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Deserializing Json Streams using Newtonsoft.Json & System.Text.Json with C# & VB

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16 Nov 2022CPOL24 min read 29.7K  
How to deserialize very large simple & complex JSON Streams (.NET 6.0 & 7.0)
In this article, you will get an in-depth understanding of deserializing very large simple & complex Json Streams using both Newtonsoft.Json & System.Text.Json in C# and VB based on a real-life application migration requirement.

Dot Net 6.0

Dot Net 7.0

NOTE: Both downloads contain the same files, only different compression methods are used. Once downloaded, go to the Getting Started section for setting up the data for use.

Working with JSON Series

Table of Contents


This is the third and final part of this series of articles. We will be covering deserializing JSON Streams using both NewtonSoft.Json and System.Text.Json.The data for streaming can be from the web, files, or other sources. We will also look at deserializing JSON files from within a zip file. Lastly, wrap the processes in library base classes to simplify the code required, unit testing, and benchmarking for performance monitoring.

What is a Stream?

Microsoft's explanation of a stream:


A stream is an abstraction of a sequence of bytes, such as a file, an input/output device, an inter-process communication pipe, or a TCP/IP socket. The Stream class and its derived classes provide a generic view of these different types of input and output, and isolate the programmer from the specific details of the operating system and the underlying devices.

Why Use Streaming?

There are many reasons why. The key benefits of working with streams are:

  • We do not have to load the entire data, like a JSON object, into memory. It is more memory-efficient, so improves overall performance

What are the benefits of working with large JSON data?

  • Work with objects as they are deserialized, no need to keep all objects in memory
  • If there is an issue with the JSON data, we can fail fast
  • Can cancel during mid-streaming

As an example, one of the sample JSON data files used in this article is approx 890MB. When loaded into memory and deserialized as a single object, it consumes over 6GB of memory! When deserialized as a stream, it is less than 60MB per object.

VB.NET Limitation (System.Text.Json)

As mentioned in the previous article, Working with System.Text.Json in C#, Ref Strut is not supported in VB.NET. The Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader can only be written in C#.

The other exceptions are the JsonSamples.Host project for Web API support for testing remote data and the GetDataFiles for building the JsonSamples folder.

Apart from this limitation, this article will include code for both C# & VB + the included solutions with C# (79 projects) and VB (79 projects).

Code and Data Used

There are a lot of parts to this article. I have written the article so that you can pick the sections of information that you require. There are a large number of small targeted projects that cover the code needed to use, rather than lumped into one fancy UI monolithic application. I trust that this will help with understanding the code for your own use.

All code included in the download cover both local (file system) and remote (web API) streaming, both in C# and VB, for Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json. Benchmarks and Unit Tests are included for both C# & VB.

The sample data used was either built using Mockaroo or from EBay's Sandbox data, not live data. The data files being used are approximately 900MB in size.

The custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader JSON reader for System.Text.Json has been thoroughly tested and is production ready.

Note: This is not an exact replacement for the Newtonsoft JsonReader as it is specific to asynchronous stream use only.

There is stream support for both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. For this article, the focus is based on multitasking/background task operation, so will be exclusively targeting asynchronous techniques. If you are not familiar with TPL / Async & Await, then please read Asynchronous programming with async and await - Microsoft Learn.

The solution structure for both C# and VB are:

  1. Prototypes - The bare minimum code required. Libraries were built based on the code in these prototypes.
  2. Applications - Both DI & non-DI samples for file system and Web API (.Remote)
  3. Libraries - wrappers for Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json streaming APIs + supporting classes and extensions
  4. Unit Tests - For the NewtonSoft and System.Text.Json generic wrapper libraries, custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader, and supporting helper methods
  5. Benchmarks Measuring the performance of the default Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json methods + wrapper libraries

Both the DI (Dependency Injection) and non-DI sample projects are included for Newtonsoft and System.Text.Json. Also, there are both File System and Web API versions of each type. There are multiple projects that make up each application and are segmented into individual class libraries. The Application structure used is as follows:

 +-- <type>.<JsonLib>
 |    |
 |    + -- Common.Ebay
 |    |     |
 |    |     +-- Common
 |    |
 |    +--- Common.<JsonLib>
 |    |     |
 |    |     +-- Common
 |    |
 |    +--- Ebay.Resources (.zip)
 +-------- <Application>.Shared


  • Common contains code common to all projects
  • Common.<JsonLib> is specific to the <JsonLib> used - Newtonsoft or System.Text.Json. Contains the common stream deserializer handler code and custom readers + extension methods
  • Common.Ebay configuration/file lists
  • Ebay.Resources JSON data files; .zip with zipped files
  • Ebay.<JsonLib> contains the typed stream deserializer handlers and the complex object models wired up for the specific <JsonLib>
  • Application the core for managing the processing

NOTE: There are a number of projects in the solution, approximately 79 for each language, half for Newtonsoft.Json and half for System.Text.Json. Also, there are large data files. Compiling the complete solution will use a lot of disk space. So, it is highly recommended to compile the sample application(s) that you want to run.

As there are many projects for both CSharp and VB, the obj & bin folders for each project are moved to consolidated obj & bin folders of the root solution folder for easy management. Please leave a comment below if you wish for me to write a tip on how this is done. Take a peek at the .csproj & .vbproj to see how I achieved this.


There are two types of large JSON files that we can work with. I have defined them as follows:

  1. Simple JSON Collection Object

    A collection of objects of the same type held in the root JSON collection object.

  2. Complex JSON Objects

    A JSON object with one or more properties where a property is a collection of objects and individual properties. The properties &/or collection to be deserialized does not have to be in the root of the JSON Object.

Getting Started

When you download and unpack the project solution, you need to run the JsonSamples.Host web project. This is used for both the Prototype/Application projects and also the Setup project. Once the JsonSamples.Host web project (DeserializingJsonStreams.Hosting - CSharp.sln solution) is running, run the Setup (GetDataFiles) project to build the required JsonSamples folder. The JsonSamples.Host web project will generate the required zip files and copy the required JSON sample files.

NOTE: If this process fails, it could be because the JsonSamples.Host web project hosting port address has changed. If this is the case, go into the Config folder and update the host property in the appsettings.json file. This file is used by all applications in the project/solution that require remote access to the Web API server.

    "Host" : "localhost:7215"

Part 1: Working with Streams

Streams implement the IDisposable interface. Therefore, we need to make sure that we release the resource to avoid memory leaks.

Working with Files

await using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
    // do work here...
Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(filename)

    ' do work here...
End Using

Working with Web APIs

await using (Stream httpStream = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync(this._url)
    // do work here...
Using stream = Await New HttpClient().GetStreamAsync(_url).ConfigureAwait(false)

    ' do work here...
End Using

Streaming with Newtonsoft

Working with streams using Newtonsoft is quite simple. Here is a sample snippet for setting up working with a FileStream:

using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

// pass the reader and file stream 
await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
    // do work here...
' set up the stream readers
Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
    Using jsonReader As JsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

        ' do work here...
    End Using
End Using

Simple JSON Collection Object Deserializing

A typical Simple JSON collection is a list of Objects in an array:


As this is a collection of objects, the build in JsonSerializer will process the data one object at a time.

Here is the code to deserialize the above JSON as a FileStream with Newtonsoft.Json:

using Newtonsoft.Json;

this._jsonSerializerSettings = new();
this._serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(this._jsonSerializerSettings);

// open the _file as a stream
await using Stream stream = File.OpenRead(filename);

// set up the stream readers
using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
    // move to the start of the array and read the stream
    await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
           jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
        Contact? contact = this._serializer!.Deserialize<Contact>(jsonReader);
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

_jsonSerializerSettings = New JsonSerializerSettings()
_serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_jsonSerializerSettings)

' open the _file as a stream
Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(filename)

    ' set up the stream readers
    Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
        Using jsonReader As JsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

            ' move to the start of the array and read the stream
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False) AndAlso
                  jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.EndArray

                Dim contact = _serializer.Deserialize(Of Contact)(jsonReader)

            End While

        End Using
    End Using

End Using

And the processing:

private void Process(Contact? item)
    // process and store the data model
Private Sub Process(item As Contact)

    ' process and store the data model
    _count += 1

End Sub
File Stream Example

Putting it all together, we end up with something like this:

using Common.Helpers;
using Contacts.NewtonSoft.Json.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

internal class Program
    #region Fields

    private readonly IFilePathHelper _fileHelper = new FilePathHelper("Resources");

    private JsonSerializer? _serializer;
    private JsonSerializerSettings? _jsonSerializerSettings;

    private int _count;
    private readonly string _file = "Mock_Contacts1.json";


    #region Methods

    private static async Task Main()
        => await new Program().Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

    private async Task Execute()
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {this._file}");

        this._jsonSerializerSettings = new();
        this._serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(this._jsonSerializerSettings);

        // open the _file as a stream
        await using FileStream stream = 

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {this._file}");

        // set up the stream readers
        using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
        using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

        await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
            // move to start of first object
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                   jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
                Contact? contact = this._serializer!.Deserialize<Contact>(jsonReader);

        // report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {this._count:N0}");

    private void Process(Contact? item)
        // process and store the data model

Imports System.IO
Imports Common.Helpers
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports NewtonsoftContact.Models

Module Program

#Region "Fields"
     Private ReadOnly _fileHelper As FilePathHelper = New FilePathHelper("Resources")

    Private _serializer As JsonSerializer
    Private _jsonSerializerSettings As JsonSerializerSettings

    Private _count As Integer
    Private ReadOnly _file As String = "Mock_Contacts1.json"

#End Region

#Region "Methods"
     Sub Main(args As String())
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {_file}")
    End Sub

    Private Async Function ExecuteAsync(args As String()) As Task

        _jsonSerializerSettings = New JsonSerializerSettings()
        _serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_jsonSerializerSettings)

        ' open the _file as a stream
        Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file))

            ' set up the stream readers
            Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
                Using jsonReader As JsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

                    ' move to the start of the array and read the stream
                    Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

                    While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False) AndAlso
                          jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.EndArray

                        Dim contact = _serializer.Deserialize(Of Contact)(jsonReader)

                    End While

                End Using
            End Using

        End Using

        ' report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {_count:N0}")

    End Function

    Private Sub Process(item As Contact)

        ' process and store the data model
        _count += 1

    End Sub

#End Region

End Module

NOTE: To see the code running, see prototype \ local \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContact VB/C# project.

Web API Example

The Web API version is almost identical:

using Common.Settings;
using Contacts.NewtonSoft.Json.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

internal class Program
    #region Fields

    private JsonSerializer? _serializer;
    private JsonSerializerSettings? _jsonSerializerSettings;

    private int _count;
    private string _url = "https://{0}/download/MOCK1";


    #region Methods

    private static async Task Main()
        => await new Program().Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

    private async Task Execute()
        // point to the correct host URL in appsettings.json file
        this._url = this._url.Build();

        // initialize the serializer
        this._jsonSerializerSettings = new();
        this._serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(this._jsonSerializerSettings);

        // open the stream
        Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to stream: {this._url}");

        Stream? stream;

            stream = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync(this._url);
        catch (Exception)
            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to open stream {this._url}. 
            Please check that the remote server is active.");

        if (stream is null)
            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to open stream {this._url}");

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {this._url}");

        // set up the stream readers
        using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
        using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

        await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
            // move to start of first object
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                   jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
                Contact? contact = this._serializer!.Deserialize<contact>(jsonReader);

        // manually clean up connection
        await stream.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        // report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {this._count:N0}");

    private void Process(Contact? item)
        // process and store the data model

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net.Http
Imports Common.Settings
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports NewtonsoftContact.Remote.Models

Module Program

#Region "Fields"
     Private _serializer As JsonSerializer
    Private _jsonSerializerSettings As JsonSerializerSettings

    Private _count As Integer
    Private _url As String = "https://{0}/download/MOCK1"

#End Region

#Region "Methods"
     Sub Main(args As String())
    End Sub

    Private Async Function ExecuteAsync(args As String()) As Task

        ' point to the correct host URL in appsettings.json file
        _url = _url.Build()

        _jsonSerializerSettings = New JsonSerializerSettings()
        _serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_jsonSerializerSettings)

        ' open the stream
        Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to stream: {_url}")

        Dim stream As Stream


            stream = Await New HttpClient().GetStreamAsync(_url)

        Catch ex As Exception

            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to open stream {_url}. 
            Please check that the remote server is active.")

        End Try

        If stream Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to open stream {_url}")
        End If

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_url}")

        ' set up the stream readers
        Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
            Using jsonReader As JsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

                ' move to the start of the array and read the stream
                Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

                While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False) AndAlso
                      jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.EndArray

                    Dim contact = _serializer.Deserialize(Of Contact)(jsonReader)

                End While

            End Using
        End Using

        ' manually clean up connection
        Await stream.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

        ' report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {_count:N0}")

    End Function

    Private Sub Process(item As Contact)

        ' process and store the data model
        _count += 1

    End Sub

#End Region

End Module

NOTE: To see the code running, see prototype \ remote \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContact VB/C# project.

Complex JSON Objects with Selective Deserializing

Complex JSON is made up of individual simple properties, objects, and collections.

Below is an example of a complex JSON data structure:

  "categoryTreeId": "123",
  "categoryTreeVersion": "1.234a",
  "categoryAspects": [
      "category": {
        "categoryId": "111",
        "categoryName": "Category 1"
      "aspects": [
          "localizedAspectName": "1:Aspect 1"
          "localizedAspectName": "1:Aspect 2"
          "localizedAspectName": "1:Aspect 3"
      "category": {
        "categoryId": "222",
        "categoryName": "Category 2"
      "aspects": [
          "localizedAspectName": "2:Aspect 1"
          "localizedAspectName": "2:Aspect 2"
          "localizedAspectName": "2:Aspect 3"

We are only interested in the "categoryAspects" collection. The method used in the Simple JSON Collection cannot be used here. If we do, the entire object will be loaded into memory, not each CategoryAspect object property.

To help understand the code below, here is a definition of how to Deserialize each CategoryAspect object by walking the Structure manually:

  • Check each property
  • When we find the "categoryAspects" property, we can then extract each CategoryAspect object
    • find the start of the object
    • walk and store the object graph until we hit the end of the object
    • deserialize the object graph
    • repeat until we hit the end of the array object

Here is the code to deserialize the above JSON as a FileStream with Newtonsoft.Json:

using Newtonsoft.Json;

JsonSerializer _serializer = new();

// open the _file as a stream
await using FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(_filename);

// set up the stream readers
using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
    // move to the start of the array and read the stream
    await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    // walk the collection of objects to the end of the collection   
    while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
           jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
        await ProcessAsync(jsonReader).ConfigureAwait(false);
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

_jsonSerializerSettings = New JsonSerializerSettings()
_serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_jsonSerializerSettings)

' open the _file as a stream
Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(_filename)

    ' set up the stream readers
    Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
        Using jsonReader As JsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

            ' move to the start of the array and read the stream
            While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

                Await ProcessAsync(jsonReader).ConfigureAwait(False)

            End While

        End Using
    End Using

End Using

The code to walk the JSON graph:

// walk the stream
private async Task ProcessAsync(JsonReader jsonReader)
    // make sure we are looking at the correct json element
    if (jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.PropertyName)

    // process properties for data that we want
    if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryTreeVersion")
        // get the value
        await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        string? version = jsonReader.GetString();
        Console.WriteLine($"Version: {version ?? "no value"}");

    else if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryTreeId")
        // get the value
        await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        string? id = jsonReader.GetString();
        Console.WriteLine($"Id:      {id ?? "no value"}");

    else if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryAspects")
        // move to the start of the array
        await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

        // step through each complete object in the Json Array
        while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
               jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
'  walk the stream
Private Async Function ProcessAsync(jsonReader As JsonReader) As Task

    If jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.PropertyName Then
    End If

    ' process properties for data that we want
    If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryTreeVersion" Then

        ' get the value
        Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

        Dim version = jsonReader.GetString()
        Console.WriteLine($"Version: {If(version, "no value")}")

    End If

    If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryTreeId" Then

        ' get the value
        Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

        Dim Id = jsonReader.GetString()
        Console.WriteLine($"Id: {If(Id, "no value")}")

    End If

    If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryAspects" Then

        ' move to the start of the array
        Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

        'step through each complete object in the Json Array
        While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False) AndAlso
              jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.EndArray
        End While

    End If

End Function

NOTE: The above processing code is not limited to root nodes, it will search the JSON graph and only process those nodes identified.

And to store each object, we use the same code as the previous simple collection example:

private void ProcessCollection(JsonReader jsonReader)
    CategoryAspect? categoryAspect = 

    // process and store the data model
Private Sub ProcessCollection(jsonReader As JsonReader)

    Dim categoryAspect = _serializer.Deserialize(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader)

    ' process and store the data model
    _count += 1

End Sub

NOTE: To see the code running, see prototype \ local \ ComplexData \ NewtonsoftEbay VB/C# project.

Working with Zipped JSON Data Files

Zip files are good for compressing text-based JSON files, especially when working with very large files. We can stream-read zip files and the compressed JSON files within.

The code to read the data is the same as above, we just need to add the code to open the zip file instead and read the entries. Here, I assume that each file is of the correct type:

using ZipArchive zipArchive = new(File.OpenRead(_filename));

foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries)
    Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}");

    await using Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open();

    // set up the stream readers
    using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
    using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

     // do work here...
Using zipArchive = New ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file)))

    For Each zipArchiveEntry As ZipArchiveEntry In zipArchive.Entries

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}")

        Using stream As Stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open()

            ' set up the stream readers
            Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
                Using jsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

                    ' do work here

                End Using

            End Using

        End Using


End Using

If you need to look for specific files, just check the name of each ZipArchive entry:

using ZipArchive zipArchive = new(File.OpenRead(_filename));

foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries)
    if (zipArchiveEntry.Name == "file_name_goes_here")
        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}");

        // set up the stream readers
        await using Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open();

        using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
        using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

        // do work here...
Using zipArchive = New ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file)))

    For Each zipArchiveEntry As ZipArchiveEntry In zipArchive.Entries

        if zipArchiveEntry.Name == "file_name_goes_here" then

            Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}")
            Using stream As Stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open()
                ' set up the stream readers
                Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
                    Using jsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)
                        ' do work here
                    End Using
                End Using

            End Using

        End If


End Using
File Stream Example

Putting it all together, we end up with something like this:

using Common.Helpers;
using Ebay.NewtonSoft.Json.Models;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

internal class Program
    #region Fields

    private readonly IFilePathHelper _fileHelper =
                         new FilePathHelper("Resources");

    private JsonSerializer? _serializer;
    private JsonSerializerSettings? _jsonSerializerSettings;

    private int _count;
    private readonly string _file = "EBAY_US FetchItemAspectsResponse.json";


    #region Methods

    private static async Task Main()
        => await new Program().Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

    private async Task Execute()
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {this._file}");

        this._jsonSerializerSettings = new();
        this._serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(this._jsonSerializerSettings);

        using ZipArchive zipArchive =

        foreach (ZipArchiveEntry zipArchiveEntry in zipArchive.Entries)
            ($"Processing: {this._file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}");

            await using Stream stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open();

            // set up the stream readers
            using TextReader textReader = new StreamReader(stream);
            using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(textReader);

            await using (stream.ConfigureAwait(false))
                // move to the start of the array and read the stream
                while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                    await this.ProcessAsync(jsonReader).ConfigureAwait(false);

        // report results
        Console.WriteLine($"CategoryAspects: {this._count:N0}");

    private async Task ProcessAsync(JsonReader jsonReader)
        if (jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.PropertyName) return;

        // process properties for data that we want

        if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryTreeVersion")
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? version = jsonReader.GetString();
            Console.WriteLine($"Version: {version ?? "no value"}");

        else if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryTreeId")
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? id = jsonReader.GetString();
            Console.WriteLine($"Id:      {id ?? "no value"}");

        else if (jsonReader.GetString() == "categoryAspects")
            // move to the start of the array
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // step through each complete object in the Json Array
            while (await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false) &&
                   jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)

    private void ProcessCollection(JsonReader jsonReader)
        CategoryAspect? categoryAspect = 

        // process and store the data model

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Compression
Imports Common.Helpers
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports NewtonSoftZippedEbay.Models

' Mock_Json_Files

Module Program

#Region "Fields"
     Private ReadOnly _fileHelper As FilePathHelper =
                         New FilePathHelper("Resources")

    Private _serializer As JsonSerializer
    Private _jsonSerializerSettings As JsonSerializerSettings

    Private _count As Integer
    Private ReadOnly _file As String = "EBay"

#End Region

#Region "Methods"
     Sub Main(args As String())
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {_file}")
    End Sub

    Private Async Function ExecuteAsync(args As String()) As Task

        _jsonSerializerSettings = New JsonSerializerSettings()
        _serializer = JsonSerializer.Create(_jsonSerializerSettings)

        Using zipArchive = New ZipArchive(File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file)))

            For Each zipArchiveEntry As ZipArchiveEntry In zipArchive.Entries

                Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file} > {zipArchiveEntry.FullName}")

                Using stream As Stream = zipArchiveEntry.Open()

                    ' set up the stream readers
                    Using textReader As TextReader = New StreamReader(stream)
                        Using jsonReader = New JsonTextReader(textReader)

                            ' move to the start of the array and read the stream
                            While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

                                Await ProcessAsync(jsonReader).ConfigureAwait(False)

                            End While

                        End Using

                    End Using

                End Using


        End Using

        ' report results
        Console.WriteLine($"CategoryAspects: {_count:N0}")

    End Function

    Private Async Function ProcessAsync(jsonReader As JsonReader) As Task

        If jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.PropertyName Then
        End If

        ' process properties for data that we want

        If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryTreeVersion" Then

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim version = jsonReader.GetString()
            Console.WriteLine($"Version: {If(version, "no value")}")

        End If

        If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryTreeId" Then

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim Id = jsonReader.GetString()
            Console.WriteLine($"Id: {If(Id, "no value")}")

        End If

        If jsonReader.GetString() = "categoryAspects" Then

            ' move to the start of the array
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            'step through each complete object in the Json Array
            While Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False) AndAlso
                  jsonReader.TokenType <> JsonToken.EndArray
            End While

        End If

    End Function

    Private Sub ProcessCollection(jsonReader As JsonReader)

        Dim categoryAspect = _serializer.Deserialize(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader)

        ' process and store the data model
        _count += 1

    End Sub

#End Region

End Module

NOTE: To see the code running, see prototype \ local \ ComplexZippedData \ NewtonSoftZippedEbay VB/C# project. There is also a Contact version and Web API versions for both Contacts & Ebay.

NOTE: At the time of writing this article (DotNet 6.0), if you are using Web API streaming, the entire Zip file will be downloaded by DotNet before you can stream read. The above code, and project samples, will load the entire zip file into memory.

If you are working with very large zip files, you will need to stream to a cache file on disk before opening the archive for streaming. This will keep memory usage to a minimum. If you want to cache to a file, and are not sure how to download a stream to a file, please look at the DowloadService in the GetDataFiles project to see how.

Sample Projects

If you want to see the above code in action, download the project and run the samples in the Prototypes\Local or Prototypes\Remote folders. There are four samples in each:

  • File-system: NewtonsoftContacts and NewtonsoftZippedContacts for Simple JSON Collection Object Deserializing and NewtonsoftEbay and NewtonSoftZippedEbay for Complex JSON Objects with Selective Deserializing.
  • Web API: NewtonsoftContacts.Remote and NewtonsoftZippedContacts.Remote for Simple Json Collection Object Deserializing and NewtonsoftEbay.Remote and NewtonSoftZippedEbay.Remote for Complex JSON Objects with Selective Deserializing.

NOTE: For the Web API sample projects, you will need to run the JsonSamples.Host web project before the .Remote sample projects.

Streaming with System.Text.Json

Out of the box, System.Text.Json supports streaming. It looks something like this:

using System.Text.Json;

// open the _file as a stream
await using FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filename);

// Deserialize the stream
List<Contact> contacts = await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<List<Contact>>(stream);
Imports System.Text.Json

Using stream as FileStream = File.OpenRead(filename)

Dim contacts = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(Of List(Of Contact))(stream)

The downside to this requires the entire file is to be loaded into memory before deserialization. This is the same as doing the following:

using System.Text.Json;

// open ald load the file into memory
string rawJon = await File.ReadAllTextAsync(filename);

List<Contact> contacts = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Contact>>(rawJon);
Imports System.Text.Json

Dim rawJson As String = Await File.ReadAllTextAsync(filename)

Dim contacts = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Of List(Of Contact))(rawJson)

For a Simple JSON Collection Object, like the sample above, System.Text.Json does support deserializing by object, therefore avoiding loading the entire file into memory. Here is an example:

using System.Text.Json;

// open the _file as a stream
await using FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filename);

await foreach 
(var Contact in JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable<Contact>(stream))
    // do work here...
Imports System.Text.Json

_options = New JsonSerializerOptions()

' open the _file as a stream
Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file))

    Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file}")

    ' VB version of C#'s "await foreach(..)"
    Dim iterator = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable(Of Contact) _
            (stream, _options).GetAsyncEnumerator()

    Do While Await iterator.MoveNextAsync()
        Dim item = iterator.Current

    Await iterator.DisposeAsync()

End Using

NOTE: As you can see from the samples above, VB does not have C#'s await foreach asynchronous loop, so we need to walk the asynchronous collection manually:

Dim iterator = <method_goes_here>.GetAsyncEnumerator()

Do While Await iterator.MoveNextAsync()
    Dim item = iterator.Current
    ' porcess item here

Await iterator.DisposeAsync()

The downside of the above example, it does not work with Complex JSON Objects with Selective Deserializing. Out-of-the-box, there is no support. We have to write it ourselves with a custom Stream Reader. I have created one and we will explore that next.

File Stream Example

Putting it all together, we end up with something like this:

using Common.Helpers;
using System.Text.Json;
using Contacts.System.Text.Json.Models;

internal class Program
    #region Fields

    private readonly IFilePathHelper _fileHelper =
                                   new FilePathHelper("Resources");

    private JsonSerializerOptions? _jsonSerializerOptions;

    private int _count;
    private readonly string _file = "Mock_Contacts1.json";


    #region Methods

    private static async Task Main()
        => await new Program().Execute().ConfigureAwait(false);

    private async Task Execute()
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {this._file}");

        this._jsonSerializerOptions = new();

        // open the _file as a stream
        await using FileStream stream =

        Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {this._file}");

        // deserialize the stream an object at a time...
        await foreach (Contact? item in
                    (stream, this._jsonSerializerOptions))

        // report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {this._count:N0}");

    private void Process(Contact? item)
        // process and store the data model

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.Json
Imports System.Text.Json.Stream
Imports Common.Helpers
Imports SystemTextJsonContact.Models

Module Program

#Region "Fields"
     Private ReadOnly _fileHelper As FilePathHelper =
                         New FilePathHelper("Resources")

    Private _options As JsonSerializerOptions

    Private _count As Integer
    Private ReadOnly _file As String = "Mock_Contacts1.json"

#End Region

#Region "Methods"
     Sub Main(args As String())
        Console.WriteLine($"Reading {_file}")
    End Sub

    Private Async Function MainAsync(args As String()) As Task

        _options = New JsonSerializerOptions()

        ' open the _file as a stream
        Using stream As Stream = File.OpenRead(_fileHelper.Resolve(_file))

            Console.WriteLine($"Processing: {_file}")

            ' VB version of C#'s "await foreach(..)"
            Dim iterator = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable(Of Contact) _
                    (stream, _options).GetAsyncEnumerator()

            While Await iterator.MoveNextAsync()

                Dim item = iterator.Current

            End While

            Await iterator.DisposeAsync()

        End Using

        ' report results
        Console.WriteLine($"Contacts: {_count:N0}")

    End Function

    Private Sub Process(item As Contact)

        ' process and store the data model
        _count += 1

    End Sub

#End Region

End Module

NOTE: To see the code running, see prototype \ local \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContact VB/C# project. For the Web API version, see prototype \ remote \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContact VB/C# project

Part 2: Custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader

The goal was to write a Stream Reader that can work like NewtonSoft.Json.JsonTextReader with minimal changes to code. In the following section, Writing a Custom Stream Reader I go into detail about how it was achieved.

How to Use the New Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader

System.Text.Json is a rewrite of Newtonsoft.Json, so the upside is that the solution is only one line of code - both the TextReader & JsonTextReader are rolled into one class. This will work with any stream type. So using it is as simple as:

using Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader jsonReader = new Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader(stream);

// do work here...
Using jsonReader As Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader = New Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader(stream)

    ' do work here...

End Using

NOTE: The Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader is a drop-in replacement for both the TextReader & JsonTextReader, so works exactly the same as the NewtonSoft sample code above.

Writing a Custom Stream Reader

NOTE: I won't dump all of the code here, only the parts that matter. The complete code for the Custom Stream Readers can be found in the project libaries \ System.Text.Json \ System.Text.Json.Stream. All code is fully commented explaining how it works.

I've done a lot of research on this subject as I did not want to do the work if someone else has already found a solution.

There is one however it is synchronous: mtosh (original solution) - StackOverflow, then evil-dr-nick - Github. NOTE: I've included an updated version in the downloadable code that fixes a couple of minor issues + modernization of the code.

We need an asynchronous solution. There currently isn't one... until now!

After a few tries, I came up with the following solution using System.IO.Pipelines APIs. Why not Span<T> or Memory<t> like with the above synchronous solution from mtosh? Dot Net 6.0 PipeReader class only supports ReadAtLeastAsync, not guaranteeing an exact amount of bytes required to use ReadOnlySequenceSegment<T>.

The benefit of using a PipeReader to process the stream is that it manages the handling of the stream and returns a ReadOnlySequence<t> Strut. This gives us fast and raw access to the bytes.

// move the start of the buffer past what has already been consumed
if (this._bytesConsumed > 0) this._reader.AdvanceTo

// top up the buffer stream
ReadResult readResult = await this._reader
    .ReadAtLeastAsync(this._bufferSize, cancellationToken)

// reset to new stream buffer segment
this._bytesConsumed = 0;
this._buffer = readResult.Buffer;
this._endOfStream = readResult.IsCompleted;

// check for any issues
if (this._buffer.Length - this._bytesConsumed > 0 && 
    throw new Exception("Invalid Json or incomplete token or buffer undersized");

This code lives in the method ValueTask<bool> ReadAsync. When we are ready to deserialize the identified object, we start buffering the bytes into a MemoryStream. We use a flag '_isBuffering' in the ReadAsync method to manage the buffering:

// store stream buffer/chunk if we are wanting to Deserialize the Json object
if (this._isBuffering)

    // reset the buffer start tracking
    this._bufferingStartIndex = 0;

The writing of the buffer is with a PipeWriter. With a bit of testing, manual writing is faster than using the built-in Write due to boxing requirements. It would look something like this:

                    this._bytesConsumed - this._bufferingStartIndex).ToArray());

Rather than inheriting the PipeWriter and writing my own custom Write method, as it is only required in one place, I simply do it inline (with no boxing):

private void WriteToBufferStream()
    // get number of bytes to transfer
    int bytes = this._bytesConsumed - this._bufferingStartIndex;

    // store
    this._buffer.Slice(this._bufferingStartIndex, bytes).CopyTo

    // manually advance buffer pointer

For the DeserializeAsync method, we need to walk the stream to find the end of the object. If we don't the JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync method will throw an error. Walking the stream is simply monitoring the depth of the graph until we find the end of the object or array:

// walk the json object tree until we have the complete json object
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
    if (this.TokenType is JsonTokenType.StartObject or JsonTokenType.StartArray)
    else if (this.TokenType is JsonTokenType.EndObject or JsonTokenType.EndArray)

    if (depth == 0)

    await this.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

Once we have the complete object graph, we can clean up:

// remaining bytes to be buffered (overflow)

// flush all writes
await this._writer!.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

// operation cancelled remotely
if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
    return false;

// Point to beginning of the memory stream
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

// success
return true;

We move the stream pointer back to the start of the stream ready for deserializing with JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync method:

// fill temp stream with json object
if (!await this.GetJsonObjectAsync(stream, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
    return default;

// deserialize object from temp stream
TResult? result = await JsonSerializer
    .DeserializeAsync<TResult>(stream, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

// we are done buffering
this._isBuffering = false;

Check out the samples to see the code and how it works.

Part 3: Libraries to Simplify Working With Large JSON Object Streams

This next section is about using the libraries bundled with this article and downloadable code. The libraries are based on projects that I have worked on and the need to move to System.Text.Json from Newtonsoft.Json. These libraries are not required to work with streams but will help wrap the processes to reduce the repetitious code.

Key design goals:

  • Swappable between Newtonsoft.Json & System.Text.Json; file system and web API; Json Object & zipped JSON object; with an almost identical interface so that changing between implementations is a seamless process
  • Work with File System & Web Api streams
  • Work with single or multiple raw JSON files or zipped raw Json Files of any size
  • Abstracting away all implementation of opening and processing of JSON Objects - only the identification and processing code is required
  • Asynchronous operation, including fast fail error handling
  • Cancel during mid-streaming support - CancellationToken
  • Minimal memory footprint - Work with objects as they are deserialized, no need to keep all objects in memory
  • Highly performant - as close to raw performance as possible
  • DI/IOC support - not tied to any IOC container system
  • ILogger support - not specifically tied to any specific logger
  • Custom data buffering size configuration - the default buffer sizes used by Newtonsoft is 1K (1,024 bytes) & System.Text.Json is 16K (16,384 bytes)
  • Testability & Benchmarking

How to Use: Newtownsoft.Json - Simple Json Collection Objects

For Simple Json Collection Objects, we implement the JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer<TConfiguration> base class:

public class ContactFileStreamDeserializer
    : JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer<IContactFilesConfiguration>
 // code goes here
Public Class ContactFileStreamDeserializer
    Inherits JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer(Of IFilesConfiguration)

    ' code goes here...

End Class

Then we implement the ProcessAsync method:

protected override async Task ProcessAsync
(JsonReader jsonReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    if (this.BatchSize > 1)
        await this.DeserializeAsync<Contact>
        (jsonReader, this.BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
        await this.DeserializeAsync<Contact>
        (jsonReader, this.ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
Protected Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync
   (jsonReader As JsonReader, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task

    If BatchSize > 1 Then
        Await DeserializeAsync(Of Contact)
        (jsonReader, AddressOf BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
        Await DeserializeAsync(Of Contact)
        (jsonReader, AddressOf ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
    End If

End Function

As you can see, both batching and single object support are built in. See the property table below for more information on how to configure it.

The above ProcessAsync method code works for both raw files and zipped. The implementation is based on the inherited base class:

  1. Raw Json Files: JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer<TConfiguration>
  2. Zipped Json Files: JsonZipFileStreamPropertyDeserializer<TZipConfiguration, TConfiguration>

The same applies to the Web API:

  1. Raw Json Files: JsonHttpStreamPropertyDeserializer<TConfiguration>
  2. Zipped Json Files: JsonZipHttpStreamObjectDeserializer<TZipConfiguration, TConfiguration>

To use the above implemented class:

IFilePathHelper fileHelper = new FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
IContactFilesConfiguration config = new ContactFilesConfiguration();
CancellationTokenSource cts = new();

var deserializer = new ContactFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config)
    FileId = "MOCK1",
    FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    FailIfFileNotFound = true,
    CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Dim fileHelper = New FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
Dim config = New ContactFilesConfiguration()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()

Dim deserializer = New ContactFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config) With
    .FileId = "MOCK1",
    .FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    .FailIfFileNotFound = True,
    .CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

There is a configuration file that holds the location of the data. This configuration class can hold the names of all of the raw JSON files in a project with a keyed id access or just the file that needs to be worked on:

public class ContactFilesConfiguration : IContactFilesConfiguration
    #region Constructors

    public ContactFilesConfiguration()
        this.Paths = new Dictionary<string, string>
            ["MOCK1"] = "Mock_Contacts1.json",
            ["MOCK2"] = "Mock_Contacts2.json",
            ["MOCK3"] = "Mock_Contacts3.json",


    #region Properties
    public IDictionary<string, string> Paths { get; }

Public Class ContactFilesConfiguration
    Implements IContactFilesConfiguration

#Region "Constructors"
     Public Sub New()

        Paths = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
                {"MOCK1", "Mock_Contacts1.json"},
                {"MOCK2", "Mock_Contacts2.json"},
                {"MOCK3", "Mock_Contacts3.json"}

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Properties"
     Public ReadOnly Property Paths As IDictionary(Of String, String) _
        Implements Configuration.IDataConfiguration.Paths

#End Region

End Class

If you have multiple files of the same type to be processed, then you can set the FileAction property to DeserializeActionType.Multiple, and the base class will automatically walk the files in the configuration file.

Working with zipped raw JSON files is the same. We have a separate configuration file, like the one above:

public class ContactZipFilesConfiguration : IContactZipFilesConfiguration
    #region Constructors

    public ContactZipFilesConfiguration()
        this.Paths = new Dictionary<string, string>
            ["MOCK_ZIP"] = "",


    #region Properties
    public IDictionary<string, string> Paths { get; }

Public Class ContactZipFilesConfiguration
    Implements IContactZipFilesConfiguration

#Region "Constructors"
     Public Sub New()

        Paths = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
                {"MOCK_ZIP", ""}

    End Sub

#End Region

#Region "Properties"
     Public ReadOnly Property Paths As IDictionary(Of String, String) _
        Implements Configuration.IDataConfiguration.Paths

#End Region

End Class

NOTE: To see the code running, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContacts & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedContacts & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContacts & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedContacts VB/C# projects for non Dependency Injection. For use with Dependency Injection, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContactsDI & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedContactsDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftContactsDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedContactsDI VB/C# projects. Common code between the non-DI & DI projects is found in the Shared subfolder. You can also see the code in use in the UnitTest & Benchmark VB/C# projects.

How to use: Newtownsoft.Json - Complex JSON Objects

For complex Json Objects, we need to implement the JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer<TConfiguration> base class:

public class EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer
    : JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer<IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration>
 // code goes here
Public Class EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer
    Inherits JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer(Of IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration)

    '  code goes here

End Class

Then we implement the ProcessAsync method:

protected override async Task ProcessAsync
(JsonReader jsonReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // process properties for data that we want
    switch (jsonReader.GetString())
        case "categoryAspects":
            if (BatchSize > 1)
                await DeserializeAsync<CategoryAspect>
                (jsonReader, BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
                await DeserializeAsync<CategoryAspect>
                (jsonReader, ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
        case "categoryTreeVersion":
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? version = jsonReader.GetString();
            Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Version: {version ?? "no value"}");

        case "categoryTreeId":
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? id = jsonReader.GetString();
            Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Id: {id ?? "no value"}");
Protected Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync
  (jsonReader As JsonReader, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task

    ' process properties for data that we want
    Select Case jsonReader.GetString()

        Case "categoryAspects"
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            If BatchSize > 1 Then
                Await DeserializeAsync(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader,
                    AddressOf BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
                Await DeserializeAsync(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader, 
                    AddressOf ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
            End If

        Case "categoryTreeVersion"

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim version = jsonReader.GetString()
            _logger.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Version: {If(version, "no value")}")

        Case "categoryTreeId"

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim Id = jsonReader.GetString()
            _logger.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Id: {If(Id, "no value")}")

    End Select

End Function

To use the above implemented class:

IFilePathHelper fileHelper = new FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration config = 
                   new EbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration();
CancellationTokenSource cts = new();

var deserializer = new EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config)
    MarketplaceId = "EBAY_US",
    FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    FailIfFileNotFound = true,
    CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Dim fileHelper = New FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
Dim config = New ContactFilesConfiguration()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()

Dim deserializer = 
    New EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config) With
    .MarketplaceId = "EBAY_US",
    .FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    .FailIfFileNotFound = True,
    .CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

NOTE: To see the code running, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftEbay & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedEbay & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftEbay & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedEbay VB/C# projects for non Dependency Injection. For use with Dependency Injection, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftEbayDI & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedEbayDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ NewtonsoftEbayDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ NewtonsoftZippedEbayDI VB/C# projects. Common code between the non-DI & DI projects is found in the Shared subfolder. You can also see the code in use in the UnitTest & Benchmark VB/C# projects.

How to Use: System.Text.Json - Simple Json Collection Objects

For Simple JSON Collection Objects, System.Text.Json has a new deserializing method for enumerating the stream collection of JSON objects called DeserializeAsyncEnumerable. So the base class implementation surfaces a Stream object instead of a StreamReader object. The implementation for the JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer<TConfiguration> base class is the same:

public class ContactFileStreamDeserializer
    : JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer<IContactFilesConfiguration>
 // code goes here
Public Class ContactFileStreamDeserializer
    Inherits JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer(Of IFilesConfiguration)

    ' code goes here...

End Class

However, there is a change to how we implement the ProcessAsync method:

protected override async Task ProcessAsync
          (Stream stream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    if (this.BatchSize > 1)
        await this.DeserializeAsync<Contact>
        (stream, this.BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
        await this.DeserializeAsync<Contact>
        (stream, this.ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
Protected Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync
          (stream As Stream, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task

    If BatchSize > 1 Then
        Await DeserializeAsync(Of Contact)(stream,
            AddressOf BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
        Await DeserializeAsync(Of Contact)(stream,
            AddressOf ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
    End If

End Function

The usage of the above implementation is then the same as for Newtonsoft.Json:

IFilePathHelper fileHelper = new FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
IContactFilesConfiguration config = new ContactFilesConfiguration();
CancellationTokenSource cts = new();

var deserializer = new ContactFileStreamDeserializer(filePathHelper, config)
    FileId = "MOCK1",
    FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    FailIfFileNotFound = true,
    CancellationTokenSource = cancellationTokenSource

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Dim fileHelper = New FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
Dim config = New ContactFilesConfiguration()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()

Dim deserializer = New ContactFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config) With
    .FileId = "MOCK1",
    .FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    .FailIfFileNotFound = True,
    .CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

NOTE: To see the code running, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContacts & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedContacts & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContacts & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedContacts VB/C# projects for non Dependency Injection. For use with Dependency Injection, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContactsDI & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedContactsDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonContactsDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedContactsDI VB/C# projects. Common code between the non-DI & DI projects is found in the Shared subfolder. You can also see the code in use in the UnitTest & Benchmark VB/C# projects.

How to Use: System.Text.Json - Complex JSON Objects

For complex JSON Objects, we use the custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader class for stream reading and processing. The implementation for the JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer<TConfiguration> base class:

public class EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer
    : JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer<IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration>
 // code goes here
Public Class EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer
    Inherits JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer(Of IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration)

    ' code goes here...

End Class

Then we implement the ProcessAsync method:

protected override async Task ProcessAsync
(Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader jsonReader, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // process properties for data that we want
    switch (jsonReader.GetString())
        case "categoryAspects":
            if (BatchSize > 1)
                await DeserializeAsync<CategoryAspect>
                      (jsonReader, BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
                await DeserializeAsync<CategoryAspect>
                      (jsonReader, ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken)
        case "categoryTreeVersion":
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? version = jsonReader.GetString();
            Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Version: {version ?? "no value"}");

        case "categoryTreeId":
            // get the value
            await jsonReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            string? id = jsonReader.GetString();
            Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Id: {id ?? "no value"}");
Protected Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync
(jsonReader As Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader, 
 cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task

    ' process properties for data that we want
    Select Case jsonReader.GetString()

        Case "categoryAspects"
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            If BatchSize > 1 Then
                Await DeserializeAsync(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader,
                    AddressOf BatchProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
                Await DeserializeAsync(Of CategoryAspect)(jsonReader,
                    AddressOf ItemProcessAsync, cancellationToken).
            End If

        Case "categoryTreeVersion"

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim version = jsonReader.GetString()
            _logger.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Version: {If(version, "no value")}")

        Case "categoryTreeId"

            ' get the value
            Await jsonReader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

            Dim Id = jsonReader.GetString()
            _logger.Emit(LogLevel.Information, $"Id: {If(Id, "no value")}")

    End Select

End Function

To use the above implemented class, it is the same as NewtonSoft:

IFilePathHelper fileHelper = new FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
IEbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration config = 
                        new EbayCategoryAspectFilesConfiguration();
CancellationTokenSource cts = new();

var deserializer = new EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config)
    MarketplaceId = "EBAY_US",
    FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    FailIfFileNotFound = true,
    CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Dim fileHelper = New FilePathHelper(DataFolder)
Dim config = New ContactFilesConfiguration()
Dim cts As New CancellationTokenSource()

Dim deserializer = New EbayCategoryAspectFileStreamDeserializer(fileHelper, config) With
    .MarketplaceId = "EBAY_US",
    .FileAction = DeserializeActionType.Single,
    .FailIfFileNotFound = True,
    .CancellationTokenSource = cts

await deserializer.ProcessAsync().ConfigureAwait(False)

NOTE: To see the code running, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonEbay & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedEbay & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonEbay & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedEbay VB/C# projects for non Dependency Injection. For use with Dependency Injection, see applications \ local \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonEbayDI & applications \ local \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedEbayDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleData \ SystemTextJsonEbayDI & applications \ remote \ SimpleZippedData \ SystemTextJsonZippedEbayDI VB/C# projects. Common code between the non-DI & DI projects is found in the Shared subfolder. You can also see the code in use in the UnitTest & Benchmark VB/C# projects.

Library Implementation

The design of the base classes was to work with both Newtonsoft.Json and System.Text.Json, so the base class is broken into three parts:

  1. Common base implementation: Common.Json > JsonStreamDeserializer class
  2. Newtonsoft.Json base implementation: Common.NewtonSoft.Json > JsonStreamPropertyDeserializer & JsonZipStreamPropertyDeserializer base common classes. Then there are separate base classes for File System & Web API implementations:
    • File System
      • Simple: JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer, JsonZipFileStreamPropertyDeserializer
      • Complex: JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer, JsonZipFileStreamObjectDeserializer
    • Web API
      • Simple: JsonHttpStreamPropertyDeserializer, JsonZipHttpStreamPropertyDeserializer
      • Complex: JsonHttpStreamObjectDeserializer, JsonZipHttpStreamObjectDeserializer
  3. System.Text.Json base implementation: Common.System.Text.Json > JsonStreamPropertyDeserializer & JsonZipStreamPropertyDeserializer & JsonStreamObjectDeserializer & JsonZipStreamObjectDeserializer base common classes. Then there are separate base classes for File System & Web API implementations:
    • File System
      • Simple: JsonFileStreamPropertyDeserializer, JsonZipFileStreamPropertyDeserializer
      • Complex: JsonFileStreamObjectDeserializer, JsonZipFileStreamObjectDeserializer
    • Web API
      • Simple: JsonHttpStreamPropertyDeserializer, JsonZipHttpStreamPropertyDeserializer
      • Complex: JsonHttpStreamObjectDeserializer, JsonZipHttpStreamObjectDeserializer

The System.Text.Json has two additional Object common base classes. This is due to the differences between Newtonsoft.Json & System.Text.Json.

If you are using the library for your own usage, the projects that you require are as follows:

  1. Newtonsoft.Json: Common.Json & Common.NewtonSoft.Json
  2. System.Text.Json: Common.Json & Common.System.Text.Json (Common.SystemText.Json for VB due to compiler name collisions)

Configuration Properties

Property Description Default
FileId Lookup key in Configuration file not set
ZipFileId Lookup key in Configuration zip file not set
FileAction Single or Multiple configuration file entries Single
ZipFileAction Single or Multiple lookup key(s) in the configuration zip file Single
BatchSize Number of objects to process at a time 1
BufferSize Number of bytes read and processed from the stream as a time 8,192
FailIfFileNotFound Fail silently or throw exception if file not found true
CancellationTokenSource (optional) default
JsonSerializerSettings Newtonsoft only default
JsonSerializerOptions System.Text.Json only default

I am not going to discuss the code for these classes as there is a lot of code and this article is too long as it is. So, I recommend looking at the code.

What I will point out is how I handle the decision logic for choosing what method of processing is selected.

I am using a keyed dictionary based on the FileAction:

Common base:

// Generate an ActionDelegate key
protected string GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType fileType)
        => $"{fileType}";

protected abstract Dictionary<string, Func<Task>> ActionDelegatesFactory();

// Execute an ActionDelegate based on configuration settings
protected virtual async ValueTask ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(string key)
    Dictionary<string, Func<Task>> ActionDelegates = this.ActionDelegatesFactory();

    if (!ActionDelegates.ContainsKey(key))
        KeyNotFoundException exception = new($"The '{this.FileAction}' 
                                               Action was not found!");
        this.Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Error, "Invalid Action!", exception);

        throw exception;

    await ActionDelegates[key]().ConfigureAwait(false);
' Generate an ActionDelegate key
Protected Function GetActionKey(fileType As DeserializeActionType) As String

    Return $"{fileType}"

End Function

' abstract members/variables are not allowed
Protected MustOverride Function ActionDelegatesFactory() _
                       As Dictionary(Of String, Func(Of Task))

' Execute an ActionDelegate based on configuration settings
Protected Overridable Async Function _
          ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(key As String) As Task

    Dim ActionDelegates = ActionDelegatesFactory()

    If Not ActionDelegates.ContainsKey(key) Then
        Dim exception = New KeyNotFoundException_
                        ($"The '{Me.FileAction}' Action was not found!")
        Me._logger.Emit(LogLevel.Error, "Invalid Action!", exception)

        Throw exception
    End If

    Await ActionDelegates(key)().ConfigureAwait(False)

End Function

Common.< lib > base for files/web API:

// Main Entry Point
public override async ValueTask ProcessAsync()
    => await this.ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(this.GetActionKey(this.FileAction))

// Handler for parent class to process json fragments
protected abstract Task ProcessAsync(JsonReader jsonReader, 
                                     CancellationToken cancellationToken);

// Map configuration settings to Actions
protected override Dictionary<string, Func<Task>> ActionDelegatesFactory()
    => new()
        [this.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Single)] = ()
            => this.ProcessActionAsync
             this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),

        [this.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Multiple)] = ()
            => this.ProcessActionAsync
            (this._configuration!, this.ProcessAsync, 
             this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),
' Main Entry Point
Public Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync() As Task

    Await Me.ExecuteActionDelegateAsync_

End Function

' Handler for parent class
Protected MustOverride Overloads Function ProcessAsync_
   (jsonReader As JsonReader, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task

' Map configuration settings to Actions
Protected Overrides Function ActionDelegatesFactory() _
                    As Dictionary(Of String, Func(Of Task))

    Return New Dictionary(Of String, Func(Of Task)) From {
        {Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Single), _
                         AddressOf Me.SingleShimAsync},
        {Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Multiple), _
                         AddressOf Me.MultipleShimAsync}

End Function

#Region "ActionDelegatesFactory Shims"
 Private Async Function SingleShimAsync() As Task

    Await Me.ProcessActionAsync(
            AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
            If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, _
               Nothing, Me.CancellationTokenSource.Token)) _

End Function

Private Async Function MultipleShimAsync() As Task

    Await Me.ProcessActionAsync(
            AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
            If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, _
               Nothing, Me.CancellationTokenSource.Token)) _

End Function

#End Region

Common.< lib > base for zipped files/web API:

// Main Entry Point
public override async ValueTask ProcessAsync()
    => await this.ExecuteActionDelegateAsync
       (this.GetActionKey(this.ZipFileAction, this.FileAction))

#region Processors

// Generate an ActionDelegate key
private string GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType zipFileType, 
                            DeserializeActionType fileType)
    => $"{zipFileType}{this.GetActionKey(fileType)}";

// Execute an ActionDelegate based on configuration settings
protected override async ValueTask ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(string key)
    Dictionary<string, Func<Task>> ActionDelegates = this.ActionDelegatesFactory();

    if (!ActionDelegates.ContainsKey(key))
        KeyNotFoundException exception =
            new KeyNotFoundException
            ($"The zip '{this.ZipFileAction} ' or file '{this.FileAction}' 
            Action(s) not found!");
        this.Logger?.Emit(LogLevel.Error, "Invalid Action!", exception);

        throw exception;

    await ActionDelegates[key]().ConfigureAwait(false);

// Map configuration settings to Actions
protected override Dictionary<string, Func<Task>> ActionDelegatesFactory()
    => new()
         DeserializeActionType.Single)] = ()
            => this.ProcessZipActionAsync
                 this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),

         DeserializeActionType.Single)] = ()
            => this.ProcessZipActionAsync
                 this.ProcessAsync, this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),

         DeserializeActionType.Multiple)] = ()
            => ProcessZipActionAsync
                 this._configuration!, this.ProcessAsync,
                 this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),

                           DeserializeActionType.Multiple)] = ()
            => this.ProcessZipActionAsync
                (this._zipConfiguration, this.ProcessAsync,
                 this.CancellationTokenSource?.Token ?? default),
' Main Entry Point
Public Overrides Async Function ProcessAsync() As Task

    Await Me.ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(Me.GetActionKey_
             (Me.ZipFileAction, Me.FileAction)).ConfigureAwait(False)

End Function

' Generate an ActionDelegate key
Private Shadows Function GetActionKey(zipFileType As DeserializeActionType, _
                                      fileType As DeserializeActionType) As String

	Return $"{zipFileType}{MyBase.GetActionKey(fileType)}"

End Function

' Execute an ActionDelegate based on configuration settings
Protected Overrides Async Function ExecuteActionDelegateAsync(key As String) As Task

	Dim ActionDelegates = ActionDelegatesFactory()

	If Not ActionDelegates.ContainsKey(key) Then
		Dim exception = New KeyNotFoundException($"The zip '{Me.ZipFileAction} ' _
                        or file '{Me.FileAction}' Action(s) not found!")
		Me._logger.Emit(LogLevel.Error, "Invalid Action!", exception)

		Throw exception
	End If

	Await ActionDelegates(key)().ConfigureAwait(False)

End Function

' Map configuration settings to Actions
Protected Overrides Function ActionDelegatesFactory() _
          As Dictionary(Of String, Func(Of Task))

	Return New Dictionary(Of String, Func(Of Task)) From {
			{Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Single, _
			 AddressOf Me.SingleSingleShimAsync},
			{Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Single, _
			 AddressOf Me.SingleMultipleShimAsync},
			{Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Multiple, _
			 AddressOf Me.MultipleSingleShimAsync},
			{Me.GetActionKey(DeserializeActionType.Multiple, _
			 AddressOf Me.MultipleMultipleShimAsync}

End Function

#Region "ActionDelegatesFactory Shims"
 ' NOTE: VB does not support inline delegates 
' with parameters in Dictionaries like C#, only method references, 
' so shims are used to wrap method calls with parameters
Private Async Function SingleSingleShimAsync() As Task

	Await Me.ProcessZipActionAsync(
		AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
		If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, Nothing, _

End Function

Private Async Function MultipleSingleShimAsync() As Task

	Await Me.ProcessZipActionAsync(
		AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
		If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, Nothing, _

End Function

Private Async Function SingleMultipleShimAsync() As Task

	Await Me.ProcessZipActionAsync(
		AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
		If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, Nothing, _

End Function

Private Async Function MultipleMultipleShimAsync() As Task

	Await Me.ProcessZipActionAsync(
		AddressOf Me.ProcessAsync,
		If(Me.CancellationTokenSource Is Nothing, Nothing, _

End Function

#End Region

NOTE: VB & C# handle delegates differently. For VB, Shim methods were required to allow the passing of parameters to method calls.

Part 4: Unit Tests

Unit Tests are implemented for File System file and zipped file implementations only cover both Simple JSON Collection Object (Contacts) and Complex JSON Objects (Ebay CategoryAspect). The unit tests cover:

  • Standard call to completion
  • Standard call with simulated Cancellation
  • Invalid configuration - Key not found & File not found
  • Single & Multiple file handling

There are also unit tests for:

  • custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader class
  • FilePathHelper class and also with FileConfiguration

All testing is done using dependency Injection.

The following extension was designed to implement the Simulated Cancellation:

public static class TaskExtensions
    // executing async method wrapper to capture the results, 
    // handle cancellation, and capture any exceptions
    public static Task TaskAwaiter(this ValueTask valueTask, 
    CancellationTokenSource? cancellationTokenSource = default, int delay = 2000)
        //emulate a user cancellation in x milliseconds

        // get a reference to the running task
        Task task = valueTask.AsTask();
        while (!task.GetAwaiter().IsCompleted && 
               cancellationTokenSource?.IsCancellationRequested != true)
            // waiting ...

        // we need to capture the task & a snapshot of the statuses before returning
        return task;
Public Module TaskExtensions

    ' executing async method wrapper to capture the results, 
    ' handle cancellation, and capture any exceptions
    Public Function TaskAwaiter(task As Task, _
    Optional cancellationTokenSource As CancellationTokenSource = Nothing, _
    Optional delay As Integer = 2000) As Task

        ' emulate a user cancellation in x milliseconds

        While Not task.GetAwaiter().IsCompleted AndAlso
              ((cancellationTokenSource Is Nothing) _
               OrElse cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested <> True)
        End While

        ' we need to capture the task & a snapshot of the statuses before returning
        Return task

    End Function

End Module

If delay = 0 is passed, or no cancellation token, then the cancellation will not execute.

Here is how it is used:

private const int SimulatedDelay = 5; // must be less than actual execution time
void Live_File_Single_Cancellation()
    CancellationTokenSource cts = new();

    Task task = this.Execute(this._liveDeserializer, TestFileKey, 
                             DeserializeActionType.Single, false, cts);

    if (cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
        this._logger.Emit(LogLevel.Warning, "Cancellation was requested");



private Task Execute
    IContactFileStreamDeserializer deserializer,
    string fileKey,
    DeserializeActionType fileAction,
    bool failIfFileNotFound,
    CancellationTokenSource? cts = default,
    int delay = SimulatedDelay
    deserializer.FileId = fileKey;
    deserializer.FileAction = fileAction;
    deserializer.FailIfFileNotFound = failIfFileNotFound;
    deserializer.CancellationTokenSource = cts;

    // we need to capture the Task
    return deserializer.ProcessAsync().TaskAwaiter(cts, delay);
Private Const SimulatedDelay As Integer = 5 ' must be less than actual execution time

Sub Live_File_Single_Cancellation()

    Dim cts = New CancellationTokenSource()

    Dim task As Task = Me.Execute(Me._liveDeserializer, _
             TestFileKey, DeserializeActionType.Single, False, cts)

    If cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested Then
        Me._logger.Emit(LogLevel.Warning, "Cancellation was requested")
    End If



End Sub

Function Execute _
        deserializer As IContactFileStreamDeserializer,
        fileKey As String,
        fileAction As DeserializeActionType,
        failIfFileNotFound As Boolean,
        Optional cts As CancellationTokenSource = Nothing,
        Optional delay As Integer = SimulatedDelay
) As Task

    deserializer.FileId = fileKey
    deserializer.FileAction = fileAction
    deserializer.FailIfFileNotFound = failIfFileNotFound
    deserializer.CancellationTokenSource = cts

    ' we need to capture the Task
    Return deserializer.ProcessAsync().TaskAwaiter(cts, delay)

End Function

Part 5: Benchmarking

Benchmarking is implemented for both C# and VB for File System only. Covers both Simple JSON Collection Object (Contacts) and Complex JSON Objects (Ebay CategoryAspect) usage. Both default file/stream methods and the custom library stream methods are benchmarked:

  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_Default: loading the whole file into a string and deserializing
  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_DefaultStream: loading the whole file into a stream and deserializing
  • Contact_SystemText_DefaultEnumerableStream: This is a unique test using DeserializeAsyncEnumerable for streaming and deserializing a JSON object at a time
  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_Streaming: Library streaming and deserializing a JSON object at a time
  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_StreamingBatch10: Library streaming and deserializing batches of 10 JSON objects at a time
  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_StreamingChunk64K: Library streaming and deserializing a JSON object at a time with a 64KB buffer
  • <Contact/Ebay>_<NewtonSoft/SystemText>_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K: Library streaming and deserializing batches of 10 JSON objects at a time with a 64KB buffer

Test Data

Contacts:               500,000 records / 297,675KB
Ebay Category Aspects:      750 records /  68,118KB 

Test Machine Configuration

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.2, OS=Windows 11 (10.0.22621.675)
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK=7.0.100-rc.2.22477.23
  [Host]     : .NET 6.0.10 (6.0.1022.47605), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  DefaultJob : .NET 6.0.10 (6.0.1022.47605), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
  M.2 SSD 

C# Benchmarking Results

|                                           Method |    Mean |    Error |   StdDev | Ratio | Rank |
|------------------------------------------------- |--------:|---------:|---------:|------:|-----:|
| Contact_SystemText_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 2.342 s | 0.0059 s | 0.0055 s |  0.51 |    1 |
|             Contact_SystemText_StreamingChunk64K | 2.415 s | 0.0183 s | 0.0171 s |  0.53 |    2 |
|                     Contact_SystemText_Streaming | 2.472 s | 0.0176 s | 0.0156 s |  0.54 |    3 |
|       Contact_SystemText_DefaultEnumerableStream | 2.480 s | 0.0056 s | 0.0052 s |  0.54 |    3 |
|              Contact_SystemText_StreamingBatch10 | 2.536 s | 0.0049 s | 0.0044 s |  0.56 |    4 |
|                       Contact_SystemText_Default | 4.002 s | 0.0483 s | 0.0452 s |  0.88 |    5 |
|             Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingChunk64K | 4.451 s | 0.0165 s | 0.0129 s |  0.98 |    6 |
| Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 4.484 s | 0.0130 s | 0.0122 s |  0.98 |    6 |
|                     Contact_NewtonSoft_Streaming | 4.556 s | 0.0132 s | 0.0117 s |  1.00 |    7 |
|              Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10 | 4.636 s | 0.0908 s | 0.0892 s |  1.02 |    7 |
|                 Contact_NewtonSoft_DefaultStream | 4.729 s | 0.0194 s | 0.0181 s |  1.04 |    8 |
|                       Contact_NewtonSoft_Default | 6.268 s | 0.0385 s | 0.0341 s |  1.38 |    9 |

|                                        Method |       Mean |    Error |   StdDev | Ratio | Rank |
|---------------------------------------------- |-----------:|---------:|---------:|------:|-----:|
|                 Ebay_SystemText_DefaultStream |   729.2 ms |  4.71 ms |  4.18 ms |  0.63 |    1 |
|                       Ebay_SystemText_Default |   970.3 ms |  8.58 ms |  8.02 ms |  0.83 |    2 |
|             Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingChunk64K | 1,091.8 ms |  4.40 ms |  3.44 ms |  0.94 |    3 |
| Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 1,094.4 ms |  7.32 ms |  6.11 ms |  0.94 |    3 |
|              Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10 | 1,122.8 ms |  8.79 ms |  7.79 ms |  0.96 |    4 |
|                     Ebay_NewtonSoft_Streaming | 1,164.6 ms |  9.93 ms |  9.29 ms |  1.00 |    5 |
|                 Ebay_NewtonSoft_DefaultStream | 1,248.4 ms | 16.03 ms | 14.99 ms |  1.07 |    6 |
|             Ebay_SystemText_StreamingChunk64K | 1,453.1 ms |  4.81 ms |  4.50 ms |  1.25 |    7 |
|                     Ebay_SystemText_Streaming | 1,534.9 ms |  5.19 ms |  4.86 ms |  1.32 |    8 |
|                       Ebay_NewtonSoft_Default | 1,536.8 ms | 18.24 ms | 17.06 ms |  1.32 |    8 |
| Ebay_SystemText_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 1,562.3 ms |  5.77 ms |  5.40 ms |  1.34 |    9 |
|              Ebay_SystemText_StreamingBatch10 | 1,642.4 ms |  5.60 ms |  5.24 ms |  1.41 |   10 |

VB Benchmarking Results

|                                           Method |    Mean |    Error |   StdDev | Ratio | Rank |
|------------------------------------------------- |--------:|---------:|---------:|------:|-----:|
|             Contact_SystemText_StreamingChunk64K | 2.379 s | 0.0103 s | 0.0097 s |  0.51 |    1 |
| Contact_SystemText_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 2.382 s | 0.0079 s | 0.0070 s |  0.51 |    1 |
|       Contact_SystemText_DefaultEnumerableStream | 2.501 s | 0.0065 s | 0.0061 s |  0.54 |    2 |
|                     Contact_SystemText_Streaming | 2.657 s | 0.0060 s | 0.0057 s |  0.57 |    3 |
|              Contact_SystemText_StreamingBatch10 | 2.687 s | 0.0122 s | 0.0114 s |  0.58 |    3 |
|                       Contact_SystemText_Default | 4.120 s | 0.0422 s | 0.0395 s |  0.88 |    4 |
| Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 4.509 s | 0.0251 s | 0.0235 s |  0.97 |    5 |
|              Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10 | 4.588 s | 0.0321 s | 0.0300 s |  0.99 |    6 |
|             Contact_NewtonSoft_StreamingChunk64K | 4.613 s | 0.0309 s | 0.0289 s |  0.99 |    6 |
|                     Contact_NewtonSoft_Streaming | 4.655 s | 0.0171 s | 0.0160 s |  1.00 |    6 |
|                 Contact_NewtonSoft_DefaultStream | 5.492 s | 0.0571 s | 0.0534 s |  1.18 |    7 |
|                       Contact_NewtonSoft_Default | 6.318 s | 0.0654 s | 0.0612 s |  1.36 |    8 |

|                                        Method |       Mean |    Error |   StdDev | Ratio | Rank |
|---------------------------------------------- |-----------:|---------:|---------:|------:|-----:|
|                 Ebay_SystemText_DefaultStream |   732.3 ms |  6.43 ms |  5.70 ms |  0.67 |    1 |
|                       Ebay_SystemText_Default |   957.1 ms |  4.78 ms |  4.23 ms |  0.88 |    2 |
| Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 1,064.6 ms | 11.54 ms | 10.80 ms |  0.97 |    3 |
|             Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingChunk64K | 1,069.2 ms |  6.06 ms |  5.67 ms |  0.98 |    3 |
|                     Ebay_NewtonSoft_Streaming | 1,092.3 ms |  5.87 ms |  5.50 ms |  1.00 |    4 |
|              Ebay_NewtonSoft_StreamingBatch10 | 1,096.1 ms |  3.42 ms |  3.03 ms |  1.00 |    4 |
|                 Ebay_NewtonSoft_DefaultStream | 1,220.9 ms |  9.47 ms |  8.86 ms |  1.12 |    5 |
|             Ebay_SystemText_StreamingChunk64K | 1,489.3 ms |  4.36 ms |  3.86 ms |  1.36 |    6 |
|                       Ebay_NewtonSoft_Default | 1,499.3 ms | 13.32 ms | 12.46 ms |  1.37 |    6 |
| Ebay_SystemText_StreamingBatch10BufferSize64K | 1,514.3 ms |  3.99 ms |  3.33 ms |  1.39 |    6 |
|                     Ebay_SystemText_Streaming | 1,579.1 ms |  4.95 ms |  4.39 ms |  1.45 |    7 |
|              Ebay_SystemText_StreamingBatch10 | 1,598.5 ms |  3.85 ms |  3.60 ms |  1.46 |    8 |


  1. The performance difference between VB & C# is within the margin of error, so essentially performance is 99% the same.
  2. Ebay_SystemText_Streaming... is slightly slower than Ebay_NewtonSoft_Streaming due to the need to read ahead to find the end of the object before deserializing however still faster than Newtonsoft loading the whole file into a string and deserializing
  3. Simple JSON Collection Object (Contacts) via the library (with a 64KB buffer size) is faster than DeserializeAsyncEnumerable with a default buffer size (16KB)
  4. For Complex JSON Objects, while the performance of the custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader for System.Text.Json is acceptable, it is slower than loading or streaming the whole file into memory with System.Text.Json. However, where it matters, the key benefit is that the custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader has a minimal memory footprint versus the extravagant memory requirements of System.Text.Json.


Working with large data streams is not as hard as it looks. Samples implementations are provided, for both C# and VB, for working with raw JSON data and zipped JSON data via the file system and web API.

Both file system and web API streams for Newtonsoft.Json and System.Text.Json APIs are similar however the performance boost of the System.Text.Json APIs are definitely worth migrating to DotNetCore 6.0+.

Whilst the System.Text.Json lacks the Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader for walking the stream object at a time, it is possible to implement our own performant custom Utf8JsonAsyncStreamReader.


  • v1.0 - 1st November, 2022 - Initial release (DotNet 6.0)
  • v1.01 - 17th November, 2022 - Updated & added downloads for Dot Net 7.0
  • v1.02 - 18th November, 2022 - Updated Configuration Properties list from text code block to a table


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)