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Pocket Fuzzy Quotient Calculator

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23 Apr 2004 6  
The Pocket Fuzzy Quotient Calculator is a .NET Compact Framework sample application that calculates your FQ based on your mood.

Sample Image - FuzzyQuotient.gif


Pocket Fuzzy Quotient Calculator is a .NET Compact Framework sample application that lets you enter your opinions on various topics throughout the day depending on your mood. It then calculates your overall FQ, or Fuzzy Quotient. This program was inspired by Bio-Rythms, Fortune Cookies and Horoscopes.

Along the way, the coding topics of interest include:

  • how to create an application for the PocketPC
  • using an XML dataset to configure and generate user interface controls
  • deriving a new control to display color gradients 

Using the code

This application was created by using the File > New Project > Smart Device Application within Visual Studio 2003. This gives us the main form and the main menu. The Fuzzy Quotient main display needs to show topic controls on it that scroll to include any number of topics. To accomplish this, a Panel-derived class called AutoScrollPanel was created and added to the main form. This class is basically 2 nested panels with a scroll bar. It goes something like this.

namespace FuzzyQuotient
    public class AutoScrollPanel : Panel
        public Panel Contents
            get { return contents; }
        Panel contents;
        VScrollBar vScroll;

        public AutoScrollPanel()
            // create a scroll bar
            this.vScroll = new VScrollBar();
            this.vScroll.Parent = this;
            this.vScroll.Visible = true;
            this.vScroll.Minimum = 0;
            this.vScroll.SmallChange = 20;
            this.vScroll.ValueChanged +=
                new EventHandler (this.scrollbar_ValueChanged);

            // create the contents panel that holds the controls to scroll
            this.contents = new Panel();
            this.contents.Parent = this;
            this.contents.Width =
                this.ClientSize.Width - this.vScroll.Size.Width;

Next, the topic configuration data needed to be loaded from an XML file in order to create the topic controls that get added to the scrolling panel. The following schema was chosen for the configuration XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                <Text>Really, Really Nice!</Text>

This XML is then read into a DataSet class. The "Topics" table is scanned and rows of controls are built based upon the data. The color ranges for each topic needed to be displayed as a gradient but unfortunately the Graphics class doesn't directly support gradient brushes on the compact framework. So, I decided to roll my own new GradientControl with a custom OnPaint message to handle that.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace FuzzyQuotient
    public class GradientControl
    : Control     { public
        Start = Color.Blue; public Color
        End = Color.Red; private const
        int STEPS = 20; public GradientControl()


        protected override void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs e)
            Pen blackPen = new Pen (System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            // step through each of the color components
            int step = Width / STEPS;
            float startR = (float) Start.R;
            float stepR = ((float) End.R - (float) Start.R) / (float) STEPS;
            float startG = (float) Start.G;
            float stepG = ((float) End.G - (float) Start.G) / (float) STEPS;
            float startB = (float) Start.B;
            float stepB = ((float) End.B - (float) Start.B) / (float) STEPS;
            // draw each color band one at a time
            for (int i = 0; i < Width; i += step)
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(
                    Color.FromArgb((int)startR, (int)startG, (int)startB)),
                    i, 0, step, Height);
                if ((stepR > 0 && (startR < End.R)) ||
                    (stepR < 0 && (startR > End.R)))
                    startR += stepR;
                if ((stepG > 0 && (startG < End.G)) ||
                    (stepG < 0 && (startG > End.G)))
                    startG += stepG;
                if ((stepB > 0 && (startB < End.B)) ||
                    (stepB < 0 && (startB > End.B)))
                    startB += stepB;

            //draw the border
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle (blackPen, 0, 0,
                this.ClientRectangle.Width - 1,
                this.ClientRectangle.Height - 1);

There you have it!

The FQ calculation button just takes the average score for now but you can see how it would be easy to take this farther and do some fun stuff.

Future Enhancements

  • add a Configuration dialog to setup the topics to track
  • save the score data to an XML dataset
  • track your scores by date
  • use real fuzzy logic calculations
  • sync the entered data with a desktop application
  • post the results to a web application
  • view scores enter by other users, group by: friends, ZIP code, state, country
  • draw a map of the US that shows the average score colors for each state, animate by each topic


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