GraphicGrid is a control for your .NET applications that makes graphical grid manipulation easier. GraphicalGrids can be used for a wide range of tasks including graphing applications and games just to name a few.
GraphicGrid divides up its workspace and allows you to control what you want to place in the individual cells of your grid. You can populate some or all of them with pictures, colors or even graphical text while leaving others blank. GraphicGrid also allows you to load an image on to the background of its workspace so you can create really interesting and eye catching effects.
This Distribution
I have included five files for you to download:
- GraphicGrid_DLL.zip
This is the source code and the compiled GraphicGrid DLL.
- GraphicGrid_Game.zip
A very simple game where you wack (click on) the rabbits that appear on the screen. Very similar to the caravel game "Wack a Mole".
- GraphicGrid_Sample.zip
A sample to demonstrate how to use graphicGrid.
Getting GraphicGrid into your toolbox
I have not made an installed or a cool icon for the control yet so this is what you have to do.
- Extract GraphicGrid_DLL.zip to a directory under Visual Studio Projects.
- Create a new project and go to design view.
- Look over at your toolbox and right click on the name of the tab where you want to put GraphicGrid and select "Add/Remove Items..."
- Click on the browse button and select GraphicGrid.DLL from the directory where you extracted it.
- Click "OK" and you will now have the GraphicGrid tool in your toolbox.
Special Properties
ShowGrid |
This is true or false if you want the grid to display in the controls workspace Example: object.ShowGrid = True |
GridColor |
What color you want the grid to be Example: object.GridColor = color.red |
Cells |
How many grids you want (row x col) Example: object.Cells = new size(10, 10) |
Special Methods
setCell |
Definition: setCell(Cell As Point, newColor As Color) Example: object.setCell(New Point(9, 15), Color.White) Note: This sets any one cell to be filled in with a color
Definition: setCell(Cells As Point(), newColor As Color) Example: object.setCell({New Point(9, 15), New Point(9,16)}, Color.White)
Note: This sets a range of cells to be filled in with a color
Definition: setCell(Cell As Point, newBitmap As Bitmap)
Example: object.setCell(New Point(9, 15), new bitmap("cell.png"))
Note: This sets a cell to be filled with a bitmap
Definition: setCell(ByVal Cells As Point(), ByVal newBitmap As Bitmap)
Example: object.setCell({New Point(9, 15), New Point(9,16)}, new bitmap("cell.png"))
Note: This sets a range of cells to be filled in with a bitmap |
removeCell |
Definition: removeCell(Cell as Point)
Example: object.removeCell(New Point(9, 15))
Note: This removes a cell from the grid
Definition: removeCell(Cells As Point())
Example: object.removeCell({New Point(9, 15), New Point(9,16)})
Note: This removes a range of cells from the grid |
clearCells |
Definition: clearCells()
Example: object.clearCells()
Note: This removes all cells from the grid |
Special Events
gridClick |
This is fired when you click somewhere in the grid. Returns: Object and GridPosition |
gridDoubleClick |
This is fired when you double click somewhere in the grid. Returns: Object and GridPosition |
gridMouseMove |
This is fired when you move the mouse somewhere in the grid. Returns: Object and GridPosition |
gridMouseUp |
This is fired after you click somewhere in the grid. Returns: Object, MouseEventArgs and GridPosition |
gridMouseDown |
This is fired after you click somewhere in the grid. Returns: Object, MouseEventArgs and GridPosition |
is always expressed as a Point. Lets say your grid was 10x10 and the user clicks in the 5th cell of the 5th row. In any of these special events the value of gridPosition would be point(5, 5).
Detailed comments can also be found in the DLL source files.
Sample Application

We start by draging the panel control and the GraphicGrid
control on to the form and setting them to dock. Add a few buttons in the panel and here's what we have them do.
Private Sub allButtons(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click, Button3.Click, _
Button4.Click, Button5.Click, Button6.Click
Dim points() As Point = { _
New Point(0, 0), New Point(0, 1), New Point(0, 2), New Point(0, 3), _
New Point(1, 0), New Point(2, 1), New Point(3, 0), _
New Point(4, 0), New Point(4, 1), New Point(4, 2), New Point(4, 3)}
Select Case sender.name
Case "Button1"
Graphicgrid1.setCell(points, Color.Red)
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(9, 15), Color.White)
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(10, 15), Color.Green)
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(11, 15), Color.Yellow)
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(12, 15), Color.Gold)
Case "Button2"
Graphicgrid1.ShowGrid = Not Graphicgrid1.ShowGrid
Case "Button3"
If Graphicgrid1.Cells.Equals(New Size(20, 20)) Then
Graphicgrid1.Cells = New Size(10, 10)
Graphicgrid1.Cells = New Size(20, 20)
End If
Case "Button4"
Graphicgrid1.removeCell(New Point(2, 1))
Case "Button5"
End Select
End Sub
That's it, nothing more to do. This is a simple, simple, simple application. I added another button "Button6" its in the code for GraphicGrid_Sample.zip. Its just a light show the cells turn on and off in random order and change color.
Sample Game

"Wack a Mole" (click the bunny), but watch out he goes faster as time goes on! This is a really simple game I made just to demonstrate the control. The code is very simple.
Public Cell As Point
Public Gothim = False
Private Sub startStop_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles startStop.Click
Timer.Interval = 2000
If Not Timer.Enabled Then
BunniesMissed.Text = -1
BunniesHit.Text = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub redraw()
Dim rnd As New Random
Dim newPoint As Point
Gothim = False
newPoint = New Point(rnd.Next(0, 4), rnd.Next(0, 2))
Loop While newPoint.Equals(Cell)
Cell = newPoint
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(Cell.X, Cell.Y), Images.Images(0))
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
If Not Gothim Then BunniesMissed.Text += 1
If BunniesMissed.Text = 10 Then
MsgBox("You stink!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Bunnie Hunter")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Graphicgrid1_gridClick( _
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal GridPoint As _
System.Drawing.Point) Handles Graphicgrid1.gridClick
If GridPoint.Equals(Cell) Then
Graphicgrid1.setCell(New Point(Cell.X, Cell.Y), _
Gothim = True
BunniesHit.Text += 1
Timer.Interval -= 25
BunniesMissed.Text += 1
End If
End Sub
- Add an edit feature to the GraphicGrid (when you mouseover the grid it hilights the cell).
- Enhance the Drag and Drop features
I hope you enjoy using this control. If you have any ideas or anything you would do to make it better please let me know. Also if you have created anything using this control I would appreciate a mention in the credits :-)