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A Primer on GCP Compute Instance VMs for Dockerized Apps [Tutorial Part 8]

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3 Sep 2022MIT9 min read 4.5K  
How to create VMs, use a container registry and a secret manager
This article discusses the Google Cloud Platform and creates a Compute Instance VM to run dockerized applications.

This article appeared first on at A primer on GCP Compute Instance VMs for dockerized Apps [Tutorial Part 8]

In this article, we will take a look on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and create a Compute Instance VM to run dockerized applications. This includes:

  • creating VMs
  • using a container registry
  • using a secret manager

All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github.
You find the branch with the final result of this tutorial at part-8-gcp-compute-instance-vm-docker.

All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial. The previous part was Create a CI pipeline for dockerized PHP Apps and the following one is Deploy dockerized PHP Apps to production on GCP via docker compose.

If you want to follow along, please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out. :)

Table of Contents


In the next tutorial, we will deploy our dockerized PHP Apps to "production" via docker compose and will create this "production" environment on GCP (Google Cloud Platform). This tutorial serves as a primer on GCP to build up some fundamental knowledge, because we will use the platform to provide all the infrastructure required to run our dockerized PHP application.

In the process, we'll learn about GCP projects as our own "space" in GCP and service accounts as a way to communicate programmatically. We'll start by doing everything manually via the UI, but will also explain how to do it programmatically via the gcloud cli and end with a fully automated script.

GCP Services

The following video shows the overall flow:

The API keys (see service account key files) that I use are not in the repository, because I would be billed for any usage, i.e., you must create you own project and keys to follow along.


Following the steps outlined in this tutorial will incur costs, because we will create "real" infrastructure. It won't be much (couple of cents), and it will very likely be covered by the free 300$ grant that you get when trying out GCP (or the general unlimited GCP Free Tier).

But you should still know about that upfront and make sure to shut everything down / delete everything in case you're trying it out yourself. The "safest" way to do so is Shutting down (deleting) the whole project.

Set Up a GCP Project

On GCP, resources are organized under so-called projects. We can create a project via the Create Project UI:

Create a new GCP project

The project ID must be a globally unique string, and I have chosen pl-dofroscra-p for this tutorial (pl => Pascal Landau; dofroscra => Docker From Scratch; p => production).

Create a Service Account

As a next step, we need a service account that we can use to make API requests, because we don't want to use our "personal GCP account". Service accounts are created via the IAM & Admin > Service Accounts UI:

Create a new GCP service account

Create Service Account Key File

In order to use the account programmatically, we also need to create a key file by choosing the "Manage Keys" option of the corresponding service account.

Create a new key file for a GCP service account UI

This will open up a UI at:$serviceAccountId/keys

where $serviceAccountId is the numeric id of the service account, e.g., 109548647107864470967. To create a key:

  • Click "ADD KEY" and select "Create new key" from the drop down menu
    • This will bring up a modal window to choose the key type.
  • Select the recommended JSON type and click "Create".
    • GCP will then generate a new key pair, store the public key and offer the private key file as download.
  • Download the file and make sure to treat it like any other private key (ssh, gpg, ...) i.e., never share it publicly!

Create a new key file for a GCP service account

We will store this file in the root of the codebase at gcp-service-account-key.json and add it to the .gitignore file.

Each service account has also a unique email address that consists of its (non-numeric) id and the project id. You can also find it directly in the key file:

$ grep "email" ./gcp-service-account-key.json

This email address is usually used to reference the service account, e.g., when assigning IAM permissions.

Configure IAM Permissions

IAM stands for Identity and Access Management (IAM) and is used for managing permissions on GCP. The two core concepts are "permissions" and "roles":

  • permissions are fine-grained for particular actions, e.g., storage.buckets.create to "Create Cloud Storage buckets"
  • roles combine a selection of permissions, e.g., the Cloud Storage Admin role has permissions like
    • storage.buckets.create
    • storage.buckets.get
    • etc.
  • roles are assigned to users (or service accounts)

You can find a full overview of all permissions in the Permissions Reference and all roles under Understanding roles > Predefined roles.

For this tutorial, we'll assign the following roles to the service account "user"

Roles can be assigned through the Cloud Console IAM UI by editing the corresponding user.

Managing IAM permissions

Caution: It might take some time (usually a couple of seconds) until changes in IAM permissions take effect.

Set Up the gcloud CLI tool

The CLI tool for GCP is called gcloud and is available for all operating systems.

In this tutorial, we are using version 380.0.0 installed natively on Windows via the GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe using the "Bundled Python" option.

Install gcloud on Windows

FYI: As described under Uninstalling the Google Cloud CLI, you can find the installation and config directories via:

# installation directory
$ gcloud info --format='value(installation.sdk_root)'
C:\Users\Pascal\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk

# config directory
$ gcloud info --format='value(config.paths.global_config_dir)'

I will not use my personal Google account to run gcloud commands, thus I'm not using the "usual" initialization process by running gcloud init. Instead, I will use the service account that we created previously and activate it as described under gcloud auth activate-service-account via

gcloud auth activate-service-account 
--key-file=./gcp-service-account-key.json --project=pl-dofroscra-p 


$ gcloud auth activate-service-account docker-php-tutorial-deployment@ --key-file=./gcp-service-account-key.json 
Activated service account credentials for: 

FYI: Because we are using a json key file that includes the service account ID, we can also omit the id in the command, i.e.

$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=./gcp-service-account-key.json 
Activated service account credentials for: 

Set Up the Container Registry

We will use docker compose to run our PHP application in the next tutorial part and need to make our docker images available in a container registry. Luckily, GCP offers a Container Registry product that gives us a ready-to-use private registry as part of a GCP project. Before we can use it, the corresponding Google Container Registry API must be enabled:

Enable the GCP Container Registry API

You find the Container Registry in the Cloud Console UI under Container Registry.

Authenticate Docker

Since the Container Registry is private, we need to authenticate before we can push our docker images. The available authentication methods are described in the GCP docu "Container Registry Authentication methods". For pushing images from our local host system, we will use the service account key file that we created previously and run the command shown in the "JSON key file" section of the document.

cat "$key" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin 

A successful authentication looks as follows:

$ cat "$key" | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin
Login Succeeded

Logging in with your password grants your terminal complete access to your account.
For better security, log in with a limited-privilege personal access token. 
Learn more at 

So what exactly "happens" when we run this command? According to the docker login documentation

When you log in, the command stores credentials in $HOME/.docker/config.json on Linux or %USERPROFILE%/.docker/config.json on Windows [...]

The Docker Engine can keep user credentials in an external credentials store, such as the native keychain of the operating system. [...]

You need to specify the credentials store in $HOME/.docker/config.json to tell the docker engine to use it. [...]

By default, Docker looks for the native binary on each of the platforms, i.e., “osxkeychain” on macOS, “wincred” on windows, and “pass” on Linux.

In other words: I won't be able to see the content of the service account key file in "plain text" anywhere but Docker will utilize the OS specific tools to store them securely. After I ran the docker login command on Windows, I found the following content in ~/.docker/config.json:

$ cat ~/.docker/config.json
        "auths": {
                "": {}
        "credsStore": "desktop"

FYI: "desktop" seems to be a wrapper for the Wincred executable.

Pushing Images to the Registry

For this tutorial, we will create a super simple nginx alpine image that provides a "Hello world" hello.html file via:

docker build -t my-nginx -f - . <<EOF
FROM nginx:1.21.5-alpine

RUN echo "Hello world" >> /usr/share/nginx/html/hello.html


The name of the image is my-nginx:

$ docker image ls | grep my-nginx
my-nginx         latest             42dd1608d126   50 seconds ago    23.5MB 

In order to push an image to a registry, the image name must be prefixed with the corresponding registry. This was quite confusing to me, because I would have expected to be able to run something like this:

$ docker push my-nginx

unknown flag: --registry
See 'docker push --help'. 

But nope, there is no such --registry option. Even worse: Omitting it would cause a push to, the "default" registry:

$ docker push my-nginx
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository [] 

According to the GCP docs on Pushing and pulling images, the following steps are necessary to push an image to a GCP registry:

  • Tag the image with its target path in Container Registry, including the registry host and the project ID my-project
  • Push the image to the registry

In our case, the target path to our Container Registry is: 

because pl-dofroscra-p is the id of the GCP project we created previously.

The full image name becomes: 

To push the my-nginx image, we must first "add another name" to it via docker tag:

$ docker tag my-nginx

$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                       TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
my-nginx                         latest    ba7a2c5faf0d   15 minutes ago   23.5MB   latest    ba7a2c5faf0d   15 minutes ago   23.5MB 

and push that name afterwards:

$ docker push
Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository []
134174afa9ad: Preparing
cb7b4430c52d: Preparing
419df8b60032: Preparing
0e835d02c1b5: Preparing
5ee3266a70bd: Preparing
3f87f0a06073: Preparing
1c9c1e42aafa: Preparing
8d3ac3489996: Preparing
8d3ac3489996: Waiting
3f87f0a06073: Waiting
1c9c1e42aafa: Waiting
cb7b4430c52d: Pushed
134174afa9ad: Pushed
419df8b60032: Pushed
5ee3266a70bd: Pushed
0e835d02c1b5: Pushed
8d3ac3489996: Layer already exists
3f87f0a06073: Pushed
1c9c1e42aafa: Pushed
latest: digest: sha256:0740591fb686227d8cdf4e42b784f634cbaf9f5caa6ee478e3bcc24aeef75d7f 
        size: 1982 

You can then find the image in the UI of the Container Registry:

Example of a pushed image in the Container Registry

Don't worry: We won't have to do the tagging every time before a push, because we will set up make to use the correct name automatically when building the images in the next part.

Images are Stored in Google Cloud Storage Buckets

We assigned the Storage Admin role to the service account previously that contains the storage.buckets.create permission. If we wouldn't have done that, the following error would have occurred:

denied: Token exchange failed for project 'pl-dofroscra-p'. 
Caller does not have permission 'storage.buckets.create'. 
To configure permissions, follow instructions at: 

The Container Registry tries to store the docker images in a Google Cloud Storage bucket that is created on the fly when the very first image is pushed, see the GCP docs on "Adding a registry":

The first image push to a hostname triggers creation of the registry in a project and the corresponding Cloud Storage storage bucket. This initial push requires project-wide permissions to create storage buckets.

You can find the bucket, that in my case is named in the Cloud Storage UI:

GCP Container Registry image location on Cloud Storage

CAUTION: Make sure to delete this bucket once you are done with the tutorial - otherwise storage costs will incur.

Due to technical constraints, this article is capped at 30000 characters. Read the full content at A primer on GCP Compute Instance VMs for dockerized Apps [Tutorial Part 8]


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The MIT License