One of the most common types of form in database applications is the "Master-Details" form. One of the ways to save this kind of form is to loop through the "Detail" sections and insert the values in the table. A better way would be to send all the values to SQL server in one shot and then insert all of them in the table. This is exactly what my code does.
Using the code
As an example, I have used two tables Purchase and PurchaseDetails; the schema of the two tables is as follows:
InvoiceID numeric(18, 0) NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),
InvoiceDate datetime NOT NULL,
SupplierName varchar(50) NULL
CREATE TABLE PurchaseDetails (
InvoiceID int NOT NULL ,
[Description] varchar (75) NOT NULL ,
Quantity int NOT NULL ,
Rate numeric(18, 2) NOT NULL ,
Amount numeric(18, 2) NOT NULL
Next is the stored procedure. The stored procedure has to accept the XML string which can be any string data type. These are the steps to be followed in the stored proc:
- Insert the values in the Master table, in this case Purchase.
- exec sp_xml_preparedocument to create the XML document of the XML that you have passed.
- Using OPENXML, insert the values in the Details table, in this case PurchaseDetails.
- Last but not the least, clean up the XML document using sp_xml_removedocument.
All of the functions are very well documented in the MSDN, so will not explain then here again. The code in the stored procedure is as follows:
CREATE PROC InsertPurchaseOrder (@InvoiceDate DATETIME,
@SupplierName VARCHAR(50), @PurchaseDetails NTEXT)
INSERT INTO Purchase( InvoiceDate, SupplierName)
VALUES (@InvoiceDate, @SupplierName)
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @PurchaseDetails
INSERT PurchaseDetails (InvoiceID, [Description], Quantity, Rate, Amount)
SELECT @InvoiceID, [Description], Quantity, Rate, Amount
FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/PurchaseOrder/Details', 2)
WITH PurchaseDetails
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc
In the form, I have created a DataTable
to hold the details of the purchase order. Add this DataTable
to a DataSet
and convert it into XML form.
private void CreateDT () {
dtProd = new DataTable("Details");
Type.GetType("System.String")).DefaultValue = "";
Type.GetType("System.Int32")).DefaultValue = 0;
Type.GetType("System.Decimal")).DefaultValue = 0.0;
dtProd.Columns.Add("Amount", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"),
"Rate * Quantity").ReadOnly = true;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
DetailsXML = ds.GetXml();
Points to remember
- Run the SQL script that is included with this article.
- The column names of the
should be the same as in the database.
name and the DataTable
name has to match with names used in the stored proc.
Additional Information
I have used Microsoft's Data Access Application Block for executing the stored proc. You can find the code and documentation here.