recognition and processing is used all over the world to tackle a wide
variety of tasks including classification, document archival, optical character
recognition and optical mark recognition. Out of those general categories, OMR
is an oft misunderstood and underused feature in document imaging due to the
time required to set up OMR based forms and the difficulty of accurately
detecting which OMR fields are filled on a scanned document. Creating and
processing OMR forms can be a time-consuming nightmare and this white paper
will discuss how to alleviate those issues through automated detection,
classification and processing.
Most forms contain a small number of OMR fields to capture
information such as gender and marital status. These cause little to no
difficulties because there are very few fields to deal with. On the other
hand, creating and processing forms dominated by multiple choice questions is
noticeably more difficult due to the sheer volume of fields that can be packed
into a page. Additionally, the small size of check boxes, bubbles and other
types of OMR fields creates potential hypersensitivity resulting in more false
negatives or positives.
Below we will examine in more detail how to alleviate both
of these common problems by developing an OMR forms recognition application with
LEADTOOLS. This award-winning imaging SDK contains all the tools necessary to
combine time-saving and programmer friendly APIs with state of the art
recognition accuracy and speed for an unmatched level of quality in your final
Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Add OMR Fields to a Master Form
The first step in a forms recognition application is to
build the master forms. These master forms, or blank form templates, serve two
primary purposes. First, it is used to identify what type of form a scanned document
is. Second, the fields indicate the areas on the form from which data will be
recognized and extracted.
For many systems, creating an OMR based form can be a
tedious process due to the amount of repetition involved with surveys, bubble
sheets or tests. One could spend hours manually drawing each and every OMR
field around the boxes. Thankfully, LEADTOOLS is capable of automatically
detecting all of the OMR fields with its IOcrEngine.AutoZone
function. After finding each zone on the page, you can loop through the
collection and add a new OMR field for each OMR zone.
FormPages formPages = currentMasterForm.ReadFields();
using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, false))
ocrEngine.Startup(null, null, null, null);
ocrEngine.SettingManager.SetEnumValue("Recognition.Zoning.Options", "Detect Text,
Detect Graphics, Use Text Extractor, Detect Checkbox");
using (IOcrDocument ocrDocument = ocrEngine.DocumentManager.CreateDocument())
ocrDocument.Pages.AddPages(rasterImageViewer1.Image, 1, 1, null);
ocrDocument.Pages.AutoZone(OcrZoneParser.Leadtools, OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr,
LogicalUnit.Pixel, 0, 0, null);
FormField newField;
IOcrZoneCollection zones = ocrDocument.Pages[0].Zones;
for (int i = 0; i < zones.Count; i++)
if (zones[i].FillMethod == OcrZoneFillMethod.Omr)
newField = new OmrFormField();
newField.Bounds = zones[i].Bounds;
newField.Name = string.Format("OMR Field {0}", i);

Figure 1: Master Forms Editor after OMR Field Detection
The OCR engine’s AutoZone
method is
used to get the location of each zone but there are many ways to go about
naming them. This simple example gives a base name to the zones, but one could
expand on this logic and name the zones more intelligently by checking the FormField.Bounds
property to determine which zones are in the
same row or column. Additionally, you can use the Master Forms Editor demo or
manually edit the XML file in which the field data is stored.
Using LEADTOOLS Forms Recognition and Processing
Most scanned document processing systems must handle more
than one type of form. A viable but inefficient solution might utilize a
different application, button or dialog for each type of form that needs
processing. This could certainly be implemented to automate the processing of
data, but is handicapped by the requirement of manually informing the
application which form template to process the scanned image with. An optimal
solution is one in which the forms can be recognized or classified
automatically and then processed based on those findings. LEADTOOLS provides
reliable and flexible Forms Recognition capabilities with a variety of
classification data including logos, dark and light areas, OCR, barcode and
ocrEngines = new List<IOcrEngine>();
for (int i = 0; i < Environment.ProcessorCount; i++)
ocrEngines.Add(OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.Advantage, false));
ocrEngines[i].Startup(formsCodec, null, String.Empty, String.Empty);
formsRepository = new DiskMasterFormsRepository(formsCodec, masterFormsFolder);
autoEngine = new AutoFormsEngine(formsRepository, ocrEngines, null,
AutoFormsRecognitionManager.Default | AutoFormsRecognitionManager.Ocr, 30, 80, true);
string[] formsToRecognize = Directory.GetFiles(filledFormsFolder);
progressBar1.Maximum = formsToRecognize.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < formsToRecognize.Length; i++)
lblStatus.Text = string.Format("Recognizing form {0} of {1}", i + 1,
AutoFormsRunResult runResult = autoEngine.Run(formsToRecognize[i], null);
if (runResult != null)
lblStatus.Text = string.Format("Processing form {0} of {1}", i + 1,
Extracting Answers from Completed OMR Forms
Once the form is recognized successfully, the fields can be
processed to extract the OMR data from the filled out document. An important
consideration when choosing an OMR solution is how accurately it can handle
variances in fill styles. Even if strict rules are communicated to those
filling out the forms, there will still be differences in how humans fill in
the OMR fields. LEADTOOLS excels in its OMR accuracy and can distinguish
between filled and unfilled boxes regardless of fill styles. For example, see
the following screen captures of the same question from three filled surveys.

Figure 2: Differences in How OMR Fields Are Filled
If you recall Figure 1, you can see the fields were named
with the question number and column number separated by a hyphen. Armed with
that naming paradigm we can then easily determine which checkbox was filled for
each column and add it to our data source.
int nNewRowIndex = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
foreach (FormPage formPage in runResult.FormFields)
foreach (FormField field in formPage)
if (field.Result.GetType() == typeof(OmrFormFieldResult))
if ((field.Result as OmrFormFieldResult).Text == "1")
string[] strQuestionValue = field.Name.Split('-');
strQuestionValue[0])].Value = strQuestionValue[1];

Figure 3: Results from Completed Surveys
Naturally, there are many ways to name the fields and
correlate the answers to your data source. With a little planning at the
beginning stages of your application, you can design your OMR Forms recognition
solution around any master form and data source for a dependable, flexible and
most importantly, accurate solution using LEADTOOLS.
Download the Full Forms Recognition Example
You can download the fully functional demo which includes
the features discussed above. To run this example you will need the following:
Need help getting this sample up and going? Contact
our support team for free technical support! For pricing or licensing
questions, you can contact our sales team (
or call us at 704-332-5532.
LEAD Technologies has been the prominent provider of digital
imaging tools since 1990. Its award-winning LEADTOOLS family of toolkits helps
developers integrate raster, document, medical, multimedia, vector and Internet
imaging into their applications quickly and easily. Using LEADTOOLS for your
imaging requirements allows you to spend more time on user interface and
application-specific code, expediting your development cycle and increasing
your return on investment.