up
and Down
. Up
is executed when the migration is applied to the database, the Down
is executed when the migration is removed from the database. The DataContextModelSnapshot
contains the snapshot of the database model if migration is applied to the latest migration. So DataContextModelSnapshot.cs will be overwritten if a new migration is added or removed.
- The migration feature has the ability to apply the database changes on the fly by setting it up in the Startup.cs. In the Visual Studio Code, open WebApp directory, and edit Startup.cs. Change
to dataContext.Database.Migrate()
. -
Delete the database EFCoreMigration
previously created. Make sure you save all changes, and then go to the terminal and run the web application.
dotnet run
- After you successfully run the application, check the database,
. The database will have a table called dbo.__EFMigrationsHistory
, with columns: MigrationId
and ProductVersion
. ProductVersion
column is used internally by the Entity Framework and reflects the EntityFrameworkCore
version, and MigrationId
value is in the format of [yyyyMMddHHmmss]_[Migration name].
6. Make Changes to the Database Model
After you have enabled the data migration, the next question is what to do when you have to make changes to the database model. Of course, there is a spectrum of database model changes and not all of them have the same complexity. However, for a common scenario of change, the following procedure should be sufficient.
- Changes can be made to the data model, be careful not to make breaking changes.
- Changes can be made to
method in DataContext
. - In the terminal, go to DataAccess directory, type:
dotnet ef migrations add [Your Own migration name]
- Deploy as you normally do, the
method in the Startup.cs will automatically apply the migrations to the latest changes. - If you want to roll back the last migration, type:
dotnet ef migrations remove
and after that, deploy as you normally do.
- 15th February, 2021: Initial version