Linq to XML is a great and neat API. However, having working
with it for quite a while, I have several concerns to it. Let’s consider them
and then take a look at what we can do to make this API even better.
Using the code
As an example XML we’ll parse this excerpt from Amazon
search response:
<Height Units="pixels">75</Height>
<Width Units="pixels">51</Width>
<Author>J.K. Rowling</Author>
<Title>Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)</Title>
Parsing XML
If I have XElement variable with XML above, I would like to
get its properties in the following way:
var title = item.Element("ItemAttributes").Element("Title").Value;
var imageUrl = new Uri(item.Element("SmallImage").Element("URL").Value);
var imageHeight = (int) item.Element("SmallImage").Element("Height");
var publicationDate = (DateTime) item.Element("ItemAttributes").Element("PublicationDate");
The problem here is that almost all nodes in this
response are optional. I can assume that some of them, such as Author and
Title, will always be specified for any book. Most of the others are really
optional. Some books might not have images, others are out of stock and don’t
have price, yet another available only for pre-order and don’t have publication
date yet. Another problem is that conversion to value types might not go smooth
and you’ll get FormatException with a little information about context of the
So real-life defensive code will look like this:
var smallImageElement = item.Element("SmallImage");
if (smallImageElement != null)
var urlElement = smallImageElement.Element("URL");
if (urlElement != null && Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(urlElement.Value, UriKind.Absolute))
var imageUrl = new Uri(urlElement.Value);
It’s not nice at all. We can hide it into helper method
or property. It is likely that this XML will be hidden into DTO type which will
be responsible for XML parsing and it will expose properties for every value.
Anyway, I would prefer to not write a lot of such ugly code.
I would like to write code that:
- Can easily and safely be chained.
- Mark elements and attributes as mandatory or
optional. If mandatory element is missing, throw meaningful exception, but do
not throw exceptions for missing optional nodes.
- Get value of specified type. If element is
optional, try get value and use some default if value is missing.
Below is re-written code that uses several extension
var title = item.MandatoryElement("ItemAttributes").MandatoryElement("Title").Value;
var imageUrl = item.ElementOrEmpty("SmallImage").ElementOrEmpty("URL").Value(value =>
Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(value, UriKind.Absolute) ? new Uri(value) : null);
var imageHeight = item.ElementOrEmpty("SmallImage").ElementOrEmpty("Height").Value<int>(0);
var publicationDate = item.MandatoryElement("ItemAttributes").ElementOrEmpty("PublicationDate").Value<DateTime>();
This code doesn’t require any checks for null or catching
However, if mandatory element is missing, the
MandatoryElement method will throw XmlException with message “The element 'Item'
doesn't contain mandatory child element 'ItemAttributes'.”. That is exactly
what we want – detect that element we’re expecting to be there is missing. On
the other hand, ElementOrEmpty method will newer throw exceptions. If element
is missing (e.g. Element method returns null), it will create and return empty
element with specified name so chaining can be continued (the NullObject
The Value methods also might throw XmlException like this: “The
element 'Amount' has value 'Five' which cannot be converted to the value of
type 'int'.” which has much more context information (the original
FormatException is included as inner exception). Error handling is made in a
way that all exceptions have XmlException type and include necessary context
information for easy location and reproduction of the occurred problem.
Let’s take a look at some extension methods implementation.
public static XElement MandatoryElement(this XElement element, XName name)
XElement childElement = element.Element(name);
if (childElement == null)
throw new XmlException(string.Format("The element '{0}' doesn't contain mandatory child element '{1}'.", element.Name, name));
return childElement;
The MandatoryElement checks result of Element method and
throws exception if null was returned. Nothing fancy, it just gets the null
value handling out of your parsing logic.
The ElementOrEmpty:
public static XElement ElementOrEmpty(this XElement element, XName name)
if (element != null)
XElement childElement = element.Element(name);
return childElement ?? new XElement(name);
return new XElement(name);
The Value<T> method with custom conversion function:
public static T Value<T>(this XElement element, Func<string, T> convert)
if (element == null)
return default(T);
return convert(element.Value);
In this case, the error handling of incorrect values is
the responsibility of the convert method as demonstrated above.
The last method is the Value<T> method that parses
a lot of pre-defined value types and enum values:
public static T Value<T>(this XElement element, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : struct, IConvertible
if (element == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.Value))
return defaultValue;
string value = element.Value;
Type typeOfT = typeof(T);
if (typeOfT.IsEnum)
return (T)Enum.Parse(typeOfT, value, ignoreCase: true);
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new XmlException(string.Format("The element '{0}' has value '{1}' which cannot be converted to the value of type '{2}'.", element.Name, element.Value, typeof(T).Name), ex);
This method allows parsing of int, uint,
byte, sbyte, short, ushort, char, long, ulong, float, double, decimal, bool or DateTime
values. Moreover, it can handle custom enumerations, including flag
enumerations. Suppose, we have Color enum:
private enum Colors
None = 0,
Red = 1,
Green = 2,
Blue = 4
Having that, you can use Value<T>
method to deserialize enum values:
var enumElement = new XElement("color", Colors.Red | Colors.Green); Colors colors = enumElement.Value<Colors>();
Generating XML
Let’s take a look at generation of XML:
var itemXml = new XElement("Item",
new XElement("ASIN", item.Asin),
new XElement("SmallImage",
new XElement("URL", item.SmallImage.Url),
new XElement("Height",
new XAttribute("Units", item.SmallImage.Units),
new XElement("Width",
new XAttribute("Units", item.SmallImage.Units),
new XElement("ItemAttributes",
new XElement("Author", item.ItemAttributes.Author),
new XElement("Binding", item.ItemAttributes.Binding)));
This code looks fine if you always need to output all elements
and attributes. Problems start when you either have hierarchical data with
optional structures (like item.SmallImage in this example which might be null)
and/or you don’t want to output empty nodes. In order to handle these issues,
we will use couple of static methods.
itemXml = new XElement("Item",
new XElement("ASIN", item.Asin),
XmlExtensions.NewOptionalXElements("SmallImage", () => item.SmallImage != null,
new XElement("URL", item.SmallImage.Url),
new XElement("Height",
new XAttribute("Units", item.SmallImage.Units),
new XElement("Width",
new XAttribute("Units", item.SmallImage.Units),
new XElement("ItemAttributes",
new XElement("Author", item.ItemAttributes.Author),
XmlExtensions.NewOptionalXElement("Binding", item.ItemAttributes.Binding)));
The NewOptionalXElement tests value for null and if it is null, it doesn’t output node at all:
public static XElement NewOptionalXElement(XName name, object value)
if (value != null)
return new XElement(name, value);
return null;
The NewOptionalElements accepts function that tests
whether other its content has to be added to output:
public static XElement NewOptionalXElements(XName name, Func<bool> condition, params object[] value)
if (condition())
return new XElement(name, value);
return null;
It allows adding some condition to the group of nodes.
Other goodies
The attached project has several more extension methods
which you may find useful.
XAttribute MandatoryAttribute(this XElement element, XName name);
XAttribute AttributeOrEmpty(this XElement element, XName name, string defaultValue = null);
T Value<T>(this XAttribute attribute, T defaultValue = default(T));
T Value<T>(this XAttribute attribute, Func<string, T> convert);
void AssertName(XElement element, XName expectedName);
XAttribute NewOptionalXAttribute(XName name, object value, object defaultValue = null);
As you see, with a little bit of adjusting, the LINQ to XML
API becomes even better. Feel free to use these extensions in your projects.
Happy coding!