This is a tutorial text on “prototypal inheritance” in JavaScript. Some theory is explained, and several JavaScript examples are shown, together with screenshots of “internals” from the DevTools debugger.
1 Introduction
Developers coming from some of the modern Object-Oriented languages like C++, Java, C# to JavaScript find often JavaScript “dirty”, obscure, and full or archaic language expressions that are kept in language for historical backward compatibility. One thing in particular that you will find different is the “object inheritance model” in JavaScript which looks similar to the above OO languages but is inside radically different. While in modern languages like C++, Java, and C#, the object inheritance model is “class-based”, in JavaScript it is “instance-based”. This text is not meant to be a complete tutorial, but rather a clarification paper that presents a sufficient number of examples and screenshots from the Chrome DevTools debugger to clarify how inheritance is implemented internally. The intended audience is Intermediate JavaScript developers and above.
2 Theoretical Background
Before some practical examples, some theoretical background is needed. We are focused on explaining and comprehending the basic concepts, leaving more details to further reading of references.
2.1 Simplified Definitions
Here are some plain-language explanations.
What is “class-based inheritance”? Class-based inheritance is a paradigm/manner of object-oriented programming in which the reuse of functionality/code is done by a process of reusing existing classes. Here, a “class” is a template for creating objects. Class is an abstract structure, rather than a specific instance. Some of the programming languages that use this paradigm are C++, Java, and C#.
What is “prototypal inheritance”? Prototypal inheritance is a paradigm/manner of object-oriented programming in which the reuse of functionality/code is done by a process of reusing existing objects that serve as prototypes for new objects. A prototype object is not an abstract structure, but rather a specific instance. One of the programming languages that uses this paradigm is JavaScript.
What is a “prototype object” in “prototypal inheritance”? A prototype object is an instance of an object whose state and behavior are about to be reused in the process of “prototypal inheritance”.
Which is better, “prototypal inheritance” or “class-based inheritance”? “Prototypal inheritance” was popular in the 1980s. Since the late 1990s, the “class-based inheritance” paradigm has become more popular.
2.2 Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript
Here are some simplified explanations.
How is prototypal inheritance implemented in JavaScript? Every object in JavaScript has a special internal hidden property [[Prototype]]
that points to another object or is null
Can I read/write to [[Prototype]]? Property [[Prototype]]
is more of a concept, but there are getters/setters to read/write to it, you need to read/write to getter/setter __proto__
Is there a “base class” for all objects in JavaScript? Well, there is not a “base class”, but a “base prototype object” since this is a prototypical inheritance paradigm. There is an object “Object
” that serves as a base prototype object for all new objects in JavaScript. By default, every new object in JavaScript recursively in dept through inheritance hierarchy points to an “Object
” instance. So, every new object inherits methods and properties from the “Object
” instance.
JavaScript has the keyword “class” that enables the creation of new objects. Isn’t that “class-based inheritance”? ECMA Script 2015 (ES6) introduced classes as syntactic sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance. But, in the background is really the prototype-based inheritance.
2.3 Examples
The examples below are for a developer who already has some experience with JavaScript. The focus is more on the internals of how JavaScript internally represents objects, than on presenting/teaching JavaScript here. We demo the creation of objects in three different ways:
- Literal syntax
- Constructor function syntax
- Class syntax
These are not the only ways to create objects in JavaScript, but they present sufficient variety for this article. We used Chrome DevTools debugger to have a look into how objects and inheritance are represented internally. The source code of all examples is attached. Examples were executed on Chrome Version 116.0.5845.188 (Official Build) (64-bit).
3 Example01: Object - Literal Syntax
3.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
let person1 = {
name: "Mark",
age: 21,
Accessing object property:
Calling method inherited from the prototype:
person1.toString():[object Object]
Accessing object prototype:
person1.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

3.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

3.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using traditional “Literal syntax”.
- Screenshot from DevTools debugger outlines nicely all object
properties and methods. - Even if it is not obvious from the syntax, both from execution results and DevTools, it can be seen that the object
was assigned a prototype object “Object
”. Please notice in DevTools property [[Prototype]]
Object. - Even though
object person1
does not define by itself method .toString()
, it inherits it from prototype object “[[Prototype]] Object
”, as it can be seen in the execution of the code person1.toString()
. - It can be seen that using expression
, we can access [[Prototype]]
directly, its properties and methods.
4 Example02: Object - Constructor Function Syntax
4.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
let person1 = new Person("Mark", 21);
Accessing object property:
Calling method inherited from the prototype:
person1.toString():[object Object]
Checking object class:
person1 instanceof Person:true
Accessing object prototype:
person1.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Accessing object prototype’s prototype:
person1.__proto__.__proto__:[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

4.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

4.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Constructor function syntax”.
- Screenshot from DevTools outlines nicely all object person1 properties and methods.
- Even if it is not obvious from the syntax, both from results and DevTools, it can be seen that the object
was assigned a prototype object “Object
”. Please notice in DevTools property [[Prototype]] Object
. - It is interesting to notice that we have 2 levels of prototype objects in dept. You can see that easily from DevTools, and from code execution of
and person1.__proto__.__proto__
. That can be explained easily, that is when objects are created with “constructor syntax”, JavaScript creates a prototype object that is going to act as a prototype object for all objects created with the same “constructor function”, and in that object saves a reference to that function, which can be seen in DevTools as a property/method “constructor: f Person()
”. - It can be seen that using the expression
, we can access [[Prototype]]
directly, its properties and methods, and further into depth with person1.__proto__.__proto__
. - Even though object
does not define by itself method .toString()
, it inherits it from prototype object “[[Prototype]] Object
”, this time from 2 levels dept, as it can be seen in the execution of person1.toString()
. - One may ask, are objects
from this Example02 and from previous Example01 the same objects? Obviously, from DevTools it follows, that they do not have the same internal structure, which depends on how the objects are created. So, can we say that those objects are the same? Well, what you as a programmer care about is the “public interface
” of an object, that is properties and methods that can be accessed from object reference person1
. As objects person1
from this Example02 and from previous Example01 have “almost the same” public interface, we consider them to be the same.
5 Example03: Object - Class Syntax
5.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
let person1 = new Person("Mark", 21);
Accessing object property:
Calling method inherited from the prototype:
person1.toString():[object Object]
Checking object class:
person1 instanceof Person:true
Accessing object prototype:
person1.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Accessing object prototype’s prototype:
person1.__proto__.__proto__:[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

5.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

5.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Class syntax”. ECMA Script 2015 (ES6) introduced classes as syntactic sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance.
- Screenshot from DevTools outlines nicely all object
properties and methods. - Even if it is not obvious from the syntax, both from results and DevTools, it can be seen that the object
was assigned a prototype object “Object
”. Please notice in DevTools property [[Prototype]] Object
. - It is interesting to notice that we have 2 levels of prototype objects in dept. You can see that easily from DevTools, and from code execution of
and person1.__proto__.__proto__
. That can be explained easily, that when created with “class syntax”, JavaScript creates a prototype object that is going to act as a prototype object for all objects created with the same “class”, and in that object saves a reference to that function, which can be seen in DevTools as a property/method “constructor: class Person()
”. - It can be seen that using the expression
we can access [[Prototype]]
directly, its properties and methods, and further into depth with person1.__proto__.__proto__
. - Even though object
does not define by itself method .toString()
, it inherits it from prototype object [[Prototype]] Object
, this time from 2 levels dept, as it can be seen in the execution of code person1.toString()
. - One can see that objects
from Example03 and Example02 have almost the same internal structure, except that property in Example02 “constructor: f Person()
” is now replaced with the property “constructor: class Person()
”. Again, as described above, since objects person1
in Exampe01, Example02, and Example03 have almost the same “public interface
”, we consider them to be the same object, no matter how they were created.
6 Example04: Multiple Objects - Literal Syntax
6.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
let person1 = {
name: "Mark",
age: 21,
toString: function () {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age} (ver1)`;
let person2 = {
name: "Novak",
age: 36,
toString: function () {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age} (ver2)`;
} = "Belgrade";
person2.profession = "programmer"; = "Serbia";
Accessing person1:
person1.toString():Person Mark, old 21 (ver1)
Accessing person2:
person2.toString():Person Novak, old 36 (ver2)
Here is the execution screen:

6.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

6.3 Example Comments
- In this example, we created two objects with the same
interface, using “Literal syntax”. - Nothing in JavaScript “literal syntax” enables us to indicate that those 2 objects are “of the same class”, and indeed JavaScript treats them as any other 2 different objects.
- Even if it is not obvious from the syntax, both from results and DevTools, it can be seen that the objects
and person2
were assigned a prototype object “Object
”. Please notice in DevTools property [[Prototype]] Object
. - While it might not be obvious from the DevTools screenshots, both objects now have the SAME prototype
. That might be a bit strange to a programmer coming from a classical “class-based inheritance” language like C++, Java, C#, and requires a mental step to adapt to the new paradigm. In the “class-based inheritance”, each object would get its own instance of the base object during construction, which is not the case now. - So, they do have something in common, that is both inherit from “
”. And as a result, both inherit the same properties and methods from the “Object
”. - We added some properties to each of them. Also, we played a bit with their common base prototype by adding a property to the common prototype in the expression ` = "Serbia
"`. - When executed, that expression will add a property to the “
” object, since that is a prototype object in this case. Adding properties to "Object
” is definitely something that SHOULD NOT be done in practice, since it adds properties to ALL objects in that JavaScript environment. We just wanted to show that it is possible, and that “Object
” is just another object in JavaScript, like any other object. Also, that demonstrates that both objects person1
and person2
inherit from the same INSTANCE OF OBJECT “Object
”. As a result, both objects person1
and person2
can now access that property, as can be seen from the execution results. - We also added method
to both objects person1
and person2
. Each got a different version of the method, as can be seen from the execution. Each object now has its own method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at the screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
7 Example05: Multiple Objects - Constructor Function Syntax
7.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.toString = function () {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age}`;
let person1 = new Person("Mark", 21);
let person2 = new Person("Novak", 36); = "Belgrade";
person2.profession = "programmer"; = "Serbia";
Accessing person1:
person1.toString():Person Mark, old 21
Accessing person2:
person2.toString():Person Novak, old 36
Here is the execution screen:

7.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

7.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Constructor function syntax”.
- It is interesting to notice that we have 2 levels of prototype objects in dept. You can see that easily from DevTools, and from code execution of
, person1.__proto__.__proto__
, person2.__proto__
, person2.__proto__.__proto__
. That can be explained easily, that when created with “constructor syntax”, JavaScript creates a prototype object that is going to act as a prototype object for all objects created with the same “constructor function”, and in that object saves a reference to that function, which can be seen in DevTools as a property/method “constructor: f Person()
”. - While it might not be obvious from the DevTools screenshots, both objects now have the SAME prototype hierarchy consisting of 2 objects. That might be a bit strange to a programmer coming from a classical “class-based inheritance” language like C++, Java, C#, and requires a mental step to adapt to the new paradigm. In the “class-based inheritance”, each object would get its own instance of the base object during construction, which is not the case now.
- We added some properties to each of them. Also, we played a bit with their common base prototype by adding a property to the common prototype in the expression ‘ = "Serbia"
’. - When executed, that expression will add a property to the first object in the prototype hierarchy, which acts as a prototype for all objects created with that constructor function. Also, that demonstrates that both objects
and person2
inherit from the same INSTANCE of “Object”. As a result, both objects person1
and person2
can now access that property, as can be seen from the execution results. - We also added method
inside constructor function. That added .ToString()
method to prototype object for the class, as can be seen from the DevTools. Each object now has method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at the screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
8 Example06: Multiple Objects - Class Syntax
8.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
toString() {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age}`;
let person1 = new Person("Mark", 21);
let person2 = new Person("Novak", 36); = "Belgrade";
person2.profession = "programmer"; = "Serbia";
Accessing person1:
person1.toString():Person Mark, old 21
Accessing person2:
person2.toString():Person Novak, old 36
Here is the execution screen:

8.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

8.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Class syntax”. ECMA Script 2015 (ES6) introduced classes as syntactic sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance.
- It is interesting to notice that we have 2 levels of prototype objects in dept. You can see that easily from DevTools, and from code execution of
, person1.__proto__.__proto__
, person2.__proto__
, person2.__proto__.__proto__
. That can be explained easily, that when created with “constructor syntax”, JavaScript creates a prototype object that is going to act as a prototype object for all objects created with the same “class constructor”, and in that object saves a reference to that function, which can be seen in DevTools as a property/method “constructor: class Person
”. - While it might not be obvious from the DevTools screenshots, both objects now have the SAME prototype hierarchy consisting of 2 objects. That might be a bit strange to a programmer coming from a classical “class-based inheritance” language like C++, Java, C#, and requires a mental step to adapt to the new paradigm. In the “class-based inheritance”, each object would get its own instance of the base object during construction, which is not the case now.
- We added some properties to each of them. Also, we played a bit with their common base prototype by adding a property to the common prototype in the expression ‘ = "Serbia"
’. - When executed, that expression will add a property to the first object in the prototype hierarchy, which acts as a prototype for all objects created with that constructor function. Also, that demonstrates that both objects
and person2
inherit from the same INSTANCE OBJECT. As a result, both objects person1
and person2
can now access that property, as can be seen from the execution results. - We also added method
inside constructor function. That added .ToString()
method to prototype object for the class, as can be seen from the DevTools. Each object now has method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
9 Example07: Object Inheritance - Literal Syntax
9.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
let person1 = {
name: "Mark",
age: 21,
toString: function () {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age} (ver1)`;
let student1 = {
course: "Computers",
student1.__proto__ = person1;
Accessing object properties and methods:
student1.toString():Person Mark, old 21 (ver1)
Accessing object prototype:
student1.__proto__.toString():Person Mark, old 21 (ver1)
Accessing object prototype’s prototype:
student1.__proto__.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

9.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

9.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using traditional “Literal syntax”.
- We created 2 objects, and object
inherits from object person1
. The key expression in creating inheritance is “student1.__proto__ = person1;
” - From code execution, it can be seen that object
inherited properties and methods from object person1
. - DevTools screenshot nicely shows how object hierarchy is created.
- We also added method
to object person1
and object student1
inherited it. Object student1
now has its own method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
10 Example08: Object Inheritance- Constructor Function Syntax
10.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
this.toString = function () {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age}`;
let person1 = new Person("Mark", 21);
function Student(course) {
this.course = course;
Student.prototype = person1;
let student1 = new Student("Computers");
Accessing object properties and methods:
student1.toString():Person Mark, old 21
Checking object class:
student1 instanceof Person:true
student1 instanceof Student:true
Accessing object prototype:
student1.__proto__.toString():Person Mark, old 21
Accessing object prototype’s prototype:
student1.__proto__.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Accessing object prototype’s prototype’s prototype:
student1.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

10.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution.

10.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Constructor function syntax”.
- We created two objects, and object
inherits from object person1
. The key expression in creating inheritance is “Student.prototype = person1;
” - From code execution, it can be seen that object
inherited properties and methods from object person1
. - DevTools screenshot nicely shows how object hierarchy is created.
- We also added method
to object person1
and object student1
inherited it. Object student1
now has its own method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
11 Example09: Object Inheritance - Class Syntax
11.1 Example Code
Please consider the following example:
class Person {
constructor(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
toString() {
return `Person ${}, old ${this.age}`;
class Student extends Person {
constructor(course, name, age) {
super(name, age);
this.course = course;
let student1 = new Student("Computers", "Mark", 21);
Accessing object properties and methods:
student1.toString():Person Mark, old 21
Checking object class:
student1 instanceof Person:true
student1 instanceof Student:true
Accessing object prototype:
student1.__proto__.toString():Person undefined, old undefined
Accessing object prototype's prototype:
student1.__proto__.__proto__.toString():Person undefined, old undefined
Accessing object prototype's prototype's prototype:
student1.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.toString():[object Object]
Checking if we are at the root of the inheritance:
Here is the execution screen:

11.2 DevTools Screenshots
Here are some screenshots of Chrome DevTools during execution:

11.3 Example Comments
- In this example, objects were created using “Class syntax”. ECMA Script 2015 (ES6) introduced classes as syntactic sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance.
- We created two classes, and class
inherits from class Person
. The key expression in creating inheritance is “extends Person
” - From code execution, it can be seen that object
of class Student
inherited properties and methods from class Person
. - DevTools screenshot nicely shows how object hierarchy is created.
- We also added method
to class Person
and object student1
of class Student
inherited it. Object student1
now has its own method .toString()
that shadows method .toString()
inherited from the “Object
”. Have a look at screenshots to see how DevTools represents that.
12 Conclusion
We showed in number of examples in this text how “prototypical inheritance” in JavaScript works. This is by no means exhaustive text on the topic, objects can be created in different ways and there is more JavaScript material on the topic to be covered. But, our goals in this text were to focus on and show some basic principles and outline the internals of how JavaScript prototypical inheritance works.
13 References
14 History
- 2nd November, 2023: Initial version