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CLR Magics in Yukon

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21 Dec 2003 2  
This article describes Yukon (SQL Server 9.0) using CLR


The Microsoft .NET framework CLR has been integrated with the newer version of SQL Server. T-SQL is an existing data access manipulation language ,its suited only for procedural oriented languages. It was designed more than 10 years ago, So we need a modern approach to create data objects, the integration of SQLServer and Common Language Runtime enables the developer to create a routines by using object oriented languages. When we call the Managed routine in SQLServer it hosts the CLR in-process mode. The article begins by introducing you to those new .NET CLR features and showing you some samples (in VB.NET/C#) of how they are used.

The .NET Managed code provides four types of user defined SQL Server Routines :

  1. User-Defined Procedures
  2. User-Defined Triggers
  3. User-Defined Functions

All the .NET Routines can be called anywhere in the SQL Languages.

User- Defined Procedures

Normally Stored procedures return tabular values and messages to the client. A .NET User-Defined Procedure Routine can do that Using SQLPipe.Send command. SQLPipe class is used to send the result to client ,like a Response.Write command in ASP.NET. We will see it how in the below Example.


   Imports System.Data.Sqlserver 
   Imports System.Data.Sql 
     Public Class clsBookStoreProcedures 
        Public Shared Sub GetAuthorName() 
          Dim pipeSql As SqlPipe = Sqlcontext.GetPipe() 
          Dim cmdSql As Sqlcommand = Sqlcontext.GetCommand() 
          cmdSql.CommandText= _
             "Select AuthorName from Books where BookId   = @prmBookId" 
          Dim prmBookId As SqlParameter =     
          prmBookId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input 
        End Function 
    End Class    


    using System.Data.Sqlserver; 
    using System.Data.Sql; 
     public Class clsBookStoreProcedure 
      public static void GetAuthorName() {
         SqlPipe  pipeSql = Sqlcontext.GetPipe(); 
         Sqlcommand  cmdSql = Sqlcontext.GetCommand(); 
           "Select AuthorName from Books where BookId   = @prmBookId"; 
         SqlParameter prmBookId  =     
         prmBookId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 

How to Register

CREATE ASSEMBLY ProcBookstore FROM file://Server/bin/ BookStoreProcedure.dll 
CREATE PROCEDURE GetAuthorByID(@prmID as Varchar) 
    AS EXTERNAL NAME BookStoreProcedure: clsBookStoreProcedure: GetAuthorName 

How to Run

EXEC ProcBookstore()


Tamil selvan Subramanian

User- Defined Triggers

Creating .NET based user-defined Triggers is another new feature that's enabled by the upcoming CLR integrated SQLServer Yukon . In the Below shown example we will get the "INSERTED" Table Values from Books Table


   Imports System.Data.Sqlserver 
   Imports System.Data.Sql 
     Public Class clsBookStoreTriggers 
     Public Shared Sub GetInsertedAuthor()   
       Dim cntSql As SqlContext = SqlContext.GetTriggerContext() 
       Dim pipeSql As SqlPipe = Sqlcontext.GetPipe() 
       Dim cmdSql As Sqlcommand = Sqlcontext.GetCommand()   
         If cntSql.TriggerAction = System.Data.Sql.TriggerAction.Insert Then 
            cmdSql.CommandText="Select * FROM INSERTED"    
         End If 
     End Function 
    End Class      


  using System.Data.Sqlserver; 
   using System.Data.Sql; 
          public Class clsBookStoreTriggers 
           public static void GetInsertedAuthor()   
              SqlContext cntSql = SqlContext.GetTriggerContext(); 
              SqlPipe pipeSql = Sqlcontext.GetPipe(); 
              Sqlcommand cmdSql = Sqlcontext.GetCommand();  
               if (cntSql.TriggerAction == 
                  cmdSql.CommandText="Select * FROM INSERTED";    

How to Register

CREATE ASSEMBLY funBooks FROM "file://Server/bin/funBooks.dll"   
EXTERNAL NAME BookStore:clsBookStoreTriggers:GetInsertedAuthor 

User-Defined Functions

This function returns a single SQLType value such as integer, string, bit. For example if the below shown function returns a Book name against the Book ID. SQLContext is a class , it provides the Database connection and Transaction of the Current Execution Environment. Yukon Supports Two type of User defined Functions

  • Scalar valued User Defined Function - Returns only one value
  • Table valued User Defined Function - Returns Multiple values

.NET CLR Enables the user to create an aggregate function. Lets see how to create a scalar valued user defined function in .NET


   Imports System.Data.Sqlserver 
    Imports System.Data.Sql 
      Public Class BookStore 
       Public Shared Function GetAuthorName() as String 
       Dim cmdSql As Sqlcommand = Sqlcontext.GetCommand() 
       cmdSql.CommandText= _
           "Select AuthorName from Books where BookId = @prmBookId" 
       Dim prmBookId As SqlParameter =     
       prmBookId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input 
       Return Ctype(cmdSql.ExecuteScalar(),String) 
     End Function 
    End Class    


using System.Data.Sqlserver; 
    using System.Data.Sql; 
       public Class BookStore 
      public static string GetAuthorName() {
        Sqlcommand  cmdSql = Sqlcontext.GetCommand(); 
           "Select AuthorName from Books where BookId   = @prmBookId"; 
        SqlParameter prmBookId  =     
        prmBookId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; 
        return (string)cmdSql.ExecuteScalar(); 

In the above code the SqlFunction custom attribute is send the information to the managed code that this function is used whether to Read, Insert, Update or Delete. In our sample we simply read the AuthorName from the database. So the only DataAccessKind.Read parameter has included. This attribute is found in System.Data.Sql namespace. GetCommand Function returns a Command type according to the current context From the SQLContext class. The last 4 lines of code should look familiar to all the .NET programmers

How to Register

 CREATE ASSEMBLY funBooks FROM "file://Server/bin/funBooks.dll" 
 AS EXTERNAL NAME funBooks:BookStore:: GetAuthorName 

How to Run

   Select dbo.GetAuthName() 


Tamilselvan Subramanian

Points of Interest

All the Assembly Registration process is taken care by Whidbey IDE by using Build Menu of an SQL Project.


We've seen the major Routines those are supported by a .NET CLR in this article. It allows creating a User Defined Data types and Security Mechanism to protect the user from unauthorized access. I'm not able to discuss all the features in a this article. so the forthcoming my articles will definitely help you to go through the reaming Topics.
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