This article/code snippet illustrates on how to create a multiple listbox on the fly through an ASP document, having the contents/data/items to be selected stored on a table in a database. The files are organized perfectly for your reference.
Using the code
Database connectivity is found at global.asa, either connect through a simple MS Access database or MS SQL Server database.
Sample code:
application("con").open "PROVIDER=MSDATASHAPE;DRIVER=" & _
application("con").open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" _
& "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("database/main.mdb")
Dealing with Recordset
s for data retrieval is found at utility.asp on <modules>
Sample code:
Sub CrRst(byref rst, rstctr, strsql)
set rsCreate = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
CrRst rst, ctr, <SQL>
Creating the multiple listbox with items/data returned from a Recordset
is found in utility.asp on <modules>
Sample code:
sub listbox_mul(name, strsql, blank, selected, events, width_in, size_in)
response.write "<SELECT name='" & name & "' id='" & _
name & "'" & events & " size='" & _
size_in & "' style='width:" & width_in & "px'>" & crlf
<%listbox_mul "optFilterOpt", _
"select ID, ITEM from tblRefItems order by ID" , true, "", "", 100, 10%>
Transferring of listbox items/data functionality is found at listbox_option.js on <includes>
Sample code:
function SelAll(a, b){
availableList = document.getElementById(a);
<input type="button" value=">>"
name="addAll" onclick="SelAll('optFilterOpt','optFilterSel')">