Color Picker Tool - 228 Kb

Screen Shots
In Use
(Shows Docking to Desktop, Floating on Desktop, In IE as Toolbar)

Why create another utility that will grab colors off the desktop? For a few simple reasons.
- It is FREE.
- Did not want screen space to be obstructed or to have a window that required to be moved around
the screen to be used effectively, ie. Docking Toolbar.
- Wanted a color history pallette.
- Wanted it to be a click away.
- Wanted it to be light wieght, compact, and efficent.
- Did not want a large User Interface.
All of these reasons are implemented in version 1.0.
System Requirements
- Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with Internet Explorer 4.0 or later).
- Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 98 (or Windows 95 with Internet Explorer 4.0 or later).
- Has a history pallette.
- Can delete items off the pallette with the context menu.
- Can dock the window to all sides of the Desktop.
- Can float the window on the Desktop.
- Works with Internet Explorer 4+.
- Works under Windows 95, 98, 98SE, NT4, 2000
- Takes up space already used by existing applications, Taskbar and Internet Explorer Toolbars.
Known Issues
- History does not save when using the Desktop version.
- Multiple instances of Internet Explorer do not share the same color history
- Grabbing colors requires the left mouse button to be held, preventing hot buttons from activating
which prevents users from grabbing colors of hot buttons.
- Second chevron drop down does nothing. This feature will be implemented in the next version.
- Desktop docking version does not dock properly to left and right sides of screen.
- Can't enter color value into edit box and have color value added to history or be displayed.
Technologies Used
- COM (IOleWindow, IDockingWindow, IObjectWithSite, IDeskBand, IPersist, IPersistStream, IDispatch)
- ATL (CWindowImpl)
- DeskBand ATL Object Wizard
The Package
The zip file above contains a MSI file containing the DLL and the helpfile. When it is installed using
the Microsoft Installer, it will register the component for the desktop and as a toolbar inside
Internet Explorer. The helpfile is accessible through Start | Programs | RadBytes | Color Picker.
If you are under Windows 2000, you can uninstall it through Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
For those of you that do not yet have Microsoft Installer installed, I will be putting a EXE install
version up on my website as soon as the router tables are updated. Or you can email me, and I will
send you the EXE install version.
Closing Remarks
I created this component, because I wasn't completely happy with what was available and because I
learned a lot from developing it. I wanted everything I implemented and more (next version). It is
also something that any novice can use to experienced web developer; without getting a headache
trying to use it. I hope someone out there finds this useful, let me know your
comments. In the next version I hope to provide XML
support, import/export abilities, additional pallettes and more. Enjoy!!!