This article shows how to use CSS, JavaScript and images in resource with
in VC++ .NET. I build this project with VC++ 7.1(VS
.NET 2003), and it should also work with VC++ 7.0(VS .NET 2002).
is a new class, in MFC 7.x, that enables dialog to
use HTML files as resource.
For example, if there are lines below in the raw HTML file,
<SCRIPT src="layout.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="classic.css" />
<img src="showit.gif">
To use CSS files, JavaScript files and images in resource, you must convert
all links in HTML file to be the resource numbers.
- Step 1 - Add the 3 files: layout.js, classic.css and showit.gif to the
resource of your VC++ 7.x project in a custom resource type named "CUS", for
- Step 2 - Record the 3 resource IDs for the 3 files: IDR_CUS1, IDR_CUS2,
- Step 3 - Find the 3 resource numbers for the 3 IDs in resource.h
#define IDR_CUS1 131
#define IDR_CUS2 132
#define IDR_CUS3 133
- Step 4 - Modify the lines in HTML file to be:
<SCRIPT src="res:/CUS/#131" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="res:/CUS/#132" />
<img src="res:/CUS/#133">
Then your HTML dialog can make use of those three files in the resource of
the executable file.
:-) Good luck.
And this is my first article on CodeProject.com.
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