Iterating through a Dictionary object may seem complicated in principle but in practice it is farily straightforward, and this involves looping through each of the KeyValuePair objects in each Dictionary item: -
Dim DictObj As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
DictObj.Add(1, "ABC")
DictObj.Add(2, "DEF")
DictObj.Add(3, "GHI")
DictObj.Add(4, "JKL")
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String) In DictObj
Dim v1 As Integer = kvp.Key
Dim v2 As String = kvp.Value
Debug.WriteLine("Key: " + v1.ToString _
+ " Value: " + v2)
Dictionary<int, String> DictObj =
new Dictionary<int, String>();
DictObj.Add(1, "ABC");
DictObj.Add(2, "DEF");
DictObj.Add(3, "GHI");
DictObj.Add(4, "JKL");
foreach (KeyValuePair<int,String> kvp in DictObj)
int v1 = kvp.Key;
String v2 = kvp.Value;
Debug.WriteLine("Key: " + v1.ToString() +
" Value: " + v2);