This is an extremely simple function for tokenizing strings. You supply the function with
a string that you wish to tokenize, and an array of tokens the delimit the tokens.
For example, suppose you have the string "Tom, Dick and Harry" and you'd like to break it
up into "Tom", "Dick", "Harry". Your string is thus "Tom, Dick and Harry" and your array
contains the "," and "and" separators:
Dim Str, Seps(2)
Str = "Tom, Dick and Harry"
Seps(0) = ","
Seps(1) = "and"
Dim i, a
a = Tokenize(Str, Seps)
Response.Write "<p>Found " & UBound(a) & " tokens</p>"
Response.Write "<ol>"
For i=1 to UBound(a)
Response.Write "<li>Keyword " & i & " = " & a(i-1) & "</li>"
Response.Write "</ol>"
The results will be
Found 3 tokens
1. Keyword 1 = Tom
2. Keyword 2 = Dick
3. Keyword 3 = Harry
The function is as follows:
Function Tokenize(byVal TokenString, byRef TokenSeparators())
Dim NumWords, a()
NumWords = 0
Dim NumSeps
NumSeps = UBound(TokenSeparators)
Dim SepIndex, SepPosition
SepPosition = 0
SepIndex = -1
for i = 0 to NumSeps-1
Dim pos
pos = InStr(TokenString, TokenSeparators(i))
If pos > 0 and ( (SepPosition = 0) or (pos < SepPosition) ) Then
SepPosition = pos
SepIndex = i
End If
If SepIndex < 0 Then
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = TokenString
Dim substr
substr = Trim(Left(TokenString, SepPosition-1))
redim preserve a(NumWords+1)
a(NumWords) = substr
Dim TrimPosition
TrimPosition = SepPosition+Len(TokenSeparators(SepIndex))
TokenString = Trim(Mid(TokenString, TrimPosition))
End If
NumWords = NumWords + 1
loop while (SepIndex >= 0)
Tokenize = a
End Function