In modern
software industry Test Driven Development or TDD is a big buzz word. In most of
the job advertisement about software development, you will see knowledge or
experience on TDD is must or a plus. But, in reality how many applications are
being developed in a so called TDD model? I am in no way talking against writing
tests. I have no doubt that having maximum possible tests can improve the quality
of the application in-terms of reducing the number of bugs, reducing the number
of bugs to recur and reducing the ultimate time to develop and maintain an
application. But, if you practice test driven development according to its
definition how much realistic is that? Let’s 1st see what actually
TDD means in theory.
What is TDD?
[1] Test-Driven
Development (TDD) is a technique for building software that guides software
development by writing tests. It was developed by Kent Beck in the late 1990's
as part of Extreme Programming. In essence you follow three simple steps
- Write
a test for the next bit of functionality you want to add.
- Write
the functional code until the test passes.
- Refactor
both new and old code to make it well structured.
try to see the process with a picture:
Here you can see a
traditional diagram (Figure 1)
of Test Driven Development:

Figure 1 : Traditional Diagram of TDD
You can see
in Test Driven Development you basically have a 3 step cycle. First
you write a test for the functionality you desire to develop. As you have not
developed the functionality yet, the test will fail. Then you write minimum
code to make the test pass. Then you re-factor your code to have the desired
functionality implemented in well-structured format. When you re-factor your
code you must ensure, at the end of the re-factoring, the test still passes. In
addition you also have to ensure all other tests that may exist in the project
also still pass.
Let us try to have a
more detail diagram in a flowchart format:
Figure 2: TDD A Detail Diagram
In Figure 2 you can see in a TDD cycle you always check if your
desired implementation of a unit of function is done. Now, How do you define if
it is Done! What is the definition of “Done”? The definition really differs
developer to developer. Some lazy developers have attitude to get the job done
with no real focus on extensibility, maintainability or scalability. Some
average developers have some focus on structured development but perhaps they
have lack of skill. Some developers could be too much tempted on design. So, every
developer will have his own decision taking pattern for the word “Done”. Yes,
at one point every developer will be in the same position. That is, the unit of
functionality will be developed and it will work. But the
difference arises when the question of “Structured” code comes. If you are not
very lucky perhaps you will come out with a BBOM.
theoretically when you re-factor during a TDD cycle, you will look at the
design and architecture, and you will re-factor everything perfectly to make
your code extensible and maintainable. But in reality how much of that you can
achieve? When you concentrate only to the unit of function and become rigid to
“Keep It Simple and Stupid (KISS
principle)”, Every
possibility is that, you do not get an up-front domain knowledge of the
application and never do anything for future extension. In many cases you will
develop a function even without knowing who will use it and how will it be
used. On the other hand as you are a lover of YAGNI (You aren’t gonna need it) principle,
You do not add anything that you don’t need at that specific moment. So, KISS
and YAGNI are making your life easy for that moment but as the project
continues to grow the amount of re-factor will increase, will become difficult
and also will become risky. In many cases during the re-factor phase you also
require to re-factor your already written tests that passed previously. This is
because you are trying to achieve a good design through re-factoring! If that
is the case what is the point of writing test before you code? One argument is,
writing test first ensures every line of code is covered by a test. Well,
perhaps that is true but should we accept the trade-off of trying to increase
the test coverage over sacrificing a good architecture of the application? I
would say NO! I don’t want to sacrifice the software’s architecture because,
this may kill my software pre-maturely. So, what about test coverage?
Yes, I want to achieve maximum test coverage too. I will
try to tell my way of thinking to solve this problem in later part of this
Why TDD might not output a good
Let us
summarize the reasons why, in reality, whatever the theory says, TDD is not a good way to achieve a great
design or architecture for the application:
- I
do not see a role named architect in a TDD team. Perhaps it is my ignorance but
do you see that?
- Achieving
structured code through re-factoring is not very practical. Because it largely
varies developer to developer and even for the same developer it varies time to
does not impose any design goal to the developers. So, violation of standard
design principles is most likely to happen.
- If
you want to achieve a good design following TDD, perhaps you need to re-factor
the infrastructure of your application every now and then which is always risky.
- When
your project grows, re-factoring becomes expensive and your client may not
agree to pay for that.
A Soccer Team Analogy:
Think of a soccer team. The soccer team has
only two objectives. To score goal and
to restrict the opposition from scoring goal. So, from this objective every
player can start playing and run behind the ball. Because getting the ball
means you can try to score a goal and also the opposition has no way to score a
goal. Now, when suddenly the opposition gets the ball and passes it through to
a forward you discovered no body is there to defend. Because everybody was
running behind the ball. At this point few player starts running and by the
time they reach near the forward of the opposition, the goal is already scored. That is why soccer teams always have a plan
of playing and they design the strategy keeping the plan as a goal . The most
successful soccer teams always have a great coach who design the game and also great
players who can execute the design.When you have a great coach all the players
become motivated and they also become capable of taking decisions instantly on
the field so that the ultimate plan is successful.
3: 4-4-2
format for soccer
The soccer
analogy is just an example to convince you for an upfront design. You see if
you do not have any plan in the game and suddenly you lose the ball even by
running as Usain Bolt will not save you. In the same way I believe if you do
not have a planned architecture of your project whatever re-factor effort you
give, at some-point you are in risk to fail.
Software Development Analogy:
Now I will
try to present an analogy from software development world. Say you are going to
work in a HR management application. The specification is written and the whole
application is broken down in some user stories. You start the project and you
are assigned to develop an user story where you need to save an employee. So
according to the extremists of TDD you start writing the test first. Note that,
you have nothing in your project upfront. You just have a blank solution. So
what will you do now? As you need to write a test first. You must create a Test
project. Now the question comes what
will you test? Will you test the "Employee" object creation to check if any
business rule or validation is violated? Will you check if a valid employee can
be saved from the business layer? Well, You do not have any business layer
infrastructure for your project yet. In your test first you will check the object creation. So, write the test,
make it fail and then create the employee class that make the test eventually
pass. In the same way you will create another test for save method of the
employee and thus you create an EmployeeManager class, implement the save
method and it will make your test pass. During creating the test for Save
method you also decided you need a data-access method to save the object to
database. And at this point you found you need to Fake the DataAccess method.
So, you created an EmployeeDataAccess class that is derived from an interface
named IEmployeeDataAccess.
Now I have
some questions:
- Where
did you write your test? Did you write both the test in the same class?
- Where
did you create the Employee class?
- Where
did you create the EmployeeManager class?
- Where
did you create the IEmployeeDataAccess interface and EmployeeDataAccess class?
If your
answer shows the following project structure (Figure
4) I don’t see any reason to blame you. Because you are
keeping it simple (KISS) and you are not doing anything that you don’t need
(YAGNI) at this moment.

Figure 4: HR Management Project Structure
But yes,
perhaps you will not come up with this because you already have the concept of
multilayer project architecture and you know you should have different layers
for your Models, DataAccess and Business. So, when you start developing
following extreme TDD, that means, without any up-front architecture, the
structure of your code depends on your skill and thinking capability. If you have no idea
about layered architecture you may come out with the above project structure.
If you have no idea of software design principles whatever re-factor you do you
never come out with an optimum design. Do you see the reason? The reason is you
are not obliged to follow a pattern of development as no up-front architecture
is created.
As it is
natural that in a team there will be different kind of developers. Fresher or Experienced, Talented or Un-Smart, Expert or Novice, Hard Working or Lazy and so on. Should you really take the risk by allowing every developer to
re-factor as TDD suggests?
See, If 5 person starts running from different place and
they all know the single destination, with whatever speed they run and in
whatever path they choose all of them will reach the destination. And if there are
milestones defined before the destination that they must touch, all of them
will eventually run with correct path from the beginning. But if they had no
destination defined, no milestone defined, where they will reach? At no-where. So,
isn’t it better to set your destination and milestones first?
Let us find a solution
The solution
I will be talking about is nothing new. Whatever slogan people give in favor of
TDD I don’t believe any project can be successful with the extreme practice of
Test Driven Development. So , we must do something where we can build a great
architecture for the project and still
we have great deal of unit test coverage.
In summary you need to follow the following
- You
Do the Design!
- You
Write the minimum Test Code! You make it fail forcefully!
- You
- You implement the test
completely. Now, if you had developed correctly, your test will pass.
So, we can
call it as DTDT
(Design àTestàDevelopmentàTest) in short. It should be a simple
cycle as the following picture:

Figure 5: Design > Test > Development > Test (DTDT)
Now, I will
try to elaborate the process.
Design, Test, Develop, Test (DTDT)
According to
my opinion your 1st sprint should never implement even a single user
story. It should be dedicated towards designing the architecture of the
project. Yes, I agree architecture evolves. I agree you should not create
anything based on an assumption that is not supported by evidence. I also agree
in an agile framework you cannot create a big infrastructure for your project
in the 1st sprint. But, you must agree, the project definitely does
not start from the 1st sprint of development. It starts way back. It
goes through information analysis, business analysis, requirement analysis etc.
So, at the first sprint when you start designing and start questioning yourself
about the project you definitely will have lot of knowledge’s from the
engagement phase. So, you can off-course create a minimum domain model for the
application and also you can create a minimum infrastructure of the application. Yes you will keep it simple but I
don’t agree to keep it stupid. So, better you remove one “S” from the KISS
principle. Yes, you follow YAGNI but do not become too rigid. Because, the interface
that you know you must need in few days, off-course you create that. There is
no point of leaving it behind because “You aren’t Gonna Need It” just now.
So, in the
start of your project you create the minimum infrastructure and create a
minimum model of the domain. That means, the 1st
sprint is used for architecture and you already have a minimum design to
start developing the user stories.
Now, you
start working in the 1st user story using DTDT
in the following way:
Step 1 - Design:
- You
make sure you understand the user story perfectly.
- You
make sure you know how and why this functionally will be used.
- You
find all the objects that you need to implement the functionality.
- You
look at your solution if any of the object is already created.
- You
try to find if the objects that you will work with have any relation with other
objects in the system.
- You
decide what are the interfaces you need to create. And also what are the methods
and attributes those interfaces should have.
- You
ensure you honor SOLID design principle when you create your interfaces,
classes and method definitions.
- Remember,
In this step you do not implement any method. You just find or create the
required interfaces, classes and just define the signature of the methods.
So, you are done with the design step. Now you are more confident and you know:
- What
exactly you are going to do.
- What
classes and interfaces you need to work in.
- Which
code you should write in which place.
- What
extension point you are keeping open for future.
- How
the functionality fits with the overall system.
As you
already had created the infrastructure in the 1st iteration, you are
now forced to keep yourself with-in a minimum boundary and you no more can
develop in your own pattern.
For example
if now you want to build the “Employee Save” user story you will do the following:
- You check if an entity is already created for Employee.
- If not, you think if there is any other type of human resource that can exist.
- Perhaps you may come up with another type of human resource called "Consultant".
- So, You realize you need one interface named "
". - As you already have a minimum up-front infrastructure in place you will be forced to derive this
interface from something
like IEntity
interface. - Now, You create the
interface derived from IHumanResource
. - In future when you need
interface you can derive it from IHumanResource
too. - So, when you create the
class derived from IEmployee
interface it will have its hierarchy correct. - Later You create the
(Business Layer) interface for Employee. - But when you create the
interface, your infrastructure will enforce you to derive it from IManager
interface. - In the same way when you will create
you must derive it from IRepository
. - You have no way to violate the design. Because, your up-front infrastructure will ensure a Manager interface derived
only can work with a repository that is derived from IRepository
. - In the same way, the Repository that is derived
only can work with entities that are derived from IEntity
. - So, the up-front design is forcing you to design and develop your work
in standard way.
Next, DTDT
has two steps to write the tests. Now, I will
talk about the 1st Test writing step:
Step 2 - Test:
- You
already did a good amount of analysis of your user story during design. So you
already know the maximum detail of your work.
- In
this step you find out the atomic units of works that some up to the full user
- You
write unit tests for all the atomic units.
- No.
I am not telling that you have to write the full functional tests at this step. You
at-least create the definition of the tests and make all the test
methods fail forcefully by possibly creating a false assertion.
So, now you have your design ready. You also
have defined the tests that you must pass after you finish your work. Currently all the
tests are failing. That means, you can do your development now, as you are not going
with any risk of missing any test.
Step 3 - Development
- At this step you start
implementing your user story. You have the design in place and you also have
the atomic unit tests defined.
- The design and the
unit tests that you already have defined, will guide you to develop your
functionality in proper way.
- Once you are done with the development, you
enter in the 2nd Test writing step.
Step 4 - Test
- In this step you will
implement all the test functions one by one. As now you already have all the
methods for your user story implemented, Once you finish the implementation of a test method
perfectly, it will pass, unless your implementation is not wrong.
- Once you finish coding
all the test functions and all of them passes you are done with your
So, here I
have tried to find a solution where you can find the following benefits:
- You do the analysis to
come up with a good design. So, most likely you will be able to raise important
questions on your work that you may miss when you analyze to find unit of works
for the sake of writing tests.
- When you analyze from
broader perspective before you go for finding atomic units of work, the chance of
missing is less.
- In this approach you 1st
write all the tests that fails initially. So, there is no chance of missing any
- When you develop you
give more concentration on the design and requirements, so your code looks way
- At the end when you
implement all the test methods and after they pass you achieve 100% test
That means,
you achieve all of the following:
- Good Design!
- Great Code!!
- Test Coverage!!!
As I said
before, in this article I actually did not tell anything new. What I tried, is
to formalize the practice what most of the software projects go through if the
project targets to include unit test. Unit Test is actually a great weapon to
fight against bugs and recurring bugs. So, there is no question that the more
coverage of unit test you have in your project, the quality of the output is
greater. But really the extreme TDD might not be the best way to proceed.
Because your development has to be design driven, not anything else driven. The
unit test will exist in your code, so that it confirms your work never breaks. We should not be extreme TDD practitioner. We should find a
compromising point, so that the design never suffers. It could be DTDT or it
could be any other way that you think is right.
1 : Test Driven Development by Martin