A while ago I wrote an article
comparing / contrasting language elements in Ruby with C# with regards to
classes: constructors, destructors, fields, properties, initializers, events,
methods, etc. Ruby however also has a foot in the functional language
paradigm, though it requires
certain discipline to ensure that you're adhering to qualities of a
functional programming language such as statelessness and immutability.
However, for purposes of this article, what I am more interested in is exploring
how Ruby handles certain concepts that seem to be core to most functional
programming languages:
- function composition
- function pipelining (chaining)
- continuation functions
- currying
- partial functions
- partial application
These concepts are all intertwined with each other, and as we'll see, you can
certainly implement these behaviors in Ruby, though not as elegantly as with F#
(or other FP languages.) Incidentally, one of the reasons Ruby gets away
with being called an FP language is its support for lambda expressions and the
ease in which code blocks yielded to for iteration, application specific
handling (like IoC), and so forth. Again, those are not areas that I'm
interested in pursuing in this article because at this point they are part of
most imperative languages as well, such as C#, further blurring the lines
between imperative, declarative, and functional programming.
The impetus for this investigation was a little helper function that I ended
up writing a couple days ago. This is a bit of a diversion, so sit back
and enjoy the brief detour. One of the interesting things about Ruby on
Rails development is the ability to write "features" that define "scenarios"
comprised of "steps" that test the behavior of the website. This is all
part of the Behavior Driven Development paradigm many Ruby developers adhere to,
and this capability is provided by a package called
Cucumber, which also works with .NET. Other BDD testing paradigms in
the .NET world are SpecFlow and
Like anything that is intended to be helpful, it results in its own set of
problems. For BDD, this becomes the large number of steps that an
application defines, often across numerous files. Steps look like this:
When /^(?:|I )go to (.+)$/ do |page_name|
visit path_to(page_name)
When /^(?:|I )fill in "([^"]*)" for "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^"]*)")?$/ do |value, field, selector|
with_scope(selector) do
fill_in(field, :with => value)
What's a developer to do to keep track of it all, and how can we document
what all the different parameters are? Well, there's a nifty way for Ruby
to inspect itself and so, borrowing from the work of others, I wrote a small set
of functions to sort all the BDD testing steps and display them as an HTML
document. Here's a snippet of what it looks like in its output:

You can see all the Ruby code on
my blog, but the salient point is this code:
def step_definitions_to_html
# Where are your step definitions defined?
step_definition_dir = "./features/step_definitions"
# Where do you want output to go:
outfile = "output.htm"
steps = get_step_definitions(step_definition_dir) # get the step definitions
steps = sort_steps_by_name(step) # sort them
output_step_definitions_as_html(outfile, steps) # output as HTML
show_html(outfile) # show the file in the browser
which in my opinion is horribly imperative. I thought it would be
interesting to write this as a function composition or function pipeline,
looking, abstractly, like this:
get_steps(input_path) >> sort_steps >> display_steps(output_file)
What I didn't realize was the number of rabbit holes I would have to go down
with Ruby for something that ultimately is very simple in F#.
Function Pipelining
Let's make the problem a little simpler. Let's say:
I have a function "a" that converts an integer to a string.
let a n = Convert.ToString(n:int32);;
val a : n:int32 -> string
Read this as: a is a function that takes an int32 and returns a string.
def a(n) n.to_s; end
I have a function "b" that appends a fixed string with two parameters
let b n intstr = Convert.ToString(n:float) + ", " + intstr;;
val b : n:float -> intstr:string -> string
Read this as: b is a function that takes a float and a string and returns a
def b(n, instr) n.to_s + ", " + instr; end
The reason we're doing this with different types is because it's easier to
see what the intermediate functions are when they have different types - we'll
be looking at function pipelining and composition with the types int, string,
and float.
One of those two parameters is the output of function "a", which
converts an integer to a string, such that
I can write the function chain:
3 |> a |> b 1.2;;
val it : string = "1.2, 3"
Given the function b that we defined above:
let b n intstr = Convert.ToString(n:float) + ", " + intstr
We can see that the function a evaluates to "3". This becomes
the input to the last parameter of function b, resulting in a curried
function in which b's first parameter (n) still needs to be provided:
let b n intstr = Convert.ToString(n:float) + ", " + "3"
However, because this is function pipelining, we can't create an intermediate function
(which would be function composition). So, for example, this results in an
let r = 3 |> a |> b;;
stdin(146,19): error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a
string -> 'a
but given a
float -> string -> string
The type 'string' does not match the type 'float'
So, with function pipelining, we need to provide all the parameters so that
the entire pipeline can be evaluated.
How do we do this in Ruby? The problem with the word "pipelined" is that some people in Ruby-land
interpret it as running in a separate thread (or fiber), not waiting for the
function to continue before executing the next function in the pipe. This
isn't what we want. Then, the problem with the word "chaining" is that
almost everyone in Ruby-land interprets it as function that return "self" (the
equivalent to "this" in C#) so that another function of the object can then be
called, resulting in notation like:
which of course isn't what we want either because a(3) would returns an object, not
"3"! What we want to do is preserve the original meaning of the
function rather than having to coerce a particular coding style.
Now, going back to the F# code, the pipeline operator is defined to simply
swap the function and the argument:
let inline (|>) x f = f x
To do something like this in Ruby, we have to go down the rabbit holes of
lambda expressions, the Proc class, and for syntax-sugar purposes, operator
Extending Ruby With Functions
Function pipelining (and as we'll see later, function composition) are not
built-in behaviors of the Ruby language. However, we can create functions
that behave this way by converting our Ruby functions and values into lambda
expressions. This allows us to define operators on the expression as well
as evaluate it. So, first, let's define a lambda that simply returns the
value 3:
l3 = lambda {3}
=> #<Proc:0x2a12f60@(irb):33 (lambda)>
As you can see, this return a Proc object. We can evaluate the
expression (note the syntax, there's three different ways of evaluating lambda
=> 3
And we see that it returns 3.
Now we need a lambda that encapsulates our function a, which converts numbers
to the strings:
la = lambda{|x| a(x)}
=> #<Proc:0x2a1e480@(irb):43 (lambda)>
And if we evaluate this:
=> "3"
We get the expected string conversion.
Now we just need to do the equivalent of:
=> "3"
using an operator to get the syntactical sugar we want. This involves
overriding the operator:
class Proc
def self.chain(f, g)
lambda { g[f.()] }
def >=(g)
Proc.chain(self, g)
Here, the >= operator is overloaded (Ruby only allows overloading of
operators that are already defined), such that the chain function is called
with two parameters, the left operand and the right operand. The function
chain returns a lambda expression that evaluates the right operand, passing in
as a parameter the evaluated lambda expression of the left operand. Thus
we can see the equivalent of the F# implementation:
let inline (|>) x f = f x
Now, when we enter into our Interactive Ruby Console (IRB):
(lambda{3} >= lambda{|n| n.to_s}).()
this evaluates to the string "3".
Now, this is a lot of typing and looks ugly as sin, and remember, we want
this to work with existing Ruby functions, such as those we had defined earlier:
def a(n) n.to_s; end
def b(n, instr) n.to_s + ", " + instr; end
So we'll create a couple helper functions:
def val(n) lambda {n}; end
def fnc(f) lambda(&method(f)); end
The function val takes a value and convert it into a lambda expression.
The function fnc, given a function, converts the function into a lambda expression.
We can now write:
(val(3) >= fnc(:a)).()
=> "3"
Note how we "symbolize" function a.
But where do we put the parameter value "1.2" if we want to chain in function
b? The answer lies in our exploration of the F# code above and going down
another Ruby rabbit hole, currying.
The next rabbit hole on our journey into Ruby-in-Functional-land is to
realize that, because function b has two parameters, what we need to do is curry
the function, passing in the value from the left side of the >= operator and
leaving the rest of the parameters to be specified by the caller. We can
do this explicitly:
(val(3) >= fnc(:a) >= fnc(:b).curry.("1.2")).()
=> "1.2, 3"
Thus, the string "3" will be passed in as the parameter intstr, leaving the
curried function simply as:
def b(n, instr) n.to_s + ", " + "3"; end
We can make this a little cleaner with a currying "make function into a
lambda expression" function:
def fncc(f, *args) lambda(&method(f)).curry.(*args); end
And express the function chain thus:
(val(3) >= fnc(:a) >= fncc(:b, 1.2)).()
=> "1.2, 3"
Behind the scenes, when fnc(:a) >= fncc(:b) evaluates, the value to the left
of the operator is passed in to the function b as the last parameter, and the
fncc returns a partial function (as a lambda) that takes the remaining (first)
So. We have accomplished function chaining a la F#, though it's rather
awkward because we have to be explicit about the currying (as well as converting
functions to lambda expressions), whereas the equivalent in F#:
3 |> a |> b 1.2;;
val it : string = "1.2, 3"
is much cleaner.
If Only...
Note that if we didn't have to deal with those pesky additional parameters in
the function b, we could write:
(val(3) >= :a).()
if we were to change the >= operator definition to
perform the "lambda-ization" for us:
class Proc
def self.chain(f, g)
lambda { g.(f.()) }
def >=(g)
Proc.chain(self, fnc(g))
Unfortunately, doing this functions that require additional paramerters just
doesn't work.
Function Composition
Truth be told, what we've really done is actually more like function
composition because we've been turning even values, like 3, into lambda's.
However, function composition behaves a bit differently in F#, and, leveraging
the work we've already done, we can implement function composition in Ruby
First off, in F#, we can't do this:
3 >> a >> b 1.2;;
stdin(92,1): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
'a -> 'b
but here has type
Function composition expects a function, not a int.
But we can do this:
(a >> b 1.2) 3;;
val it : string = "1.2, 3"
Here we have created a composed partial function:
a >> b 1.2;;
val it : (int32 -> string) = <fun:it@152-28>
The composite function is expecting an integer and returns a string. It's a partial
application because we've already applied the last parameter to the function b.
Note again how F# has done the currying implicitly, except now we can assign
the composite function:
let r = a >> b 1.2;;
val r : (int32 -> string)
> r 3;;
val it : string = "1.2, 3"
Remember how in F#, the pipeline operator simply switches the parameters:
let inline (|>) x f = f x
Well, with function composition, the >> composition operator does the same
let inline (>>) f g x = g(f x)
Here, reversing f and g, such that g is called with the result of the
computation of "f x".
We can define the same operator and behavior in Ruby:
class Proc
def self.compose(f, g)
lambda { |*args| g[f[*args]] }
def >>(g)
Proc.compose(self, g)
and, having created a few helper functions earlier, we can now compose
functions (notice the explicit currying in the fncc function):
(fnc(:a) >> fncc(:b, 1.2)).(3)
=> "1.2, 3"
Which compare this to the F# syntax above:
(a >> b 1.2) 3;;
Summarizing What We've Done So Far
F# Function Pipelining
let a n = Convert.ToString(n:int32);;
let b n intstr = Convert.ToString(n:float) + ", " + intstr;;
3 |> a |> b 1.2;;
Ruby Function Pipelining
class Proc
def self.chain(f, g)
lambda { g[f.()] }
def >=(g)
Proc.chain(self, g)
def val(n) lambda {n}; end
def fnc(f) lambda(&method(f)); end
def fncc(f, *args) lambda(&method(f)).curry.(*args); end
def a(n) n.to_s; end
def b(n, instr) n.to_s + ", " + instr; end
(val(3) >= fnc(:a) >= fncc(:b, 1.2)).()
F# Function Composition
let a n = Convert.ToString(n:int32);;
let b n intstr = Convert.ToString(n:float) + ", " + intstr;;
(a >> b 1.2) 3;;
let r = a >> b 1.2;;
r 3;;
Ruby Function Composition
class Proc
def self.compose(f, g)
lambda { |*args| g[f[*args]] }
def >>(g)
Proc.compose(self, g)
def val(n) lambda {n}; end
def fnc(f) lambda(&method(f)); end
def fncc(f, *args) lambda(&method(f)).curry.(*args); end
def a(n) n.to_s; end
def b(n, instr) n.to_s + ", " + instr; end
(fnc(:a) >> fncc(:b, 1.2)).(3)
r = (fnc(:a) >> fncc(:b, 1.2))
An Alternative Implementation for Function Pipelining
Jörg W Mittag
answer my
stackoverflow question regarding an equivalent to F#'s function chaining
with a different implementation not involving operator overloading:
class Object
def pipe(callable)
Notice that the pipe method is being defined in the Object class, and also
notice the idiomatic "->" syntax to define a lambda.
We can use this code like this (leveraging our other function helpers):
3.pipe(fnc(:a)).pipe(fncc(:b, 1.2))
=> "1.2, 3"
Notice how we don't need to convert the literal value 3 into a lambda because
we're extending the Object class, and everything in Ruby is an object, thus,
"pipe" becomes a function that can be applied to the number 3. The lambda
function is passed in and then evaluated, passing the object that called pipe.
This effectively implements "x.pipe(f) = f(x)". A very snazzy piece of
Where Are We Now?
Remember that Ruby code I wanted to change into a more functional programming
style implementation?
def step_definitions_to_html
# Where are your step definitions defined?
step_definition_dir = "./features/step_definitions"
# Where do you want output to go:
outfile = "output.htm"
steps = get_step_definitions(step_definition_dir) # get the step definitions
steps = steps.sort_by {|step| step.regex} # sort them
output_step_definitions_as_html(outfile, steps) # output as HTML
show_html(outfile) # show the file in the browser
It would now look like this:
def step_definitions_to_html
step_definition_dir = "./features/step_definitions"
# Where do you want output to go:
outfile = "output.htm"
steps = val((step_definition_dir) >=
fnc(:get_step_definitions) >= # get the step definitions
fnc(:sort_steps_by_name) >= # sort them
fncc(:output_step_definitions_as_html, outfile) >= # output as HTML
fnc(:show_html) # show the file in the browser
At the end of the day, I probably wouldn't even write this code using
pipelining in F#, but rather resort to the more "imperative-ish" style of using
local variables to store the intermediate results. None-the-less, this has
been a interesting journey into some of the more esoteric aspects of the Ruby
Acknowledgements and References
Jörg W Mittag
stackoverflow for his excellent answer suggesting an alternative
implementation for function pipelining
Functional Programming
Composing Functions in Ruby
Functions (F#)
The Ruby Language, Operator Expressions
Understanding Ruby Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas
Ruby Currying