Define some functions in native DLL (let's say it “Win32Native.dll”) as shown below. These
three functions receives integer buffer, and double buffer, respectively.
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int FetchIntegerArray ( int nNewSize, int** ppnArray );
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) double FetchDoubleArray ( int nNewSize, double ** ppnArray );
Implementing Functions
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int FetchIntegerArray ( int nNewSize, int** ppnArray )
int result = 0;
int* newArray = (int*)CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(int) * nNewSize);
for ( int j = 0; j < nNewSize ; j++ )
newArray[j] = ( j + 1 ) * 10 ;
result += newArray[j];
if ( *ppnArray != NULL ) CoTaskMemFree( *ppnArray );
*ppnArray = newArray;
return result;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) double FetchDoubleArray ( int nNewSize, double ** ppnArray )
double result = 0;
double* newArray = (double*)CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(double) * nNewSize );
for ( int j = 0; j < nNewSize ; j++ )
newArray[j] = 10 + ( j+1 ) * 30 ;
result += newArray[j];
if ( *ppnArray != NULL ) CoTaskMemFree( *ppnArray );
*ppnArray = newArray;
return result;
Point of Interest
- CoTaskMemAlloc is used to allocated the memory required.
is used to free any previously allocated buffer, if null is passed then, CoTaskMemFree
is not called.
If you want to use a heap that is shared between native and managed, it is more common to use the COM heap.
Writing the client code (the managed part)
We can simple create a console base application which can use this DLL. let’s name it MarshallingTest.
See the code snippet below.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace MarshallingTest
class Program
public static extern int FetchIntegerArray(int nSize, ref IntPtr arrInt);
public static extern double FetchDoubleArray(int nSize, ref IntPtr arrInt);
static void Main(string[] args)
int nSize = 10;
IntPtr ptrArr = IntPtr.Zero;
int nSum = FetchIntegerArray(nSize, ref ptrArr);
int [] arrInt = new int [nSize];
Marshal.Copy(ptrArr, arrInt, 0, nSize);
Console.WriteLine("\nReturned Integer Buffer\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
Console.Write("{0:} ", arrInt[i]);
Console.Write("\nSum of Integer Buffer : {0}\n", nSum );
ptrArr = IntPtr.Zero;
double dblSum = FetchDoubleArray(nSize, ref ptrArr);
double[] arrDbl = new double[nSize];
Marshal.Copy(ptrArr, arrDbl, 0, nSize);
Console.WriteLine("\nReturned Double Buffer\n");
for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
Console.Write("{0:F2} ", arrDbl[i]);
Console.Write("\nSum of Double Double Buffer : {0}\n", dblSum);
Point of Interest
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices;
defines the declarations necessary for Interop operations, like DllImport.
defines the DLL entry point.
function used to copy buffer from managed buffer to unmanaged buffer and vice versa.
frees the memory allocated by native DLL.
Compile and execute you will get following output.