If you're someone associated with technology and want to see grow your business spending as little as possible, you will definitely be interested.
This article is an overview of some of the options provided by Microsoft Windows Azure that caught my attention and definitely you will be interested too.
Our Background
Everything we do is to make our customers closer to us rather than our competitors.
The quality requirements from our customers makes us grow. Grows everything including the budget for our areas and worries. Is not precisely for our salaries, training or to hire more staff ... but computer equipment and programs that become obsolete with the passing of time.
Is this your case? let me show you something that will help you.
Cloud Systems
These are some of the services that allow us to fulfill the demands from our customers:
Web Server
It is a well known service, but now supported by a great company: Microsoft. This service makes available, to our customers, websites created by us. It gives us the confidence that our customers will have us at their disposal anytime and also the confidence of a safe place for our effort.
Virtual Server
It is a cloud server that offers all the benefits of a physical one, including other new benefits. No incompatible hardware, no expensive migration to increase processing power ... backup, recovery, cloning online in minutes. Goodbye to these big headaches and backaches.
Database Server
Formerly known as SQL Azure Database, stores data and make it available to our clients through our website. Goodbye to complicated security measures.
We must be within reach of our customers, what better place than the palm of their hands?... Then, let us become mobiles!
These are four systems that help us stay with our customers when they need us, and that will be tools to compete in this challenge.
Most Important
Windows Azure is there, always available for our clients in the safe hands of professionals from Microsoft. Now, we will focus on our client to satisfy their needs, and to always be with us.
Development History
Let me show you what I mean. In this challenge, I will develop a simple solution for our customers to be more loyal to us.