This DLL provides nineteen routines to satisfy application program requirements for client/service socket activities in a C/C++ and VB environment. The praxis is that 400 sockets on 20 service threads are enough for an application.
Seven server routines are provided. Upon server thread launch, the thread creates a listening-socket that will generate a socket for every client it hears. When a message is heard on a socket, the event-flag associated with the socket will be set. When a message is accepted by the server application, the flag is reset.
Four client routines are provided. Upon client thread launch, the thread creates a socket that connects to the required service. When a message is heard at the socket, the event-flag associated with the socket will be set. When a message is accepted by the client application, the flag is reset.
Eight auxiliary routines are provided (for the use of both server and client); two routines to obviate the need to use the %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\services. file; a housekeeping routine; a reset routine; three routines to manipulate the message header information; a routine to convert an error number to text string.
Using the code
VC 6.0 projects:
- Place the SOCDLL.dll in a directory on your path variable.
- Add the library SOCDLL.lib to the project resources.
- Add the module SOCcalls.h to the project.
- Use the routines therein.
VB 6.0 projects:
- Register the SOCDLL.dll with regsvr32.
- Add the module SOCDLL.bas to the project.
- Use the public routines therein.
Points of Interest
For C/C++ only users, a static library can be built using the workspace and project files provided.
Demo Programs
The C/C++ client may be run with the C/C++ or VB server. The VB client may be run with the C/C++ or VB server. Many instances of either or both C/C++ or VB client may be run concurrently with either the C/C++ or the VB server.
The server spins off three server threads for CuService, AgService and AuService. The server closes down its socket sub-system after 21 replies to clients.
The client randomly spins off one of the three possible client threads for the above services. The client sends three messages with a randomly chosen Type of Abel, Baker, Charlie, Delta, Echo or Foxtrot. The client closes down its socket sub-system.
- 3.4 - SOC_Src.cpp Comment/Logging maintenance.
- 3.2 - Server-side 'select' timeout is reduced from 50 to 1 millisecond. This allows faster transfer, though one's machine will get busier.